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Chapter 98: A letter

In a small depression outside Mingyue's tomb, Ahhun asked worriedly for the eighth time: "Does the young master really have no trouble in it?"

"I am his mother, and even you can be rescued. If he really has something to do, can he just leave it alone?" Tao Yuer was dizzy by his quarrel, "Just send your letter, the faster the better."

"Then, then I'll leave." Ah Hun took the little burden on his body. "Madam, be careful afterwards. Aunt Gui is very powerful, and the old senior in the tomb is also very important. ."

Tao Yuer said coldly: "If you nag, I'll leave this messenger to someone else."

"That won't work!" Ahun was nervous when he heard the words, and was finally able to do something for the young master, but he couldn't let others **** it away. Therefore, even if there is more worry in my heart, I can only shut up and swallow the words. After bidding farewell to Tao Yu'er, he sneaked down the Houshan road.

He is going to Chiba City, to Riyue Villa, to deliver the letter to Lu Zhui.

The biggest gang in the world! I don't know if it is the same as the rumors, even the old servants who guard the door are peerless masters. If you are lucky, you might still be able to see Master Shen and Phoenix in the Chase Shadow Palace.

As soon as he thought of this, Ahun became more excited, waved his horse whip, and flew away almost at a flying speed. Even if the scorching sun was on his head, he did not feel the heat, if it were not for the horse. Resting, he felt that he could drive around day and night.

In Riyue Villa, Lu Chai pinched his fingers and sat at the table to count his days.

Ye Jin stood at the door: "Cough!"

"Valley Lord." Lu chased back to God.

"Are you thinking about Mingyue Tomb again?" Ye Jin walked in and passed the medicine in his hand, "for the last time."

"Don't you need to drink it anymore?" Lu Chai was a little surprised.

"Poison Gu is almost cleared. I have to think about the remaining cold poison. As for the Acacia Love Gu, it is best to wait for Young Master Xiao to come." Ye Jin said, "In the future, I will eat well and sleep well." A word, how comfortable I really think.

Lu Zhui said, "But the Lord Gu said before that you need to raise it for at least two years."

"These Gu worms dormant in the second master's body for too long, and it will take two years to bring them back completely." Ye Jin said, "Use good food and sleep well, not medicine."

"So that's it." Lu Zhui said, "Thank you Gu Master."

"I lived in for a few short months, and the second master also gave me a hundred and eighty words of thanks." Ye Jin sat opposite him, "Family, what are you polite."

Lu Chau smiled and drank the medicine.

"Is this the lovesickness game again?" Ye Jin tilted her head to look at the paper on the table, "How is it?"

Lu Zhui said, "It's almost there."

Ye Jin was surprised: "It almost means, it's almost done?"

Lu Zhui said: "Eight or nine are not separated from ten."

"That's amazing." Ye Jin said, "Everyone in the rivers and lakes wants to know the secret of the Mingyue Tomb, and the second master can crack it so quickly." And it's not a teacher, who can compare. After a while, he asked, "What about the red lotus cup?"

"The red lotus cup happens to be the eye of the tomb, where the gate is located." Lu Chai said, "With the red lotus cup, you can enter in peace. Without the red lotus cup, the tomb is full of illusions and agencies. But according to this array According to the law, the place where the red lotus cauldron was originally placed in the Mingyue Tomb was wrong, and the formation should be broken from the other side."

Ye Jin flipped through it for a long time and commented truthfully: "I don't understand."

Lu Chai smiled and said, "If the Lord Gu wants to--"

"I don't want to." Ye Jin interrupted him, shaking her head like a rattle. She was too busy to worry about business every day, so there was no time to learn something to break the formation.

As for what is business.

For example, watch Xiaohan practicing swords for a while.

All kinds of herbs.

Feed the donkey.

Make a soup for that one.

Make clothes for that one.

Massage the loose bones for that one.

It's all very positive things.

Lu asked: "The Lord Gu is selected later, what are you going to give to the Lord Shen?"

Ye Jin said solemnly: "There is no such thing."

Lu Zhui: "..."

Ye Jin asked, "Go out for a stroll?"

Lu Zhui said, "I still have a few books I haven't finished reading."

Ye Jin said, "Since 80% has been researched, I should take a break."

Ye Jin said again: "Doctor's advice."

Lu Chai had to agree.

After all, the ancients have said that the genius doctor's medical advice, whoever does not listen, who does not raise.

It just so happened that the weather outside was quite cool on this day, and the two of them didn’t ride horses, so they stopped and went all the way on the street. When they met many people, they all smiled and greeted Master Ye with a smile, and then took a look at the gentleman Sven next to him. , Ask where the leader Shen has gone.

I do not know. Master Ye answered in his heart, not familiar.

Then Shumen Shulu turned into the cloth row to see if there are any light and good materials that can make clothes for unfamiliar people.

Lu Chai stood there for a while, feeling a little sleepy, so he greeted him, and went to see the Four Treasures of the Study in the rice paper shop next door. He likes to write and writes good handwriting well. He naturally has a lot of research on pen and ink. He and the boss have a lot of topics. They tried more than a dozen pens in a row and left a thick stack of rice paper.

