Ningci: “??? ”

I tried hundreds of women’s clothes together.

Even the Huns, thighs and other parts have been traced with various strange shapes,

All tried in vain?

In desperation, he fainted 0.1 seconds earlier than before!

But the last thought is “I!” Hinata Ninji! Never women’s clothing in the future! ”


A never-ending nightmare.

In the dream, countless monsters with Naruto’s face densely packed,

Holding countless pieces of women’s clothing that do not repeat,

Chasing him in the bloody sunset.

He can only run away desperately!

Because, if caught by those monsters,

The tragic end he faced must have been to be forced to wear those women’s clothes.

I just experienced a hellish scene in reality,

Dream again?

And a young man surnamed Wang who became a real incense terrier in a different world, and was popular all over the country, complained, I shouldn’t have eaten that bowl of rice in the first place,

Ning Ci also shouted helplessly in his heart: I… I shouldn’t have put on that secretly bought women’s clothes to relieve my stress in the first place!

How strange!

In this horrible nightmare,

It is clear that my spirit has been seriously impacted,

According to common sense, I should have woken up a long time ago,

But why, I just can’t escape this damn nightmare?

How strange!

Why exactly?


“Naruto-kun, is Brother Ninji okay?”

Hinata was waiting outside, only to hear a scream from Ningci’s eldest brother,

When she came in, she saw Brother Ning Ci foaming at the mouth and his limbs twitching,

It’s like trying to resist something.

“It’s okay, he just cooperated with me to experiment, tired,

After all, put on hundreds of women’s clothes one by one, and then play a full set of Hinata Soft Boxing,

It’s just too hard.

Don’t worry, though, Hinata.

I’m already using reincarnation eyes, spirit balls, and psychological correction (crossed out, nightmare shaping) to help him heal.

He will recover soon (crossed out, will not).

Okay, let’s leave first, there’s a psychiatrist Naruko here. ”

Hinata nodded and left with Naruto.

She didn’t notice that just as she turned around,

Ningci, who was still in a nightmare, seemed to feel something,

Then, like a believer in a miserable situation, he asked the angels for help,

A hopeful hand was extended to Hinata.

But it was ruthlessly beaten away by psychiatrist Naruko.

It also killed Ningci’s last hope.


Ningci finally returned to reality from a nightmare.

He opened his eyes leisurely.

Confirmed look, it was my room.



Finally back!

Now I can finally get rid of those monsters with Naru’s face who are chasing me with women’s clothes.

Just when he breathed a deep sigh of relief,

A gentle voice floated from his ears.

“Ningci, it’s time to change clothes.”

Although the voice was gentle, it brought Ning Ci a sense of fear like “Da Lang, it’s time to take medicine”.

“!!!” Like a mechanical puppet, Ning Ci turned his head stiffly,

I saw that Naruto’s female version of the shadow doppelganger, holding a Japanese-style school one-piece tight swimsuit in her hand, was looking at him tenderly.


Another scream, resounding through Shayin Village.

The villagers muttered.

“Does that sound a bit like the voice of the New Wind Shadow Assistant?”

“How is that possible? With the strength of that adult, how could he let out such a miserable and desperate scream? ”

“Speaking of Lord Ningci, I can’t help but think that he is so handsome!

Don’t know if you have a girlfriend?

Do you want to change into beautiful women’s clothes another day and go to talk and confess?

Maybe he will be taken home directly by Lord Ningci, ah, I can’t think about it anymore! ”

“You little hoof! Lord Ningci is mine! ”

“You guys continue to fight, Ningci’s husband, I took it away!”

At this time, a blonde beautiful girl who did not want to reveal her body fluttered by.

“No one is pretty, and dare to be his girlfriend?”

The girl from Zhongsha Hidden Village: “??? ”

The blonde girl prints out a few photos from her previous camera, throws them to the women, and then disappears.

The girl from Zhongsha Hidden Village took the photo and looked at it, and shouted how beautiful! Can’t compare, really can’t compare!

