Go Legend

Chapter 257: win

   Chapter 257 Victory

   It was a little after 3 pm, while Team Leader Hua and the others were still talking, Li Xiangping in the competition hall was caught in a long test.

   This was also the longest long exam he took in this game.

Of course, the reason why he took the long test was not because of his poor situation. In fact, at this time, Li Xiangping's mind is very clear and his judgment is very clear.

   He knew that in the previous rush, since he had caught the contradiction on the chessboard, now his black chess has taken the initiative.

Yes, he just thinks that he has "taken the initiative". This initiative is a kind of initiative in the overall situation, so at this time, he does not mean much advantage, and he does not think that he has played the game until now. The ticket is already in hand.

   After all, there are about 80 moves, the whole board is still very empty, and the opponent still has a lot of room to toss.

   And Wang Licheng's ninth stage just now "breaks in" one step further, which is obviously the kind of tossing method, Li Xiangping knew at a glance that this was a one-step winning hand.

  Since the winners and losers are all out, Li Xiangping must of course calculate it clearly. He didn't want to learn from the current old Nie. No matter how much ahead he was relying on his own overall situation, after the tossing method of others came out, he was immediately rushed, and he dared to output any kind of chess.

  Li Xiangping is still so young, and his current state seems to be just right, so even if he loses now, he will definitely not want to learn how to lose like Old Nie.

  In this case, when he knew that he was the winner, his long exam was a matter of course.

   It has been more than ten minutes since the opponent threw the winning hand, and Li Xiangping's long test is not over yet. In fact, if I really want to say it, Li Xiangping's long test this time is relatively simple, or relatively simple, and it is basically something purely computational.

   And the reason for this is because Li Xiangping knows   

As soon as the opponent made the winning move, he knew: facing Mr. Wang Licheng's move, he could not give in at all, and he had to find the strongest local response and give the opponent the most severe blow, so as to let the previous players "Take the initiative" turns into a real "take advantage".

  Although they are all "entering", White's 80th move is different from the previous 42nd move.

  Because the previous move was still early, the situation at that time was more open, so at that time Black could choose more moves, and Li Xiangping had to consider more things.

   However, by this time, Li Xiangping actually didn't have many options. He knew that facing this move, he might not be the right way to play other than head-on.

  To know that in this regard, Li Xiangping has learned a lesson.

In the "Nongxin Cup" game against Lao Cao last year, Li Xiangping first used a dog move to gain the upper hand. At that time, there was also a good point like "Tianwang Mountain" on the chessboard. As long as Li Xiangping could grab that point at that time, He can establish an advantage early on.

However, when Lao Cao released the winning hand, Li Xiangping's response at the time was soft. Within a few moves, the good point that was originally "Tianwang Mountain" quickly depreciated, and Lao Cao pulled the situation back in one fell swoop. The game of chess was won.

Today's game of chess is actually similar to that game. It is also a "Tianwang Mountain", and Mr. Wang Licheng's winning hand also has the effect of rapidly depreciating that point. Since Li Xiangping has done this before Of course, he will be more careful this time.

   After taking the test for about half an hour, Li Xiangping finally started to make moves, and at this time, Li Xiangping's chess speed also accelerated instantly. 鈥斺��

   This situation is of course normal, because his long exams during this period are basically based on the more specific straight line calculation.

   Then, in this type of calculation, the most fear is that the calculation is wrong or omitted.

In high-level competitions, "miscalculation" is actually rare. For professional chess players, "miscalculation" can basically be classified as "playing a spoon" or "stun move", that is That's something that people like Lao Nie often do. The situation of "missing calculations" is relatively normal among human chess players, and professional games can be seen everywhere, so you need to be on guard at all times.

   Fortunately, Li Xiangping did not seem to have missed calculations today, because in the next dozen or so rounds, every move his opponent made was within his calculation range.

  Since this is the case, of course Li Xiangping does not need to spend more time, and his next few dozen moves are quick.

   After this period of rushing and demolition is completed, the time is approaching 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and nearly 120 moves have been played in the overall situation.

   After the whole part came to an end, Mr. Wang Licheng paused, muttering words in his mouth, as if he was judging the situation. After he finished judging the situation, Li Xiangping even heard a sigh and saw Mr. Wang Licheng's wry smile.

  Li Xiangping was unmoved.

  Although Li Xiangping also knew that he was a great success in the recent rush, he has successfully put the opponent's previous "into" prison to death.

   That piece was eaten very big and tasted very good. Apart from leaving a few pieces of robbery, the opponent has not made much use of it. However, you must know that all the local wars that have occurred so far have been carried out within the sphere of influence of black chess, and the other side of the chessboard is still very empty so far.

