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Chapter 182: Master Mingyu in the depths of the desert smells

The sun gradually fell to the horizon, and when the sky was full of gold and red receded, darkness once again swept the Gobi. The desolate wind blows the gravel and makes a "clang" sound on the felt cloth, like a group of uninvited guests knocking on the door, trying to forcibly break into the tent, disturbing the night again.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Mao opened the curtain and helped a somewhat ill man to come out to clarify. The guard in charge of guarding only glanced at the two of them, but did not follow up-in this extreme weather, even the strongest man, without the horse and dry food, could not escape the boundless Gobi, let alone the two. There is also a sick seedling in the middle. Seeing that sallow and skinny appearance, even if he doesn't run, I'm afraid he won't live for a few days.

"Master." When he reached the hidden place, the man coughed desperately, his chest as if he had opened a bellows, "Thank you again tonight."

"What are you polite with me?" Zhang Mao shook his head, "Let's go, go back."

"I'm afraid I can't keep going." The man took his hand and lowered his voice. "In the future, if Mr. can go back in the future, I have hidden some private money under the locust tree in the old house. Please ask him to dig it. Come out and give it to my wife, let her raise her son well, and then--." The man said here, perhaps because he was too emotional, he blocked his chest and did not come out, and his knees were sitting limp. On the ground, the eyeballs also turned white.

"Pharaoh!" Zhang Mao was taken aback, helped him to his feet and shook him twice. Seeing that people were still not awake, he wanted to stand up and go to the camp to call for help, but instead he was grasping his wrist and said in a low voice. Panic."

"You--" Zhang Mao turned his head and saw the person's face clearly, his face suddenly darkened, he pulled his hand away and said stiffly, "What are you doing?!"

Lu Chai didn't speak much, took out a pill from his sleeve and stuffed it into Lao Wang's mouth, then helped him up and patted his back gently: "Uncle, wake up."

The entrance of the pill was cool and sour, like a stream of clear spring flowing through the internal organs, washing away the original obstruction. Lao Wang coughed twice and woke up, but his heart was still hollow and pitch-black, as if he had just walked through a ghost door, panting with his mouth wide open, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Is this elder brother catching a cold?" Lu asked.

Although Zhang Mao said that he was extremely disgusted and disgusted with him in his heart, he also knew that in this situation, whoever had the medicine to cure the disease was the most useful person, so he nodded and replied: "The weather is too cold and the tent smells bad. It will happen sooner or later to get sick."

"Take these medicines. In the future, if anyone has a headache, brain, wind, cold, diarrhea, one pill will be much better." Lu Chai handed him a white porcelain bottle.

Zhang Mao hesitated for a moment, but still received it.

"In a few days, I'm afraid I will leave for the depths of the desert." Lu Zhui said again, "Master once thought, what will these hundreds of people do in the future?"

"Do you know who I am?" Zhang Mao frowned and looked at him.

"Master of Changfeng City." Lu Chai said, "I once heard from Liu Zhixian that Master was born in the Northwest Army. He was originally a brave and good fighter, but because of a leg injury, he could no longer charge and become a master."

Zhang Mao nodded perfunctorily, and didn't want to say anything to him. He helped Old Wang just want to go back, but Lu Zhui said: "Please don't be impulsive, let alone act rashly, otherwise it will cause irreparable consequences."

When Zhang Mao heard the words, he took a halt, and a moment later said viciously: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"There are really not many guards in this camp, but all of them are silver sword samurai, one of the best soldiers in Xilan Kingdom, plus crossbows and steeds. If the master wants to organize the people to resist here, there will be almost no Any chance of winning." Lu Zhui looked at his back in a sincere tone.

Zhang Mao gritted his teeth: "I can't understand any resistance. You have to talk nonsense again."

"The human heart is separated by the belly. It is not easy to see through. Master thinks that people who can be trusted may not be truly trustworthy, and those who Master thinks are untrustworthy may not necessarily be bad people." Lu Chase said, "A person named Liu Xiaohai Man, told my elder brother yesterday that you were trying to organize everyone to kill the guards in the middle of the night to grab food and grass, so as to escape back to Da Chu."