The boss smiled and asked, "I wonder if these words can be left?"

"Naturally, it's just some waste paper." Lu Zhui said, "but I'm not a painter and calligrapher. I'm afraid it's not worth a few dollars."

The boss shook his head: "It's vulgar to withdraw money. I like the words of the son. There is tenacity in the wild grass. It seems to be the green bamboo standing in the wind. It is unforgettable to see. This ink lake has some cinnabar. Give it to the son. "

"It's not cheap." Lu Zhui shook his head, "I have to pay for the money. The boss will save me a fraction."

Seeing that he is so straightforward, the boss also wanted to make this friend, so he simply put down the curtain and half closed the store door, took out all the good pens in the store, and told him about the calendar one by one.

This is much more interesting than fabrics and clothes. Lu Chai was so fascinated that he didn't notice a head in front of the store, sneaking in sneakily.

This person is not someone else, but Ahun.

He already knew about the relationship between Xiao Lan and Lu Chai, and he rushed to deliver the letter day and night. Before entering the city, he saw Lu Chai entering a shop and not coming out after a long time. Instead, the door curtain was also put down, covering the inside tightly.

What is this... Ah Hun was puzzled and couldn't help it, so he sneaked up and took a look, only to see Lu Zhui standing side by side with the other person, lowered his head and laughed in a low voice, looking extremely warm.

Could it be that someone wants to grab the wife from the young master.

Thinking of this incredible possibility, Ahun suddenly took a breath and felt a little dizzy.

After hearing the movement, Lu Zhui turned his head, and after seeing who was coming, he was surprised: "Why are you here?"

I don't have to come again. Ah Hun took a deep look at the boss standing next to him, very upset, where is this person as good as my young master, short, fat, and not mighty.

Lu Chai shook his hand in front of him.

Ahun returned to his senses, coughed twice and then whispered: "I'm here to deliver something."

Lu Zhui was overjoyed, he didn't care about writing any more, and after hurriedly paying the bill, he took him to the opposite teahouse. A Hun was hungry. He ate most of the snack in one breath, and then wiped his mouth and said: "The young master pretended to have amnesia and has regained the trust of Aunt Ghost. The old senior has been protecting him in the tomb. The rest is more. I don’t know many things anymore. This letter was written by Mrs. Tao. She said the son knew the situation after seeing it."

"What about the letter I sent to Mingyue Tomb?" Ye Jin asked, "have you received it?"

"Not yet." Ahun scratched his head, "Young Master didn't mention it, neither did Madam Tao."

That is not yet there. Lu Zhui was a little regretful, but after opening the letter, he was taken aback for a moment. As if there was a spirit in his heart, Mrs. Bai Yu was mentioned in it.

It has been bumpy for many years, and this time it seems that I finally waited for God's help. Lu Zhui hurriedly read half of the letter in his hand, and his heart flew to Mingyue Tomb.

The beloved is in danger alone, and most of his injuries have healed...

After his thoughts were alive, he saw Ye Jin walking up the stairs.


"Why are you here? I've been looking for it for a long time." Ye Jin breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Ah Hun in confusion, "This is?"

"I came to deliver the letter." Lu Chai said.

Ye Jin knew it, and poured a cup of tea by herself: "Look at your expression, everything should go well in the tomb."

Lu Zhui passed the letter over.

You really want me to watch it? God doctor Ye cleared his throat and reached out to take it calmly.

As a result, after looking inside and out, there is no such thing as a love letter.

I feel that I have received a lot of deception.

What Mrs. Bai Yu did not want to see.

Lu Zhui said: "Valley Master."

Ye Jin said: "Don't think about it."

Lu Zhui was surprised: "I haven't said anything yet."

Ye Jin's expression is serious, and she needs to talk.

Lu Chai said calmly: "The Valley Master said at noon that my injury has healed seven or eighty-eight."

"You know it's seven or eighty-eight." Ye Jin said, "If you don't have ten percent, you are not allowed to go anywhere."

Lu Zhui: "..."

"Let's go, go back." Ye Jin said, "If Senior Lu knew, he would definitely not agree." So it's better to give up as soon as possible.

Lu Zhui sighed in his heart and took Ahhun with him, following him in the direction of Riyue Villa.

The sky is shining, and the clouds are also dyed with dazzling red gold. The street stall business is booming. The fried hemp **** are wrapped in a sweet layer of honey. This is a dessert only available in winter. However, the little children in the city are greedy, and they are clamoring to eat in the summer. Pick a pot or two when it's cool. It's steaming hot when it comes out of the pan, and a bite of it is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It will not change the taste for many years.

When he was in the tomb of Mingyue, Xiao Lan had bought it in the city. It was carefully wrapped in paper and brought back. The cool molasses was a little sticky, but it was still sweet when it melted in his mouth.

A ray of sweet scent in the old days caused a ripple in my heart. After a long time, I missed that person more and more.

He wants to go to Mingyue Tomb.

He wants to see him.

Want to help him, want to face the wind and rain side by side.

Lu Chai took a deep breath and said, "Master Ye Gu."

Ye Jin said, "Senior Lu."

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