At night, Erya turned on the TV, and a striking news appeared on the screen.

"XX TV station building last night, for unknown reasons all the employees in the building fell asleep, the next morning TV producer X was found to have been killed in his office by extremely cruel means. "

The police investigated the scene and found that the murder weapon used by the murderer was a huge weapon, not only beheading X, but also cutting off the genital organs of X's lower body, which should be a vendetta, and the specific details are being further investigated by the police. "

This is Xiao Qingqing's handwriting last night.

Erya sighed as she looked at the closed door upstairs.

Mu Qing's methods this time even Erya were stunned, but she didn't feel anything bad, after all, that guy was really a damn scumbag.

But what made Erya care more about was Mu Qing's state.

When she came back, she was in a bad state, and she locked herself in her room, and she didn't come out to eat even at noon.

It was almost time for dinner now, and she showed no signs of leaving the room.

Looking at the tweet on the table that was connected to Mu Qing's mood, he also looked melancholy at the moment, and Er Ya was even more uneasy in his heart.

Er Ya got up from the sofa, and kept walking from side to side in a little anxious, and finally gritted his teeth and summoned an angel to find out what Mu Qing had found.

There were only a few vague words on it.

"The world......... Choose...... World......... Target......... Choose...... How can there be garbled characters!"

Er Ya also saw such a strange search result for the first time, there was no way, she walked upstairs quickly and knocked on Mu Qing's closed door.

"Mu Qing, can I come into the house?"


was no response.

Erya had no choice but to open the door and go in by himself.

The door was not locked.

Er Ya walked into the house and looked at Mu Qing on the bed, at this moment Mu Qing was lying flat on the bed in a thin pajamas, her brows were tightly locked, and her fingers were hard to pick the sheets behind her, as if her whole body was fighting against something.

There was a faint red band of light floating on the girl's body, and the band of light seemed to dissipate at any time, a little ethereal.

The red band of light didn't hurt her, but only emitted a soft red glow that enveloped the girl, as if thinking that it would ease the girl's pain.

Erya saw the girl like this, but she was a little overwhelmed for a while.

The red band of light saw Erya who came into the house, and the movement of the red light was slightly sluggish, but then it split out and floated towards her.


" "Please help"

A faint female voice came from the light band, her voice a little cold.

“...... How can I help?"

Although Er Ya had many doubts about the unreasonable scene in front of him at the moment, he also knew that this was not the time to get to the bottom of it, and felt the kindness of the red light belt to Mu Qing, so he immediately made a decision and chose to believe her.

"Spiritual power"

"... Manifest![Kamui Spirit Outfit Niban]!"

A translucent black and white nun's dress appeared on Erya's body, radiating the wavelength of elven spiritual power in all directions.

The red band of light wrapped around Erya's arm at the same time, and Erya felt his spiritual power escape from the connection and flow to the light band.

After absorbing the spiritual power, the red light band became clearer, the red light became stronger, and Mu Qing's expression no longer looked so uncomfortable.


I don't know when, the chirp downstairs also flew up, hoping to help his master.

"No, it's useless to treat the breath of intermediate healing

," the red light band said decisively, a little disappointed, and continued to "chirp" loudly a few times, as if arguing.


chirped and drooped his head.

"They... It seems to know..."

Erya silently read in his heart.

After a period of time, when Erya's spiritual power was almost exhausted, the red light band stopped absorbing the spiritual power and floated above Mu Qing's body as if he was observing.

"Mu Qing, she... Okay?"


emitted a female voice, and the light band seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's good..."

"Thank you"

The cold voice took the lead to say the words of thanks, and Erya returned to normal after a brief moment of surprise and said what he really thought in his heart.

"No, Mu Qing is my best friend, and it is my duty to do my best to help her. Instead, I should thank you for saving her. "

Dear friends... Is that so—"

The female voice sounded a little melancholy.

"That's... Who are you?" As

soon as Mu Qing's rescue was completed, Er Ya activated the ability of [嗫尫帙] to find the origin of the red light band, but he could only find the garbled characters.

Er Ya is a little depressed, what's going on lately? First there is a Chonggong Mio, then

a Mu Qing's past, and now there is a red light band, why can't you find anything one by one?!"Takagi Muqing

" "Hmm?

Mu Qing woke up?" Er Ya looked at the bed, although Mu Qing was in a much better state, she didn't wake up, and at this time, the light band had disappeared and turned into a point of light and dispersed into Mu Qing's body.

"Huh? Hmm, why is it gone?"

Er Ya said to himself with some doubts, looking around, but there was no longer a shadow of the light band.


a female voice came from the air, and Er Ya followed the voice, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Er Ya understood what this person meant, since she didn't want to answer, then forget it, anyway, she was the one who helped Mu Qing.

Although the doubts in Erya's heart were almost not answered, she nodded secretly, walked to the bed, helped Mu Qing smooth out the sheets and other supplies, and carefully tucked the quilt for the girl.

Er Ya looked at the girl who was sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed and smiled slightly.

"Hurry up and get better..."

Er Ya put his eyes in Mu Qing's room, it can at least serve a role of observation. Then he turned off the lights and closed the door.

Soon after Er Ya left, Mu Qing slowly opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry... Thanks to you this time, let's take a good rest during this time.


Mu Qing felt that her body at the moment was like a rag doll, there was no major problem on the outside, but there were many spiderweb-like cracks on the inside, which were invisible to the naked eye, and the red light filled in to prevent this body from breaking.

"I almost died just by asking such a thing..."

Sure enough, one's own rebirth is definitely not a simple matter...

"As he said, am I still too weak..."

Mu Qing sighed lightly, and then closed her eyes.

"Gotta get stronger... But before the main story started, there were no fragments, and there was no way to get stronger... Hey..."

The room was silent again, as if nothing had happened.

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