Go Legend

Chapter 224: Again

   Chapter 224 Again

   On the night of the end of the game, Li Xiangping, who was bored in the hotel, began to read news about the game.

   For a traveler, the internet these days is of course indescribable. Li Xiangping took a lot of effort to open several domestic Go websites.

   "The splendid "wave trick" worked again, and Li Xiangping pulled back the score strongly."

   "Li Xiangping showed a unique understanding of Go, and many masters in the chess academy praised his new novice."

   "Refused to lose one after another! Li Xiangping is using his unique tactics to throw off the hat of a civil war layman."

   "Li Xiangping equalized the score beautifully, the two sides returned to the same starting line, cautiously optimistic that Li Xiangping can survive the final champion."

Li Xiang screened for a while, because after all, this is a civil war between domestic chess players, because most of the domestic reports are quite satisfactory, and there are not too many exaggerated rhetoric and nauseous touts, and there are quite a lot of reports mentioning Arrived at that "novice new type.",

  This situation is of course normal. After all, in the first two games, this change was in a very important position, so when there is no other place for hype, this is of course the highlight of this series.

After swiping for a while, Li Xiangping became a little boring. After all, similar reports or posts were basically posted by Go reporters or even ordinary melon eaters. They may not understand the real connotation, let alone. Knowing the significance of this change to Li Xiangping, so after letting go of these, Li Xiangping began to find himself a plug-in:

   "Hehe Ding'an brother, how do you think I'm doing in this game today?"

   "It's very good. I've already said that the talent of little friend Xiangping is the only talent I have ever seen in my life, even if I compare it to my brother Xiping."

Li Xiangping didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I said, Brother Ding'an, can you show some sincerity when you praise people? Why do you keep repeating this over and over again? By the way, what you said just now was a bit of a language problem. Let me give you more, then in your opinion, am I stronger, or your brother Xiping is stronger."

   "This, this, hehe"

   "Okay, let's stop, let's talk about today's game of chess, what do you think of my chess move today?"

The reason why Li Xiangping can't help but "seek praise" every time is not because he is really a child, but mainly because the travelers are lonely. Since his rebirth, Li Xiangping has received countless praises and praises from the outside world. Praise, but Li Xiangping knows that such praise and even touts are actually aimed at old people.

   So for him personally, he can hear the real opinion, but it can only come from Lao Shi, who is most familiar with him.

  It's a pity that this guy Lao Shi really doesn't understand the style, he can't even flatter him.

   And the reason why he "asked for praise" again today is because in his own opinion, today's change is really too significant.

  Yes, Li Xiangping does think that today's game of chess is of great significance!

The meaning of    is not that this is a competition for the world championship, this is the first game of chess that I won by relying on my own strength in the finals of the World Series, and more importantly, it is because of that "dog trick".

   The belly of "dog tricks" that he remembered, of course Li Xiangping knew that these were all big killers.

   However, Li Xiangping knew better that even if it is a big killer, you have to have the ability to use it. To give a very simple example, Li Yuanba's "Drum and Urn Golden Hammer" is awesome, and Sun Wukong's "Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick" is even more awesome. If you don't have the strength to pick up these big killers, you will remember it yourself. Those "dog tricks" can still only be called "treasures", not their own big killers.

   And that's the point of today's game of chess!

  Through his own efforts, he finally moved the treasure hidden in his body in a real sense, and for the first time had the power to use them, so in this case, it was normal for Li Xiangping to ask him again to "ask for praise".

   "Hehe Ding'an brother, what do you think of my chess move? It should be okay, right? By the way, when you were watching the game, did you ever think about my choice?"

   For Li Xiangping so diligently, Lao Shi, who has lived in his body for so long, certainly knows him:

   "Haha, I really didn't expect this at the time, I said it long ago"

"I know, my talent is extremely high, right? But then again, my hand should be pretty good, haha, Ding'an brother, you know, my opponent today is known as the demon sword, the chess style is light and elegant, extremely He is good at treating orphans, but who would have thought that he was the only one who could have been caught in a chess move like mine, so it can be seen that this move should be pretty good."

