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Chapter 76: Clues

Tao Yuer's voice was very soft, and her speech rate was very slow.

Lu Chai closed his eyes and listened to her whispering words in his ear, as if he had returned to Fei Liucheng and returned to his mother.

It was a very warm feeling, which made people greedy and reluctant to leave. The whole body seemed to be trapped in a warm cotton pile.

Tao Yuer asked: "Do you really want to be with Lan'er?"

Lu Zhui replied, "Yes."

Tao Yuer continued to ask: "Do you really like Lan'er?"

Lu Zhui said, "Yes."

Tao Yuer said again: "Then, what if Lan'er doesn't want to destroy Mingyue's tomb?"

Lu Zhui asked, "Why don't you want to?"

Tao Yu'er was slightly taken aback, thinking that he had woken up from the illusion, but he looked closely but it didn't look like it. Lu Zhui still closed his eyes and his expression was calm.

So she said: "There are many rumors surrounding Mingyue Tomb, even if you don't covet the treasure, can't you even go in and take a look?"

Lu Zhui said, "There are too many greedy people in this world, they just want to see, but if they don't want it, why do they need to see?"

Tao Yu'er clenched her hand unconsciously.

"My purpose and his purpose have always been the same." Lu Zhui said clearly, "What I don't want, he won't want it either."

After listening to these words, Tao Yu'er looked at his profile for a long time, until the sound of footsteps came from outside, and then she recovered and raised her hand and snapped his fingers.

Lu Chai opened his eyes, with a faint cold sweat on his forehead.

"How is it?" Tao Yuer asked.

Lu Chai hesitated for a moment, and replied, "It seems to have had a very long dream."

Tao Yuer said: "What about the formation?"

Lu Chai nodded: "I remember most of it. It seems to be born out of the mirror flower array in front of Mingyue's tomb. If you can learn about it and draw inferences about it, you shouldn't have to fight again next time."

"You are very smart." Tao Yuer applauded, "When I have time tonight, I will continue to teach you, but now it is not possible, your father and them are back."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Lan knocked on the door.

"What happened?" Tao Yuer opened the door.

Xiao Lan was helpless: "Liu Cheng is dead."

Lu Chai sat on the bed and said, "Dead?"

"I was dying tortured by the voodoo technique. I originally relied on medicine to continue his life. Now that the old man ran away, how could he survive? Brother Cao kindly fed him the wound medicine and didn't hold it for long." Xiao Lan sideways. , Let Lu Wuming also enter the house.

"Listen to him, he shouldn't be completely refined into a gold-eating beast." Lu Chase said, "What did the trial result?"

"The old man's name is Bat. He should have written a letter secretly, summoning the people behind the scenes sent by the various sects to Frost City." Lu Wuming said.

Lu Zhui was surprised: "Really?"

"According to Liu Cheng's confession, it was the bat who confessed himself when he was overwhelmed. The reason why he wanted to lure many people from the rivers and lakes to Frost City was to pick out the most greedy and vicious one." Lu Wuming said, "He doesn't need to. lie."

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be him who spread rumors in the martial arts and wrote to Qiu Peng many years ago?" Lu Chase said.

Lu Wuming nodded.

After investigating the matter for so long, Liu Anhua finally had a clue. Lu Zhui didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief or regret it even more-he actually let the other party run away.

Lu Wuming said: "The bats only tamed Liu Cheng as a beast. They don't speak much, so they don't know the origin."

"Then the gold-eating beast I encountered in Mingyue's tomb is this bat?" Lu Zhui asked again.

Lu Wuming and Xiao Lan glanced at each other, but they were in a rare tacit understanding-they were worried that the puppet would make him think more, so neither of them took the initiative to mention this.

Lu Zhui saw the clue: "Say."

Lu Wuming coughed twice and recounted what had happened in the dry well.

After listening, Lu Zhui didn't panic much. He just asked, "Is the thing taken from me the memory?"

Xiao Lan nodded: "Perhaps."

"If that's the case, then it's not bad." Lu Zhui wrapped the quilt tighter. I previously thought that my amnesia was caused by Aunt Ghost. I don't know how much I lost in the past, but if I replaced it with a bat, it was at most the time I met with it, and it was not an important thing.

Xiao Lan asked, "Is it cold?"

Lu Zhui was stunned, only to realize that he had just put the quilt down when he saw him. In front of the people in the room, he could only answer: "It's not cold."

Xiao Lan smiled: "Yeah."

