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Chapter 175: Sleeping in the snowy night

After seeing that the visitor was just a scholar, the savage expressions calmed down and said gruffly, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Isn't this an inn?" Lu Zhui stood at the door, "I want to come and stay."

"This is not an inn for a long time." One of them glanced behind him, "Are you alone?"

"There is another friend, who is outside." Lu Xiran apologized, "It turns out that this is not an inn, so I'm going to bother you to leave."

"There is no other inn in this city to live in." A person reminded loudly behind him.

"Why is there no inn?" Lu Zhui paused, wondering, "This is the only way to the northwest. There should be a lot of business contacts."

"There is a war in the west, where are the merchants who dare to go." The man suspiciously, "Don't you know?"

Seeing that he was about to pick up the big knife again, Lu Chai nodded quickly: "Naturally know that this time I am going west, I am going to join my brother in the Chu army camp."

"The inns in the city are closed. You can stay here for the night." The other person pointed to the stairs. "There are vacant rooms above, but you have to clean it yourself."

Lu Zhui glanced at the dazzling long knives and axes, and hesitated.

"This is not a black shop, and we have no time to take care of you." The man said impatiently, "If you dare not stay, go quickly, don't stand there in the dark."

"I want to live." Lu Zhui smiled, "Thank you brothers, I'll call my friends in."

The guys sat back at the table and saw him go out, one of them teased: "This scholar is so courageous."

"Tonight is going to be a big blizzard. If he doesn't come in and live, he will only freeze to death." Another person dismissed, "Besides, even if we are really a black shop, what kind of oil can he squeeze out of a sour scholar?"

"When this blizzard comes, the city should be stable for a while." Someone sighed again.

Hearing what he said, the others fell silent immediately. In the empty front hall, there was only the small sound of charcoal bursting in the brazier, and the sound of ghosts outside the window.

"How?" Xiao Lan was waiting outside.

"It seems that the people in this city are really in trouble. There are seventeen or eight men with swords and axes in their hands. If my guess is correct, 80% of them are spontaneously organized villagers." Lu Chase said , "You and I will stay here first."

Xiao Lan nodded, and first tied the horse to the backyard shed, and after putting the hay and water, he entered the inn with him. Those people were still sitting at the table guarding the brazier, and seeing the two of them coming in, they only lifted their eyelids and pointed their fingers upstairs without speaking any more.

The stairs creaked and covered a thick layer of dust. After pushing open the door of the guest room, I saw that the bed tent fell half way to the ground, and even the lamp oil was full of flying insects.

"You go to the stairs and stand for a while." Xiao Lan said, "I will clean this place first."

Lu Chai looked around: "I'm going to get a brazier up."

"Those people don't seem to have a good temper." Xiao Lan handed him the broom, "Forget it, I will go."

Lu Chai shook his head, "I'm not going to fight and begging for something, I'm more suitable than you."

Xiao Lan raised her eyebrows: "Because you have a sharp tongue?"

"This is the first, and the second, I at least look kind and gentle." Lu Chai poked his chest. As for you, sometimes the black wind gets angry, and you are just a bandit who just came down the mountain.

A lot of charcoal was piled up in the corner of the hall, and there were seven or eight empty braziers. Lu Zhuijing tiptoed downstairs, pointed his finger at the charcoal, and tentatively said, "I wonder if I can...buy some?" After he finished speaking, his face trembled again, "The top is really cold."

Those people waved their hands perfunctorily, still not wanting to talk to him. Lu Chai hurriedly thanked him, first filled some charcoal with a copper basin, then went downstairs again, and put some copper plates on the long table in front of everyone: "Money for accommodation."

There was dead silence all around, and no one was expected to answer. Lu Chai laughed dryly, turned around and trot up to the second floor. Xiao Lan joked: "People are clearly reluctant to speak, but you just come forward again and again, afraid that you will be beaten sooner or later."

"I'm familiar with each other, and tomorrow I can find out what's going on." Lu Chai started a charcoal fire, and the room finally became warmer.

After a while, there really was a heavy snow falling outside, and a thick layer of goose feathers was scattered on the street soon. Xiao Lan threw the old bedding and bed nets next door, took out the fur cloak and thicker cotton robe from the bag, and laid out a comfortable bed. Lu Zhui wiped the tables, chairs and benches carefully, went downstairs to the kitchen to boil hot water, cleaned and ironed all the tea sets, and the two of them had been busy for more than half an hour, finally tidying up this dilapidated guest room. .

"Is it exhausted?" Xiao Lan handed him a cup of hot tea, "Sit for a while, I'll go buy some food."

"Let’s make a living and bite the biscuits." Lu Zhui held him, "It’s nothing but three things. I will disturb them once when I stay in the store. I will disturb them once when I buy charcoal fire. In addition, I’ve been tossing in the kitchen for a long time. Going again, we are afraid that we will really be swept out."

"In the afternoon, you were saying that you were hungry. Originally, you wanted to come to the city to have a good meal." Xiao Lan shook his head, "Who ever thought it would be so desolate."

"Guess what happened in this city?" Lu asked.

