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Chapter 124: The stunned little maid looking for a book

However, to open the Mingyue Tomb, let alone how outsiders would obstruct it, at least Lu Wuming's consent must be obtained first.

"Father hates this place deeply," Lu Chai said, "He taught me to destroy Mingyue Tomb since I was a child, and buried all the secrets in the ground, making Fuhunling no different from ordinary towns."

"Are you worried about not being able to convince him?" Xiao Lan asked.

Lu Zhui said: "Before he went to sea, he only ordered me to destroy this place, but he didn't say any secrets related to it. Later, Mrs. Tao told me that there was a huge amount of gold and silver hidden under the tomb in Qingcang Mountain. , With the strange treasures piled up like a mountain."

"Senior is afraid that you will be bewildered by the huge benefits and go astray?" Xiao Lan guessed.

Lu Chai nodded: "I was young at the time, and it makes sense for my father to be worried."

"But now that you have grown up, seniors should not interfere indiscriminately in what you want to do." Xiao Lan said, "When you want to say it, I will go with you."

"It's better if you don't accompany me." Lu Chai grabbed a strand of his hair, "Otherwise, I'm afraid it's a guilt and I have to add more money, and I won't get married in the future."

"Sure, why not?" Xiao Lan stood up and said with a smile, "Eat first."

"What are you happy about?" Lu Zhui looked at him amused.

"You take the initiative to marry me, I naturally want to be happy." Xiao Lan hugged him on the chair and let the servants bring in food. The two of them use the same bowl and a pair of chopsticks, eating one bite and one bite, which is quite different.

Only the empty hand, back to the cave in the back mountain, felt quite unhappy.

When I came back to Lu Mingyu, I was about to be sent to live by my grandson, and my chest was tight.

There are so many things experienced during the day. Until late at night, Lu Zhui was still not sleepy. He closed his eyes and was the Iron Tiger army shining with the cold light. After turning over, he remembered the broken wind and fog. In the Tengyun ship, scenes of scenes are superimposed on each other, and it seems to be able to splice the ancient kingdom that was once torn apart, lifelike and within reach.

Xiao Lan hugged him from behind, "Where is the pancake?"

"I don't want to sleep." Lu Chai didn't turn around, only holding the hand around his waist, and asked, "Are you sleepy?"

Xiao Lan smiled: "Talk to you for a while?"

Lu Zhui changed his posture and rested on his arm.

"In the afternoon, I said there were rewards." Xiao Lan said, "Do you want to know what it is?"

"I forgot all about it," Lu Chau rubbed against him, "Say quickly."

"I asked Lao Li to go to Feiliu City to buy a house." Xiao Lan said, "The earliest Lu Mansion was out of repair and could no longer live in, but that new house is also good, with water windows in the courtyard. There is a bamboo in front. If you are tired and sleepy, you can still have a rest while listening to the piano in the weeping willow pavilion."

"Who do I want to listen to play the piano?" Lu asked him, "You?"

"You don't know about that," Xiao Lan said, "Not far from that house is the largest singing house in Feiliu City. We can take advantage of it at home. We don't have to walk or pay, just lie down for nothing."

Lu Chai let out a "pouch" laugh, hooked his neck and asked, "Why don't you tell me in advance?"

"I know that you want to live in the royal city in the future, but you can have a home in another place. You can change one place when you get tired of it." Xiao Lan pressed his forehead, "Prepare now, maybe someday. Come in handy."

Lu Chai nodded: "Thank you."

"Close your eyes," Xiao Lan said, "I will coax you to sleep."

Lu Zhui did what he said.

Xiao Lan hugged him in his arms and completely wrapped the person in the darkness with his body, isolating all the light outside. I didn't tap my hand on the back for a moment, and from time to time he said a few inaudible whispers, like love words, but also like chattering.

Lu Zhui slept in peace, feeling that even if the sky fell at this moment, as long as he was there, he was safe.

In the early morning of the next day, Yangzhi City, ruled the mansion.

The crystal dewdrop fell to the branch, Tie Yanyan held her cheeks in her hands, looking boredly at the big monk in front of him: "Can't you really count?"

Fa Ci shook his head and said, "Miss, marriage can't be calculated. When and where to meet your sweetheart, and your sweetheart has to be seventy-seven like Master Lu, it's really too tricky."

"Then you count, when can my dad let me go down to the embroidered building?" Tieyan said, "I'm almost suffocating."

Faci smiled and comforted: "You can embroider flowers, touch the piano, and taste tea in this embroidery building. How can you get tired of it?"

"Listen to these three, which one is my favorite," Tie Yanyan said depressed. "Now that Young Master Lu is also out, I can't even see a good-looking person."

Fa Ci hurriedly said, "The poor monk is the best-looking monk in the temple. If the lady doesn't dislike it, I will sit here for a day."

Don't! Tie Yanyan said, "If the master really wants to help me, please invite Master Lu back. I can't marry, I just look at the assembly." At least there is still some fun in life to appreciate beautiful men.

Master Faci touched his face and felt that the gap was indeed not big, you can see.

Iron Yanyan covered his eyes.

Faci had no choice but to say: "The poor monk should ask Tie Commander, and at least return the sword to the young lady." I really don't know what's wrong with staying in this embroidered building. If you change to be yourself, you should be eager to be. , Don’t worry about a lot of troubles outside.

"Want to marry someone like Master Lu?" Hearing this request from his daughter, Tie Heng couldn't laugh or cry. "This..."

"I have persuaded the poor monk, this matter is in a hurry, I have to look for it slowly." Fa kindly said, "But can the commander return the saber to the young lady first, so that even if she plays in the house, it will be better than every day. 'Play the piano.' It was really banging, and the magic sound rang around the beam, resounding throughout the whole government.

"I don't know when Daxia Lu and the others will come back." Tie Heng said, "Master Wen sent another letter to Master Lu on a special trip, but none of this figure was seen."

"This fire paint..." Fa Ci hesitated, it was bright yellow, and most people were afraid that it would not be used.

"It's all said, that Young Master Mingyu is not easy." Tie Heng sighed, "You and I wait with peace of mind. Looking at this posture, the Mingyue Tomb is going to make a big storm."

"Miss, what are you doing again?" The little maid asked in a puzzled manner in the backyard.

"Find something." Tie Yanyan stretched half of her body under the bed, and didn't see it for a long time.

"What are you looking for? I'll help the young lady find it." The little maid said, "The head is dirty, and this posture is also ugly. If the master knows it, I will be angry again."

"Don't worry, Dad won't come." Tie Yanyan dragged out a small cloth bag after spending a long time. "Hoo, I'm exhausted."

The little maid hurriedly wiped her face, and asked, "What is it?"

Iron Smoke smoked a book out of it.

The little maid was curious and wanted to take a peek, but she just got close but her face was red, and thunderously said: "Miss you, how can you see this--"

"Oh, keep your voice down." Tie Yanyan covered her mouth, "It's not what you think, I took the wrong one."

If it was wrong, the little maid’s face was pale and frightened. I don’t know when I bought it. If the master knows it, I’m afraid I won’t expect to step out of this embroidery building in the next life.

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