Mu Qing opened her palms and [constructed] a phantom of red fragments.

"This is...

!" Shido remembered the red light that suddenly appeared behind her shortly after [the hermit] appeared, and it must be

this thing, right?" "Oh! Shikina knows this! It was this inexplicable thing that appeared behind Shikina, and then Shikina couldn't control herself!" "Can't control herself


"yes! The moment Shikina was touched by this thing, wow, Shiitina became very angry, looking at everything that existed, she felt very angry, and Shiitsuna wanted to destroy those things, especially the humans who had attacked Shiitina, so I knocked down a large piece of it with a bang!" Shiitsuna

on her left hand tried to swing her short arm and make a punching motion, which looked a little funny.

"As you know, this thing is the one responsible for the change in the elves' temperament, and it's been named [Virus Fragment].

Mu Qing stared at the red crystal in his hand and continued.

"[Virus fragments] are a combination of power and negative emotions, and the elves who come into contact with it will easily be controlled by the negative emotions and engage in conscious but uncontrollable acts of destruction... This Shiito should know. Hearing

Mu Qing mention her name, Si Ito's body, who was hiding behind Mu Qing, trembled slightly, and the ears of the two huge rabbits on the cloak also shook.

"Shiitono... Is that the girl's name?" It

was a little strange before, whether it was at the shrine before or now, [the hermit] used the hand on her left hand to chat in ventriloquist by accident, and she had never heard her speak herself.

It turns out that "Shiitona" is the name of the hand puppet alone.

But...... Shiito Nai is so talkative, why is Shiito Nao...

Shidao looked at Shiitano who was hiding behind Mu Qing with some strange eyes, because Mu Qing was also a small-sized girl, Siito and the somewhat exaggerated cloak-like spirit suit couldn't hide behind Mu Qing at all.

It's a bit of a self-deception...

"That's... Hello..."

As if knowing that she couldn't hide, the girl leaned out of half of her body from Mu Qing and greeted softly.

"Well, Shiito is a good friend of Shiitina~ Look, Shiito is very cute, isn't it? It's not worse than Shiito at all~"

The rabbit hand puppet Shiitina hugged her hands and looked confident.

"That's right. Shi

Dao smiled knowingly.

The way Shiitno and Shiitina look at the moment is difficult to connect with the spirits who attacked AST wantonly and broke out a strong cold wave before.

Sure enough, as Mu Qing said, is it the effect of that [virus fragment]?"

Mu Qing, what kind of method did you use to remove the virus fragments?"

"Yes, yes, Shishiona is also curious!"

"Mu Qing... I'm also..."

Feeling the eager gaze of the two of them and a doll, Mu Qing continued to speak.

"How can I say that... I guess it's not a removal, but an absorption. "


Shido was a little surprised.

"I should say that the reason for the birth of the elves will be different, Toka, Shiito is the reason for their birth... I don't know, but I was born to absorb the debris that was created to avoid the wrong event. After

all, Mu Qing promised that [Phantom] would not disturb her plans, so although she knew the reason for her birth, she chose to hide it at the moment.

"Absorbing virus fragments is my unique ability, so don't think about anything like 'can I help her', thank you for it, but you can't.

Mu Qing continued to add.

"Also, I haven't absorbed it yet, I'm just storing it in a safe place for the time being. "


Shido lowered his head, unable to see what he was thinking.

"By the way, the word incident, counting the time when Shixiang mentioned it before it appeared, it is already the second time Mu Qing has mentioned it, the incident... What exactly?"

"Hmm... As if for me, the world had successfully completed a function without [me] being appearing. "

“...... What does this mean?"

"Shiito Na is finished-I can't understand Sister Mu Qing's words at all..."

Mu Qing saw that everyone was a little confused, and Mu Qing felt that it was too early for him to tell them this, so he changed his words.

"Hmm... Let's put it this way, I have the power to prophesy.


Well, that's right, and the ability to prophecy isn't my ability as an elf, it's my innate ability, and that's what sets me apart from other elves. "

“...... I see, that's why she knew that Ratatosk existed..."The

sound of Jean exclamation came from the headphones of Shidao headphones.

“...... However, Mu Qing, I have a question.

Shido put his hand to his chin, and in his thoughts he realized that something was wrong.

"Excuse me.

"If you have the ability to preserve, then you should be able to easily find the fragments, why is there now... Sudden accident?"

said and looked at Mu Qing's frostbitten legs and wrapped palms.

"You're pretty sharp, Shidao.

Mu Qing praised with a little surprise.

"Shiito Na also noticed! It's just that Shiitina was preempted by Brother Shidao!" "

Shiitona, who is on the left hand, is dancing with her short arms with her teeth and claws, looking quite unconvinced.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I robbed Shikina of the first. "

Hmph~ Shishiona will forgive Brother Shido this time~"

"... If you really want to say why... It's that I only have the ability to predict once, and the result of the foreknowledge I get is a future where the virus fragment and I haven't appeared, so I only know part of what is going on in the present... Therefore, in order not to be too uncontrollable in the future, I will deliberately guide it in the direction of my prophecy. "

Although the details may not be quite the same, it is just that.

Mu Qing thought so in her heart.

"Because in the prophecy, you and Ratatorsk have been in contact with almost all the elves in this world, and the self-conscious [Virus Fragments] will almost only appear around the elves, so I will come into contact with you. "

That's it..."Shi

Dao listened to Mu Qing's words, and finally figured it out.

Mu Qing is an elf who knows the future development, but one day there are virus fragments that are different from the future, in order to ensure that the future will not deviate, so she began to clean up the virus fragments.

Looking at Shidao's expression, he should have understood.

Finally explained it roughly, Mu Qing felt that she didn't want to explain it anymore... In the future, I will have the opportunity to let Erya and them help me explain.

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