Go Legend

Chapter 413: Who is it

   Chapter 413 Who is it?

"Xiangping little friend, you need to know that victory and defeat are common things in military affairs, not to mention that this opponent is really good today, Ding'an asked himself, if it was me today, it would definitely not be able to resist, so you don't have to be too sad ."

"Hey, my brother Ding'an, you know me, I never dare to underestimate the heroes of the world, so I can accept losing to this person, but today's loss still makes me feel a little suffocated. bow."


   "Of course, it's right. Just like 2 years ago, you played against Lao Nie on the Internet. After you lost to Lao Nie in the 4th round, don't Brother Ding'an feel aggrieved?"

   "That time, oh yes yes yes, it is very, very very"

"Ha ha ha ha."

   After hearing the response of his own plug-in, Li Xiangping's depression was relieved a little.

What Li Xiangping just said was that Lao Shi and Lao Nie played against each other in the first "Online Go League" two years ago. In that match, Lao Nie used the "big sword to win" vest, and he and Lao Shi played together. 5 sets, Lao Nie won two of them.

  Although Lao Shi didn't use his full strength in that game, he mainly played the "Xiaomu Go" familiar with modern times, but it is undeniable that Lao Nie's two wins were really beautiful.

  Especially in the 4th game played by the two of them, Lao Nie fully showed his advantages, all kinds of concise and clear judgments, all kinds of natural and smooth transitions

   In short, within 100 moves, Lao Nie, with his excellent overall view, quickly gained a clear advantage in high-speed operation through a few big changes that even Lao Shi did not expect.

   And today's game, in fact, has a bit of that meaning.

   Speaking from the bottom of my heart, in fact, for today's game of chess, Li Xiangping also thinks that he has played well, and he can't say how well he played, but he must have played at a normal level.

However, under this circumstance, Da Li's two great tricks shine, one step is to reach the "dog-like trick" level, and the other is a great trick that reflects a very strong situation, which makes Li Xiangping under the overall control, and soon loses array.

   So there is no doubt that losing chess like this makes Li Xiangping feel very aggrieved.

   What would you say? Li Xiangping doesn't know what other people think. In short, in his opinion, there are various ways to lose in Go, but there are two ways of losing that are the most unbearable for him.

   In other words, Li Xiangping thinks that there are two ways to lose the game that are the most embarrassing.

   The first is to be reversed by others, that is, the kind of people who suddenly can't play chess in an advantageous situation. During this period, all kinds of slow moves and all kinds of doubtful hands continue, and then when they finally hit the line, they lose a half-moon with no more or no less.

   Then there is nothing to say, such a method of losing chess must be very embarrassing.

   It's okay, at least so far, Li Xiangping has never lost in such a humiliating way. The closest he came was actually this year's "Fujitsu Cup" final against Xiao Li, but in the end it was Lao Shi who prevented this tragedy from happening.

   Another way of being aggrieved, anyway, for Li Xiangping personally, that is actually what it is today.

  Because of such a near-complete loss today, it is easy for people to doubt their IQ, as if they feel that they are not on the same level as their opponents.

  Well, such a feeling may not be a big deal to some people, but for a former dude like Li Xiangping, this kind of person is usually arrogant and vain, so he can't stand this kind of situation.

   In fact, it is not only Li Xiangping, most professional chess players have a hard time putting up with this situation. There is no other reason, because as long as you can get into the professional rank, you don't look at some people who look very modest on the surface, all of them are as gentle as jade and like a modest gentleman, but in fact, all of them are arrogant and arrogant.

   If you can understand this, then you can understand that after Li Xiangping mentioned Lao Nie, Lao Shi would nod frequently there.

For the same reason, if you can understand this, you may be able to understand people like Lao Nie and the same type of old magician Fujisawa Hideyuki. These two are obviously not the kind of particularly powerful winners and losers, but Why can they have such a high status in the world of Go?

   Ordinary people may only see their achievements and the history they have created, so as to pay tribute to them, but more people who know chess will see their way of winning chess.”

   is the way to win chess that seems to crush your opponent's IQ.

   to give them a high look.

   Actually, it's not just Lao Nie and Fujisawa's old magic stick. After all, the two of them have their achievements there. In fact, there are more typical examples in the Go world.

  For example, in the middle of the last century, the nine dan of Yuhara Yutake and the nine dan of Toshiro Yamabe in the Japanese chess world. The achievements of these two are very average. Some young chess fans may have never heard of these two. Among them, Miyuan has never won a decent title in his life. Yamabe's situation is better, he has won a few minor titles, and challenges I've been to "Beninfang" once or twice.

