This moment!

When the demon Red Moon Wolf of the Book of Jelf arrived.

Near Roque Town, near Roque Warcraft Valley… All humanity has embarked on a great escape!

“How come the demon of the Book of Jelph has descended on our town of Roque, and that immortal doom demon Deliola is not in the northern city?”

“The demon that descended on our Roque Town is not Diliora, no matter what, it is the demon of the Book of Jelf, let’s run away!”

“That’s right! Legend has it that the demons of the Book of Jelf went around doing evil to the devastation of life, and could destroy an entire city in less than a day. ”

“Rocktown… It’s going to be over! ”

“Catastrophe has come!”

“Run away!”

For a time, the moment everyone saw the Red Moon Wolf under the dome.

A terrifying haze directly enveloped the audience, crying, screaming, crying for help… It resounded throughout the audience, and instantly became panicked.

This is the threat of the Book of Jelf demons!

It brings an unparalleled sense of horror and brings despair to everyone!

At this moment, Joseph’s expression was grim.

He didn’t want to care about it, and the demon who beat the Book of Jelf didn’t do him any good.

As an egoist, he has only one principle for doing things, and that is money, and money comes first.

Thor widened his pupils, looked up at the Red Moon Wolf under the dome, and said in a trill: “No~No~No~!” ”

“President… I really found out. ”

“That demon Red Moon Wolf is really watching us… It’s over! ”

“Have we been targeted by the demons of Jelf’s Book?”

What the! When Ron didn’t wait, when he got to the demon 05 of Jelf’s book, this is ten thousand times more unlucky than stepping on shit as soon as he goes out… Joseph’s eyes darkened, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, “Stop talking…. ”

“Really targeted!”

“It’s your crow mouth, I’ll kill you first!”

At this time, Thor trembled and raised his right index finger, pointed to the Red Moon Wolf under the dome, and said in horror: “No~No~No~!” ”

“President, I’m right.”

“We’re really being targeted!”

“The Red Moon Wolf is flying towards us!”

Hearing this, Joseph’s expression twisted and collapsed, and he raised his eyes to look at the Red Moon Wolf, everything was just as Thor said!

Suddenly! His face was livid, cold sweat constantly broke out on his forehead, and he gritted his teeth: “Bastard! ”

“Around here, our magic power is the highest.”

“That demon in the Book of Jelf sees us as enemies!”

Ron, Miraj, Elusha and others, because they are hiding, waiting for the bait Karen to take the bait, have long hidden their magic and converged their magic.

In this way, near Roque Town and near Roque Warcraft Valley, the people with the highest magical power are naturally Saint Joseph and Earth Element Thor.

These two people are human beings, or humans with high magic power, and the human camp that is the enemy of the demon will naturally be regarded as an enemy by the devil!

In the eyes of the Red Moon Wolf, Joseph and Thor are definitely good people, sent here to hunt his good people!

Therefore, the Red Moon Wolf let out a long roar, and the spell surged and released countless black magic arrays!

These magic arrays are densely packed with weird and peculiar patterns, and within the magic array, there are countless demon little wolves, running out!

These shadow demon wolves are magic soldiers created by the Red Moon Wolf, that is, the demon cubs of the Red Moon Wolf.

In an instant, countless Shadow Demon Wolves were summoned, and they headed towards Roque Town, killing them!

These phantom demon wolves are wrapped in purple flames, their bodies are also two or three meters in size, and their foreheads are also imprinted with purple crescents, the shape is like a wolf, their fangs are cold, and they are full of murderous dew!

While controlling the Shadow Demon Wolf to attack Roque Town, the Red Moon Wolf spreads its wings and soars, killing Joseph and Thor alone!


The huge demon wings, the moment they opened and flapped up, rolled up a fierce wind, blowing everything around them.

The huge body of the Red Moon Wolf soared in mid-air, bathed in the cold moonlight, flying rapidly, and where it passed, afterimages remained.

Completely different from its huge body, the Red Moon Wolf’s speed is extremely fast, amazingly fast!

In the blink of an eye! The mountain-like wolf of the red moon killed in front of Joseph and Thor, looked down at the humans below, as small as ants, and said disdainfully: “Humans, you also want to kill me?” ”

“You guys are hiding at the exit of Roque Warcraft Valley just to ambush me.”

“Ridiculous humans, small humans, I have already seen through this little trick!”

At this moment, Joseph and Thor were already stunned!

Curse Ron a hundred times in my heart, a hundred times!

Are they idle and have nothing to do?

The demon who came to ambush the Book of Jelf?

If the head is pumped, it will not be done!

Thor rubbed his hands like a fly and flattered: “No~No~No~!” ”

“Great Mr. Devil.”

“I know you’re in a hurry, but don’t worry, you listen to me, we’re not good people, we’re really bad people.”

“So, we, like you, are all bad.”

Joseph breathed lightly, it wasn’t necessary, he really didn’t want to hit the demon of Jelf’s Book, it was no good at all!

“Yes, we are all bad.”

“You know, I’m the Ghost Dominator, the famous Rogue Guild, and I’m still the notorious Saint Ten Joseph and a famous Rogue Magister.”

