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Chapter 218: Go back to Jiangnan and get married in Wangcheng

Ten days later, the Chu army rose up from the camp, and under the leadership of He Xiao left Yumen Pass in the northwest, all the way to Wangcheng. Yang Qingfeng also went with it. The people along the way rushed to greet each other by crossing the road. Every time they passed through a village and town, the four fields were full of joy. After the war was over, there was only endless peace and happiness. Only waiting for a spring rain, the pasture will grow long. With lush green grass, business roads will be unblocked again, and this desert that was once swept by the war will once again be full of vitality.

In the shantang, the one-armed old woman is sitting on the roof basking in the sun, her hair and clothes are neat and tidy, and her eyes are calm. And on the official road not far away, a spacious carriage was moving forward briskly. The driver was A Liu. Xiao Lan rode a Feisha Red Jiao closely behind him, and behind him was another war horse. The whole body is pan-gold and lean and strong. It is the golden unicorn that was previously lost. After Hu Dahan died that day, it was also frightened and fled to the depths of the desert. Fortunately, Xiao Lan took people to search for it three times after the war. Finally brought it back. In the carriage, Lu Zhuizheng leaned back lazily on the soft couch to turn over a book of poems, with fragrant tea and snacks and eight-treasure fruits on his hand, and a heater under his feet. As I said before, it was offered by Xiao Lan with a cotton candy nest. , It is soft everywhere, and even the air is sweet.

At the end of the blue sky dome, a few white clouds stretched high and stretched with the wind.

As the group went south, the weather became warmer. They crossed the mountains and crossed the Baihe River, and suddenly they saw the south of the Yangtze River where the drizzle was raining and the water net was woven. The season coincided with early summer, and everything was green and full of vitality.

In Yangzhi City, Tao Yu'er was drying clothes in the courtyard. Suddenly, she heard a loud exclamation from Yue Dadao outside, and then sighed and complained: "A big girl, how many times I have said, I can't always be surprised like this. , What did you see again?"

"Aliu, it's Aliu, and the son, they are back!" Yue Dadao stood on tiptoe and waved his kerchief vigorously, trying to run over, but he felt that the clothes were still old, and hurried back to the courtyard and asked. : "Madam, look at my dress, do you look good?"

"It looks good, really Lan'er and the others are back?" Tao Yuer was overjoyed when he heard the words, and placed the tub on the ground indiscriminately, and walked outside before he could wipe his hands. There was laughter at the door, and Lu Chai turned over and dismounted loudly: "lady!"

Tao Yu'er hurriedly agreed, watching him and Xiao Lan come in hand in hand, followed by A Liu and Lu Wuming. Although the four of them are a little bit dusty, they all smiled. Yue Dadao couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and threw the restraint and shyness he had learned before. Xiao Queer usually jumped into A Liu's arms, causing everyone to laugh. Xiao Lan stepped forward and said, "Mother."

"It's back." Tao Yuer held his hand, "Won the war?"

"We won." Xiao Lan nodded, "The Chu army won a big victory, and the northwest border has restored peace. We are here to take the mother to Wangcheng."

"It's fine if you win, it's fine if you don't get hurt." Tao Yuer pulled Lu Chai over again, and smiled, "Don't stand in the courtyard, quickly enter the house and rest. Let Tianxianglou bring a table of vegetables over at night, and we will be at home. Celebrate the wind."

Lu Zhui agreed and went back to the place with Xiao Lan. Although the bedroom was not occupied for more than a year, Tao Yuer and Yue Dadao would clean it every day, but it was very clean and refreshing. Even the tea pots contained the newly picked Meishan buds this year. Hot boiling water is poured into a purple clay pot, and the whole room is full of fragrance.

Later, when Tie Heng heard the news, he also came to visit with iron smoke. Not only did he bring good wine and delicacies, he also brought the kitchen chef at home, showing great sincerity as a guest. This meal made the host and the guest happy, until late at night when they left each other, Lu Zhui was slightly drunk and was taken back to the bedroom by Xiao Lan, eyebrows crooked watching him.

"Stupid?" Xiao Lan scratched his nose.

Lu Chai leaned against the wall of the bathtub, his cheeks flushed with emotion, "Time flies so fast."

"Yes." Xiao Lan tucked his wet hair up for him, "telling you those random stories in the Mingyue Tomb, it's like what happened just yesterday, but when you blink, I have already taken you seriously. To the Northwest Desert."

Lu Chai wrapped his hands around his neck: "I will go to more places in the future."

Xiao Lan said: "You will be able to go wherever you want in the future, but there is one thing that must be placed first, and I will be at ease after doing it."

Lu asked: "Open Mingyue Tomb?"

Xiao Lan shook his head: "Get married."

Lu Zhui: "..."


"You don't have to worry about anything, just tell me where you want to get married." Xiao Lan held his hand, "Leave the rest to me."

Lu Zhui said calmly: "Wangcheng."

Xiao Lan nodded: "I will send someone north to make preparations first."

Lu asked: "What are you going to prepare?"

"The betrothal gift, the house." Xiao Lan said, "I'm going to get married. I can't let you live in Shanhai Curie. Living in the prime minister's mansion is not a good thing. I am not familiar with Wangcheng. Do you have a house you like?"

