"Chirp you... Wow!

" Mu Qing, who was distressed by the "betrayal" of her spiritual pet, suddenly felt a hot breath from Erya's deliberate exhalation in her ears, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

"Takagi Muqing.

Erya suddenly called out Mu Qing's full name and continued to look at Mu Qing's eyes and her face.


Mu Qing responded cautiously.

"When you tempted Mei Jiu to kiss you before, you were more or less moved, right?"

Hearing Er Ya's words, Mu Qing couldn't help but think of the soft feeling on Mei Jiu's face when she dropped a light kiss before, and her little face turned even redder for a while, like a ripe apple.

"How is that possible?Erya, I'm a girl!"

Looking at Mu Qing's changing expression, Erya's face darkened.

"To tell you the truth..."

Er Ya's faint voice came into Mu Qing's ears.

"This is a request from a dear friend. "

It should... Some... But that's just! it's just the kind of friend who has a good relationship..."

Mu Qing wanted to explain but couldn't explain clearly, and finally even went around herself.


Ya didn't speak, and changed her posture slightly, so that Mu Qing would not be pressed too uncomfortable.

"That's... Can I

?" "Huh?"

Er Ya gently touched Mu Qing's cheek with her hand, and the strange feeling coming from her face made Mu Qing feel a thrill.

Mu Qing had never been stimulated by this kind of stimulation since she crossed into an elf.

And even if you count Mu Qing's previous life, she has never encountered such a thing.

Since crossing over, Mu Qing's personality has long been changing to the girl's personality, and at this moment, Erya's provocative behavior is not to ignite the desire to conquer as a boy, but to feel ashamed like a girl.

After some tossing, Mu Qing directly gave up resistance... Looking at the face that was quite close to him, he simply closed his eyes, his facial expression was tense, and he looked like he was at home.

After all, it's not a loss to be made by a beautiful girl anyway.,Although this time it's a complete defeat.,But it's a big deal to find a chance to get the field back in the future.。

But at this moment, the sense of oppression on his body disappeared.

Mu Qing, who was a little puzzled, secretly opened her eyes and vaguely noticed that the face of Erya on her body was not much better than herself.

"You guy... It's too cute, isn't it..."

The whispered words came from Erya's side, and then she quickly got up from Mu Qing, and ran to her room with a crimson face, leaving Mu Qing alone on the sofa in the wind...

Who am I? Where am I? What was I doing?

Usually a Er Ya who looks like an old driver in terms of language and actions, is actually just good at theory and can't practice pure feelings

? Or is it just a simple "discovery of conscience"?

Mu Qing believes that it is the latter... Even if the first one is more likely....

In the next few days, as long as Mu Qing really saw Erya in her own house, she would take a dodging posture all day long, which could help Mu Qing escape after Erya launched some surprise attacks to dodge...

This state of affairs has led to a strange relationship between the two, and they can't even stand it, flying back and forth between the two, trying to act as a diplomatic ambassador.

It's a pity that even if this diplomatic ambassador can understand human speech, he can't speak human language... As a result, little has been achieved.

This went on until the middle of the night....

Mu Qing went to bed on time that day, and with the sound of the girl's even breathing, the door of the room was quietly opened.

Mu Qing was a light sleeper, and she woke up the moment the door was opened.

She was sure that she had locked the door, and as for how it had been opened, it was supposed to be using a spare key that was placed outside the house only she knew the location.

The only person who opened the door could be Erya, and only [嗫告帙] could easily know the location of his key.

But what is she doing in my room in the middle of the night?

Could it be... Mu

Qing lay on the bed nervously and decided to continue pretending to be asleep.

Er Ya came to Mu Qing's bedside and saw Mu Qing's sleeping face clearly through the few rays of moonlight that spilled in through the window.

The delicate face as usual, the gently closed eyes, the slightly pursed lips, and the quilt also fluctuated slightly with the breathing.

Mu Qing couldn't see Erya's movements, and only felt a soft texture on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little jealous of Miku... I just want to go further as a friend, but I can't do what she does


decided to do it like her, but I was deflated at the beginning... It turned out to be like this..."

Erya looked softly out of the window and whispered to herself.

"I'm really sorry... You must hate me like this now, don't you?"

I...... You've been forgiven.

There was a thin reply like a mosquito in his ears, and Er Ya suddenly looked over to the bed, Mu Qing's golden eyes shimmering in the moonlight.

"I also don't want to avoid my best friend like that... I've never hated you

...""Mu Qing..."Er

Ya was a little surprised, it seemed that Mu Qing had woken up before.

The girl's words made her smile moving.

"yes, I see. "

Are you leaving?"

Why don't you leave? This is your room.

"There's nothing if you don't leave... Girlfriends occasionally sleep together... It shouldn't be anything, right?"



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