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Chapter 137: Antidote this is the fastest way

There was no Xiao Lan outside. According to the disciple, something went wrong at the Red Lotus Hall. The young master left to take a look.

"Tell Lan'er, come to me when you are done." Aunt Gui ordered.

The disciple agreed and hurried forward to spread the word, but his heart was a little hairy. For some reason, he always felt that today's aunt was more... scary than usual.

After about a cup of tea, ghosts of an empty hand generally fell from the sky, smiling and holding up the white porcelain vase in his hand, asking for credit and looking at Xiao Lan.

"Thank you senior." Xiao Lan stretched out his hand, "Give it to me."

"Do you know what this is?" Kongkong asked.

Xiao Lan said: "The poison in Mingyu."

"Yes, it's called Shuangtan. Have you ever heard of it before?" Kongkong Miao pulled a chair and sat down. "It looks sinister. According to the old witch, it can freeze blood into ice."

"What about the antidote?" Xiao Lan asked again.

"I'm afraid it's a little hard to find." Kongkong said skillfully. "The two old witches are not stupid. They both guessed that you were pretending, and they didn't know what they took a bottle of, and said they would come and test you."

Xiao Lan nodded: "As expected."

"Then how do you respond?" Kongkong reminded him, "Since you are not poisoned, how do you plan to go next?"

"My aunt won't hurt me, and the pharmacist didn't dare to hurt me." Xiao Lan said, "My aunt said it was an antidote. I just took it."

"It's okay if you want to eat it," Kongkong said, "but the antidote does not know whether it is true or not. After you eat it, do you want to play it out of use, or do you want to do it to cure the disease?"

Xiao Lan said, "Let me have a look at Shuangtan first."

"Be careful." Kongkong said with a hand, "the transparent little beetle, runs fast."

"How many?" Xiao Lan asked again.

"Seven or eight, pretending to be indiscriminately." Kongkong said skillfully, "The old witch has raised a lot, and I can't detect anything abnormal."

"Look for an opportunity tonight to send these few out of the tomb of Mingyue to someone outside the Cao Sect Master." Xiao Lan said, "If you can catch Mingyu on the way, give it to him. If you can't catch it halfway, just give it to him. Send it to Riyue Villa as quickly as possible."

"You really care about that Lu Mingyu." Kongkong Miao muttered in his hand, feeling that he was a step away from holding his great-grandson, but he was not happy to do it too. After holding the small bottle, he asked casually: "You still have it. What do you need to do?"

Xiao Lan directly covered his palm.

"Hey!" Kongkong Miao's hand was shocked, and he pulled his arm away, but the table was empty.

The two Shuangtans waved their small and sharp front paws, clamped the flesh of the palms, and soon tore the entrance and exit, and disappeared without a trace as the blood rushed in.

The chill rose, Xiao Lan clenched his fists, closed his eyes and pressed back with internal force, before opening his eyes for a long while.

The tips of the hair were frozen, and the eyelashes were covered with frost.

It turned out to be so cold.

Kongkong’s hand was thunderous, and the woodcarver opened his mouth to look at him, and finally recovered, rushed up to hold his hand, but there were only two small white wounds in the eyes, where there was the shadow of Shuangtan. .

"You...you..." Kongkong Miao said nonsense in his mouth, raising his hand to hit him, but he was reluctant, and finally sat down on the ground with his legs crossed and started crying.

Xiao Lan didn't expect that he would react like this. He couldn't laugh or cry for a while, squatting on the opposite side and saying, "Senior, calm down first."

"The Lu family, the Lu family, what is so good about it?" Kongkong Miao's hand turned black.

"I don't know what the Lu family has, but Mingyu is very good." Xiao Lan helped him up, "Besides, why should I bet on my safety, Senior don't worry."

"Isn't that a gambling on your safety?" Kongkong Miao was impatient.

"This is the fastest way to find the cure." Xiao Lan said, "and I remember it."

"Remember what?" Kongkong was puzzled.

"Remember one thing when I was young." Xiao Lan replied.

Many years ago, in the midsummer of Futian, when the remaining poison in his body was still in bed, Lu Zhui would come every day, but for some unknown reason, he disappeared for seven days. When he came back, his body smelled of medicine and his face was also Pale.

"Are they bullying you again?" Xiao Lan was anxious, ignoring his awkwardness, and sat up and took his hand. "Have you been beaten or starved?"

Lu Chai shook his head, took off his shoes, curled into his bed, and slept for a while before saying, "Cold."

Xiao Lan held the person in his arms: "How can it be cold? I'm sweating."

"Transparent white worm." Lu Chai yawned with a bandage wrapped around his wrist. "Auntie put it in my blood. I'll take it out later."

"I'll find her." Xiao Lan opened the quilt and ran under the bed.

"Don't go." Lu Zhui grabbed him and begged, "You can sleep with me for a while."

"But..." Xiao Lan carefully held his wrist, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt. It doesn't feel cold when you stay with me." Lu Chai was not energetic. "Auntie knows, and finally beat and punish me. You can't beat her again, forget it."


Xiao Lan lowered his head and said nothing.

"You are younger than me." Lu Chai leaned on his arm and said in a low voice, "When I grow up in the future, you will take me away."

Xiao Lan wrapped the quilt tightly around him, encircling the whole person in his arms.