   However, these two people had a very high status in the Japanese chess world at that time, at least a lot higher than their record.

Among them, the ninth dan of Yuyuan Xiongwu is known as the "uncrowned emperor" and "partially feels the best in the world". From Mr. Wu Qingyuan to the old magician Fujisawa, and even to the later Kobayashi Koichi and Takemiya Masaki, all of his chess Just praise.

   "I don't quite understand this question. It seems that I can only ask Mr. Mihara"

Whose mouth did the above words come from? It comes from the old **** of Fujisawa, not only the old god, but also Takemiya and Kato and others under Kigumen. When they were learning chess when they were young, according to Takemiya Masaki, they currently consulted one of the most seniors. First, Miyuan Xiongwu is on the list.

   As for Toshiro Yamabe's ninth dan, he had a very cool nickname back then. He created "Changing Flow", which is called "Changing Mountain" by people in the world.

   By the way, there is another anecdote about Yamabe: most modern chess fans know that Fujisawa Lao Shen stick commented on junior chess players.

   However, many people don't know what Mr. Wu Qingyuan said at the time. In the middle of the last century, Mr. Wu Qingyuan's talent ranking of young chess players was as follows: Shanbe first, Dazhu second, and Lin Haifeng third.

   Also, when Lao Cao first came to Japan to become Mr. Wu’s apprentice and younger brother, Mr. Wu praised Lao Cao like this:

  Oh, I think this child is incredible, I see his partial sense of smell, it's a bit of the charm of Mr. Yamabe

  Why do these two players with average records get such high evaluations? The reason is nothing more than one:

   Of course, their losses are nothing to say, and many of their wins often make their opponents doubt their IQ.

   "Okay, little friend Xiangping, let's not talk about other gossip for the time being, I think today's game is interesting, let's review it carefully."


   It’s a bit embarrassing to lose, but after all, it’s only the first set, right? The entire final is not over yet, so after listening to Lao Shi's words, Li Xiangping locked himself in the room by himself after having dinner early. He was going to review today's game with his plug-in. .

   Since it is a defeat, the first step in reviewing the game is of course to find the cause of the defeat and see where Li Xiangping went wrong.

   It's just a pity, the reason for the defeat in today's game of chess is a bit hard to find. Even if Li Xiangping and Lao Shi joined forces, it took them a long time to find the biggest suspect.

   "Brother Ding'an, it seems likely that it is White's 34 now. This move may not be rigorous enough. If one more exchange is made at this time, it will be able to prevent Black's 47. Do you think so?"

   "That's right, alas"

   Shi Daqisheng's sigh is still a bit heavy. Of course, as his "host", Li Xiangping can understand his heavyness.

   Because although the two found the "suspected culprit", even if they found this problem, it was because of the existence of Da Li's black 47.

  In other words, the work the two are doing now is the standard "post-horse gun". If there is no premise of Black 47 and this move as a guide, then the two will not be able to find the problem of White's 34 at all.

   And during the game, Li Xiangping didn't think in the direction of Black 47 at all. He didn't have this mystery at all, not only he didn't, but it seems that Lao Shi didn't have it either.

  In this case, the hearts of the two of them will of course be a little heavy.

After    was silent for a while, Shi Daqi sighed again:

   "Oh! I really didn't expect that, although I already felt that this person has improved his chess skills, who would have thought that he would be so advanced as a servant, little friend Xiangping, it seems that you and I have really slack off recently."

   "Haha, slack, I don't think we have any slack."

   At this time, Li Xiangping let go first, he said to his plug-in:

"Brother Ding'an, it's okay, although the way of Go is extremely mysterious, human beings are the spirit of all things, not to mention you and I know that this opponent's talent is also extremely high, so of course he will play a game or two every now and then. It’s normal to play extremely well, let’s see the day after tomorrow, if he can play like this today, then I have nothing to say if I lose.”

   "That's all it can do now, hehe"

   "Huh? Brother Ding'an, why are you laughing?"

   "I'm laughing at your words just now, you just said that the opponent seems to be hanging up"

"Ha ha ha ha."

   At this time, Li Xiangping's depression finally completely relieved:

"Yes, yes, today's game, then we can only see it as the opponent's sudden opening. Alright brother Ding'an, now let's prepare for the game the day after tomorrow. It's my turn to play black the day after tomorrow, that's still a little bit. Things can be prepared, but now I want to really see if it is his big Li who is hanging up or me, Li Xiangping."

   After saying this, Li Xiangping has completely packed up his mood, and he threw himself into the game the day after tomorrow.

   (end of this chapter)

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