Go Legend

Chapter 217: more advanced chess

   Chapter 217 More advanced Go

"The first "Toyota Cup" World Professional Go Championship ended yesterday in Tokyo, Japan. The result of the game was as predicted by many people, and Li Xiangping won again! He defeated Li Canghao again in the Fanqi competition with a score of 2-1. He won his third world championship trophy."

"Yes, please allow me to use the words "win again" here, because since Li Xiangping's debut, as long as he appears in the international arena, then everyone can only hear the news of his victory, Li Xiangping Keep winning! He keeps winning! Maybe by now, everyone has become accustomed to his victories, and he has won to make everyone feel numb."

"Although the game is over, the impact brought by Li Xiangping is far from over. In this place, the reporter actually doesn't want to describe too much about the rich connotations he shows on the chessboard. After all, he is a recognized player in the Go world." "Monster", his chess is not a level that the author can describe clearly, I only know Li Xiangping's Go, which has long since become a topic in the Go world. No! Maybe the topic is a bit light, a more accurate description, Li Xiangping should be a "phenomenon". That's right, the Li Xiangping phenomenon in the Go world! His performance is indeed phenomenal."

"Actually, rather than the content of chess, the reporter wants to talk about the meaning of this final. Here I would like to remind everyone, please remember this three-game chess, yes, please remember! Although in Li Xiangping In a series of victories, this victory is not particularly eye-catching, the content is not particularly hearty, and it is not the first time that Li Canghao has been defeated by him. However, the reporter still wants to say: Please remember this final. , because this may be a series of extremely special significance. This three-game chess game may be a landmark event in the world chess world. After a few years, when you look back at this game, you may find: This is the beginning of a new era in the world of chess."

"Why does the reporter say this? Let me list a series of data first. After all, for most things in the world, only data may be the least deceptive. Since the establishment of the first world professional Go competition in 1988, the entire There have been dozens of world champions in the Go world, and the top 3 players who have won the championships are: Li Canghao with 13 world champions, Cao Xunxuan with 8, and Liu Changhe with 5."

   "Although Li Xiangping's 3 championships are only a fraction of Li Canghao's, please note that he has only ranked 4th after 3 Korean players for the number of championships he has won so far."

"Ranking 4th is of course not the point. Please pay attention to the names of these 3 Korean players. Among the 3 world championships won by Li Xiangping, 2 times the opponent in the final is Li Canghao, 1 time is Liu Changhe, in other words In other words, Li Xiangping's 3 world championships were all snatched from the top 3 opponents. Not only that, if you consider the recent "LC Cup" semi-finals, Li Xiangping and these three South Korean players Tian Wang has played 4 times in total, and his record is a shocking 4 wins and 0 losses!"

   "Please note that Li Xiangping still needs a few more months to turn 16 years old. When he is under the age of 16, it is difficult for some of the top players in the chess world to win against him!"

"Speaking of this reporter, I don't want to say anything else. If such data is not enough to explain the problem, then I really don't know what to say. There is no doubt that Li Xiangping is indeed a genius who has been difficult for a century in the Go world. The level of genius, even Xiaochuan Daodi, Wu Qingyuan, Zhao Zhixun and Li Canghao, who were recognized as the 4 "early wise" geniuses in the Go world in the past, are dwarfed. It pales in comparison! Therefore, the reporter believes that Li Xiangping will be the worthy overlord of the future chess world. No, maybe he is already the king of the chess world now!"

"If I really want to say it, the reporter and Li Xiangping have known each other quite early. When writing this article, I have been trying to outline the complete image of this talented young man and show his true face to the vast number of people. In front of chess fans. But unfortunately, when the reporter was about to start writing, he found out that even now, it seems that I can't do it at my own level. There is no other reason, because Li Xiangping is so special, he is me I have never seen that type of professional chess player, not only his chess, but also him. This, especially his chess, is beyond my knowledge.”

"When the reporter first met Li Xiangping, he was still a young man who failed to set a stage, just because he played chess in an ancient style, and he used that ancient style of play to be popular on the Internet. Because of his prestige, the reporter thought that he was a power type at the time, and it was because of this, so I didn't care at the time, because most young chess players will rely on their own strength when they don't have a deep understanding of chess. I think Li Xiangping is also one of these young chess players."

"However, the reporter quickly found out that it was wrong. It was outrageously wrong. You still remember the chess game between my country's Ma Xiaofei's 9th dan and South Korea's Li Shishi in the "Samsung Cup" semi-final not long ago? Let me tell you now that Ma Xiaofei's move to the peak of the game was actually pioneered by Li Xiangping, and when he first created this move, it was still in the 2-year period. Get out."

"Except for this example that you may not know yet, I don't think I need to mention other examples. All in all, in just over 2 years since his debut, Li Xiangping has created countless new novice models, many of which he pioneered, and he is now leading the way. In the trend of the whole Go world, Li Changhao of South Korea once said that watching Li Xiangping's chess seems to have opened another door for him. "

"Yes, that's what Li Canghao said at the ninth dan. He said that what Li Xiangping played was indeed a higher level of Go. Like many people, when I first heard this sentence, I just listened to it as a joke. But it's different now, I have a faint feeling now that Li Canghao is really not joking, Li Xiangping may really be playing a more advanced form of Go."

"Limited to the level of reporters, I can't really tell what kind of Go this is, and I can't understand Li Canghao's true thoughts. The only thing I can be sure of now is this kind of "higher Go", which should be far away from now. Not yet mature."

"The reason is very simple, because the reporter personally thinks: Li Xiangping is actually far from mature, which we can see in his games, his chess still occasionally makes mistakes, and often falls into hard battles, so the current Li Xiangping, that should be far from his personal peak, he can still grow, and there is still a lot of room for improvement!" "Since Li Xiangping still has room for improvement, then his "higher Go" naturally There will be a lot of room for improvement.”

"How far Li Xiangping can grow, to be honest, reporters are not sure. Because everyone knows that the higher the level of Go, the harder it is to make breakthroughs. There are also many examples in the Go world, and there are many players who were young when they were young. Rapid progress, but unable to make breakthroughs in life. The reasons for this are very complicated, including talents, opportunities and other comprehensive factors. However, I have a feeling that our Li Xiangping, he will definitely be able to make breakthroughs, he will definitely Can keep growing =!"

"This is just my feeling, and I can't say any reason. And I believe that most chess fans should be like me, thinking that there is no reason for this at all. If you have to find one, it is because he is Li Xiangping. Li Xiangping is the only one in the world, so he will definitely be able to do it!"

   One day in early December, in a training room of the Chinese Chess Academy, Li Xiangping looked at this touted article written by reporter Zhang Da:

   "Hehe, your sister's "Higher Go"."

   I didn’t go home until 10 o’clock, but luckily I came out in a half-chapter.



   (end of this chapter)

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