
With a loud noise, the Goblin Captain instantly flew backwards faster than he could charge.

His body slammed into a tall ancient tree, and most of his body was embedded inside.

The falling leaves are like snowflakes and the tears shed by the tree for its misfortune.

The strongest captain was instantly knocked away, and the other goblins were all trembling with fear.

They wanted to turn around and run, but they didn't dare to even run away.

Or perhaps, some kind of strange emotion is causing trouble in their hearts.

Goblins are creatures that bully the weak and fear the strong. They can chase a defenseless rabbit for several streets.

A powerful creature that can defeat the strongest captain with one blow can instantly make them lose all thoughts of resistance.

If Zheng Shuang were not goblins, they would definitely run faster than the black rabbit just now.

However, in the face of such a powerful similar person, while they were afraid and panicked, they also had the same strong thoughts of worship and surrender.

If these goblins were replaced by humans, they might have the courage to accuse Zheng Shuang and try to kidnap him morally.

But Goblins don't do that. They are the lowest level of intelligent creatures in this world. Apart from their relatively strong reproductive ability, they are almost useless.

They have a unique and profound understanding of the law of the jungle.

As long as Zheng Shuang is willing to accept it, they will offer their loyalty to him as quickly as possible.

Noticing the complicated looks in the other goblins' eyes, Zheng Shuang nodded with satisfaction.

Establish authority and conquer.

This was a simple plan he made based on the goblin's personality traits while studying simulation replays on the road.

With the lessons learned from the simulation, Zheng Shuang did not intend to waste too much time on conquering the goblins.

Moreover, compared with the simulated start, Zheng Shuang's strength at this moment was enough for him to overcome skill with strength.

Use the simplest, most direct and fastest way to scare every goblin you encounter.


Just as Zheng Shuang was about to speak and conquer his first batch of goblin subordinates in this world, his stomach made a sound again.

Zheng Shuang is hungry again

"How could you get hungry so quickly?"

Zheng Shuang was a little surprised.

Could it be that most rabbits can only hold up for so many minutes? Then they are too useless, right?

But soon, Zheng Shuang connected many factors and guessed the reason why he was so easily hungry.

"Although it doesn't feel very obvious, since the strength attribute has been improved, my physical strength has been increasing at a very fast rate."

"This process is bound to consume a lot of energy, and I can only replenish it by eating."

"I just used a lot of strength to blast away the Goblin Captain. This process seemed to speed up my physical improvement and consume more energy."

After thinking about this, Zheng Shuang suddenly felt like he had a clear idea.

Presumably, even if his guess was still a little far from the truth, it was still close to the truth.

After thinking about it, Zheng Shuang planned to find some information first. Food.

After all, he didn't want to wait until he was too hungry to treat his goblin subordinates as food.

However, before Zheng Shuang could speak, he asked these goblins to stay where he was and wait for his return.

A look in his eyes revealed that the thin goblin was slightly more intelligent than other similar people. He walked up to Zheng Shuang holding a huge leaf wrapped in wild fruits.

"you eat."

Looking at the goblin's fearful and brave eyes, a sincere smile appeared on Zheng Shuang's face.

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