When Ron fought the Black Dragon.

Not far away, near the ancient forest, there are still a bunch of dark guilds remaining.

These dark guilds are subordinate to the Six Demon Generals.

The original plan was that these dark guilds, under the control of None, would attack Ron and attack the Dragon Empire.

The result?

The defeat of None, the defeat of the Six Demon Generals, the defeat of Gerald... It's really fast!

It was so fast that these dark guilds didn't react, and None, the Six Demon Generals, and Gerald had completely disappeared.

This group of dark guilds, for Ron, for the Dragon Empire, is even more frightened, this is Ron, is this the Dragon Empire?

Before they could react, while they were still in shock, the black dragon came!

The scariest thing, the black dragon is coming!

In the face of the attack of the black dragon, these dark guilds looked ecstatic, and the members of the dark guilds looked excited and their eyes were excited!

After all, the Black Dragon's target is Ron!

No matter how strong Ron is, he can't kill the black dragon!

Therefore, the final outcome of this battle has long been doomed.

That's Ron's death, Ron's fall!

The power of the black dragon is beyond doubt!

The members of the Dark Guild who ate melons and watched the play looked excited one by one.

They are expecting the Black Dragon to take out Ron and avenge them!

"Rush, black dragon! Kill Ron! "

"That's right! Kill the Dragon Tyrant! "

"Kill the Dragon Empire! Come on Black Dragon! "

Under the excitement of the Dark Guild.

The battle continues.

As everyone knows, in Ron's plan, the Dark Guild has long been reduced to his pawn.

Ron unleashed the boundless divine power of the Vientiane Realm, first using the divine skill: stop when smashing Varudo, pause the world!

Take control of the black dragon.

Take control of the world!

With the strength of the black dragon, Ron could only stop for five seconds!

That's five seconds enough!

In the moment when the world time stopped.

In those five seconds, everyone's expressions have frozen, the world loses color, and time stops passing.

Members of the Dark Guild, Brantish, Urrutia, Wendy, Lucy... Black Dragon... Everything stopped, and time passed.

Including, trees, stones, breezes, clouds in the sky... That's all the same.

In the moment of a halt, Ron continued to unleash his divine skill: Mirror Flower Water Moon Illusion!

Use the mirror to control the five senses of the black dragon!

In the five senses of the black dragon, the members of the Dark Guild are "Luo ~ En", his enemies!


In the blink of an eye when smashing Varudo, the stop was lifted.

The black dragon's attack turned to attack the members of the Dark Guild, and the roar of the black dragon, the roar of destroying the world, and the magic like an ocean, flooded the members of the Dark Guild.

A mighty army of a thousand magicians.

Face the roar of the black dragon.

Facing the sudden attack of the black dragon.

Their expressions were distorted and broken, their faces were frightened, and their hearts were even more frightened and shocked, why did the black dragon suddenly attack them???

This scene, they couldn't figure it out!

The Black Dragon's target is obviously Ron!

Why did you suddenly attack the Dark Guild?

In everyone's incomprehension, shock, shock, horror, unwillingness...

The roar of the black dragon, drowning everything, set off a frenzy of flames, engulfing everything and turning it to ashes!

Everything, all life, within the reach of the black dragon's roar, was completely gone.

At this moment, the remnants of the Six Demon Generals, the mighty magic army of a thousand people, disappeared.

Under the roar of the black dragon, they turned to powder and went to hell.

Until a second before death.

None of them understood.

Why did the black dragon attack them!

That's it.

After the black dragon completed the offensive, his satisfied eyes scanned the audience, and his hideous face showed a satisfied look.

Immediately, the wings soared, and the huge figure swept across the sky again, soaring away.

The terrifying aura is enough to intimidate the audience!

From the advent to the departure.

The time that the black dragon stayed was less than a minute, and it had already destroyed everything and turned the scene into a human purgatory.

Of course. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Under the control of the Divine Skill: Mirror Flower Water Moon Illusion, in the black dragon's field of vision, he killed "Ron", killed the biggest threat, and killed the strongest enemy.

After everything was done, in the black dragon's field of vision, the scene was barren, there was gunsmoke everywhere, there were flames of war everywhere, and the sultry fire rushed into the sky, staining the dome red.

This is the masterpiece of the Black Dragon.

Destroy everything.

Wherever it comes, it will disappear completely, this is the dragon of the end, and it is also the dragon of destruction.

The black dragon's hideous gaze, after scanning it, did not find any remaining life.

Immediately, he left the scene directly.

All of this is Ron's layout.

Use the magic skill: Mirror Flower Water Moon Illusion to manipulate the five senses of the black dragon, so that the black dragon can see the barrenness and see no life, and deceive the black dragon.

With Ron's current divine power, he can only control it for five minutes, and he can only deceive the black dragon for five minutes.

After all, the magic of the black dragon is really powerful, and when the black dragon adapts to the mirror, it can still break the game.

What's more, for the black dragon, Ron has no way to kill the black dragon completely.

Therefore, Ron, who met the black dragon for the first time, did not choose to continue the battle after using the black dragon to eliminate the remnants of the six demon generals.

Instead, choose to deceive the black dragon and let the black dragon leave first.

After all, Ron still has hole cards!

That's the Dragon's Seed!

After the arrival of the Dragon's Seed.

He will be rewarded handsomely.

With this wave of rewards, he can save Erin and Mebis, as well as upgrade and evolve the Stardust Dragon, the Blue-Eyed White Dragon, and the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon, and summon new dragon members.

It can be said that after the arrival of the dragon seed, his strength will reach its peak, and his power will also reach the peak!

So, Ron still needs time, waiting for the reward of the dragon seed.

The time is a week later, the time when the dragon seed descends, and it is also the time when he reaches the top.

At that time, what is the Kingdom of Fiore, the Continent of Ishgar, the Heart of the Devil, the Gate of Hades, Jelf, the Black Dragon... It doesn't matter to anyone.

That's Ron's plan!

Everything needs to wait.

Wait for the arrival of the Dragon's Seed.

This is the final battle, the last replenishment of combat power.

On the other hand, in the face of the attack of the black dragon, Ron not only escaped unscathed, but also used illusion to deceive the black dragon and asked the black dragon to help eliminate the remnants of the six demon generals, this scene completely stunned Brantish, Urrutia, Lucy, Robin Lu, Wendy, Simon and others.

Ordinary people can survive in the hands of the black dragon, they are already very powerful.

What about Ron?

Not only survived.

also played with the black dragon, using the black dragon, in Ron's hands, the black dragon has become a chess piece, using the black dragon as a chess piece, to annihilate the remnants of the six demon generals.

This layout directly shocked everyone for a hundred years, and it can only be said that the artist is bold.

You know, this is a black dragon, the dragon of the end, an invincible black dragon!

Except Ron.

Who else would dare to play the black dragon like this?

completely deceived the black dragon, and after using the black dragon, the black dragon didn't know it, and turned around and left, which can be said to be completely controlled!.

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