Zhang Mao was a little surprised and almost threw the old Wang in his hand to the ground.

"Don't worry, he is dead. The reason for the report is that he has a sudden heart disease." Lu Chai said, "Betraying my brother and betraying the country. It is not a pity to die."

Zhang Mao looked back at him, his face pale in the moonlight, with no trace of blood.

"If I really want to be prosperous and wealthy, I won't be here tonight." Lu Zhui said, "Liu Xiaohai will not die, just take him to Namur, and this credit will be remembered. When it comes to my elder brother, Master will not fail to understand this, right?"

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Zhang Mao's lips were chapped.

"Entrusted by Liu Zhixian, come to rescue you from this cage." Lu Zhui said, "My eldest brother is not a person who is greedy for wealth and will not do anything to bend to the enemy, but only by gaining Namur's trust can we proceed to the next step. action."

"Liu Xiaohai..." Zhang Mao clenched his fist and gave it away, his mood was also complicated, "I always regarded him as a real brother."

Lu asked: "How many people did Master tell this plan?"

Zhang Mao said: "Three people."

"Can the other two believe it?" Lu Zhui asked again.

Zhang Mao sighed: "Before tonight, I can certainly believe it." But when Liu Xiaohai happened, he was a little at a loss. I don't know who can believe it, and who can't believe it.

"I will tell you the two brothers when you go back. You were fainted before, but now I figured it out, and the plan is cancelled immediately." Lu Chai said, "Then continue to pretend to be walking corpses and live without any further changes. Saving your life is more important than anything else."

Zhang Mao asked: "What happens after you save your life?"

"My big brother and I will find a way to save everyone out." Lu Chase said.

"How long will you have to wait?" Zhang Mao shook his head: "If you really want to save, this is the best place. When you reach the depths of the desert, there will only be more Xilan kingdoms and guards. That is the real bronze wall and iron wall. ."

"My eldest brother is strong in martial arts, single-handedly wanted to kill the guards here, even killing Namur is not difficult." Lu Chase said, "but if you start here, the trap in the depths of the desert becomes a mystery, without these people. As a coolie, Yelvxing can do the same with the people of Xilan Kingdom, without much loss."

"So?" Zhang Mao looked at him inexplicably.

"So you have to go to the depths of the desert first to see what is there." Lu Zhui said, "It's better for someone to explore first, rather than let the Da Chu soldiers get confused in the future and spend their lives paving the way."

"What about these people?" Zhang Mao asked again.

"Even in the depths of the desert, my eldest brother can rescue them." Lu Zhui said, "The army should be used to protect the people. Naturally, we will not let the people die for the sake of the Chu army. But if everyone After only a few months of hardship, you can get thousands of soldiers and soldiers safe, which is also a good deal."

After listening to him, Zhang Mao pondered for a long time, and couldn't help asking again: "Are you really sure?"

Lu Chai nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, let me listen." Zhang Mao was heartbroken, "I will also appease the big guys during this time and make them look obedient."

With this promise, Lu Zhui finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Thank you, Master, then I will leave first."

Zhang Mao helped Lao Wang walk two steps, and then suddenly asked: "You have explained everything, so you are not afraid that I will rebel against the water and go to Namur to tell the truth for glory?"

Lu Chai shook his head: "Master is not like this kind of villain."

Zhang Mao had some mockery in his eyes: "The human heart is separated from the belly. It seems that you just said this sentence."

Lu Chau smiled: "Well, frankly speaking, even if the master goes to find Namur now, I am sure I can turn the situation back. I have no other strengths in doing things, only one thing, that is, considerate, three steps forward Thirty steps forward, I can’t wait to push back all possible consequences."

"Zhou Quan?" Zhang Mao also laughed at him, but his eyes were a little more sincere, and he whispered, "Then the lives of all the people here depend on the two young heroes."

Lu Zhui agreed and only returned to his tent after watching him leave all the way.

Xiao Lan is waiting for him: "How?"