"If a bat led the killer to Xiao's house many years ago, 80% of it was for the red lotus cup, then when Li Yin started his hand, he should be guarding nearby, ready to grab something." Lu Zhui looked at Tao Yuer, " I take the liberty to ask, Madam has seen this person?"

Tao Yuer shook his head: "I took Lan'er out of the city at that time. After I went back, everything was too late. Except for Feiling, there was no one else on the scene."

Lu Chai was lost in thought.

A few years ago, it was for the red lotus cup, but I could barely explain it. But a few years later, he deliberately designed to bring the next three indiscriminate sects to Wushuang City, just to find the worst person, and for what?

Lu Wuming was thinking about another thing.

There are thousands of ways to make people amnesia in this world. This is the only puppet nailed to the birth date, but it is unheard of. It is more like a curse.

Besides, what does it mean to remind him not to forget, even if he remembers, what can he do?

Everything happened in the deep tomb. To find out the answer, Aunt Gui was the one closest to the truth.

Xiao Lan said, "I'll go back."

After saying a word, everyone frowned.

"I know what to do," Xiao Lan said, "Don't worry."

Naturally, Lu Wuming would not have any opinion on this. Although Tao Yuer hesitated, she also knew that Aunt Gui would not stop here. Sooner or later she would see this side, and since it took more than ten years to cultivate a successor, she should Will not easily turn back.

"Where are the people from Mingyue Tomb now?" Lu asked.

Xiao Lan said, "In the mountains on the outskirts of the city."

Lu Zhui looked at him for a moment, and exhorted: "Be careful."

Lu Wuming said, "I will go with you."

Lu Zhui was taken aback: "What will Dad do?"

Lu Wuming felt tight in his chest.

Just because of your worried eyes, now you are asking why I want to go?

Lu Zhui: "..."

Lu Zhui said, "Thank you, father."

Tao Yu'er had changed Lu Wuming a little bit, and at this time she really looked like a dad.

Everyone briefly discussed a few words, and then each went away to prepare. When only Lu Chai was left in the room, he released his clenched right hand, and a small pine cone rolled out. It was him from the pillow. The side sachet is easily taken out, with sharp thorns around it, which can be pierced into the palm of the hand, so that the pain can help you stay awake.

Just now, Mrs. Tao said that he would close his eyes and concentrate on teaching the formation. He remembered Xiao Lan and his father's instructions, and secretly held a pine cone in his hand. Sure enough, halfway through the formation, a feeling of dizziness surged, and hallucinations also appeared in front of his eyes.

Fortunately, a sharp pain kept coming from the palm of his hand, so that he had been sober as he should be-and as expected, it was Mingyue Tomb again.

Lu Zhui rubbed the red marks on his hands, leaned back on the cushion, and sighed deeply.

Lu Wuming and Xiao Lan left the inn.

Although they wanted to go together, the two naturally wouldn't walk side by side in an open and fair manner. They were all bright and dark, one after the other.

On the barren hills outside the city, the young disciple of Mingyue Tomb crawled into the cave, breathless and said: "Auntie, the young master is back."

Aunt Gui said hoarsely: "A person?"

"It's one." The disciple nodded quickly.

Aunt Gui stood up and walked out of the cave slowly on crutches.

The sun outside was a bit bright, she narrowed her eyes and opened it for a long time.

Xiao Lan said, "Auntie."

Aunt Gui looked at him for a long time, and said: "I thought you would bring Lu Wuming with me." That day, the disciple of Soushan was beaten to shattered bones, and she knew it was the Lu family's hand. She had fought against Lu Wuming several times for Haibi back then, and she couldn't be more familiar with it.

Xiao Lan shook his head: "Senior Lu just wants to protect Mingyu."

"Three sentences are not separated from Lu Mingyu, you really have been hit by evil." Aunt Gui shook her head.

Xiao Lan said, "I'm not here to argue this with my aunt."

"Then why are you?" Aunt Gui said with a bit of bitterness, "To take my head to please your old man?"

Lu Wuming: "..."

Xiao Lan said, "Auntie still remember the golden beast I told you many years ago?"

The black spider just came back from the bottom of the mountain. Hearing his words, it was not easy to notice a trace of emotion on his face-Lu Wuming in the dark saw all of it in his eyes.

"Golden beast?" Aunt Gui thought for a while, "The black bear that eats gold?"

"My aunt didn't believe it, but I really didn't make it up." Xiao Lan looked at the black spider and continued, "I saw him again in the city a few days ago. His name is Bat."

