Go Legend

Chapter 255: Awareness in useless effort

   Chapter 255 The enlightenment in useless work

  At 12:00 noon, it was time to close the game. Li Xiangping got up and left the game hall. On the surface, it seemed that everything was normal, but at the moment he was very worried.

   After taking two bites of the meal hastily:

   "Brother Ding'an."

   "Oh? What's up with little friend Xiangping?"

   "Well, nothing, nothing."

Of course, Li Xiangping is not really all right. In imitation chess like today, in fact, everyone knows that the moment when the chess game stops imitating, it must be a very important point of divergence in the overall situation, because this move is likely to be decided. The flow of the game behind it.

   However, the opponent played this move at the last moment of the morning, which made Li Xiangping have to wonder: the opponent, Mr. Wang Licheng, must have deliberately prevented him from having a good meal at noon.

   Li Xiangping really didn't have a good meal. He kept thinking about the opponent's move that changed his moves, so that just after finishing the meal, he couldn't help but open his mouth to Lao Shi, ready to ask for his opinion on cheating.

   But Li Xiangping forcibly held back.

   What are you kidding? Even Lao Shi told himself that if he wanted to fight dogs in the future, he would have to ask himself for help. Now it's just Wang Licheng's ninth dan.

  Li Xiangping felt that this kind of dependence could not be cultivated. The game had to be organized by himself from beginning to end. Even if there were some hints that were not really meaningful, he didn't want to hear them now.

After all, he has been a cheater for so long, so of course the current Lao Shi understands Li Xiangping's intentions, he laughed and said: "Hehe, it's fine, in fact, little friend Xiangping, don't be impatient, Ding'an thought you were going down today. It's very good, not to mention the imitation of chess tactics, which is cliché, I believe in the talent of Xiangping's little friend"

   "Stop, stop, I said, Brother Ding'an, when you are flattering in the future, can you give me a new trick? You also said that people's imitation of chess is a cliché. I think your flattery kung fu is a cliché, it's vulgar."

   After "criticizing and educating" his plug-ins, Li Xiangping returned his thoughts to today's chess game. How should he play in the afternoon? Li Xiangping believes that the first step he needs to do now is to analyze the current situation.

   The most important thing at the moment is to find out; is the opponent's last move in the morning a "active change" or a "passive change"? Li Xiangping thinks this is very important.

   If the opponent is actively changing the move, it means that he may have made a bad move in the morning, or at least the opponent thinks that he has made a bad move.

   And what if the opponent is a "passive change move"? That proves that he has been playing well all the time, and the opponent feels that he can no longer imitate behind his own ass, and will start to change his moves at this time.

   "Which one is it?"

   At this time, it is impossible to guess what the opponent thinks. Li Xiangping can only guess the intention of the opponent based on the chess he played in the morning from his own perspective.

  Li Xiangping first reviewed his idea in the morning. He has already played more than 40 hands. Then according to Li Xiangping's idea, if the opponent still imitates like this, then after three rounds �����

That is to say, when the 49th move in the overall game, there will be a perfect spot like "Tianwang Mountain" on the chessboard, which is a "town head" overlooking the overall situation. Unable to imitate, Black still has an unquestionable advantage.

  Unfortunately, because the opponent finished the imitation three rounds early, the ideal picture could no longer appear.

   It is just because it is very close to the ideal picture, which makes Li Xiangping think more and more:

   The opponent is likely to be passive!

   "Is the opponent who I guessed?"

   The second step that Li Xiangping did, was of course to relive the chess he played in the morning in his mind, analyze the moves one by one, judge step by step, and analyze whether there is any problem with his own play.

  Li Xiangping did not find any problems!

   He thinks that in the more than 20 moves he played in the morning, of course there are no good moves among them, but at least every move is very normal.

   is the kind of normal play within the scope of his current level of cognition.

   "It seems that the opponent is really forced to change his moves."

Li Xiangping made this judgment at about 12:30 noon. He began to feel complacent, began to express cautious optimism about today's game, and was ready to take advantage of the half hour or so left at noon to formulate the afternoon battle. Plan, it is best to find a battle plan that can knock out the opponent in one fell swoop.

   However, when he came up with the battle plan, Li Xiangping quickly woke up, and when he woke up, he laughed dumbly.

  Because he suddenly discovered that the judgment he made before was actually meaningless.   

  The morning is just the layout stage of a game of chess, that is, the 20 or so moves that I played in the morning basically did not include specific calculations, but were just some moves based on "imaginary paths".

  Since this is the case, then I actually can’t find out if there are any problems with these chess �����

  Because if you all think there is a problem, how can you get down on the chessboard in the morning?

   "Hey, it turned out that it took me a long time to do it, and I have done it for so long."