"Planning." Lu Zhui said, "The Master Zhang is really reasonable. He has promised us that he will comfort the people and wait until the depths of the desert."

"Thank you." Xiao Lan held him coldly in his palm, "Is it frozen?"

Lu Zhui said, "Yeah." So we should warm up quickly.

Xiao Lan said briefly: "Go to bed."

Lu Gongzi's mood jumped slightly, even if he knew that the phrase "going to bed" was just lying flat and wrapped in a quilt, he still couldn't stop thinking about it. Lying in the warm bed, the chill was quickly dissipated. He put his hands in Xiao Lan's arms, feeling the firm touch of his palms and the powerful heartbeat, squinting his eyes and looking up, hoping to take advantage of the situation if someone is asleep. Be thin and light elsewhere.

Xiao Lan was watching him smiling.

Lu Zhui: "..."

Lu Zhui changed the subject: "You have a scar here."

"Many years." Xiao Lan said, "Aunt left when she was in Mingyue's tomb."

"Aren't you the young master there?" Lu Chai said, "This scar is not shallow, it should have been seriously injured at that time."

"Yeah." Xiao Lan pressed his hand, "It's not a good thing. I don't want to tell you the reason. It's all over."

Lu Chai frowned slightly, but didn't ask any more. He stroked the hideous scar again with his fingertips inch by inch, and exhorted: "In the future on the battlefield, don't get hurt again."

"So are you." Xiao Lan hugged him tightly. "Even if it's just a small wound and bleeding, it's better to raise a fat body in a stable manner."

Marching and fighting, who can raise a white fat carefree, knowing that his words are nonsense, but they are also very sweet in their ears. Lu Chau smiled and stretched his hand around his waist: "Don't talk anymore, go to sleep." After waking up, he continued to cheer up and finish what he hadn't done so that he could go to Wangcheng and return to Jiangnan as soon as possible. Touring the mountains and playing water, live up to the Chinese New Year.


For several days, there was heavy snow in Changfeng City. Liu Yun looked at the thick pile of confessions on the table, shook his head and said, "These evil spirits really don't know what they are."

"Indeed," Lu Wuming said, "It doesn't look like it was pretended, not to mention that these horse-riders are a little stupid. According to Yelvxing's temper, they will not be given higher official positions, let alone. Let them know too many secrets."

The horsemen are not real horsemen outside the Great Wall, but a nomadic tribe hidden in the depths of the desert, barefoot and hairy, a bit like the wild people in the mountains of Da Chu. They are strong and brutal but simple-minded, so they often fall into the traps of other tribes and are trained as slaves. Yelvxing also seized this characteristic and tamed these people into catching evil spirits.

Liu Yun interrogated for seven or eight times, but in the end only came to the conclusion that the main envoy behind the scenes was indeed Yelvxing, and every time someone was arrested here, he would be sent to the Shuitian City to the west.

"Why do you want to send it to Shuitian City?" Ah Liu asked, "Could it be that Xilan Kingdom has already occupied it?"

"This is still in the territory of Da Chu. It shouldn't be lost, but there must be ghosts in that city." Lu Wuming said.

"Should I go and see it?" Ah Liu asked again, "Maybe my father is still there."

"Let's see now?" Lu Wuming shook his head, "You have just captured Yelvxing so many people, and you can't guarantee that after the news goes back to the desert, how will he retaliate? When he doesn't guard the people in the city, he wants to go to another place? "

Ah Six: "..."

A Liu scratched his head and said, "Grandpa thought well, then I won't leave, and I will stand at the gate of the city. Then if Yelv Xing dares to send someone to make trouble, I still kill him without leaving!"

"Good!" Liu Yun applauded and cheered.

Amidst the sparse applause, Ah Liu could not help but puff up his chest again. He really likes the magistrate very much. He will praise himself when he does not repeat the sentence. Every time he listens to it, he feels that the whole body can shine with golden light. , Do not say that with one enemy and one hundred, Yelvxing sent an entire army, that would not be a problem.