Suddenly, the Red Moon Wolf’s eyes widened, staring at Joseph and Thor, his Adam’s apple squirming, and a low roar full of hostility sounded, saying: “You are from the regular magic guild, and you are still a Saint Ten, you actually say that you are not a good person!” ”

“Who believes!”

“Go and die!”

“Labor and management hate good people the most!”

“And the people of the regular magic guild!”

“And Saint Ten!”

Thor tried to explain: “No~No~No~!” ”

“You listen to me, we are really bad people, and we are very bad people.”

“Often in the name of a gentleman, voyeurism, going to dinner and never paying, from an eighty-year-old man down to a three-year-old brat, we bully…”

The Red Moon Wolf roared: “Don’t say it! ”

“You guys are so kind that you only do these things?” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

“Eat me a spell blast and die!”


The endless spell condensed in the mouth of the Red Moon Wolf.

A spell blaster blasted head-on at Joseph and Thor!

The battle starts instantly!

Joseph, Thor vs Wolf of the Red Moon!

The sudden battle left Joseph and Thor dumbfounded and lying down and shot.

Joseph and Thor dodged the spell shockwave in embarrassment, their expressions twisted and collapsed, and their faces were full of despair!

As people who dominate the ghost, they seem to see a ghost today.

As members of the famous rogue guild, they were considered good people for the first time in their lives, and because they were so-called “good people”, they had to kill them, which was really bad luck!


Explosions rang out one after another.

In a passive situation, Joseph and Thor can only bite the bullet and fight against the Wolf of the Red Moon.

The other side.

When Roquetown was in chaos.

When Joseph and Thor battle the demon Red Moon Wolf of the Book of Jelf.

While the Shadow Demon Pack wolves were attacking Roque Town.

For a time, the crisis was up and down.

Ron also took the opportunity to walk directly to the collapsed Black Rose Villa.

In the ruins, the golden keys of the Virgo Star Spirit and the Aries Star Spirit were found.

Seeing Ron’s figure suddenly appear, and took away the golden keys of Baluge and Aliyes, Leo was slightly startled, and then suddenly realized, caressed the frame of the sunglasses, and said: “It’s you, designed Kalien.” ”

Ron did not deny it, and directly contracted the Golden Key of Balug and the Golden Key of Aliyes.

In a flash!

Dazzling golden light flashes!

When the brilliant golden light fades.

In an instant, the contract was completed.

The corners of Ron’s mouth turned up: “Thank you Karen for your help~!” ”

“Leo, you know what kind of person Karen is.”

“Don’t worry, I will treat Balug and Aliyes well.”

Leo sighed softly and glanced at the bushes next to him.

He saw several girls’ figures, and then glanced at Ron, and his heart was full of thoughts.

However, as time went on, Karen became more and more devoured by demons.

His magic power is also exhausted, and he is about to leave the human realm and return to the star spirit world.

After all, when the Star Spirit descends to the human realm, it also needs the power of the contract master.

Now Karen is almost dead, of course, there is no strength to support Leo to stay in the human world.

In the end, Leo is also relieved, the young man in front of him is a little wave, not like Karian, not 727 regards Star Spirit as a partner, but also wants Star Spirit to betray Hue, smile: “No way.” ”

“I can only trust you.”

“Hopefully, next time we see each other, we can still have a good conversation.”

Ron shrugged and smiled, “Of course. ”


Leo was covered in golden light

When the light faded, Leo had returned to the astral spirit realm.

When Leo left, Miraj, Elusa and the others hidden in the bushes also slowly walked out and came to Ron.

At this moment, because of the arrival of the demon Red Moon Wolf of the Book of Jelf!

The scene was already in shambles, there were explosions everywhere, gunsmoke everywhere, and flames everywhere.

The Red Moon Wolf and the Shadow Demon Pack are destroying this world, devouring everything in front of them, destroying everything!

Jubia’s expression was the most worried, and he hugged the sunny day doll in his arms tightly and said, “Lord Ron, the shadow demon pack of wolves summoned by the Red Moon Wolf are attacking Roque Town. ”

“Jubia is worried about Mom and Dad.”

Elusha echoed, “President, give the order!” ”

“Let’s guard Roque Town together!”

“Kill the Shadow Demon Pack Wolf, and the Red Moon Wolf!”

Rubbing Jubia’s little head, the silky hair passed through his fingers, and it felt good to the touch, Ron calmed Jubia’s emotions and said, “Don’t worry about Jubia.” ”

“Your parents are fine, I have protected them.”

Quietly, Ron also sent out the Shadow Corps, and had already protected Jubia’s parents.

Of course, just covert protection.

Jubia’s parents did not know and did not know about the existence of the Dark Shadow Corps.

Jubia’s face was delighted, and he bowed his head: “Jubia, thank you, Lord Ron!” ”

Immediately, Ron raised his eyes again to see the Red Moon Wolf who was fighting fiercely under the dark dome, as well as Saint Joseph and Earth Elemental Thor.

A plan quietly appeared in Ron’s mind, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

That is to let the so-called Holy Ten fall to Roque Town tonight!

…… The dividing line……..

Ariyes illustration.

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