
Ron’s gaze met Elusha’s.

At the moment of looking at each other, Elusha had no blood-colored lips, opened slightly, and said, “It’s too late… People from the Order of the Dark Arts, right nearby. ”

“You guys have to… Hurry up and escape. ”

On the side, accompanied by Luke’s fall.

The Black Rose Dark Guild has been defeated and directly defeated.

Miraj, Jubia and Rebbie also chased after the victory, giving the final blow and winning smoothly.

However, they did not have the joy of victory.

Just because, Elushamin said, the Dark Arts Order is coming.

For the legendary Dark Arts Order, they have long heard about it, believing in the dark order of the first ancestor of the Dark Magician, Jelf.

Miraj spread his demon wings, soared in midair, looked down at Elusha below, and said, “The Order of Dark Magic? ”

“Why are they here?”

Elusha explained: “Because of me, the Dark Arts Order came to Roque Town in order to capture me. ”

“Then, Black Rose spent a lot of money to buy the Dark Magic Order and let the Dark Magic Order sneak up on you.”

“If you don’t go anymore, it’s really too late…”

Although, Elusha knew that Miraj, Ron and the others were strong. “Seven Nine Three”

However, it was the Dark Magic Sect, there were many people, and the strength was extremely terrifying.

What’s more, Miraj, Rebby, and Jubia have already fought, and their physical strength, magic, and spirit have all been greatly consumed, and they are no longer at their peak.

In the current situation, it is really unwise to face the Dark Magic Order again.

Rebbe rubbed her chin with her right hand, considered for a moment, and said, “She’s right.” ”

“The Dark Arts Order is coming, and it’s not good for us.”

“They’re in their prime, we’re not in good shape.”

“Moreover, the Dark Magic Order also controls a large number of black magic, which is extremely weird, evil, and terrifying, and they cannot be taken lightly.”

Jubia had returned to normal, and said weakly: “Jubia has also heard of the Dark Magic Order. ”

“They often arrest people in nearby towns and seem to be performing some evil ritual.”

After some understanding, Miraj also understood the current situation, frowned slightly, and looked at Ron.

During the whole process, Ron was very calm, and his blue pupils were ancient without waves, without any waves, which made Miraj very puzzled.

Elusha’s expression was nervous, and she said in a hurried tone: “Really, the Dark Arts Order is very powerful, so you can escape quickly.” ”

“The town I am in was destroyed by the Dark Arts Order, they are powerful and evil.”

In the face of Elusha’s persuasion, Miraj, Rebie, and Jubia all showed worry, and their little faces tightened.

Only Ron, standing silently on the side, looked up at the dark night, and slandered in his heart, it was time for the Cat and Cat Legion to act.

The bureau he laid out should be pretty good.


Next second.

Not far away, in the dense forest.

The screams in the bottom of the exhaustion suddenly sounded!

It reverberated throughout the valley and echoed through the valley, startling a flock of migratory birds and skimming over the pitch-black dome.

This scene also stunned Rebby, Jubia, Elusa, Miraj and others.

They didn’t know why, their faces looked at each other, and their expressions were shocked.

Grunting, secretly swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Rebbe was stunned: “Is the Order of the Dark Arts here?” ”

Elusha raised her eyes to gaze at the direction where she screamed, her small face tightened, and she said in a loud voice: “Yes… I felt it, it was the breath of the Dark Arts Order. ”

Always chased and killed by the Dark Arts Order, Elusa should not be too familiar with this familiar breath!

Evil, weird, terrifying, powerful breath, this is the dark magic order, Elusa’s childhood shadow.

Strong as Elusa, there are also shadows.

After all, the shadow of childhood has to be healed with a lifetime.

Gently pressing Elusa’s shoulder, Ron smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’m very strong.” ”

“With me, everything is fine.”

Elusa’s expression was unnatural, and her body couldn’t help but snort slightly, “That’s the Dark Magic Order… You, can you? ”

“Of course.” Ron, of course, said, “Let’s go and see it together.” ”

Ron’s confidence is like the pinnacle of Gojou, but he won’t be cut off.

Go check it out? … Elusha’s pupils shook, and she was shocked: “That’s the Dark Magic Sect!” ”

“Aren’t we running away?”

“Do you want to go over and take a look?”

Ron knew that the Order of Dark Arts was a shadow of Elusha’s childhood and Elusa’s heart.

This shadow must be broken and this knot untied so that Elusa can grow up and grow into a queen admired by all.

After a pause, the corners of Ron’s mouth turned up: “Of course.” ”

“Blindly fleeing will only make the enemy worse.”

“So, escaping can’t solve the problem.”

Seeing Ron say this, Miraj was also eager to fight, rubbed his fists, and said excitedly: “That’s right! ”

“Don’t worry”

“Although this bastard guild leader is a bastard, he is very strong!”