Lu Wuming handed him a cup of tea, smiling on his face, but inevitably worried about the clouds in his heart. For one thing, he was afraid that Yelvxing would be really angry and turn into anger and gossip. He came to massacre regardless of the consequences. Secondly, he was worried about Lu Chai and Xiao Lan. What is the situation of the two and whether they need reinforcements.

At the same time, there was a group of people in the water and sky city on the other side panicking. They were the chess pieces that Xi Lan Guo had placed in the territory of Da Chu. Outsiders only think that this bluestone mansion is a silk merchant, who will transport goods out of the city when they are not five or five, but they don't know that the thick felt carts are often not filled with fabrics, but living people.

"Master." The butler hurriedly ran into the front hall and whispered into the ear of a middle-aged man, "The Great Wind City has now blocked the city gates. People outside can't get in, and people inside can't get out."

"Can't hear any news?" The man was anxious.

The housekeeper shook his head: "There is really no way."

"This..." The man sighed, "Could it be that Liu Yun really hired some martial arts helper from outside?"

"It's hard to say, but the horse-driving people really can't come back. Master should tell Lord Namur about this soon." The housekeeper persuaded, "Even if it is punished, it is better than deliberately concealing it. That's going to be head-off."

"Yes, yes, you are right." The man nodded repeatedly, "I am going to fix the book. You send someone to use the fastest horse and send it to Lord Namur!"

The butler agreed, and after only half an hour, a fast horse rushed out of the city gate, but instead of taking the official road, it plunged into the path diagonally and ran straight to the depths of the Gobi.


In the big account, Lu Zhui was watching Xiao Lan eat, and asked by the way, "How about Namur?"

"Everything is business as usual." Xiao Lan bit his bun. "Zhang Mao cooperates very well. As long as there are people making trouble, he will be the first to stand up and stop it. I don't know what he said secretly. At least the camp seems very calm recently. "

"This time it's really hard everyone." Lu Zhui filled him with a bowl of soup, "Thanks for you too."

"I wasn't here in the morning, what did you do alone?" Xiao Lan fed a spoonful of meat.

Lu Zhui said: "Mend clothes."

Xiao Lan didn't understand: "Huh?"

"Mending your clothes, your clothes are torn, don't you know?" Lu Chai pointed to the bed, "It's sewn now."

Xiao Lan smiled and said, "Do you still do needlework?"

"No, I haven't done it before, but it's not difficult to sew and repair this kind of thing." Lu Zhui said, "If I have nothing to do, I will do it easily."

Xiao Lan nodded: "Thank you."

"What's so good about that." Lu Chai propped his head with one hand, "but that is true. I thought that I would be able to go to the Chu Army camp soon and ride a horse on the battlefield against Yeluxing, but I didn't expect that the Yin and Yang will come here. Pian Gobi, like a little daughter-in-law, started sewing and mending."

The corner of Xiao Lan's mouth raised: "Like what?"

Lu Zhui quickly changed his words: "Like a landlord's wealth."

Xiao Lan shook his head: "It's not this, I'm not deaf."

If you are not deaf, you have to ask a second time! Lu Zhui stepped on him under the table and said fiercely: "Eat your meal honestly!"

Xiao Lan laughed a little badly, with a thirsty light hidden in his eyes, and he still had some ambition to win. It stands to reason that this expression should be extremely awkward, but Lu Zhui unexpectedly felt that this smirk was more handsome than usual, so he stopped hitting people, and it was possible to have a little bit of self-comfort, at least himself. There is still the beauty of this ruffian, which is pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the eye.

"Hey!" Before the meal was finished, someone was urging from outside the big account, "My lord told you to go there soon!"

"Okay!" Xiao Lan dropped his job and whispered, "I'll go take a look."

Lu Zhui guessed: "Is this anxious, could it have something to do with Changfeng City?"

"80%." Xiao Lan patted him on the shoulder, turned around and walked out of the tent, and asked the guard: "I just came back, why should I go again? I don't know why?"

The other party said impatiently: "You ask me, who do I ask?"

Xiao Lan agreed, and after walking two steps, he asked, "How did you feel when your lord told me to see him?"

