This moment

The battlefield was dead silent.

Only the roar of Dailiora.

The rest, everything, was quiet!

At this moment, Shirley Blanty, hiding behind the ruined wall, squatted down on her delicate body, wrapped her arms around her knees, her small face was distorted, her pupils trembled, and she muttered: “It’s over… It’s over. ”

“Sure enough… Daliorah is invincible. ”

“Mom and Dad… I’m sorry, I can’t avenge you. ”



Shirley sobbed.

No matter what, now Shirley is still young, still a girl, she is already strong enough.

However, in the face of the terrifying Daliora, Shirley finally broke the defense.

Not only that, but so did Gray and Leon.

In front of Diliora, everyone has collapsed and fallen into a desperate situation.

This scene made Ulu’s heart mixed.


Face Dailiora.

She is still too weak after all.

Damn it!

Failed to protect Gray and Leon.

Until this moment, Ulu also knew that her life was coming to an end.

At this moment, the only thing that Ulu regretted was that he did not protect his disciples well and was ashamed of his master.

Biting his teeth lightly, Ulu gritted his teeth and said, “Gray, Leon… You guys go. ”

As he spoke, Ulu’s trembling body, stood up, put on an absolutely frozen posture, and his body was full of magic power, and the magic frenzy hit instantly, shrouding the audience, roaring the audience!

At this moment, Ulu also decided to fight to the death and die with Dailiora, and also to protect his disciples!

Seeing Ulu’s desperate posture, Gray and Leon came back to their senses, their expressions were horrified, and they said in a loud voice.

“Master can’t!”

“That’s right, you said that absolute freezing is forbidden magic, and once you use it, you will also die!”

Ulu smiled back and soothed, “Don’t worry, Gray, Leon.” ”

“To protect you, Master will turn into permanent ice and freeze Diliora.”

“Master will not die, he will live forever in your heart~.”

“Goodbye, Gray and Leon, you must live well, learn magic well, inherit my will, and become a good magician…”

As he spoke, Ulu’s gaze gradually firmed.

When Ulu was about to use absolute ice, Gray also put on an absolute freezing posture, crying and snot while shouting: “I will also be absolutely frozen!” ”

“Master Ulu, let me come!”

As in the original, Gray has been posing for poss.

Gray in the original work, after the whole drama, there are absolutely frozen poss more than a dozen times, just don’t use it, just play, just like to pose poss.

Now too, first put on an absolutely frozen poss, Gray said seriously: “I’m coming!” ”

Then, he was kicked away by Leon and said sadly: “Gray… Stop messing around! ”

“Master for you… It’s all going to be sacrificed, and you’re still posing for poss. ”

Seeing this, Uru smiled and turned to Dailiora, intending to release the absolute ice freeze, thus ending the battle and ending Daliora.


I don’t know when.

In Daliora’s hands, there is already an extra pink-haired girl.

The girl was held in her hand by Dailiora, her face was full of cruelty, and she mocked: “Is it absolutely frozen? ”

“Very good, use it!”

“Ulu, you’re using absolute ice!”

At this time, with the pink-haired girl as a hostage, Ulu’s expression was shocked, and he did not dare to rashly use absolute ice, gritting his teeth, and roared lowly: “Abominable! ”

“Despicable Daliora!”

Dailiora laughed: “Thank you for the compliment.” ”

Obviously, the girl who was caught by Dailiola was none other than Shirley.

Shirley’s crying was detected by Dailiora, who was captured and taken hostage.

At this time, Shirley’s face was full of panic, her beautiful eyes trembled, and she said in a trill: “Don’t worry about me… Kill Dailiora. ”

“As long as I can kill Dailiora, I’m fine!”

Dailiorah was infinitely arrogant and shouted, “Come! ”

“Ulu, use absolute ice!”

Leon echoed, “Master! It doesn’t matter if you sacrifice one, you have to kill Daliora! ”

Ulu hesitated and pursed his red lips: “No… Innocent people cannot be implicated. ”

Seeing this, Leon gritted his teeth and was ruthless, and also put on an absolutely frozen posture, and said fiercely: “Master! ”

“In that case!”

“Let me be the wicked!”


Leon’s magic power burst out, and the magic power was roaring, like an ocean endless, making people shudder!

“Die, Dio!”

Suddenly, Ulu’s expression changed suddenly, and Leon would even be absolutely frozen!!

No way!

Will die!

Ulu swoops towards Leon, raises his left leg, whips his leg, and whips at Leon in an attempt to stop Leon!

No way!

Still too slow!

Is it all over?

In the nick of time!

Heaven and earth vision, in the cold wind, in the blizzard, in the polar ice, the temperature dropped sharply again!

Let Ulu, Leon, Daliora and the others all begin to tremble.

The extreme cold made Leon’s arms stiff, unable to move, his expression frozen, and his pupils trembled, what was going on?

Ulu also stopped, frozen in place, shivering, too cold…

This is the first time Ulu has felt cold since he became an Ice Magister.

Moreover, it is still extremely cold!!

So cold that Gray curled up on the ground, curled up into a shrimp shape, and said in a trill: “What’s going on… Is this absolute freezing? ”

“Leon… Did you succeed? ”

Hearing this, Leon suddenly realized and smiled with relief: “That’s right! ”

“This is absolute ice!”

“Master, I succeeded!”

“I froze Dailiora!”

“Right now, my body can’t move, probably as a side effect of absolute freezing.”

“Okay, goodbye master, goodbye Gray…”

At this moment, Leon has heroically taken up his righteousness.

In his heart, he is a hero, he sacrificed himself and froze Dalyora!

That’s right.

Now, in front of Leon, Ulu, Gray (Qian Li’s) and others, Dailiora has become an ice sculpture.

Inside the ice sculpture, Diliora’s face was full of shock, full of horror, unwillingness, grief, panic, fear… All kinds of looks, everything.

Unwillingly, Dailiora was frozen in ice.

Surprisingly, Shirley, who was caught by Dailiora, was fine and not frozen.

What is the situation again?!

As time passed, second by second, Uru also found an anomaly, Leon was fine!

Moreover, the ice of Frozen Diliorah is stronger than absolute ice!

What’s more, Shirley is okay!

Shirley, who was grabbed by Dailiora, turned out to be fine!

This shows that the caster has an extremely terrifying ice control technique, which is not something that Leon can operate!

There is also the freezing technique in front of you, which is not magic, but a more powerful force, a power that makes people tremble.

If I have to say it, Ulu feels that this is already the power of the gods, referred to as the power of the gods! .

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