   Seeing that Li Xiangping was still bragging, Shi Daqi finally poured cold water:

   "You can't be proud of your little friend Xiangping, you need to know that the game is broad and profound. Although Ding'an didn't think of your hand, it may not be perfect."

   "Oh? Does Brother Ding'an have a solution?"

   "Although Ding'an has not yet figured out a solution to it, it is necessary to know that there are heavens outside the world, and there are many talented people in this world. I couldn't think of it, and it doesn't mean that others can't think of it."


  Li Xiangping pretended to learn how to laugh three times in the play:

   "Thank you, Brother Ding'an, for reminding me. Your kindness is accepted, but tell me the truth. You just said that you didn't think of a solution. Is this true?"

   "Of course, Ding'an really hasn't figured out how to crack it."

   "Hehe, that's fine" Li Xiangping is still immersed in his own breakthrough:

   "Since Brother Ding'an couldn't think of it, I don't believe other people can think of it in a short time."

Li Xiangping didn't communicate much with his own plug-ins, because the competition system this time was rather awkward, and he did not rest in the second and third rounds. This is also the standard for all Koreans to hold events in the future. Therefore, in order to recharge and prepare for the next day's game, Li Xiangping went to bed early.

  The second day is the final match of this "Samsung Cup". Although I think this kind of competition system is rather boring, but Li Xiangping has nothing to complain, because if you want to complain, it should be Ma Xiao complaining.

  My age is much younger than others, so such a competition system is of course more beneficial to young people.

  Waking up early in the morning on the second day, Li Xiangping felt refreshed, and he walked onto the field full of energy.

At 9:50 a.m. Korean time, Li Xiangping was already seated in the game room. 2 minutes later, Ma Xiaofei walked in. Li Xiangping observed it and found that the opponent's complexion was quite good. He even took the initiative to open up with Li Xiangping. A few jokes.

   At this time, Li Xiangping felt that everything was normal.

   The tiebreaker needs to be re-guessed. At 9:55, the two of them re-guess under the referee’s presidency. After the guessing, the two exchange seats.

  Because Ma Xiaofei guessed black in this game, according to convention, the black side is the so-called "playing position", so the two need to exchange seats.

   Waited until exactly 10 am, when the referee announced the official start of the game, Li Xiangping realized that something was wrong.

  There is no other reason, because Ma Xiaofei is fast, almost completely without thinking. ​​​

   The second game was also played by Ma Xiaofei. He played the game today in exactly the same way as the second game.

   This of course made Li Xiangping a little suspicious:

   "Did he plan to do it once, this, this, did he really find a solution to this?"

Of course, such a thought was only fleeting, and Li Xiangping had no time to think about it. In fact, even if he had the intention to make a change, it would not be possible at this time. There is a saying in Go that "qi together", in such a series of games , "Qi He" is something that must be adhered to, otherwise, the game will be defeated if it is cowardly before the battle.

   So, this game created the fastest move in the final game of the World Series. In less than 10 minutes, 51 moves have been made on the board, and these 51 moves are exactly the same as the second game.

   After Ma Xiaofei made his 51st move, Li Xiangping paused a little, but he didn't pause for long. After only 1 minute, he firmly landed the 52nd move, which was exactly the same as the 52nd move in the second game! But quietly waiting for the opponent to move.

  Because at this time, Li Xiangping of course knew that his opponent must be prepared, otherwise, as the black party, he would not be able to choose a change that he thought was not valid.

  How will Ma Xiaofei crack it? Li Xiangping quietly waited for his opponent to make a move.

   During vacation, try to size up a bit. Well, for an update like Uncle Seven, I didn't have the shame to say anything, so let's be cheeky and ask for support.



   (end of this chapter)

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