   But Li Xiangping was not depressed even though he had done useless work for so long, because in this useless work, Li Xiangping had a clear understanding. And this just-obtained enlightenment, Li Xiangping thinks, may be more important than judging the opponent's intentions.

   The enlightenment Li Xiangping got is: In fact, it is not important to find out whether the opponent is actively changing his moves or passively changing his moves. The most important thing is that he thinks that he is passively changing his moves!

  Yes, as long as you believe that he is passively changing his moves, this is the most important thing! As long as you have such an idea or belief, then you can formulate an effective combat plan.”

   The kind of really effective combat plan that can defeat the opponent in one fell swoop!

   And this is probably the most effective way to really deal with imitation chess.

   is also the key to winning this game of chess today.

After    figured out this truth, Li Xiangping's eyes became different, and his eyes instantly became bright and sharp. Not only that, after figuring this out, he felt that his mind became clearer and his thinking reaction became faster than usual. In a very short period of time, a large-scale combat idea had been formed in his mind.

  Li Xiangping couldn't wait, he couldn't wait to return to the game hall immediately.

   Of course, Li Xiangping quickly realized what he wanted. After all, there was only a short one-hour break at noon, and when he had an idea for the afternoon battle, it was actually almost 12:55.

   So he didn't have to wait at all, the battle plan had just been formed, in fact, he had to return to the game lobby.

   Can Li Xiangping's battle plan succeed?

  The time soon came to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and at this time, Team Leader Hua and Xu Ying Wudan would also start teaching chess to local chess fans in another hall.

   "Because of time constraints, I may only be able to explain two games of chess to you this afternoon. What do you think?"

   "Li Xiangping, of course Li Xiangping's"

   "Tell us about the chess of the elite, Mr. Hua, please tell us about the chess of the master of the elite first."

   Leader Hua and Xu Ying looked at each other and smiled. The reaction of the chess fans was of course what they expected, and of course they had already prepared for it.

Team Leader Hua's ancestral home is actually in the southern part of Sunan, so when he came here this time, it was considered a return to his hometown. After interacting with the chess fans for a while, the two quickly returned to business and took the lead in taking Li Xiangping's game. The game is played out on a big chessboard.

"Okay, let's look at chess now. The first game of chess now is the match between our Li Xiangping and the Wanwan Japanese chess player Mr. Wang Licheng. As for these two players, I don't think Xiangping needs me anymore. Let me introduce to you, he is (the 500 words of Hua Xu and Li Xiangping are omitted below) As for his opponent Wang Licheng 9 dan, there may be a few chess players who are not familiar with it. Let me tell you, in fact, Wang Licheng Jiuduan is also very powerful. He is the current "chess master" in Japan. In addition (the 15 words of Hua Xu's introduction to Wang Licheng's Jiuduan will be omitted below), this is also their first fight, so this is the It's an out-and-out encounter, so what will they play today? Well, let's look at the facts now, in today's game of chess, Li Xiangping is the first to play black."

  Leader Hua was talking here, Xu Ying's 5th dan naturally played chess on the big chessboard, because today is a game of imitation chess, so the first 20 moves, Xu Ying's 5th dan naturally played very fast. And after she paused for the first time, the two of them naturally had to introduce the imitation chess in Go.

   There is nothing to say about imitating chess. During this period, the two masters even gave chess fans a popularization of the most basic imitation chess cracking methods.

   After all these are over, Xu Ying's fifth stage began to enter the role of holding a slap:

"Mr. Hua, we all know that the cracking methods you just introduced are only for beginners, and today these two are masters, can you help us analyze it? What do you think Wang Licheng's ninth dan is for? Thinking about it, will he play imitation chess today?"

   "The biggest possibility, of course, is that he is afraid of our Xiangping"

   Of course, there is nothing to say about this paragraph. Imitation chess can be used to guard against flying knives in the sequence. This is the truth that most people understand. Of course, Team Leader Hua was not talking about this principle, but seized the opportunity to tout Li Xiangping again. After his toast was over, the explanation of the two finally approached Mr. Wang Licheng's change. .

"Ah? Mr. Hua, look, Mr. Wang Licheng changed his moves at this time. I think this is the 42nd move in the overall situation. He stopped imitating the 42nd move and chose to "break in" here. What do you think of this hand, Mr. Hua?"

   "I don't know how to say this move, because at my level, I really can't tell whether this move is good or bad,"

   Team Leader Hua was still smiling when he said this. He paused and continued:

   "But it doesn't matter if I don't understand it. Let's go down and see what Xiang Ping's moves are. I believe that after everyone has seen Xiang Ping's moves, they will naturally know how good this move is."

   (end of this chapter)

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