Huh, wait!

A young girl pointed to the photo and couldn’t help but feel her hand.

“Is it my delusion?”

“I think for Mao, this photo is a bit like…”



See the petite style of that Japanese-style school one-piece swimsuit,

Ning Ci, who had a phobia of women’s clothing, threw up directly.

Without changing it, he knows that this test will definitely make a deep mark on his body.

“Naruto-sama, spare me, I won’t dare anymore!”

At this time, he also understood that during the first experiment, his secret was exposed.

Next, Naruto-sama was just a slight punishment for Hinata-sama seeing his hot eyes.

Naruto put away his Japanese school swimsuit.

“Women’s clothing or something, in fact, I don’t object,

As long as you don’t let others see it, don’t have a bad impact on other people’s psychology,

At best, it’s just one of countless hobbies.

But you shouldn’t, shouldn’t, let Hinata see it.

This is the biggest mistake you make!

I don’t want to be in the heart of simple Hinata, the originally respectable Ningji eldest brother has become a gentleman who has awakened a strange hobby.

So I helped you hide it.

And now, I have punished the mistakes you made.

Next, I will use the reincarnation eye, the spirit ball, and the psychological correction.

Seal your fearful memories that were once dominated by countless women’s clothing,

Help you overcome women’s phobia,

Otherwise, you can’t help but vomit when you see anyone wearing women’s clothes. ”

“Please, Naruto-sama!”

Ning Ci quickly nodded.

Now, as soon as he sees women’s clothing, he triggers a strong feeling of physical discomfort.

If he doesn’t correct it, I’m afraid that he can only stare at the white eyes in this life, see through the skin of his clothes, and look at the bone frame.

Heh, wait, if you can develop the white eye pupil technique that only sees through women’s clothing, it seems to be quite good.

Hehe, think about it a little agitation…

Before yy, a blue spirit mouth ball was stuffed into his mouth, dispelling his idea of doing the next thing.


Three days later, the ten powerhouses of Konoha gathered in the seventh generation of Naruto World Konoha.

A professor-type Naruto shadow avatar announces the results of the first internal affairs examination.

“The first place is the Ino and Ding Ji team in charge of Wuyin Village.

Fourth place, is…


The first place is the bald Shikamaru and Yamon Sakura team in charge of Yunnin Village. ”

Shikamaru, who had a shaved head and a shiny muscle, took off his eyes and slapped Hachimon Sakura in celebration.

The earth trembled.

The other Xiaoqiang were helpless.

Unexpectedly, the first was taken away by the unparalleled muscle group in hand-to-hand combat.

Their group not only has muscles and strength, but also brains, and they can’t do it.

Especially the bald deer pill,

Wearing a pair of elegant glasses is like adding a buff with 50% of the internal affairs ability,

It really deserves to be the intellectual responsibility among Konoha elementary school students, and it is also the responsibility of muscle bully!

“The prize for first place will be distributed below.”

The bald Shikamaru and Yamon Sakura were overjoyed.

Here it comes, artificial tailed beast!

Produced by Naruto Lab, it must be a boutique!

Let me be well-kang, what kind of wind mount is it.

Other Xiaoqiang are also looking forward to it, although they don’t get it, but it’s good to have an eye addiction.

Moreover, with the scientific research ability of Naruto’s laboratory, as long as one thing comes out, it will soon be productive.

After that they wanted, and it was easy.

Naruto explained simply.

“The artificial tailed beast developed this time is an extremely rare flying tailed beast,

Even among the nine tailed beasts in the ninja world today, only the seven-tailed Shigemaki has the ability to fly.

I named it the pig deer butterfly.

Because of its image characteristics, it is very consistent with the titles of the three major ninja clans of Konoha, pig deer butterfly,

Even when I first researched it, I thought about giving this artificial tailed beast to the three major ninja clans of pigs, deer butterflies, one for each person, as their town clan totem beast,

But then, considering that the three major ninjas might not be able to accept it, I finally vetoed it. ”

Artificial tailed beast pig deer butterfly?