The guard glanced at him: "Please ask for your blessings. It is said that all the kettles in the tent have been thrown out. If you are not lucky, the broken teapot is your head!"

Xiao Lan didn't say a word, and didn't ask any more. After entering the big tent, he saw that the surrounding area was really messed up. Various fragments were scattered on the ground, and the candlestick was rolling in circles. Nam'er sat on the carpet. After seeing him come in, she didn't hide her anger, but asked directly, "Well, there are experts in Changfeng City?"

"Changfeng City?" Xiao Lan shook his head, "It was true before I left, but Liu Yun, the magistrate there, has been looking for capable people in the rivers and lakes, saying that he would invite them to the city moat. If the adults' men had eaten in Changfeng City recently Unfortunately, it is 80% that Liu Yun has already hired a helper."

Namur gritted his teeth and threw the tea cup in his hand to the ground again-even after a thick carpet, it still shattered to pieces, which shows how angry he is at this moment.

"Actually," Xiao Lan exhorted, "These prisoners in the camp are long enough for the king to deal with him. The adults are too demanding of themselves to lose this move."

Namur was like a roaring flame, the flame almost burst out of his head, and roared: "Who is that?!"

"It doesn't matter who it is. The important thing is that adults can't miss anymore." Xiao Lan said: "If I make a decision instead, I will choose to leave here as soon as possible."

Namur's complexion was red, still furious, but he had to agree with Xiao Lan's words. Those horse-driving people are not their own subordinates, but belong to Yelvxing. This time the entire army is annihilated and whereabouts are unknown. The most ideal solution is to lead the army to the Changfeng City to **** the people back—but you can only think about it. That's it. Not to mention that you don’t have an army at this time. Even if you really hold a heavy army in your hand, you will only dare not take risks. After all, no one knows what is hidden in the city, whether it is the army of Da Chu, or the top master, or even He also felt that it was very likely that Qin Shaoyu, the lord of the shadow palace, had broken into the Gulihan camp alone, causing thousands of Mobei cavalry to blood-stain the desert netherworld Shura.

The palms of her hands were gradually sweating, and Namur sat back on the carpet, a little confused in her mind.

Xiao Lan said on the side: "My lord, it's too much to drag."

Namur said angrily: "You don't need to remind!" He naturally knew that he couldn't hold back. The horse driver had been captured. Since he couldn't save it, he should leave here as early as possible to find Yelvxing and explain the matter clearly. Others laughed, at least they will not be charged with negligence.

He sighed in his heart, and he really started to regret why he didn't listen to the persuasion earlier, but continued to do his own way. For nothing, he caused such a lot of trouble, but there is no regret medicine in the world, and things have reached this point, so he can only bite the bullet and continue. Move forward.

Three days later, everyone rose from the camp and marched towards the depths of the desert in unison. The weather was already extremely cold at this time, and Lu Zhui would boil **** soup every day, so that Zhang Mao would give it to the people to avoid catching the wind and cold. Namur had no objection to this, and even boasted a few words in front of Xiao Lan. After all, if this group of people fell ill in batches, he would still be the only one who needs to explain to Yelvxing in the end.

The conditions on this road can be described as difficult, but Namur has lived in the desert since childhood, where there is no wind and where there is water, a little observation will make it clear. Lu Zhui looked in his eyes and muttered to Xiao Lan, "Can you?"

Xiao Lan said, "Master has taught a little bit, but it's a far cry from Namur."

"You're quite honest." Lu Zhui said, "I can't even blow."

"If you will, you won't. In the future, you will study hard. What's the point?" Xiao Lan smiled and pulled him to sit on the bed. Wipe yourself?"

Lu Zhuan sniffed the sleeves and asked, "Am I smelly?"

Xiao Lan Yile: "Who said that, my Xiao Mingyu fragrant."

Who is yours. Lu Zhui glanced at him, tugging at his collar: "Okay."

Xiao Lan quickly got a basin of hot water in, and burned the charcoal fire, before he went outside and guarded it so that no one would break in--not to mention that the spring was not the spring, but the sallow face and the snow-white body... ...Snow white, body.

