The author is great: "Thank you to the user who started with 133 for opening a 1-month membership on the page of this book, and I will add an additional update today and tomorrow~

" "That girl... Why is it in that place?"

looked at the figure on the metal throne, Shido couldn't help but ask such questions.

The girl had long black and purple hair like a waterfall, and was dressed in a purple skirt that shimmered with strange light, and one foot was on the armrest of the throne, looking into the distance.


! It's really handsome!

This is Mu Qing's first impression.

"Huh?" The

girl seemed to sense where Shido was, and slowly turned her head in the direction of Shido, and could see her jewel-like eyes and beautiful face.

Then he grabbed the protruding handle on the back of the throne and pulled it out, a greatsword with a rainbow-colored streamer on the blade.

Immediately after, he slashed in the direction of Shidao.

Mu Qing, who was disguised as a bird, suddenly jumped in her heart, flew up at high speed, and then felt an invisible sword qi slashing under her, and the houses and shops in the direction of Mu Qing and Shidao were all cut off and turned into the same height.

Then came the sound of the building collapsing.

"Ahh Ahh

What a terrifying power!

Mu Qing couldn't help but feel palpitations, such a power would definitely be killed in seconds even if she didn't summon a spirit costume.

As the only elf who is a spirit that generates self-consciousness from a spirit crystal, it becomes an elf.,Although it looks like a 16,17-year-old girl.,But the mental age is a child.,And because of this, it's also a little cute.。

Although she looks very cold now, in fact, after contact, you will find that she is actually a stupid white sweet.

"What kind of joke is this—"

Shido shouted when he saw the unreasonable scene in front of him.

Mu Qing didn't think it was strange.

It is incomprehensible to anyone who looks to be wearing a strange costume who can easily cause such damage.

After all...... Elves are a top-secret existence among ordinary citizens, and most citizens think that space quakes are just a frequent natural disaster, but they don't know the real reason for the eruption of space quakes - elves.

And Shidao is still an uninformed ordinary citizen.

Shika appeared in front of Shido for a moment as if teleported, pointing the tip of her giant sword at the human in front of her, and her tone revealed a little tiredness.

"You... Are you here to kill me?"

"Well, it seems that the development of the original plot is very good!" Mu

Qing, who was flying in the air, said to herself unconsciously.

"System, is your hunch wrong?Where does Shika look like she is being affected by virus fragments?"

Be careful, it's coming

" "It's coming?"

Mu Qing looked at the sky and saw many star-like figures.

“...... Oh, you mean the AST team, right? It's okay, they don't pose much of a threat to me. "

It's not them..."


"Fragments, coming

" "What?!"

Mu Qing suddenly looked in the direction of Shixiang, and a vortex like a space distortion appeared behind her, which was definitely not in the original book!

Because the AST personnel had already unleashed attack missiles at her, she was summoning a barrier to take their attack, and she didn't have time to pay attention to her behind.

Mu Qing immediately flew towards the spatial vortex at high speed, and the vortex also seemed to notice her movements, and stepped up to release the items in her body.

Mu Qing hadn't even approached the huge crater smashed by the space shock, and the fragments in the whirlpool had already stretched out a considerable part, emitting a strange red light.

"If this goes on... There is not enough

time!" If Shixiang is implanted with fragments and rises two levels with her strength, the people present include herself, and if she doesn't say anything to stop her, it will be a problem if she can't escape

! Without summoning a spirit suit, Mu Qing can rely on the thruster that constructs the manifestation device to be able to fly, how can she expect speed?

But what is missing now is speed! Without speed, there will be no time

! There is no way!

"Manifest it![Kamui Spiritual Outfit: Hideban]!"

A soft cyan light emanated from the edge of the crater, and the girl's figure gradually appeared in the light.

The sudden situation immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and even the movement of the virus fragments was slightly delayed.

It's only for a moment, though.

At this moment, the AST team is also in chaos.

"This psychic reaction... It's an elf!

" "How can there be two elves at the same time?!"

Iris Origami looked at the figure he was familiar with, and couldn't help but mutter.

"Senior Muqing

?" "Origami, what should we do now?Do you want to contact the headquarters for support?"

Stop the attack first, observe the situation, and I'll go over and take a look. As

he spoke, Origami lowered his head and thought for a moment.

"As for support... Wait. "


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