Aunt Gui wondered: "So?"

"He personally admitted that the rumors that the Red Lianzhan was in the Xiao family many years ago, as well as the letters received by various sects this time, were all from his hands." Xiao Lan said, "Unfortunately, he ran away before asking carefully. ."

"What's the purpose?" Aunt Gui asked.

"It's hard to say." Xiao Lan said, "This is also the purpose of my visit to my aunt this time."

Aunt Gui said: "Do you want me to arrest people?"

Xiao Lan shook his head: "I want to find out first, why the gold-eating beast was able to look like nothing in the tomb and come and go freely in the grave more than ten years ago."

When he said this, the black spider's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Walking around in such a big circle is nothing more than wanting me to return to Mingyue Tomb and let go of your sweetheart." Aunt Gui stomped to the ground with a cane, "You disappointed me too much."

"Auntie also knows that Senior Lu is here." Xiao Lan said, "If I just want to protect Lu Mingyu, I can leave Mingyue's tomb, and even fight against my aunt, but I'm back."

"Aren't you antagonizing me now?" Aunt Gui seemed to be irritated by his words, and her tone was a little higher.

Xiao Lan is still calm: "I just want to find out all the truth first, related to the Xiao family, and related to the Mingyue Tomb, and then discuss other things."

Aunt Gui gave a cold snort and turned back to the cave.

The black spider took the opportunity and said gloomily: "The young master is coming back alone, then Daxia Lu is worried, right?"

"As long as I want to, I can take over Mingyue Tomb at any time." Xiao Lan squatted down and sneered in his ear. "So if I were you, I would be more acquainted. I would keep my mouth shut most of the time and live a long time. some."

The black spider's complexion turned red.

Xiao Lan hooked his lips and got up and went into the cave.

At the same time, in a village not far from the city of Shuangshuang, a dark figure was crawling on the edge of the pool, greedily drinking a few sips. The expression on the old face was distorted, and there were many small wounds.

It is the bat.

The man who worked in the field had already returned home at this time. He was sitting in the canal, and he couldn't care about the coldness around him. The pain in his heart felt like a while.

There are many phantoms in front of me, and in every scene there is a woman with a jet-black hair braid and a water moon hairpin.

His eyes were painful and greedy, and he tremblingly stretched out his hands to touch, but what he touched was nothing but nothing.

Black blood gushed out, and he stood up with difficulty, stumbled and continued to run forward.

It took too much internal effort to train Liu Cheng, and he was about to succeed. It was a pity that he was ruined in the middle. He had to find someone as fast as possible—even an ordinary person, without evil and greedy desires. The hatred and unwillingness that can tear the world apart, as long as it is an individual, at least it can help oneself survive.

A man carrying a baggage on his back, rushing forward in the suburbs, looked a bit thief-faced-and he was really a thief who looked so good. Just after searching a few houses in the village, I got a lot of softness, and I was secretly happy at this time.

The bat ghost generally floated from behind, with his fingers sinking deeply into his shoulders.

The man fainted with a painful cry, and his burden fell to the ground, rolling out a lot of copper and broken silver.

The bat dragged him, staggering away.

In the inn, Lu Zhui called Ah Liu and asked, "How?"

"I went to see, Ji Hao has always been held by Cao Xu's people," A Liudao, "I heard that he doesn't speak on weekdays, except for eating, he is doing his own exercises to heal his injuries. He is empty or empty, and he didn't send anyone at all. Save him." This master is also a must.

Lu Zhui said, "Yeah."

"Father, why did you suddenly care about him." A Liu sat on the bed with his legs crossed.

Lu Zhui said, "He is pretending to be me, so I naturally have to ask a few more questions. I have never cared about it before, but now I have nothing to do.

"Is that going to be tried?" Ah Liu said.

Lu Chai thought about it for a while, "Ask it."

Tao Yuer came in from the door: "No."

Lu Zhui said, "Madam."

"An unscrupulous grave thief, what is there to try?" Tao Yuer said, "raise your body well."

Lu Zhui said: "He previously suggested that Senior Kongkong Miaoshou could join forces with Mingyue Tomb. Doesn't Madam want to know the reason? He has lived in Beihai for a long time and should have nothing to do with the Central Plains Wulin."

Tao Yuer handed him the medicine bowl.

Lu Chau held it in his hand, and continued: "Just ask, otherwise Madam will go with me?"

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