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Chapter 116: A good marriage in Nuyue Kingdom

People passing by the courtyard, listening to the faint humming from the embroidered building, felt a little guilty. Although the master is very strict with the young lady on weekdays, he rarely gets really angry. This time he is in front of the guests. Could it be that he really made a big mistake.

Tie Yanyan felt very disappointed, because Tie Heng first forbids her to splash, second forbids her to cry, and only allows her to sit on the bedside and listen like a wood, and can't even throw a plate.

It is completely different from what is written in the book.

He said he wanted to be a quack, but it turned out that he just had to sit and be trained, which was not at all enjoyable. Tie Yanyan covered his ears, thinking a little angrily, men are all liars, good-looking men are liars among liars.

After a whole incense stick, Tie Heng went downstairs with a black face, and called the family member to surround the embroidered building, saying that the lady was not allowed to come out again.

Lu Wuming stood up and asked him, "How?"

"I really can't help Daxia Lu and Young Master." Tie Heng sighed again and again, "It was me who had no way to teach a girl to cause such a disaster."

As for what the catastrophe was, Tie Heng didn't say clearly, but looking at the faces of the three of them, the crowd could guess that it must be an extraordinary event.

After further investigation, there are people coming and going in the Tiefu’s kitchen all day long. After the regular vegetables are cut, they are put on the plate and placed on the chopping board. The chef turns his head to work on other things, not to mention the next poisoning. , Even the next ten times and twenty times are enough, there is no clue at all.

Lu Chai used a small silver clip to tweezers a piece of candied fruit and looked carefully in the sun.

"How can this be discovered?" Lu Wuming was puzzled.

"I thought about it again last night," Lu Chai said. "The poison is so obvious. Could someone deliberately want to remind us?"

"Remind us that there is a problem with the commanding mansion?" Lu Wuming guessed.

"It's also possible that there is a problem with the candied fruit." Lu Chau smiled, "I have been poisoned by someone before, but later people found it inconvenient to say so, so I hurriedly sprinkled a handful of bright powder on top, unless I was blind. , Otherwise you can definitely find out."

"This..." Lu Wuming hesitated, "Will it be too twisty?"

"It's just a guess." Lu Chase said, "However, this Commander's Mansion was originally stared at, and anything could happen."

"Cao Xu went to investigate, and there was nothing to gain." Lu Wuming said, "I don't know if those people have left or if they hid in a more secret place."

"Eighty percent is hiding, otherwise I didn't do anything, what happened after I left." Lu Zhui put down the candied fruit, "Daddy still refuses to let me go out?"

Lu Wuming shook his head unexpectedly, "Cao Xu couldn't find out. You are not allowed to go anywhere if you join in the fun."

Lu Chai stood up, stretched out and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Lu Wuming asked in a deep voice.

"Go to that Master Faci and have a chat." Lu Chai yawned, "I've been sitting for a long time, my muscles hurt."

In the tomb of Mingyue, Xiao Lan looked at the dust in front of him, like an empty hand that just got out of the soil, a little bit dumbfounded, but a little relieved. After two days of not returning, he almost thought that something was wrong again, and just planned to go to the mountains to find it, but he ran back by himself.

"Did you go to drill another grave?" Xiao Lan asked.

"Not this time." Kongkong Miaoshou first poured two pots of tea in one breath, and then said mysteriously, "Do you still remember that I told you that the picture scroll in the secret passage in the tomb of Mrs. Baiyu?"

"Naturally remember." Xiao Lan nodded, "What, did you find out?"

Kongkong Miao's eyes flashed, and he clasped his hands to suppress his excitement: "There is a big ship in the painting, with wings and majesty walking through the clouds. I felt familiar at the time, as if I heard it somewhere, but I didn't think about it until the night before. Get up, that is the ancient warship of Nuyue Kingdom."

"Su Yueguo?" Xiao Lan had never heard of this name before.

"It's an island country in the vast ocean. It is said that the residents on the island are good at shipbuilding and metallurgy, and they have nowhere to be mysterious. For thousands of years, they have rarely interacted with the outside world. Therefore, no one knows the specific location of the Nuyue Kingdom." I saw them just before the night."

After Xiao Lan left that night, Kongkong Miaoshou was about to fall asleep, when a group of people appeared on the mountain road far away, their steps were neat and uniform, unlike ordinary merchants rushing through the night.

The situation has been tense recently, Kongkong Miaoshou is very vigilant about everyone and things around him, so he quietly followed, intending to find out.

"They are the people of Slave Moon Kingdom?" Xiao Lan asked, "How can you see it?"

"I heard them discussing that they would bring the jade statue of Mrs. Bai Yu back to Nuyue Country and relocate it properly. They talked like they had great respect for her." Kongkong said handily, "I have been with the team for two days, they I've been searching in the mountains, but I don't know what I'm looking for, but I lost it later.

"A vast island country is still related to Mrs. Bai Yu?" Xiao Lan handed him a cup of hot tea, "Seniors can lose it. Those who want to come should have a good effort."

"I wanted to keep looking for it, but after thinking about it, I was afraid of you... I was afraid that you were worried, so I came back." This empty hand made a bit of irritation, embarrassment, and even a bit at a loss. He was true. I haven't accepted the fact that there are people in the world who are concerned about their own life and death.

