Go Legend

Chapter 899: Only when your heart is at ease can you become a Qashqai

   Chapter 899 Only when the heart is at ease, Fangcheng Xiaoyao

In the "Asian Cup", there is a rest day between the semi-finals and the finals, so after passing the 9 dan level of Yucheng by luck, on the rest day before the finals, Li Xiangping and Lao Shi discussed the final the final.

   Well, the discussion between the two is of course to discuss the problems that occurred in the competition the day before.

   After all, his opponent in the final, Kong Erjie's 9th dan is really not comparable to Yuuki's 9th dan.

   During this period in real history, Kong Er once achieved three consecutive championships in the "Asian Cup".

   In this world, this is the third year that Li Xiangping and Kong Erjie met in the "Asian Cup" final.

   Actually, it’s not much less difficult to achieve three consecutive trophies in this kind of competition—

  The defending champion is exempt from selection. As for the others, they must win the championship or runner-up in the domestic TV fast chess competition, in order to qualify for the "Asian Cup".

  Quick chess games are inherently more contingent.

  Since Kong Er has been able to stand out from the domestic "CCTV Cup" TV fast chess competition for three consecutive years, this is enough to show his high level of fast chess and stable performance when playing fast chess.

   Therefore, Li Xiangping believes that if there are still problems in the first game in the final, then Kong Er is not Yuuki Satoshi, and it is impossible to easily reverse in the way of "playing the dragon".

   Of course, even though he encountered a little problem this time, Li Xiangping did not have any anxiety.

   Because in essence, Li Xiangping believes that the problem encountered this time is still the kind of "inertia of thinking" unique to human beings——

  Li Xiangping now wants to adopt a new kung fu, but his old kung fu is too strong and deeply ingrained in his mind, so when he is about to use a new kung fu to play chess, he will occasionally come up with old kung fu moves.

   However, the old and new kung fu seem to be a bit incompatible, and there are contradictions. If there are many contradictions, the situation will naturally fall behind.

It's okay, Li Xiangping has been through 10 years, and in the 10 years of growth, he has encountered this kind of "inertia of thinking" problem many times, and each time it is solved relatively smoothly, so this Although the time was tricky and the solution might be more difficult, it wasn't enough to make him anxious.

   In the past 10 years, the relatively serious and typical "inertia of thinking" problem has been encountered twice.

The first time it appeared on Lao Shi. When Lao Shi was just passing through, because he was born in ancient chess, and ancient chess had a "return head", which led to a slight difference between the judgment system of ancient chess and modern chess .

   The "cut" of modern chess has no purpose, and in the judgment system of medieval chess, a "cut" may have up to 4 goals.

   It is precisely because of this mindset that when Lao Shi just passed through, there was an obvious problem with him.

In terms of modern chess, this problem is called "hate the empty space". In modern chess, it doesn't make much sense to "break in", but because of the existence of "returning the chess head" in the subconscious, Lao Shi often habitually chooses to cut it off. .

   The second more obvious "inertia of thinking", it appeared when Li Xiangping had grown to a certain extent, he had already registered for "Superior Art Instructor", and began to play a lot of handicap or two-piece chess online.

   However, not long after he played this kind of chess, Li Xiangping also developed thinking inertia.

Because at that time his level was not as high as it is now, so if you want to win this kind of chess, you must play some excessive chess, or those moves that "wander between unreasonable and positive" Law.

   Over time, this made him often repeat unreasonable moves when he played the first move, which caused him to lose a lot of moves during that period.

   These two problems were solved relatively well by the two of them.

   It is no exaggeration to say that it is precisely because Li Xiangping and the plug-in continue to solve similar problems, crossed one hurdle after another, and climbed one peak after another, which has allowed Li Xiangping to come to this point.

   Now facing another similar hurdle.

  Li Xiangping is clear, although the nature of the problems encountered this time is similar, the meaning may be different.

  Ten years of hard work and ten years of penance. If you compare chess to Mount Everest, the three-generation dog "Afayuan" is the existence on the top of the mountain.

  Li Xiangping doesn't know what height he has reached, but he thinks that he should have reached the height of an extremely hypoxic no-man's land——

  Because the height that he has reached now may be the height that human beings have never reached in the past!

   It’s a pity that this is still not enough. Wanting to meet the dog, Li Xiangping knew that he still needed to continue climbing.

  Li Xiangping personally even thinks that if this hurdle can be overcome, then he may really be qualified to compete with dogs.

   However, this time the hurdle is of great significance, but since it is a no-man’s land, it is a place that human beings have never set foot in in the past, Li Xiangping does not know what to do next.

   Not only him, but also the plug-in Lao Shi has never reached such a height, so the two discussed there for a long time, but they were still at a loss, and they did not discuss any particularly good methods.

