Mu Qing gave almost everything she knew about the [original elf] (that is, [Chonggong Mio]).

Perhaps because the amount of information was too huge, Kurumi gradually put away her trademark smile, her expression gradually became serious, and the atmosphere around her became unapproachable.

Looking at the crazy three who was deep in thought with a straight face, Mu Qing silently took a folding chair from the backstage and gave her to sit down, so that she could think slowly.

However, Mad San's reaction would be so big, but Mu Qing was not surprised at all.

After all, the information he told her should be a lot more than what Erya told her in the original book.

As for why I'm telling Kurumi about this now...


Well, it's that simple reason.

If you don't want to reveal it, although it shouldn't be life-threatening, you definitely won't mind beating yourself up and continuing to ask with the character of Kurumi...

I can't even call my teammates now, so I might as well explain honestly...

Anyway, these things will know about it sooner or later, and it shouldn't have much impact if I said it earlier.

Mu Qing sat in her usual work position, looked at the crazy three who were deep in thought, and couldn't help but sigh that there was indeed a reason why the crazy three were popular.

At this moment, Kurumi is dressed in regular clothes, Gothic clothes, with low ponytails and that bewitching beauty beyond ordinary people, and she exudes a fatal temptation different from that of a smile when she bows her head and ponders.

There was once a cloud of "about the battle powder to have a total of one stone, the crazy three fans have eight buckets, Wan Youli has one bucket, and the rest of the elves have a bucket".

Although this is just a joke, the popularity of the Mad Three is evident from this.

Suddenly, countless black shadows converged, and out of each black shadow came a girl, the girl had the same posture as the crazy three, the only difference was that they were all dressed in red and black gothic dresses, with one gold and one red eyes, and one long and one short black double ponytail, stepping on gothic boots with high soles.

They are [Kurumi], but they are [Kurumi] at other times, and they have a part of the ability of the body, so they can't use the angel [Kekedi].

But that doesn't mean they don't have great power.

The Mad Trins walked up to the main body and began to chatter.

I don't know what the outcome of the discussion will be...

Mu Qing used the ability of [Analysis], and her eyes lit up with golden light, as if the multiple golden pupils of the camera contracted and dilated slightly, and the information corresponding to Kurumi appeared in her mind.

Elf Name: Kurumi Tokizaki's

Identification Name: Nightmare (Nightmare

) Angel: Zaphkiel (Zaphkiel

) Spirit Costume: Kamui Spirit Costume: Three Elves

Level: S (Clone is C) Threat Level: S (Clone is B)

Five-Dimensional: 713

Clones have a B-level threat level...

In other words, Er Ya is also at the level of a crazy three-point body...

Oh, after all, Erya is not a fighting elf.

It seems that almost all the elves except Erya have strong combat ability...

It seems that Erya has always been persecuted by officials and readers for no reason...

By the way, I remember that in the original plot, Er Ya finally even gave [嗫告帙] to Mad San, and completely became the behind-the-scenes commander plus the melon-eating and complaining personnel...

Erya is estimated to have been adopted by the author....

Mu Qing looked at the discussion of the mad three and seemed to be going on for a long time, so she simply closed her eyes and took a nap on the table.

I'm not worried that Kurumi will suddenly attack herself, after all, although Kurumi has a crazy personality and is more ferocious, but this is also because she has such a change in revenge on [Chonggong Mio] for her friend, in essence... At last...... Good guys?

Not bad guys anyway.

When dealing with people who have helped him, Kurumi is still quite martial arts.

I don't know how long it took, anyway, Mu Qing didn't know, she woke up in the face of a group of crazy threes.

"Hmm... Huh, that's it?"

"Huh... Miss Mu Qing, you really have a big heart, with what you know, it is impossible not to know that I am considered the "most evil elf", and you can still sleep in the face of an elf like me?" Seeing Mu Qing

, who looked up in a daze and looked up a little cutely because of being poked in the face, and there was still a saliva mark on the corner of his mouth, Crazy San sneered unconsciously.

The Mad Three also let out a "giggle" laugh at the same time.

To be honest, it's a bit infiltrating....

"Ah, I'm sorry for Sansan... Ah no... Miss Crazy Three's character is still quite trusted, after all, even if it is a murder, Miss Crazy Three is also killing some scum. "

I said the name that came to my mind... It's really bad....

As for killing... After all, I've killed it myself... Although it is not entirely out of their own volition.

"Three-three... Hehe~ Miss Mu Qing's call is really kind..."

Shi Qi Kurumi seemed to automatically ignore the second half of the sentence and caught Mu Qing's subconscious words when she just woke up in a daze.

But to hear this girl call herself that... I don't seem to be bored...


"However, if Miss Mu Qing can continue to provide me with some help... It's not that you can't be given the right to call it that.

"Yes!" Mu

Qing agreed without hesitation.

“...... Aren't you worried that I'll use your help to do something you don't want to do?I'll do whatever it takes to get revenge on [the original elves], even if it's even the slightest possibility?"

Kurumi narrowed his eyes slightly, smiling.

"According to [our] investigation ... You're a pretty weak guy... In the face of enemies who are pointing their guns at you, AST, instead of killing them all, you will change into humans and communicate with them..."

"You know... Exposing yourself defenselessly to the enemy's guns will only end up being..."


As the gun rang out, a decorative vase was shattered by a bullet from a fire gun in the hand of one of Kurumi's clones.

"Oh this way~ hehe.

Mu Qing didn't speak, just silently repaired the vase with the power of [reconstruction].

"In this case, would you really allow yourself to help a murderer who is desperate for revenge?"

“...... I'm sure you have your own judgment.

Mu Qing thought for a long time and said the truest thoughts in her heart.

"A man who is willing to avenge his friend and has persevered for so many years... Definitely not a bad guy. Mu

Qing's words were quite sincere, and the [Crazy Three] were quite moved for a while.

"Hehe... Miss Mu Qing, your judgment of good and bad... It's really peculiar..."

Kurumi chuckled, and his expression was unconsciously much more natural.

"That's what it was.

Mu Qing smiled at the madness three times.

"Now, Miss Mad Three, let me help you answer what you want to know. "

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