Grand Young Master Xiao touched his chin, reminiscent of the ecstasy in his memory. It is naturally good to watch the stars by innocent hooks, but sometimes, for example, at this time, it is inevitable that he will feel panic in his heart again, clearly when he is young and ignorant. He already had the closest skin kin, but now he couldn't even look at it more. Thinking of Lu Zhui's nervous eyes every time he bathed, he half wanted to laugh, half love.

But the first two decades have been too bitter, and amnesia can be considered a good thing, at least it can completely cut off those cruel pasts. Xiao Lan lay his arm in front of the tent, staring at the sky in a daze, letting the heat in his heart gradually fade. In fact, he is quite willing to accompany his beloved person to do everything from the beginning, like the beginning of love, patient, cautious, those unsaid ambiguous love, unexperienced secret love, as long as his Xiaoming Yu likes it. As long as he likes it, he can do anything.

"Hey." Lu Zhui opened the curtain a small slit, "I'm done, you can come in."

Xiao Lan got up and saw that Lu Zhui had already lay back on the bed, still with a sallow face, but he smiled very nicely.

Xiao Lan wiped his body hastily with his remaining hot water, lifted the quilt and got in, and embraced the person in his arms: "Is it cold tonight?"

"It's not cold." Lu Chai rubbed him with his rare warm feet, "comfortable."

"It should be about to reach the depths of the desert." Xiao Lan asked him to rest his arm, "Be more careful in the future."

Lu Chai nodded: "I know."

"Also," Xiao Lan said again after a while, "I have to tell you one thing in advance."

"What's the matter?" Lu asked.

"You have met Yelvxing in Yangzhi City." Xiao Lan said.

"I know, you said it." Lu Chai said, "I met him, then what?"

Xiao Lan sighed, "I really don't want to mention this."

"What's wrong, hesitating." Lu Zhui got up a little, inevitably curious, "Have we had grievances between us?"

Xiao Lan said, "He has a bad heart for you."

Lu Zhui: "..."

Lu Zhui was shocked: "There is such a thing?!"

"Yeah." Xiao Lan nodded. "Before he took over, he had led someone to Yangzhi City secretly, trying to get a piece of the tomb of Mingyue Tomb, but then he accidentally bumped him and ran into him in the city. you."

This kind of familiar part seems to be often found in drama. Lu Zhui touched his face, and asked, "Then I fell in love with me like a landlord and bully? You can't get rid of the beauty?"

Xiao Lan was dissatisfied, raised his hand and patted his hip again.

"Hey!" The slap sound was crisp, Lu Zhui's ears were hot, and he didn't care whether it hurts or not. After turning over, he sat up and said, "What are you doing!"

Xiao Lan asked, "Do you want to continue listening?"

Lu Zhui: "..."

Lu Chai said angrily: "Say!"

"At that time, he bought a lot of scripts related to you. He wanted to find out the secrets of Mingyue Tomb, but he was struggling to read it. By coincidence, he happened to meet you who was walking around pretending to be a talented person, so he forcibly caught it. The inn, let you read those books to him." Xiao Lan said.

Lu Zhui wondered: "Why does he keep doing this kind of forcibly arresting people so that he can't become addicted to arrest."

"I was in the Mingyue Tomb at the time, and I didn't know what happened in the few days. In short, when I arrived, he had already discovered your true identity." Xiao Lan said, "I have had more than a hundred moves with him. , But in the end let him run away and took off your mask."

"Fleeing under your hands, this Yelvxing martial arts is really good." Lu chased after thinking about it, and then asked, "What about the unruly heart? Did you see it, or I told you?"

Xiao Lan replied: "Both."

Lu Zhui was sorrowful: "That seems to be very bad indeed."

"You said," Xiao Lan cupped his face with both hands, "the disguise was seen through last time, will the past repeat itself this time?"

"That would be miserable." Lu Zhui said, "Yangzhi City is our site at any rate. It is a bit difficult to change to the depths of the desert.

