
is Sunday morning, and it should be a comfortable rest time for Shidao, but he didn't expect that early in the morning, the sharp ringing of the telephone pulled him back from his sleep...

Shidao was a little dazed at the moment, but he was a little energetic, and slowly opened his eyes and looked at the screen that emitted a faint light.

“...... Tonmachi, what are you doing?" "

Hiroshi Dianmachi, his own friend, is an optimist who can only like his two-dimensional wife because he is not very popular with girls in the third dimension.

"Gokawa, you haven't gotten up yet, are you? Today is the day when the [FAIRY IN ALIEN WORD] book will be released!"


, Shido was still a little confused, but he was a little sober when he heard this name, which he had heard a lot even at school these days.

[FAIRY IN ALIEN WORD], is a comic that was serialized in [Shonen Weekly Blast] not long ago.,Its theme and plot are quite novel.,The art is quite lovely.。

Although the comic is still relatively short because it is a new serialization, this still does not affect its popularity, especially among many boys.

At the same time, the book has a wide audience, from working adults to elementary school students who are just becoming proficient in literacy, and they are all impressed by the passages and plots.

Shido himself borrowed it from the town in his spare time between classes, and he had read the contents, and it was indeed quite good, so he couldn't help but indulge in it like the other boys in the class.


As for why Tonomachi is talking to himself on the phone today... It seems to be....

"I've already gotten up, how could I not get up by now when I said I was going to the signing party?" Shidao said

as he rolled over and got out of bed, arranging the sheets casually.

"Haha, it's good to get up, I'm still worried that you've forgotten!" said

the Hayamachi laugh on the other end of the phone.

"You say, will there be a beautiful young lady COSER at the signing location?"

Others are serious signing parties, and it's not a comic book to sell fandom, so where is Miss COSER?"

"Unless the author of [FAIRY IN ALIEN WORD] is the coser lady you have in mind, there can't be.

"That's right.

The voice of the town of Tonomachi was a little regretful.

"Forget it, no matter what, you must know the location of the signing office, right?

"Okay, that's it, I'll hang up first.

Shido turned off the communication, went down the corridor on the second floor, and was ready to go out after completing all the preparations before going out, when he met Shika who was rubbing her eyes and walking to the toilet.

“...... Shidao: Why did you get up so early today? and got dressed, is this to go out shopping?"

Shika saw that Shidao was dressed in a proper way when he went out, and even forgot to go to the toilet for a while, and seemed to feel a little strange about Shidao's current behavior.

After all, today is not a school day, and under normal circumstances, Shidao usually sleeps until 9:30 a.m. today before considering whether to get up or not.

This can be attested to in the piano.

"Ah, Tonmachi invited me to the [FAIRY IN ALIEN WORD] sale party, so I got up now to meet him in order to buy the book early.


...", Toka seemed to be stimulated by the name, no longer in a sleepy-eyed state, and supported her chin with one hand to make a cute look, as if she was thinking seriously.

"Shidao, I want to go too!"

"Ah... Do you want to go too? but... In that case, how can I tell the town of the temple when the time comes..."

"My brother directly told the town that he met the night sword god Shika on the road, who was also going to the sales party. A

crisp girl's voice sounded from behind him, and Shido looked in the direction of the voice, and the iconic red double ponytail was indeed his sister Gokawa Kotori.

The current piano has a white headband tied in it, and it is a sister model.

"That's right! Thank you Kotori~

" Immediately after, Toka looked at Shidao with an expression of "I'm looking forward to the release", and Shido said that this is fundamental... Can't refuse.

So he agreed to Shika's request and went with her.

I just don't know why, when I heard the "release meeting", Mu Qing's spirit pet winged dragon suddenly became very excited, as if he was very interested in it.

However, he was still left at home by Shidao.

After all, although it can understand the words of Shidao, Shidao cannot understand its words, and when the time comes, if there is danger because of the language barrier, it will be more than worth the loss.

But speaking of Jiumi, Shidao didn't have much of a headache to take care of it, but it was quite obedient... Especially in front of Shika, he almost didn't dare to move...

In terms of eating and drinking, Jiu Mi eats the same as humans, but prefers meat, after all, dragons also seem to be carnivores.

In life, I can go to the toilet by myself, rinse my mouth, turn on the spray equipment and take a bath by myself... It is estimated that in addition to not being able to speak, its intelligence is at least at the level of an average elementary school student.

Jiumi is so worry-free, it can be said to be quite self-reliant, and it doesn't need any special care at all.

As for why Jiu Mi is so self-reliant... I can only say that I understand everything...

After all, Mu Qing is only responsible for delivering food to Jiu Mi on time and playing with the feathers on Jiu Mi's body, and everything else can only rely on itself...

After a long time, Mu Qing found that there are many things that Jiumi will do by herself, so she simply doesn't care much about Jiumi in other aspects, just touch her own hair and play...

After Toka's request was granted, she completed the washing and breakfast tasks as quickly as she could, and changed into a set of regular clothes carefully prepared by the piano.

Beautiful long purple-black hair and colored jewel-like eyes, paired with the regular clothes prepared by Kotori... It's a perfect match!"

"Kotori, then we're leaving, remember to contact me if there's anything at home."

"Mmmm, don't worry, leave it to me!Brother~"

Kotori stood at the door, shouting to the departing Shika and Shidao while waving his hand vigorously, giving people the feeling of an ordinary, cute sister.

"Let's hope nothing strange happens today.

Shidao muttered quietly.

At this moment, Wuhe Shidao would never have thought that this seemingly ordinary trip would actually meet that familiar elf again...

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