   In the end, Lao Shi came up with a solution that was not a solution:

   "Little friend Xiangping, do you remember how I was trapped by "returning the chess head" at the time, and how did I resolve it in the end?"

   "This... oh, remember, I remember that you listened to your little fellow Ma Xiaofei's advice... Why, do you think the extremist tactics he suggested are really useful?"

   Lao Shi said with a smile: "I don't know how the effect will be achieved, but after using that method to train for a period of time, it is true that I am no longer trapped by "returning the chess head"."


Li Xiangping recalled the situation in his early years: In order to get rid of the problem of "hating empty", Ma Xiaofei at that time suggested that he play more extreme chess, either extreme empty or extreme situation, saying that such chess should be played more often After a few discs, that bug may be corrected.

   As for myself, in order to get rid of the problem of too many unreasonable chess, the method used was to learn from Da Li and his "control flow" play.

   Obviously, in response to this problem, Li Xiangping felt that the "control flow" method would definitely not work.

  Because "control flow" itself is very particular about playing chess.

   As for his own problem this time, Li Xiangping believes that it is actually due to the chess logic, as if two different chess logics in his mind are fighting each other.

   After thinking of this, Li Xiangping said to Lao Shi:

   "Oh that's okay, in this game tomorrow, let's use an extremist tactics. We have to try it before we know whether it will work or not. The next question is, will you play or I will play tomorrow?"

   Lao Shi said with a smile: "It depends on whether little friend Xiangping cares about the outcome. If you still want to win this championship, I think it's me. After all, I had a similar experience in my early years..."

   Before Lao Shi finished speaking, Li Xiangping was not convinced:

   "Hehe, who said that, although I rarely use this method of battle, and I don't pay much attention to the outcome, it's just a game first. Even though my opponent is not weak, Brother Ding'an still looks down on me."

   "Haha, how dare you, how dare I look down on you, little friend Xiangping is extremely talented..."

   Before Lao Shi's rainbow fart was finished, Li Xiangping's cell phone rang.

   When he took out and looked at the caller ID, Li Xiangping's face changed.

   is the one who "plays the blind"!

   The last time she was in Korea, could it be that this time, she came to Japan to play blind chess for herself.


   A voice came from the phone: "Xiang, Xiangping."

   "Where are you now?"

   The opposite side was silent for 3 seconds: "It's in Tokyo."

  Li Xiangping opened his eyes at that time, is he really here?

  Li Xiangping didn't know what to say, so he just held his phone in a daze.

   "Xiang Ping, hello, are you there, Xiang Ping, can you let me see you once..."

   Five minutes later, Li Xiangping hung up the phone silently, and Lao Shi wentssips aside:

   "Who, is that Miss Bai?"

  Li Xiangping sighed:

   "Oh, it's her. She asked me to meet again today, and she even came to Japan. Brother Ding'an, do you think I should go see her?"

   "How do I know this, such things can only be based on your own heart,"

   When talking about this, Lao Shi also smiled and dragged a sentence to Li Xiangping:

   "Xiangping little friend, I don't know if you have heard a saying that only when the heart is at ease, Fangcheng Xiaoyaoke, you should ask your heart, if you go to see her, can you feel at ease."

  Li Xiangping bowed his head and was silent for two minutes, then shook his head and smiled bitterly:

   "If it doesn't work or not, I feel uneasy. I find that whether I go to see him or not, my heart doesn't seem to be at peace."

   "Huh? Why do you say that... oh, got it."

Hearing Li Xiangping say this, Lao Shi is worthy of being his plug-in, and the two have developed a very high tacit understanding, so he understood Li Xiangping's mind in seconds, and immediately guessed that Li Xiangping was ready to move, and he still ran away today. Go for a tryst with Miss Bai.

   "Well, that's the case, then go ahead, little friend Xiang Ping, let me ask you one more question, do you think that Miss Bai really likes you?"

Li Xiangping smiled and said: "How do I know this, but I can be sure of two things. First, she shouldn't hate me, because I, Li Xiangping, are not the kind of people who hate me. Second, I don't know if she likes me, but Ding'an brother, you have to know that I am rich, super rich, and now I am more arrogant than your iron-headed brother Hu Zhaolin, so even if she doesn't like me, Must like my money too."


   Lao Shi heard this long sigh:

   "If that's the case, then you can go. It just so happened that the girl who embroidered the qin and I didn't see each other for a while, but today I happened to meet her."

   "Hey, that's right..."

  Li Xiang paused and said:

   "By the way, tomorrow's game..."

   Lao Shi rolled his eyes.

   Well, of course Li Xiangping couldn't see Old Shi rolling his eyes, it was Shi Daqi who was rolling his eyes in his imagination:

   "Let's talk about tomorrow's game tomorrow. It starts at 1:00 in the afternoon anyway, but Xiaoyou Xiangping, I want to remind you to be concerned about your safety. It's not good to expose it like last time."

   (end of this chapter)

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