"So in the next few days, you'd better start pretending to be sick." Xiao Lan said, "I guess Yelvxing should be on the front line at this time and won't leave easily, but if something happens, if he does come, just do it. Lie down in the tent, you don’t have to go anywhere."

"Sure." Lu Chai nodded, "I listen to you." After a while, he asked, "Will he recognize you?"

Xiao Lan shook his head: "My face is full of beard, and my eyes are drooping. Not to mention him, and my mother may not recognize him."

Lu Zhui emphasized: "I can recognize it."

Xiao Lan smiled: "You are watching me change my face step by step, how can you not recognize it?"

Lu Zhui retorted: "Yes—"

"I know." Xiao Lan covered his mouth, "I was the one who said the wrong thing. You are the only one in this world. No matter what I become, I can recognize it at a glance, okay?"

Unexpectedly, when he received a love sentence, Lu Gongzi secretly happily replied with a muffled voice: "Yeah."

Xiao Lan held the person back in his arms again, gently rubbed his palms along his back, and finally stopped on his waist, and asked, "Is it really hurting just now?"

Lu Chai kicked him in the quilt.

Xiao Lan laughed, wrapped the person tighter with the quilt, wrapped the soft buttocks with his palm, and said in a low voice, "I admit my mistake and rub it for you."

Lu Zhui: "..."


It's cold in the winter, and everyone can't wait to be wrapped in a thick cotton coat, so the thin and enchanting woman in red in the barracks is even more eye-catching.

Yelvxing said patiently: "If Saint Aunt has nothing to do, why not go back and rest as soon as possible?"

"I know, the king thinks I'm annoying." The woman in red leaned on the soft couch and sighed, "but I have nothing to do, but it's even more annoying."

"It's not just killing people that you have something to do." Yelvxing said: "Playing the piano and dancing, or the woman who learns from the great Chu embroiders, how about choosing from them?"

The woman in red smiled and said, "The king paid a lot of money to invite me to come. I'm afraid it's not to make me embroider and dance?"

"The time has not come," Yelvxing shook his head, "Before Xiao Lan and Lu Chase came, I didn't have anything to ask Saint Auntie to do. Embroidering and dancing were all right."

"Don't the king feel that the day is wrong?" The woman in red said, "According to the time spent on the journey, the two of them should have arrived dozens of days ago, but there is still no news until today."

"I was delayed on the way, or staying in Yangzhi City for a while, I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?" Yelvxing raised his eyes.

"I'm anxious to kill someone early, so I can collect the cash." The woman in red chuckled, "But it is also, Yangzhicheng, Jiangnan, stay in the kind of rainy and tall place, and talk about love or not. It is also human nature."

"Enough said?" Yelvxing asked.

"I didn't say enough, but I found that as long as Lu Mingyu is talking about love, Wang Shangbao must have a dark cloud on his face." The red-dressed woman sneered.

Yeluxing threw the papers aside: "It seems that Saint Aunt is really idle."

"It seems that the king really likes Lu Mingyu very much, and only when he is mentioned, other emotions will appear on this usually happy face, which is interesting." The woman in red leaned on the table, "The king, don't worry, just leave it to me."

Yelvxing was unhappy: "Give it to you?"

"This time grandma's good deeds will be done to the end." The woman in red knocked on the table with her fingers, "Kill one, grab one, and the one you grab is a free gift, and no cash will be charged."

Yelvxing said: "No need."

"Why?" The woman in red leaned closer, "I'm afraid that I will scare your sweetheart? Is he paper or tofu, so untouchable?"

"You're right, he really can't touch it." Yelvxing stood up with his sleeves, and said coldly, "I will leave for Luyin Spring in three days. After I leave, I will bother my aunt to raise his hand. To seduce Hu Dahan, he is too old to bear it."

"What did I do to seduce the old man?" The woman in red looked stiff and almost vomited out. Even if you want to seduce, it is to seduce the handsome young man who had previously met in the desert. Who wants to seduce Hu Dahan with a long face.

Think about it and let it go.

The author has something to say:

Lu Xiaochai: Dad! Someone touched my ass!

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