Xiao Lan smiled: "Thank you, senior."

"What are you going to do?" Kongkong asked him.

"Write a letter to Mingyu and leave it to him to deal with it." Xiao Lan said, "Senior should go to rest for a while, and then follow me, and then go to the secret tunnel."

"Are you not afraid of not coming out?" Kongkong asked.

"Senior can come out, so naturally I can come out too." Xiao Lan replied.

"What if there is that iron tiger again?" Kongkong Miao's palm was lingering.

"Senior, don't worry, I have my own measures." Xiao Lan raised his chin, "Go to sleep."

Empty hand: "..."

Seeing him standing still, Xiao Lan simply pushed the person into the bedroom, spread out the letter paper and wrote down the affairs of Slave Yue Kingdom, and left the tomb to Ahun.

After waiting outside for a few days, he finally got an errand. Ah Hun ran fast and slid into Yangzhi City, really floating faster than Xiao Hun.

Lu Chai raised his mouth.

Lu Wuming knocked on his head, and said dissatisfied: "What are you smirking?"

"It's a lingering heart." Lu Zhui handed him the letter.

Lu Wuming unfolded the letter and scanned it hastily, his head hurting: "How come another Slave Moon Country has appeared."

"It has something to do with Madam Bai Yu, that is, it has something to do with Mingyue Tomb. The more such messy threads come out, the more beneficial it will be for us." Lu Chai said, "When I was in Wangcheng earlier, I accompanied Master Wen to publish books. I mentioned the Nuyue country. It is said that whenever they encounter hurricanes and turbulent waves, the people of Nuyue country will board large ships with food and livestock, set up iron wings to face the wind and through the clouds, looking for the next livable place."

Lu Wuming shook his head: "Absurd."

"It's rumors, it's naturally weird, but it turns out that there is such a country." Lu Chai smiled, "At least next time I go back to Wangcheng, I can tell a story, and then I will tell the adults about Pu'er and sausages by the way."

Lu Wuming: "..."

If you want to eat, your father has some money to buy it for you, and your mouth is wrong.

Lu Chai raised his hand on his back and hummed a little song to find Master Fa Ci.

Slave Moon Country, Slave Moon Country.

In the cave, a young woman is begging: "When can we enter the city?"

"Our people are already in the city." The man who was pulled by her arm was a man, about 20 years old, with a burly square face and broad eyebrows, a tiger-like appearance, and his elders' favorite Zhou Zheng appearance.

The young woman said: "But I want to see Master Lu."

The man sat on the haystack under her: "You are my wife, just say it so openly and want to meet another man?"

"Nonsense, what other man!" The young woman pinched him and asked back, "If there is no Master Lu, where are you from?"

The man handed her the water pouch: "After talking for half an hour, my mouth is dry."

"Master Lu saved my life, but at that time I didn't know who he was, so I felt good-looking." The young woman said, "The man next to him is also good-looking, and the two are quite right."

The man shook his head repeatedly, and sighed, "Looking at your appearance, I almost drooled. What kind of relationship am I married to?"

"I want to thank you." The young woman hugged her knees. "You don't know, that night was scary."

"When I mentioned it back, my eyebrows were all flying, I didn't think you were surprised that night." The man said, "Besides, we came to Da Chu this time to find the statue of Mrs. Bai Yu, not for Mr. Ming Yu."

"But you didn't find it." The young woman grabbed him again, "If she didn't find it, she joined forces with Young Master Lu. This is what your parents told you before leaving."

The man complained: "You remember it clearly."

"Don't be jealous indiscriminately," the young woman shook him. "You will understand how many times you have to say it. I just want to thank him for saving me in Frost City and see him and another young man by the way. Did the Xia marry?"

The man was angry and funny: "Why can't you marry the heroine?"

"I said you don't understand." The young woman exclaimed, "They stand together, but they look good, and they don't match anyone else."

The man rested his arm on the soft fur cushion, tired.

I was happy today.

As a result, he was forced to listen to "When will you take me to see Gongzi Lu" eight hundred times.

Seeing him pretending to be dead, the young woman looked at the sky and pulled his hair beside him.

She is the best-looking girl in the city once, Yao Xiaotao, the daughter of Lao Yao from Tofu Workshop.

After being rescued by Lu Chase, a family of three went to the fiancé in the distance day and night. Unexpectedly, it was not easy to arrive. When the father and mother came to the door, they ate behind closed doors and were thrown out by the dog. They only figured it out in the sound of shouting. Someone brought the news back to the man's home first, saying that the Yao family had offended the villain, and Yao Xiaotao had long been ruined and became an ugly monster. When the man didn't want to marry a disfigured ugly wife, and second, he didn't want to bring trouble into the door, so he tore his face and made a fuss, he just ruined the marriage.

The Yao family is also hard-tempered, and naturally will not tell the other party the truth. Instead, it feels that it is a good thing to be able to see this villain's face earlier so that the daughter will not jump into the fire pit. He took the silver given by Lu Zhui and planned to find another village and stayed incognito to live a stable life, but who knew he made a mistake on the way and met a really good marriage.

Yao Xiaotao fiddled with the fire carelessly, glanced at the man next to him, and asked the 801st question.

"When can you take me to see Young Master Lu?"

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