"Looking at the rumbling posture, whether it is a person or a ghost, the other person's background will not be small." Xiao Lan baked the biscuits on the fire until they were crispy, "I only wronged you tonight."

"If you don't get hungry, you won't be wronged." Lu Chai propped his head with one hand, and listened to the roar of the wind outside. "This is the first snow we have encountered."

"It's a pity." Xiao Lan handed the scones to him, "This first snow, I should have stayed in a comfortable and warm guest room, standing in front of the window watching the white snow covered black tiles, and there is a lamb hot pot on the table. There is also a good daughter Hong, who is as desolate and desolate as it is now, and whoever has the heart to appreciate the scenery can only live up to the boundless snow outside the window."

"It sounds kind of sentimental." Lu Chai tweeted, "Yes, Brother Xiao, there is progress."

"I learned it from you." Xiao Lan smiled, "You need warm wine to appreciate the snow, and flowers to appreciate the rain."

Lu Zhui said: "The biscuits must be served with tea."

Xiao Lan nodded in cooperation, and reached out to remove a sesame seed from the corner of his mouth: "Lu Gongzi said that is very true."

The touch was warm, Lu Chai looked at him, and felt a little throbbing in his heart--this kind of sweet and sour feeling was too familiar, and it seemed that he had already had many times along the way.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Lan asked.

"It's nothing." Lu Chai held the tea cup in both hands, his eyes floated to the roof, "I'm tired."

"The hot water is in the pot. Go to bed early after washing." Xiao Lan said, "You don't need to get up early tomorrow. You can sleep well."

"Well, it's just a bed?" Lu Zhui's tone was casual, and he wanted to make it clear. At first glance, he had no other thoughts, he was very simple.

Xiao Lan said: "You just sleep, I'll spend the night at the table."

Lu Zhui and Yan Yue said, "How can this be done?"

Xiao Lan asked, "Why can't it?"

"You still have to stay here for four or five days, so you just lie on the table every day?" Lu Chai hypocritically suggested, "It's better for us to sleep all day."

Xiao Lan said: "That's OK."

Lu Zhui: "..."


Xiao Lan poured hot water for him, then took out the green salt from the baggage, being considerate and meticulous. It seemed that he was just about to twist the towel and hold his hands to his eyes.

The other party's attitude was too sincere, and Lu Chai had no choice but to hold back all the words. After washing his face, he sat cross-legged on the bed and thought about how to keep the person in front of him into the bed without showing his face.

Although the bed is not big, it is not too small. Two people squeeze it, why bother to sleep on the table.

Lu Gongzi cleared his throat: "I said Brother Xiao."

"Huh?" Xiao Lan was gargling.

"Sleeping on the table will catch a cold." Lu Chai explained patiently, "because the weather is cold."

"So I said early in the morning, just sleep on the bed without worrying about me." Xiao Lan said, "You can drill in the snow hole when you are marching and fighting. I've long been used to it."

Is there any rescue for this person! Lu Zhui lay back in Dacloak and coughed desperately, almost coughing out his lungs.

Xiao Lan was taken aback as expected, and sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on his forehead: "Have a cold?"

Lu Zhui replied: "80% yes."

Xiao Lan took out the medicine from the baggage: "Take it."

Being stared at by him, Lu Gongzi had to open his mouth reluctantly and swallow the painful pill, at a slight loss.

Xiao Lan also brought the brazier to his bedside.

This is the time to wait! Lu Chai moved into the bed: "Come on."

Xiao Lan was taken aback: "What?"

"The table is too cold, the two squeezed together." Lu Zhui opened the corner of the cloak and motioned for him to get in quickly.

Xiao Lan smiled: "What should I do if I don't sleep honestly?"

Just talk about it. In Feiliu City, I also said that sleeping was not honest, but I waited for most of the night and didn't wait for anything. Mentioned this matter, Lu Zhui resented again, and simply turned his back to him.

After a while, his side suddenly became heavy, and it was Xiao Lan who lay in.

The room suddenly became quiet. In fact, in this vast snowy night, there is a brazier and a hot bed, which are really suitable for sleeping, but neither of them is sleepy.

After a while.

Xiao Lan asked, "Is it still cold?"

Lu Zhui said, "Cold."

Xiao Lan suggested: "Then I will hold you?"

Lu Zhui felt like a sky thunder had exploded in his ear, otherwise what?

Xiao Lan stretched out his hand and hugged him in his arms: "This will be a little warmer."

Lu Chai took a deep breath and tried his best to make his voice sound as contemptuous: "Indeed."

"Go to sleep." Xiao Lan said in his ear again, in a gentle tone.

Lu Chai's body was stiff, his heart beating like a drum: "Yeah."

Xiao Lan smiled and tightened his arms.

Lu Chai tentatively held his hand, faintly feeling that this scene was quite familiar, as if there had been countless nights of intimacy and cuddling like this, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have coveted Xiao Lan all the way, every day The **** fantasizes that just a spring dream can be done no less than ten times, and it is not necessarily that 80% of them are caused by their own obscenities.

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