Rebbe narrowed her eyes slightly, thought slightly, and said, “Well, the president is right.” ”

“The Dark Arts Order is ahead, and we can’t escape.”

“It’s better to attack in advance and deal with it head-on.”

And just like that, after a short deliberation.

Everyone obeyed Ron’s decision and planned to go and take a look. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Walking under the cold moonlight, through the dense forest, everyone came to the front and saw everything in front of them.

As Elusha said, there was indeed a dark magic sect ahead, and there were many of them, a total of about a hundred people.

The high priest led by him can also blast out earth-shattering black magic, powerful strength, visible to the naked eye, terrifying, making people gasp for 108 breaths of cold air.

But that’s about it!

Next second!

What shocked everyone even more happened!

I saw that in front of the Black Magic Sect, there were three people standing.

It’s not so much a person as a cat.

These three cats are the black cat Yoruichi, the white cat Yuno Masari, and a cat lady.

The cat lady is wearing a JK crimson bow and holding a katana Yasuzuna.

In the battle, after Noihara’s nature was revealed, the cat’s ears and tail also quietly grew.

At this moment, under the shock of Miraj, Elusha and others, the Dark Magic Order was fiercely fighting the three cats.

An entire evil and powerful dark order, battle the Three Cats!

Such scenes are extremely magnificent.

The battles are also intense!

All kinds of magic flew all over the sky, and the members of the Black Magic Order were also riveted one by one, bursting out all kinds of powerful magic, fire, thunder, ice, wind… Magic with all kinds of attributes.

Let Miraj, Rebby, Elusa, Jubia be directly stunned, their expressions are frozen, and the figures of the three cats are reflected in their pupils 0…..

Under the dark night, under the cold moonlight, the ghostly figure of the three cats, flexibly flickering among them, constantly kills out.

In the battle, the outnumbered Dark Magic Sect fell into the downside and retreated!

Suddenly, the serious black cat Yoruichi turned into a human form.

Shikaede Courtyard appeared at night, with long purple hair, tied into a ponytail, golden eyes, brown skin, wearing a tight combat suit, and his perfect body is difficult to hide.

From a cat to an adult, Yoruichi Shikaede was not naked, and after the transformation, he wore a tight combat suit and did not walk away at all.

In the humanoid state, Yoruichi is even more crazy and directly enters the instantaneous mode.

In teleportation mode, Yoruichi’s back and shoulders are wrapped in a highly compressed ghost path.

When the clothes on his back and shoulders are broken, Onidō injects Yoruichi’s hands and feet, and even a slight wave of his hand can cause great damage.

In instantaneous mode, Yoruichi is like killing a god, killing dozens of members of the Dark Magic Order in one go.

The screams resounded through the valley, echoing in the cold moonlight.

This scene made the Dark Magic Sect directly lose its fighting intent.

The enemies who suddenly appeared, or three cats, fought them all doubted life!

Is this TM cat?

This is obviously a fierce tiger beast!

“This… What is the origin of the other party, why did they suddenly attack us? ”

“It’s terrifying, is this the legendary big monster?”

“High Priest… Help me! ”

Save you paralyzed, labor and management are also troubled… The high priest holding the golden staff, his face was livid, cold sweat was constantly on his forehead, and his trembling pupils stared at the three cats in front of him.

The Adam’s apple squirmed and muttered like a trill: “We were just about to sneak up on the Dragon Empire, and these three cats appeared… Could it be that this is the reinforcement of the Dragon Empire? ”

That’s right, Black Rose has reinforcements, find helpers, and let them sneak up on the Dragon Empire.

Of course, the Dragon Empire can also find reinforcements and helpers to help attack the Black Rose.

It’s just that the three cats in front of them all have great strength.

White cat Xiaobai can illusion, black cat Yoruichi 3.2 body art horror, JK cat lady crimson sword art is terrifying… Powerful strength, the fight of the black magic sect crying father and mother, the face of the high priest of the fight is broken and distorted.

The current High Priest regretted it, if he had known this, even if Black Rose added more money, he would not have taken this job.

He is the Order of Darkness, but he is not the Order of Fools.

In this way, as time passed, the members of the Dark Arts Order fell one after another, and the battle situation was one-sided.

As a trio of the Cat and Cat Legion, they cooperate with each other, and the illusion, physical art, and sword art all attack.

They were more and more excited, their faces were full of excitement, and their eyes were shining.

Just like the characteristics of cats, when encountering prey, the more the prey struggles, the more they like to slowly torture the prey.

This scene made Elusha, Miraj and others stunned in place.

Can’t believe everything in front of you, the legendary Black Magic Sect, was hung up and beaten by the unknown three cats?

As if dreaming!

Is this three cats?

This is obviously the three phantom gods!

Conquer the Black Magic Order with ease like the God of War!

Especially Elusa, her face was full of incredulity, as if she had been shocked for a hundred years.

…… The dividing line…

Four Maple Courtyard Yoichi illustration.

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