Salusuk and Dolaire are just a small episode.

After chasing away the licking dog, Rebbe took a deep breath to relax her mood and return to the guild.

I saw that in the guild, Elusha, Miraj, Ulu and the others had surprised expressions, their jaws fell to the ground in shock, and they were full of shock.

Seeing this, Rebbe ruffled the hair next to her ear and said in surprise: “What’s wrong with you guys?” ”

Purring, secretly swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Elusa’s little face was shocked, her face was full of crimson, and she asked expectantly: “Rebby… Are you really pregnant? ”

While speaking, Elusha also took out her notebook, looked serious, and took notes, this rigorous style, really Elusa.

Rebby bowed her head and said, “Yes! ”

“Not long after.”

“My baby is about to be born!”

Hearing this, Elusha took notes, her face was red and shy, where there was still the appearance of the Dragon Queen.

In terms of love scenes, Elusa is the sister of the dragon.

While taking notes, Elusha looked forward to it, “Then… How did you get pregnant? ”

Facing the Xiaobai-like Elusha, Rebby’s face was red, and she was also a little nervous, and said shyly: “That’s it…” ”

Gollum, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Elusa’s eyes widened, and she continued to ask: “What the hell?” ”

Seeing this, Rebbe was already shy.

Miraj covered Elusa’s little mouth and smiled apologetically, “Sorry Raibie.” ”

“Elusa is more nervous.”

Seeing Mira’s outstanding hand, Lucy breathed a sigh of relief, or Sister Mira was reliable.

As a result, the next second, Miraj smiled and asked, “Who is the child’s father?” ”


This question made Elusa and Ulu, their eyes widened, their ears pricked up in unison, and the soul of gossip was burning!

The black line on Lucy’s face is worthy of being Sister Mira, even fiercer than Sister Elusha!

Under Miraj’s question, Rebbe narrowed her eyes slightly, thought for a moment, and said truthfully: “It’s Ron.” ”


Elusa, Miraj, Ulu and others, their pupils quake, their faces were shocked, and their hearts were also shocked, shocked, and it was difficult to calm down.

It turned out to be Ron?

Is this true?

The same goes for Lucy.

Of course, the reason why Lucy was shocked, she did not expect that Rebbe was so bold and directly showed Ron in front of everyone.

When everyone was shocked, Rebbe blushed a little, came to Ron’s body, put her hands around Ron’s neck, and then stood on her tiptoes, and immediately kissed her face.

After finishing everything, Rebbe hummed a ditty and walked away from the scene with a pleasant step, leaving behind a group of stunned people.

Before leaving, Rebbe said.

“Ron, be careful.”

“I’ll wait for you to come back.”

“Also, Elusa and Miraje, during this time, I took a vacation to raise a fetus and did not accept the task commission.”

Then, Rebbe disappeared from everyone’s view.

During the whole process, Elusha, Miraj, Ulu and others were stunned.

For Rebby’s words, as well as Rebby’s light-hearted attitude, they were very skeptical of the hypocrisy of this paragraph.

In the end, Elusa smiled, snapped her fingers, and said with a smile: “I see!” ”

“Rebbe is hiding the true identity of the child’s father, so he said that Ron is the child’s father.”

“This trick is high!”

“I almost got scammed.”

Miraj covered his mouth and chuckled, agreeing, “Yes.” ”

“If President Ron really is the child’s father, Rebby won’t tell us.”

“So, Rebby’s words, are lies.”

Ulu rubbed his chin with his left hand, made a thoughtful gesture, and muttered, “That’s right. ”

“What’s more, Ron doesn’t have time either.”

“Ron, are you right?”

Ron shrugged and smiled, “I have time.” ”

Suddenly, Elusha, Miraj, and Ulu were slightly startled.

Immediately, Uluhaha laughed: “Ron, you are really humorous. ”

“Then you talk about it.”

“When did you get it?”

Ron said truthfully, “Yesterday night. ”

Hearing this, Elusha and Miraj both laughed.

Elusha crossed her waist with one hand, very confident, and the corners of her mouth turned up: “Yesterday night? ”

“Ron, you and we are in the sauna.”

