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Chapter 144: Another discovery of the scroll

"Don't worry about the Sangu pit." Tao Yuer put his arm on her shoulders, and walked out with people on her back. "Even if it is just for Lan'er's face, there are big things, I have to save your life first. ."

"It's very important to get it," Kongkong said intermittently. "It's a letter related to Lu Mingyu. I haven't had time to read it."

Tao Yu'er paused and continued: "After sending you out, I will come back to get it. Where is the thing hidden in Sangu Pit?"

"Under the third bluestone slab on the left." After Kong Kong said this sentence, he still wanted to ask her to take it as soon as possible, lest the other party strengthened guard, but opened his mouth and was exhausted, and his eyes turned black and fainted.

Tao Yuer passed through the numerous secret guards, and leaped to the ground lightly.

After being blown by the mountain breeze, the spirit of the empty hand finally came back a little, awakened with a pair of dead fish eyes, his throat was dry and silent, and Tao Yuer was groggy and walked back to the mountain with Tao Yuer's back.

He didn't feel any pain in his hands, but he knew that he was 80% useless. The consequence of underestimating the enemy is that it is difficult for a daughter to buy regret medicine. He should have listened to Xiao Lan's arrangements, and An Ansheng lived in Houshan or in the Red Lotus Hall instead of being half-dead and unable to move.

Kongkong Miaoshou struggled a little, and began to cry.

Tao Yuer: "..."

Tao Yuer said: "It should be me who is crying."

Kongkong brilliantly ignored her, and continued to feel annoyed by herself. The whimpering sound disappeared in the distance with the night wind.

He cried all the way, until Tao Yu'er started to regret, why didn't he slap the old man unconscious when he first started, so that he could be quiet on the way.

The thick sorrow was woven into a big net, and the airtight cover came down. The breath of empty hand was faint, and I don’t know when he passed out again. In short, when he woke up again, he was put on clean and generous clothes. He was lying on the bed, the sun was shining on his side, it was very warm.

It was a clear day, cloudless.

He raised his hands laboriously and looked at the two circles entangled into clubs, and his heart was again sad.

"Senior, don't move around." A girl's voice came from his side. Yue Dadao put down the medicine bowl and carefully pressed his hand back for him: "A Liu has already dealt with the wounds for Senior. There is nothing serious, so feel relieved. ."

"Where is Tao Yu'er?" Kongkong asked her with a clever hand.

"I went to the Mingyue Tomb again, saying that I was going to get something." Yue Dadao fed him medicine, "A Liu has also gone. In half an hour, about Mo will be back."

"Go in broad daylight?" Kongkong Miao's hand was startled.

"Yeah, I was also worried before, but Madam looked very thoughtful and said that it was safer during the day." Yue Dadao said, "Senior don't care about this, first open your mouth."

Kongkong Miaoshou barely swallowed a bowl of medicine, panting and looking at the sky above his head, his eyes became cloudy again. Yue Dadao shook him: "Senior, let me talk to you in conversation."

Kongkong's hand is weak: "I don't want to say."

I don't want to say it, I have to say it. Yue Dadao didn't give up, sitting next to him and chatting--when Tao Yuer was leaving, he once told him to speak with the old man more, so as not to make him think about it and get into a dead end.

"Senior," Yue Dadao said, "Ms. Tao went to get the thing, said it was a treasure you hid, what is that?"

"It's a baby." Kongkong Miaoshou was dizzy by her quarrel and coughed twice. "It's a picture scroll. The things drawn in the book above are related to Lu Mingyu."

I stayed in the Red Lotus Hall for a few days, and I felt so boring, even mushrooms were growing on my head, so I thought about going out and taking a look again, maybe I was lucky to find out some new secrets.

Since Xiao Lan left, the atmosphere in Mingyue’s tomb has become more gloomy and depressing. Everyone is in danger of being chilled. The patrol that was supposed to be three times has been changed to five times and six times, or even more, just to not be caught. , The innocent is implicated.

But Kong Kong Miaoshou didn't put all this in his eyes, as usual, swaying through the tomb as he wanted, until finally entering Sangu Pit.

The terrain there is much higher than other places, so it is used to stack some old books. There are ledgers from many years ago, as well as some common Four Books and Five Classics, which seem to be nothing special.

Kongkong's wonderful hand waved the dust in front of him, holding the pearl to look around. He is naturally not interested in these old books, but based on years of experience in walking tombs, he suggested that there might be a vent in the northwest corner to disperse moisture.

He had nothing to do, he climbed up happily, clenched his right hand fist hard, and really punched a hole in the wall.

The sound of the wind poured in, and behind the falling dust, a small horn was vaguely exposed.

It was a scroll, very small, well wrapped in tarp, it seemed very precious.

Kongkong Miao was ecstatic in his heart, and couldn't wait to go out to look again. After pulling off the bundle of rope, he only glanced at it. There was still a buzzing noise outside before he had time to see all of it.