   It is impossible for White to hold all of them.

   However, at this time, it was Mr. Wang Licheng who held the first hand, and he must now "support" a hand to strengthen his appearance. So where will he stand now? How long will it last? And how should Black make his move after he holds up his appearance? This will be the next battle.

   is the last big battle in this game, and at the same time, it may be the last key outcome of this game.

  Although I feel that I have an advantage, since I have no initiative now, all my next moves need to be decided according to the opponent's next move.

  So at this time, Li Xiangping was of course unmoved, he quietly waited for his opponent to make a move.

   After thinking about it for about 10 minutes, although Mr. Wang Licheng was still sighing, he did not hesitate to make a move, and his gesture was quite firm.

   What he just landed was the 118th move of the whole game, and this move was the beginning of the last battle in this game.

   Seeing this move, Li Xiangping pondered again:

   "Excessive, isn't this chess move too much? How dare you support such an empty appearance? Is it because you are bullying me and can't work?"

   Of course Li Xiangping knew that his opponent did not deliberately "bully" him. It was because of the situation that he had to support so much at this time, otherwise White would have insufficient space and there would be no way to win.

   Therefore, his chess move was actually another one-step winning move, a winning move that was unwilling to euthanize. Li Xiangping believed that this was the correct attitude towards winning.

   Of course, although the opponent's attitude towards winning or losing is correct, the effect is unknown.

  Because the initiative at this time was actually in Li Xiangping's hands.

   As long as Li Xiangping's attitude is also correct and there are no mistakes later, then he is more likely to win this game.

   So did Li Xiangping make a mistake?

  The time came to 4:30 in the afternoon, and at this time, the next-door team leader seemed to finally remember Li Xiangping's game of chess:

"Anyway, I think it's a pity that Ma Xiao lost in this game. Originally, he had always maintained a relatively obvious advantage in front of him, but because of this move, I can only think of one word, and that's called A slip of a step becomes an eternal hatred. Well, let’s enjoy this game of chess. Although it’s a pity that Ma Xiao lost, we still want to congratulate South Korea’s Cao Xunxuan on the ninth stage. Lao Cao is amazing. He is still fighting at such an old age. It is truly admirable to be at the forefront of the professional chess world and to maintain such a good state.”

"Okay, I think there must be a lot of chess players who have been waiting anxiously now, wanting to know what happened in Xiang Ping's game, then let's watch that game now, come to Xu Ying, because of time constraints, the middle part Let's hurry up the process."

  Since it’s placed quickly, of course there will be fewer comments. For example, for the 80th to 118th hand, the leader of Renhua basically summed it up in one sentence:

"Let's take a look, take a look. Now I want to invite everyone to have a good understanding of Li Xiangping's tactics. What is this part of him? That's the classic entanglement attack. Well, the textbook-like entanglement attack is very worth learning. , let's see that he passed this period of attack, although he let this piece escape, but he firmly captured the previous piece of chess, so what is the overall situation after this piece of chess is captured?"

   Xu Ying's fifth dan is the best supporter, and she really cooperated with Team Leader Hua tacitly. She hurriedly answered at this time:

   "After the judgment of everyone in the research room, everyone thinks that Black has achieved a lot in this area, and Xiangping has a clear advantage."

   "Yeah, right, right, obvious advantage, everyone, look at tsk tsk, we Xiangping are very good, and he is good at this chess. Okay Xu Ying, you continue to swing, continue to swing down."

   At around 4:40 p.m., when the latest chess replays were handed over to Team Leader Hua, he would be more confident when he praised Li Xiangping.

  Because the latest chessboard is already the last chessboard in this game, with a total of 195 moves, Li Xiangping defeated Wang Licheng 9 dan in the middle game and entered the semifinals of the 4th "Chunlan Cup".

"Tsk tsk beautiful, this chess is quite beautiful, fellow chess players, if in the previous battle, Li Xiangping showed us his brilliant attacking skills, then what is he telling you in the latter part? It's called Zhi Gu, what is the ability to deal with weak chess, just turn left and right, three turns and two turns, black chess pieces will escape in an instant, tsk tsk, slippery autumn, this chess is as slippery as a loach Autumn"

   "Since the black chess has completely penetrated the appearance of the white chess, then there is no suspense in this chess, Xu Ying, is that so?"

   "That's right, Mr. Hua. In fact, at this time, we in Xiangping have already won."

   "All chess players, let's enjoy these two chess games today, thank you all"

   (end of this chapter)

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