Go Legend

Chapter 214: The Middle Ages

   Chapter 214 Medieval Wars

   At exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, the game continued. After a whole afternoon of thinking, Li Canghao made a quick move in the afternoon. When he saw his choice, reporter Zhang Da was very happy:

"Hahahaha, everyone, look at everyone, retracted and retracted. In the end, Da Li still didn't dare to be greedy. It's true, he didn't dare to eat if he gave it to him. So this round, is it considered a black score? ?"

In the game room, when Li Xiangping saw Da Li's choice, his first feeling was the same as Zhang Da's. Black scores.

However, after a few more moves on the chessboard, Li Xiangping re-examined the chess game, but found that the situation was not as optimistic as he imagined. Li Canghao seems to be able to play this way now. This move is not only feasible, but also reflects the uniqueness of Da Li. judgment and great endurance.

   "It's okay to be a guy who can be called a "stone Buddha". That's what the so-called "one hundred forbearance" probably means."

   After sighing that Da Li insisted on holding up the situation, Li Xiangping sighed again about the difference between ancient chess and modern chess. For example, in the current situation, if Da Li's move just now is placed under the rules of ancient chess, it is absolutely unacceptable.

   As we all know, due to different rules, there is a big gap between modern chess and medieval chess.

In the face of Lao Shi's abandonment, Da Li chose to be patient with his unique judgment. However, in the few steps he just made, he saw that the two pieces of black were connected, while one of his own pieces was broken. , then this in and out, under the rules of medieval chess, is the difference of 2 "return heads", which is equivalent to 4-eye chess when converted into modern chess.

   Not only that, but there is also another important reason: that is, in the rules of ancient chess, the first player does not need to post the goal (in ancient chess, white goes first). It is precisely because of these two rules that Da Li's move just now is not valid in the medieval chess system. This is a move that will lead to quick defeat.

In other words, if today's game is to implement the rules of ancient chess, then in the face of Lao Shi's good move just now, the opponent must fight head-on, even if he knows that the next battle is risky, he is more likely to collapse. Time must also be challenged, because once you retreat, you will see a loss.

   It's a pity that this is a modern professional game, so Li Canghao's move just now can be established. Since his move is established, the first wave of offensive organized by Lao Shi has actually been resolved by him.

   It is precisely because of the taste of Da Li's tricks that he can appreciate his unique perseverance, so at this time, Li Xiangping began to feel faintly worried about his cheating.

Because he could see that today, in order to display his most proficient "medieval flow", Lao Shi deliberately broke up the situation so as to achieve the effect of "separating into small pieces and restraining each other", because only in this situation, the Middle Ages flow to its greatest advantage.

  It is a pity that a pattern similar to this is inherently inadequate under modern chess rules, that is, this pattern is not easy to encircle the empty space, and the situation is too scattered, it is foreseeable that there is no big empty space for both sides. In other words, in a situation like this, the efficiency of the chess pieces is actually not high. In this case, for the party who needs to stick to the goal, it is likely to face the pressure of the empty space when they go to the back.

   This is where Li Xiangping is faintly worried.

   This is actually the reason why Li Changhao can choose patience.

   You want to fight with me, right? I'm sorry buddy for not accompany me, I just need to pay attention to my own life and death while keeping the mesh number tight, then as long as my dragon doesn't die, as long as I don't lose my armor and armor by your attack, then after all my pieces are settled, you can go. Where to find the 6 and a half stickers is always a question.

   After realizing that this should be Li Canghao's idea of ​​​​playing this game of chess, Li Xiangping began to think about the problem from the perspective of his own cheating.

   It's a pity that he didn't come up with a good solution after thinking for a long time.

   It's not that Li Xiangping has no clues. In fact, it is similar to this situation. It is precisely because there are too many clues on the chessboard, which makes him unable to focus and catch the main contradiction on the chessboard.

It's okay, this game is not played by Li Xiangping himself. He has a very good plug-in. Therefore, when he is at a loss, Li Xiangping simply gives up his own thinking and concentrates on admiring the two top players. A battle of human masters.

   The chess game continued step by step. When the time came to around 3:30 in the afternoon, more than 80 moves had been played in this game, and at this time, the most critical outcome of the game seemed to have arrived.

In the viewing room at this time, it may also be because it is difficult to focus, so for the progress of this section, everyone did not do much in terms of technical discussion, and more praised the high chess of the two players. During this period of time, both of them played to a very high level and brought their respective styles to the fullest.

