"It seems that the time for the effect of the twelve bullets has come, but it's a pity that I still have questions to ask..."

Mu Qing pursed her mouth, feeling a little regretful.

Since in this world that is different from the original plot because of her own existence, Origami's parents should not have died, what is the reason for Origami to return to [the past]?

And look at her attitude... It seems that she will have a good relationship with herself in the future, and what role she will play in the future?

"[The Key to Omniscience]. A

small drone appeared out of thin air, swirling around the girl with long brown hair, casting a cyan light curtain, and the girl with a small figure changed into an adult woman wearing AST manifestation armor.

"Captain Kannatsuki, if you have anything to ask, just ask. The

woman turned her gaze to the blonde man, who was watching her warily, and the next thing to do was to convince the future deputy commander of Ratatoskr.

Shen Wuyue looked at the person in front of him, thought for a moment, and slowly spoke.

"She... Left?"

"Sort of.

"That gesture just now... You...... Elves, too?"

"It's really generous to admit it... Are you really a strange elf, actually helping humans against their own kind

?" "Well, there are no righteous partners among the elves?"

Mu Qing shrugged her shoulders, looking indifferent.

"Suspicious guy... Aren't you afraid I'll take you back to AST? You're no match for me with the strength you've just shown.

"You won't.

Mu Qing replied quite confidently.

"I saved you.


Suspicious people don't equal enemies, I... What kind of spirit is it, you should have experienced it in the cooperation just now, right?"

Shen Wuyue's expression changed, and he put the lightsaber in his hand into the sheath, and his posture became a little more relaxed.

“...... Well, you managed to convince me.

Seeing that Shen Wuyue put away her hostility, Mu Qing also let out a long breath in her heart.

It seems to have succeeded...

Although this is the deputy commander of the organization that will help the people of Wuhe Shidao and his party protect the elves in the future, after all, this is not the future, and it is still unknown what kind of attitude he will have towards elves like himself at this moment.

It's a good thing that the communication is successful now.

"But... I'm also the captain of the AST anyway, and I can't give those high-level people if I let go of the elves without any reason..."

Shen Wuyue looked at Mu Qing with a smile, I don't know why, looking at his eyes that looked straight at her, Mu Qing suddenly felt a chill, and she had a feeling that something was wrong.

“...... What do you want to do?"

"Promise me one request and I'll let you go." "

“...... If it's something I can do..."


... Huh?"

"Lori's soft little feet and the power of the elves... Ahhh

Mu Qing's whole body was trembling with resistance at this moment, and her face was also dyed a faint red because of Shen Wuyue's shameful words.

Ahhhh Just now, when I looked at this guy's superb combat skills and appearance that was enough to deceive everyone, I actually forgot... This guy is the weirdest in the original text... Shake M perverted!

"You shake M perverted lolicon!" Without

waiting for Shen Wuyue to finish his perverted speech, Mu Qing simply stepped out towards Shen Wuyue below, and the powerful force directly hit it from the air to the ground.


Of course, this is just to prevent future plot mistakes.

There is no other meaning in it.

After observing from a distance that this pervert was not killed by the fall, Mu Qing controlled the device as if it had turned into a streamer and fled the scene quickly.

But why did this pervert catch up again

!"You don't want to get close to me

!"How can he be so fast!The distance is getting closer

!Can't escape

!"What the hell do you want to do?!"

Mu Qing almost roared and said this.

"I've decided, I'm going to quit AST, as your subordinate.

Shen Wuyue had a serious expression and said things that were completely out of line with seriousness.

"I'm going to tell them, 'I've found a master who corresponds to me'!"


What is the setting of Kyohei Kannatsuki in the

original book?[A beautiful man with a slender body, long shoulders and long hair, and an exotic appearance, but a perverted shake M who likes poor breasts but hates big breasts]

There is indeed only one person in the original book who can perfectly target this guy's illness, and that is Gokawa Kotori in the black hair belt mode.

After all, the four are too gentle, and the seven sins appear too late, and the most important thing is that the characters of the two are not the strong characters that Shen Wuyue has in mind.

That is, it can't satisfy his strange XP.

But now he is appearing in himself...


"I'm certainly not the master of that aspect you're expecting... If you really want to find it, follow an organization called Ratatosk, where you'll find the people you're looking for. Mu

Qing held her forehead, she didn't want to keep a pervert by her side, and she didn't have a hobby in this area! It's

better to teach perverts this kind of thing to Qinli... At least that's what it did in the original books.


?" "Am I going to lie to you?" Looking

at Shen Wuyue's indescribable appearance, Mu Qing, who pretended to be sincere, couldn't pretend anymore, and directly summoned multiple layers of [random domain] to wrap Shen Wuyue Kyohei, transforming himself and the manifestation armor on his body into the appearance of a bird that had just flown in the sky, and then changing the remaining projection into the same bird, blending into the flock of birds flying by.

With Shen Wuyue's strength, he could easily break through the [Random Domain] left by Mu Qing in a few seconds and catch up, but he didn't do that, he just looked at the girl fleeing with the birds through the transparent [Random Domain] and showed a satisfied smile.

"Sexy is sexy enough, but it's a pity that the character is still a little gentle... How could a magician fall to his death because of this height... Hawkers, forget it, I'm quite satisfied to be able to force that kick just now..."

Kyohei Kanari reflected on the kick that the girl kicked out of shame and anger, and remembered the organization she mentioned in her mouth.

"Ratatosk ... It seems that I can pay attention to it in the future, maybe I will get something out of what she said?"


"Finally! Finally escaped!" Mu

Qing, who was mixed with the birds, fled the battlefield in embarrassment, returned to the ground near the shelter, and breathed in the fresh air, like a person who had been reborn after returning from hell.

"Mu Qing!" A

familiar voice came from inside the shelter, Mu Qing followed the voice, but it was the elementary school form Shidao who pulled the elementary school student origami and ran out.

Origami's parents also followed their children out.

The number of people in the shelter has been reduced by half, after all, the biggest crisis has been resolved, and most of the people who remain in the shelter are people whose houses have been badly damaged and who have no family or friends to turn to.

I didn't see the figure of the burner in the lower part of the sun, and it is estimated that after receiving the message that the crisis was lifted, he had hurriedly invested in the city's rehabilitation project.

"Huh, Shidao, haven't you gone back yet?"

Looking at the two of them, Mu Qing was a little puzzled and asked in a low voice.

The effect of the twelve bullets on Shidao's body is not over yet?

"There is still some time left.

Shidao seemed to answer Mu Qing, and also whispered.

The two of them were communicating in a whisper, attracting origami from elementary school to look at Mu Qing and Shidao, they wanted to hear but couldn't hear it, and they looked very cute.

"Thank you, Miss AST, if it weren't for you, our family would have died in the disaster. It

was the origami father who spoke, expressing his inner gratitude to Mu Qing, and his tone revealed sincerity.

"No thanks, it is AST's responsibility to protect the residents. "

Mu Qing is just improvising. But I didn't know that these words planted a seed in Origami's heart, looking at Mu Qing in front of him who was wearing a manifestation armor, there seemed to be a flash of light in Origami's clear eyes.

"Is it responsible..."

Origami silently recited Mu Qing's words and made up her mind.

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