"I should have gone to my aunt at that time, but it won't help to regret it now." Xiao Lan said, "It's been more than ten years late, this time I can't let him have any trouble."

"What about yourself?" Kongkong Miaoshou was still dull.

"I have said that the future of Mingyue Tomb is all on my body. Auntie will never let me have anything to do. I can't understand her anymore." Xiao Lan said, "The time is almost up, I will go to my aunt, and the senior will do it for me. Send this Shuangtan out."

Empty and wonderfully glanced at him, still wanting to cry.

Like a shrew on the street, a child who was beaten, shameless and shameless, just wanting to howl the sorrow in his heart.

The Lu family, then Lu Mingyu, what is so good about it.

Xiao Lan patted him on the shoulder and went to the deep hall where Aunt Gui lived.

"What happened to the Red Lotus Hall?" Aunt Gui asked when he saw him.

"One of the building beams collapsed. It's not a major event. A craftsman has already been arranged to repair it." Xiao Lan said, "I will send someone to investigate the rest in the next few days."

"Thanks." Aunt Gui took his hand. "It's still so cold, still cold all over?"

Xiao Lan nodded.

"Drink it." Aunt Gui handed over the white porcelain bottle.

Xiao Lan did not hesitate, and drank it from his hand.

"Is it better?" Aunt Gui asked after a while.

Xiao Lan stretched out her hand, her nails were originally whitish, but instead of returning to their **** color at this time, a hint of blue was added instead.


Xiao Lan said, "Poison?"

"Nonsense." Aunt Gui let go of his hand. "Your chill is coming so fiercely. You have to deal with it slowly, not in a hurry."

Xiao Lan said, "But my aunt didn't tell me what caused it?"

"Shuangtan." Perhaps seeing that he was indeed poisoned, Aunt Gui said that she still couldn't understand the cause, but she didn't hide it anymore, "Probably because of what Lu Mingyu did before you lost your memory."

"It's him again." Xiao Lan sighed, "It seems that this Liangzi is not small."

"Go back and rest." Aunt Gui didn't want to mention Lu Chai in front of him. "Tomorrow I will take you to the pharmacist."

Xiao Lan agreed, turned and left the deep hall.

He still held the porcelain bottle in his hand, with some medicine left in it.

In the next few days, no matter what the pharmacist gave, he planned to spend the rest, and when the cold toxin in his body was completely cleaned, he would take it to Riyue Villa for the appointment in March.

Trying poison by one's body is the most stupid way, but it is also the quickest way.

No one knew how far the Shuang Tan in Lu Zhui's body had spread. He didn't want to waste even half an inch of time.

Outside the tomb of Mingyue, Kongkong Miaoshou still had hatred in his eyes, whimpering, and handed Shuangtan in his hand to the outside informant.

The disciples of the Black Eagle Gang were terrified, and they were not familiar with each other, and they were still allies. Why did they look unfriendly at all.

At the same time, across several mountains and three rivers, Lu Zhui was lying halfway in the woods to enjoy the moon.

Lu Wuming knocked his head: "Sleep."

Lu Chai sighed, "Father is really not half-hearted."

"Who said I didn't?" Lu Wuming laid the bedding in the carriage for him, "When I was young and handsome, you didn't know where I was."

Lu Zhui: "Tsk tut."

"Smelly boy." Lu Wuming laughed and stretched out his hand to hit him, "Come to sleep soon."

"Father." Lu Zhui stretched out, "When everything is over, let's go back to Feiliu City."

"What to do there." Lu Wuming smiled faintly and shook his head. "It's just an ordinary city. It's fine if you are in Wangcheng. If you want to change a place, just let me go to the island. It's better than the so-called homeland. ."

The two were still talking, but a group of birds in the distance was suddenly startled, flapping their wings in the night sky and disappearing without a trace.

Lu Zhui suddenly became alert, someone?

Lu Wuming whispered: "Be careful."

Lu Chai held the Qingfeng sword hilt with one hand, listening to the surrounding movement, his eyes were like snow leopards ready to go.

Behind a big tree, a gray figure was standing quietly, like a tree or a stone, it seemed that even the wind would not go to him. The air condenses into a thick liquid, and the only thing that can move is the eyes.

There are subtle wrinkles around the corners of the eyes, making the eyebrows that should have been handsome and beautiful, and the light under his eyes is gloomy, bloodthirsty, and exciting.

Even Ji Hao himself didn't expect to find the target so quickly. The biggest possibility of this is that Lu Zhui is indeed ill in his bones, so even if he wants to go to Qianye City in a hurry, he will not walk fast on the road. And this is undoubtedly great news for myself.

Admiring the people by the fire from a distance, his expression became more and more weird.

And a power that didn't belong to him was also germinating quietly at this time, climbing the veins and spreading all the way.

In the dark wilderness, who is crying, and who is laughing.


"Senior!" Ye Jin exclaimed.

"It's okay." Yang Qingfeng pulled his sleeves and wiped him, rubbing a large piece.

Ye Jin's complexion was pale, dizzy, and doctors had a tendency to cleanse, not to mention that he was still a first-class genius doctor.

Walking in the woods, a flock of birds leaped into the sky and **** together. Who can bear it?

"There is a fire ahead." Yang Qingfeng continued to comfort him, "I can't tell if there is an Orion barbecue, walk around, go and see first."

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