“What are you kidding?”

“Are you a fool?”

“You might as well say that you are the messenger behind the return of the dragon herd to Ishgar.”

Miraj ruffled the hair in his ear and smiled: “Yes, Ron.” [ Read more novels by visiting our website: ] )

“This kind of clumsy lie cannot deceive us.”

“If it’s true, Rebbe’s child is really your child, and you will definitely hide it, not admit it.”

“Also, this kind of joke is not funny, you might as well say that you are the boss of the witch’s sin.

Ulu took a sip of juice, sighed softly, and smiled: “Yes.” ”

“Ron, I’m curious why you’re helping Rebby hide this.”

Ron spread out his hands, exhaled lightly, and the corners of his mouth tugged: “Because, I am telling the truth.” ”


Elusa, Miraj, Ulu and the others looked at each other, looked at each other and smiled.

They first ruled out the correct answer, and in their hearts, Ron was helping Rebby, helping Rebby hide the truth.

Of course, for the “truth” that Rebbe wants to hide.

Elusha and others will not dig into the bottom of the matter.

They don’t care about the ultimate truth, as long as Rebbe is happy, that’s enough.

That’s it.

After a short small talk.

Ron, Elusa, Ulu… Wait, ready to go to the meeting of presidents.

This scene directly stunned Lucy.

Just because, the whole thing happened, she saw in her eyes, Rebbe and Ron were telling the truth.

But the result?

Elusa, Miraj, and Ulu didn’t believe it at all, which left Lucy speechless.

Of course, Lucy, who reacted, was also pensive for a moment.

In other words, if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn’t have believed that Rebbe had a leg with Ron, and she wouldn’t believe that Rebe’s child was Ron’s child.

The whole thing came down, making Lucy’s dark circles more and more serious.

It seems that the truth of the whole matter, the people who know, except for the parties Rebbe and Ron, she alone knows the most true truth.

This made Lucy’s heart itch, as if there were ants crawling, the feeling of keeping secrets, it was really uncomfortable!

Anyway, this little episode has come to an end.

Ron, Elusa, Ulu, and Lucy plan to travel to the town of Kuloba on the Dragon Wizard to attend the meeting of presidents.

Before leaving, Elusa dragged her mountain-like luggage and put it into the Dragon Demon Guide Boat, as if moving.

Densely packed luggage, everything from bunny girl sex suits to pesticides and all kinds of strange things, Elusa brought them all.

This made Lucy complain: “~Sister Elusa… Isn’t it, a little too that? ”

Elusa suddenly realized and nodded, “Lucy, you still understand me.” ”

“It’s really too little.”

Hearing this, Lucy’s face was black and the corners of her mouth twitched, and she was already unable to complain.

Then, with a bad smile, Elusa handed the bunny girl sex suit to Lucy, and said, “Lucy, you try this, (King Zhao) is very suitable for you.” ”

The corner of Lucy’s mouth twitched, waved her hand again and again, and said with an embarrassed smile: “Sister Elusha, please, I don’t need this.” ”

As a result, Elusa ignored Lucy and turned to Ulu: “Ulu, you can try it too.” ”

This made the mature female Ulu, slightly startled, then her expression was shocked, and she smiled bitterly: “Elusha, don’t joke, okay?” ”

For the fights in front of him, for Elusha and others, Ron has long been accustomed to the fights and directly ignored them.

Alone on the Dragon Magic Boat, lying on a lounge chair, wearing sunglasses, enjoying the bright sunshine, while drinking frozen juice, enjoying quiet time.

Wait until Elusha and the others, after everything is done.

The Dragon Demon Guided Boat finally set sail, leaving Magnolia again and soaring under the azure dome.

It’s just that there are only four people on the current Dragon Magic Guide Boat, that is, Elusa, Ulu, Lucy, and Ron.

The original Ron has put on sunglasses and began to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way.

As a result, in the next second, Ron’s pupils dilated slightly.

Just because he saw Elusa and Lucy, he actually changed into a bunny girl sex suit, and even Ulu was unable to escape.

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