   On the side of the Chinese research team, Lao Nie shook his huge head:

"High chess! The two of them really played high chess today, and this kind of chess is indeed worthy of the level of world champions. Hehe, if I say today's game of chess, that's the correct way for these two to open up. , Li Xiangping sells his Dali Pills, and he can't leave the back of his opponent's head, but Li Canghao tightly grasps the number of meshes, and basically every move can be measured by the number of meshes, um, good-looking! This chess is beautiful."

   Many chess players present deeply agreed with Lao Nie’s words. Indeed, this is what the so-called "tit for tat" means. What kind of game is the best in Go? Although there is no standard answer to this question, most people should think that the fierce collision of different styles is the best, such as Takeshi Masaki and Zhao Zhixun in Japan's "Six Super". Neither of them are considered the highest level of human chess players, but why do so many old chess fans never forget the contest between the two of them?

   This is of course not for other reasons, but because they have very different styles, so every battle is like a collision of Mars hitting the earth.

The situation in today's game of chess is a bit similar. Lao Shi has always insisted on the fighting style of the medieval style, while Da Li has been using the traditional Japanese "pulling eyes style" to deal with him, so a chess like this, a low-level chess player Maybe it doesn't feel much, but in the eyes of experts like Lao Nie, they will feel that this game is very good-looking, very rich in connotation, and looks very enjoyable and exciting.

  Reporter Zhang Da is certainly not a low-level reporter, but he is not an expert either. Therefore, when he is watching the game, he is more concerned about the current situation, unlike Old Nie who is purely appreciating it.

   Seeing Old Nie still shaking his head, reporter Zhang Da decided not to disturb him, he asked Ma Xiaofei:

   "Ma Xiao, how do you feel about this game now?"

Ma Xiaofei replied with a smile, "It's hard! This chess is really difficult, and I can only say that if I play this chess, then I will lose with white, and black will lose if I get black. "

   Ma Xiao's words are not a false answer, because it can be seen from his answer that Ma Xiao personally thinks that this game is still indistinguishable. "

  Reporter Zhang Da certainly understood the meaning, so he continued to ask: "Then what do you think is the difficulty?"

   Ma Xiaofei continued to laugh and said: "What else can be difficult, of course, it is the difficulty of the two white chess" splitting the two. "


Of course, reporter Zhang Da noticed the "two splits" of white chess that Ma Xiaofei said. One of the two "two splits" is on the left side of the chessboard, and the other is on the top side of the chessboard. Looking at the current situation, the real balance on the chessboard has actually been broken by this time, and White's real space has long been ahead by a large margin.

   However, as a price, there are still unstable factors in the two "two splits" of White, so the offense and defense against these two "two splits" will become the key to the outcome of this game.

   "Yeah, yes, these two "two splits" are all Black's hope, Ma Xiao, do you think these two "two splits" will die? If this is handled well by Da Li"

   "It's all handled well? How can this chess be handled well?"

   After Ma Xiaofei interrupted reporter Zhang Da, he further analyzed the current situation with him:

   "Although this chess is super difficult, the whole context can still be briefly explained. First of all, I think that these two "two splits" are actually no longer compatible, and they are already facing the problem of one death."

   "Oh, do you think Li Xiangping can slay a dragon?"

Ma Xiaofei stared at reporter Zhang Da and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you listen to me first, and I want to correct your statement, although I think that the two will die if they are dismantled, but this is not called Tulong, but Li Kuanglao. It's just the price that must be paid on the ground, in other words, if black only captures one split, then it's hard to say, black may not win, and white may not lose."

   "If both of the twos are dead, then White will stand up immediately, and the two will be alive. Black will immediately admit defeat. If only one dies, the outcome will be unpredictable, right?"

Ma Xiaofei nodded: "That's right, that's what I meant when I said that this chess is super difficult to play, now it seems that it's Li Canghao's turn to play, right? So for him now, which way do you play first? Which one to deal with first? Dismantling the second, this is the first question to be considered. In addition, when dealing with it, we must also consider whether it can be scraped too badly, and whether we can earn the first move. The other most critical issue is that these two Demolition of two does not exist in isolation, one is on the top and the other is on the left, and the distance is actually close, so if you make a move on either side, the follow-up moves may have an impact on the other side. Oh, it's difficult, it's really difficult."

   "Then where do you think Da Li will start first?"

Ma Xiaofei spread his hands: "How do I know this. Didn't I say it just now, this is a super difficult situation, and there are too many choices, because as bystanders, we should not think too much, rest assured Just look at the actual combat process.”

   Just as Ma Xiaofei said this, Li Canghao in the game room finally made a choice.

This move    was the 90th move in the overall situation, and in hindsight, it was precisely because of this move by Da Li that the fate of this game was decided in one fell swoop.

   (end of this chapter)

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