"It's fine if you decide." Lu Zhui squeezed his ears. "Whether it is a high-door mansion or a small courtyard in a deep lane, it doesn't matter if there are no people. The walls of the courtyard will be dilapidated. As long as it is the home of you and me, I like everything."

These words were serious and gentle, Xiao Lan held his wrist and pulled the person into his arms, feeling tenderness in his heart, and then looked down at the curled eyelashes smudged by water mist, and slightly reddish. I feel like I am holding an exquisite and precious jade sculpture, but I don’t think so. Although the person in my arms has the appearance and mind of jade, but there is no fragility and fragility of jade. On the contrary But it is tough and tenacious, like a vigorous green bamboo, the wind blows constantly, and the frost can't bend.

"What are you thinking?" Lu Chai pinched his chin with his wet hand.

Xiao Lan picked up the person horizontally and wrapped it on the bed with a blanket.

Lu Zhui's eyes were slightly wet, and his fingertips slowly slid down his Adam's apple inch by inch. Xiao Lan grasped the slender wrist and pressed his palm to his chest. He said in a low voice, "You are here."

Lu Chai curled his lips: "It should have been me."

"What about here?" Xiao Lan kissed his chest, "Who is it pretending to be?"

Lu Chai cleared his throat and said calmly: "Go ahead." After all, the family prince is so happy, you have to line up.

Xiao Lan slid his hands across his lower waist, and said in cooperation: "Then I have to perform well, and strive to gain a place in your heart."

Lu Gongzi said generously: "It's easy to talk."

The bed tent shook twice, and a small jade jar rolled onto the footrest. Lu asked: "Did you change the medicine?"

"Yeah." Xiao Lan sucked a kiss on his neck. "The drug seller said you would like it. He also said that you only need to use it once, and you will eat the marrow and know the taste, thinking about me day by day."


It sounds a bit too lascivious. Met a liar who sells aphrodisiacs?

Lu Zhui kicked him up and said, "Don't move, take it over and show it to me."

Naturally, Xiao Lan would not listen. Instead of listening, she covered his mouth and did the next thing more conscientiously and diligently. She personally proved to Master Lu that the medicine is really good. Medicine, do not blow, miraculous effect.

Lu Chai said with tears, "Go to sleep."

Xiao Lan twisted his fingers lightly, and said with a low smile: "Can I have a place in my heart now?"

Lu Chai clasped his fists and begged for mercy: "It's all you, all you."

Xiao Lan swept his back.

Lu Gongzi was weak and collapsed: "You're all you, and you won't sleep?"

"Go to sleep." Xiao Lan bit his ear, "Why don't you go to sleep, sleep as you like."


I'm not talking about this kind of sleep.

Lu Chai closed his eyes, all thoughts were lost.

Shouldn't you take a good rest after a long journey.

The torrential rain that night caused people to feel crisp in their bones, and their heads were also sweet and greasy. Indulged in their indifference to where they were, they only made chaotic and charming dreams one after another. When they finally opened their eyes, It was the scorching sun at noon, and there was noisy outside the wall-I'm afraid it would be too late to go to the street for lunch.

Xiao Lan pushed the door and came in: "Wake up?"

Lu Zhui looked faintly, and lay back again.

Xiao Lan smiled and said, "Are you angry with me?"

Lu Gongzi angrily scolded: "I don't know what to satisfy!" What kind of lust, just like you.

"That's why you are too flattering." Xiao Lan helped him sit up, "Mother has stewed chicken soup, can you eat it?"

"Eat!" Lu Chai leaned on the bed.

"Don't worry, I only said that you were caught in the cold and unacceptable." Xiao Lan pressed his nose, "not ashamed."

"Who bought the medicine from?" Lu Chau asked, "Frankly explain."

Xiao Lan said straightforwardly: "Hehuanzi." Master Fengyue, he was extraordinary when he shot.

Knowing that he was not a serious person, Master Mingyu moved his wrist a bit.

The courtyard was quiet, and the rest of the people went to the tomb of Mingyue Houshan early in the morning. After Lu Zhui had lunch, he also searched with Xiao Lan, and saw that there were only a lot more officers and soldiers on Fuhunling than before. Tao Yuer also said that the government would send more troops to come every three months. Looking from a distance, the mountains and plains are full of black and oppressive troops, not to mention the people of the rivers and lakes, even the Jiangyang robber tomb master, I am afraid that they dare not approach.

"Some people who can drill into it have only empty hands." Tao Yuer said, "The old man has removed the inside seven or eighty-eight, but the main front door hasn't touched. He meets the world."

"Do you want to go in?" Xiao Lan asked.

Lu Chai nodded: "Yeah."

Xiao Lan smiled and stretched out her hand at him.

Lu Zhui naturally clasped his ten fingers, and the two stood side by side. Looking at the light and shadow floating in front of the mirror flower array, it was no longer as dangerous as before, but more like a door, a door connecting the past and the present. ——And the person who was so scarred and embarrassed and wanted to see, now finally stood by his side, passing the palm temperature to each other, gently smoothing every scar that was left behind.

Xiao Lan warned: "Be careful when you step down."

Lu Zhui said, "Yeah."

A Liu followed, and quickly learned a sentence: "Be careful when you step down."

Yue Dadao bounced around, taking three steps in one step, and said indifferently: "How can you be careful about this."

Ah Six: "..."

Then I want to hold hands.

You can't learn from my father a little bit.

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