"Elves, which exist in the neighborhood, are designated as lifeforms of special disasters.

"Method 1: Annihilate the elves by force.

"Method 2, date the elves and make them shy. 」



Mu Qing seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, still a little sleepy, so she stretched her waist and let out a lovely whimper.

Looking around, I was lying on the edge of a small bed, surrounded by simple furniture, although the style was simple, there was no useless thing, bookcases, desks and other furniture were readily available.

"I'm a... Successfully reincarnated?"

This environment full of learning atmosphere, for a while, Mu Qing had a kind of life when she returned to high school to rent a room to prepare for the exam, tense and fulfilling.

If it's not Japanese, it's even better.

Although everything around her has a lot of attraction to Mu Qing, there is one thing that is even more attractive to her as a traverser.

"System, come out if you're there.

"Beep... Hello, the beautiful girl assists the system 2.1 to serve you~"

Hearing this self-introduction, Mu Qing patted her head hatefully.

Depend on...... Lord Wisdom God... You're mistaken! I'm a man...

"Master, what's wrong with you? Don't hurt yourself! You're so cute, but you're hurting yourself, but you're going to lose a lot!"

"I... "


The voice in the system's head was also a little confused, and then a warm current flowed from the head down to the toes.

"Whew... No kidding.,The owner is a genuine girl in terms of appearance and body structure.,And it's the type that is rare among beautiful girls!


This system is still a chatterbox..."

But it looks like I've become a girl, so what does I look like... I'll go and see it later, listening to the description of the system, it will definitely not be bad~

I don't know why, Mu Qing inexplicably thought of a very popular emoji in her previous life, and a group of people surrounded the camera with an excited face, saying something like this - "Are you awake? The operation was successful, and you are already a girl."

"System, is there a data panel, open it and show me." "

"Good drop, master~"

Username: Takagi Muharu

Race: Human/Elf

Identification Name: Angel TBD

: All-Knowing Key (Uriel

) Spiritual Outfit: Kamui Spiritual Outfit - Hidden Fan (Limited)

Quality: Da'at (Knowledge).

Elf Ability: (1) Able to analyze the structure of all things, and can project similar or even identical usable items according to the different levels of understanding of the structure of things.

(2) According to the understanding of things, the form and appearance of the object are changed to a certain extent, but the essence of the article cannot be changed.

Intrinsic ability: The world speaks Chinese (there is no longer a language barrier

) Detailed data: Strength 60 Endurance 60 Spiritual power 100 Dexterity 80 Intelligence 120 Five-dimensional 420

Elf level: C (Lower-level unblocking requirements: Virus fragments 0/1)

Comprehensive threat

level: C Inventory: No

trading points: 0

Mall: Not opened (Elf level B unlocked).

Ability Liberation: Ununlocked (Elf Level B Unlocked)

Time: The main story officially started five years ago

"Cute system evaluation: I have to work hard to upgrade~ The current master is only C-level, and the spirit costume can only be transformed into half of it~ Maybe the master can only beat ordinary AST team members~

" "Oh oh... Half of the spiritual costume... Isn't that similar to the spirit suit in the sealed state?" Mu

Qing looked like she suddenly realized, but her face quickly became strange again, and she asked in a somewhat mechanical tone.

"What about the elves? Can you explain to me that I didn't ask for this, did I?"

"Request, what request?" Mu

Qing asked strangely while scratching her head.

"The reincarnation of the master has a mission, and the gods hope that the master will clean up the fragments of the virus scattered in the world at different times and places, so as to remove the threat of the destruction of the world from the world and save the world from the fate of destruction. The identity of the elves is a special identity given by the two gods to facilitate your quest and conform to this worldview.

"Sure enough... There's no such thing as a free lunch... It's better to know that it's better to be honest and reincarnate directly... "The

master doesn't have to collect it, it's not mandatory.

"Do! How can you not do it if you have a task!" If

it is an ordinary civilian, forget it, but now that he is an elf, the main line of this world is no longer out of the way.

Mu Qing propped up the bed with her hands and was about to sit up, but she didn't expect that what came from her hands was not the rough texture of the bedcloth, but a handful of soft silk.


It's just pulling her hair..."

The corners of Mu Qing's eyes sparkled and her words didn't look convincing.

Nima... I've really become a girl... It hurts... No wonder girls like to pull their hair when they fight....

It's a pity that there are no mirrors here, otherwise I would have to see what I have become...

Mu Qing cleaned up her hair by feeling, and even got her eyes behind her without looking at it, and continued to carry out her plans.

Now I can only summon the spirit suit in the sealed state.,Just like that, it appears in the main story, and it is estimated that it will be cleaned up by those perverted magicians of the DEM club in two clicks....

Named Alan Mira Mathers!Too strong, if you don't get hurt, you can almost fight the reversal of the night sword god, and until the end, he only lost twice, once with injuries, and once because the opponent suddenly became stronger and slightly surprised and suffered a small loss.

But speaking of Alan, think of it five years ago when the main story began... couldn't help but remind Mu Qing of two ill-fated elves.

Kite one origami and this article two sub.

Think of the incident between the two... One became his own killer, I hated myself for five years, and one was caught by Allen of DEM and became the most important "material A", and was tortured for five years....

It's miserable....

I wanted to help, but I looked at my current ability data...

Maybe she can try to help her parents block the "Sun Wheel" on the origami side, and going to Allen's side by herself is completely to send a cellmate to Someone Erya...

Some people may say that sooner or later there will be a priest to save her parents, but the tragic memory has also been preserved in a personal way, and it is better to delete this not very good memory.

"System,Although I didn't cross over to become the protagonist of this world, Wuhe Shidao,I can't soak in the heroines from the level of the main line.,But now I'm also an elf!It shouldn't be a problem to build a good relationship as a kind of person, right?"

"Sodayo (that's right)~

" "By the way, if the plot changes dramatically because of my appearance... It shouldn't be too much of a problem, right?"

"Hmm... This world has its consciousness, and it will revise the plot to a certain extent, but the master, you are a real elf, and it will regard you as a part of the plot in this world, so as long as there are no changes to the world destruction level, the world will not have an impact on the master's behavior.


The ten spirits correspond to the 10 main points of the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

The name of the god corresponds to the name of the spirit, the guardian angel corresponds to the name of the angel, and the spirit will also have the qualities represented by the particles.

The Da'at, translated as wisdom, is the hidden point of the Kabbalah tree of life, which comprehends and notices the hidden meaning, and has the meaning of giving the sage the test to seek the "true meaning of God" hidden in all things.

Some say that this particle has no rank, and some say that it is the eleven quality point, which is the particle corresponding to the protagonist Wuhe Shidao, after all, "Shi" is composed of "eleven" both in pronunciation and glyph.

But now this point corresponds to the elf that doesn't exist in the original text.,The second kind seems to be quite reasonable.,I didn't expect it to be in this world and something wrong.。

。。 Or is he also recognized as the protagonist by the world?roar~

"Well, forget it, I don't want to!

Mu Qing raised her hands and patted her face hard, so that her confused head cleared up a little.

"Hmm, the system, what is this folded detailed data?Why didn't

it be released directly?" "This is about the owner's privacy, and the system naturally won't release it directly, so it seems that the system is very impolite, do you want to check in and see?"

Mu Qing probably guessed what the content was, and her face became a little strange.

It can't really be that...

"Hmm... It's nothing to take a look at the system, right? "

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