It was the sound of insects crawling, densely packed, getting closer and closer, like a sudden rainstorm, drop by drop heavy in the mud.

The door of the house was smashed open vigorously, and the black wind screamed at the speed of thunder that could not cover your ears. Before the empty hand could respond, the body was covered with black worms, countless sharp fangs pierced into the skin, blood mixed with anesthesia The saliva made him stiff to the ground and he couldn't move half of it.

Kongkong Miao was shocked in his heart, he instinctively felt that it would not take long before he would be bitten into bones by these terrifying poisonous insects. I waited for a long time with my eyes closed, but felt that the whole body became relaxed. The poisonous insects seemed to have received instructions, and they slid down from him, neatly pouring out from the crack in the door.

A pair of black embroidered shoes appeared in front of him, empty hand raised his head laboriously, and looked at each other with the old woman.

"Who are you?" Aunt Gui asked him, no emotion could be heard in her voice.

Kongkong's eyes dodged: "I...I just want to find some tombs."

"You dare to enter the tomb of Mingyue, you are really brave." Aunt Gui sneered, "Where did you sneak in?"

"Just behind, in a hole in the back." Kongkong replied with a brilliant hand, and said again, "I am obsessed with my heart for a while, and ask the head to spare my poor man a life."

A hole in the back? Aunt Gui felt suspicious, and sent his disciple to pull the person up and drag him all the way to the place he said. She really found a cave in Baiguijian, straight to the outside.

Aunt Gui's face was gloomy, Kongkong made a pitiful gesture, whispered, and looked at her carefully. With this paralyzed posture, it is impossible to break through the encirclement and rush out. You can only save your life first. There is a way out.

After a while, the pharmacist rushed over after hearing the news, and after investigating, he said, "This was originally the site of the black spider. It is estimated that he dug out secretly. Although it is not surprising, the young master did not find it during the search. Exactly what I expected."

Aunt Gui asked: "There is still no news about Lan'er?"

"This day is wide and high. Who knows where the young master went." Pharmacist shook his head, "It is not easy to find it back. If you say that you have enough fun to come back, there is still some possibility."

"Find someone to search the site of the black spider again," Aunt Gui didn't want to discuss Xiao Lan with her again, only said, "Even if you turn the ground inch by inch, you must fill in all the holes."

"Yes." The pharmacist nodded, then glanced at empty hands, "what about this old man?"

"Let's test the medicine for you." Aunt Gui turned and walked back. She didn't recognize the empty hand, and didn't know that the relationship between him and Xiao Lan was just an ordinary tomb thief, so she had no interest in dealing with it personally.

Then Kongkong Miaoshou was taken to that execution room.

"Test the medicine?" After listening to him intermittently, Yue Dadao asked worriedly, "Senior is okay?" Don't be any weird Gu worm again, Master Lu has suffered enough, let alone an elderly old man. .

"That's not true, that old witch is extremely vicious, and her mind is very careful." Kongkong said skillfully, "she tortured me severely, trying to force me to tell the relationship with Lan'er."

"Is discovered?" Yue Dadao was surprised.

"It's not being discovered, but suspicion in his heart." Kongkong Miao's face was hot, "I...I shouldn't have said the entrance of that hundred ghost stream." At the beginning, all the sites of the black spider were handed over to Xiao Lan for investigation. Even treasures buried deep in the ground can be dug out, and there is really no reason to ignore the big hole that opens out.

"Young Master Xiao won't blame Senior." Yue Dadao comforted, "Moreover, Senior was hurt by this body, and he gritted his teeth and failed to give Young Master Xiao out. He has much spine."

"You little girl, you are quite good at coaxing people." Kongkong sat up with his hands and sighed again, "It's a pity that my hands are going to be used up."

"No, Lu Gongzi knows the genius doctor and will heal it." Yue Dadao stuffed his sick hand into the bed, "but the predecessor hasn't said yet, what is in that picture scroll, I want to hear."

"It's what those two old witches did to Mingyu." Tao Yuer came in from outside.

"Madam," Yue Dadao breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped forward to support her, "You are back, are things going well?"

"Sure, but the people in Mingyue's tomb may be going crazy." Tao Yuer's tone was cold, as if it contained a lot of anger.

Yue Dadao nodded: "Yeah."

Think about it too. First, a tomb thief broke in somehow, and then somebody was rescued somehow. But all of this happened under the so-called “no one can break” the mirror flower array. If you were the owner of the tomb, you would definitely I will also feel anxious and feel more and more that there are holes everywhere where thieves can enter.

"Got the picture scroll?" Kongkong asked with a hand.

A Liu nodded and showed him what he was holding: "Senior hid it, is this it?"

"Yes." Kongkong urged, "show me quickly."

"You better take care of your wounds first." Tao Yuer said, "A Liu will rush to deliver the letter later, Mingyu's Albizia Gu, I'm afraid that I won't be able to solve it for a moment."

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