The bald Shikamaru listened, and his heart moved.

A deer-winged pig-tailed deer naturally appeared in his mind, and the appearance of an artificial tailed beast with appearance and domineering side by side.

But hearing Naruto’s words behind, he immediately showed an aggrieved expression.

“Why don’t you let the pig deer butterfly be the totem beast of our three tribes? I want it, we want it! ”

Ino and Ding Ci also said yes.

Please, top psychic beast-level artificial flying tail beast, who will refuse!

Naruto waved his hand.

“Okay, don’t let others mess around, this time only those who take the first place in the exam have,

Others work hard in future exams and studies, and they should have it, they will have it.

Okay, Bald Shikamaru, Yamon Sakura, you two are ready to be the human pillar force of the artificial tailed beast. ”

Yamon Sakura: “Okay! After becoming a human pillar force and entering the full tail beast mode, my fist should be able to burst a mountain. ”

Bald Shikamaru: “No problem, come on!” I can’t wait to see what my tailed beast looks like! ”

The next moment, the artificial tailed beast Pig Deer Butterfly was summoned by Naruto.

After seeing the image of the pig deer butterfly,

The air suddenly quieted,

The smiles on the faces of the bald Shikamaru and Yamon Sakura, who were still excited just now, gradually froze.

This…… This is the pig deer butterfly?

The bald Shikamaru looked confused.

Not a giant deer with butterfly wings and pig tails, with both appearance and domineering,

Is it a giant butterfly with a pig’s head and antlers, and a strange shape?

The girls all looked disgusted.

It’s so ugly!

Give this ugly tailed beast to them, and don’t want it.

When I thought of the human pillar force that became a pig deer butterfly, and then completely tailed the animal,

They accept it physically and psychologically.

Yamon Sakura immediately said, “I’m sorry, Naruto, this first prize, please allow me to refuse!” ”

“I’m right,” Naruto said and looked at the bald Shikamaru, “What about you, do you want to become a human pillar force of the Inuga Butterfly?”

After becoming an artificial tailed beast, there are two abilities.

First, the various tailed beast chakra patterns mastered by ordinary people’s pillar power,

The second is to treat the artificial tailed beast as a psychic beast, summon it, and drive it. ”

“I do!”

Hearing this, the bald Shikamaru nodded without hesitation.

He is not a person with such an idol baggage,

Otherwise, he would not have shown his bald head in front of everyone so calmly.

Moreover, although this pig deer butterfly is very ugly, it is also a flying tailed beast that can be used as a psychic beast,

He was so afraid of trouble that he even bothered to go out and walk.

And now, with this pig deer butterfly, go out and lie directly on it in the future,

As soon as the eyes are closed, the destination has arrived, isn’t it fragrant?

Mom knows, no longer have to worry about me walking tired!

Dad knows it, he must be envious and jealous to death!


Next, Naruto made the bald Shikamaru become the human pillar force of the artificial tailed beast Pig Deer Butterfly.

The other Xiaoqiang all ridiculed: “Shikamaru, come, completely tailed beasts for us to see!” ”

The bald Shikamaru grimaced.

“Please allow me to refuse this!”

Naruto’s eyes widened,

All the little ones immediately stopped fooling around and waited for Naruto to speak.

“The performance of Shikamaru’s group this time was greatly beyond my expectations,

According to the poll, the happiness index of the villagers in Yunnin Village increased by 200%,

Therefore, I give a second bonus to the bald head Shikamaru and Yamon Sakura. ”

“Second reward?” Hachimon Sakura, who refused to ask for a pig deer butterfly, looked curious and expectant.

Zheng channeled the Pig Deer Butterfly and told it, in the future, you will be my mount in charge of Shikamaru: “??? ”

Naruto continued, “I plan to arrange for you to go on a trip to another world,

It’s a parallel world like ours, but the timeline is uncertain.

It is possible to travel to before the fall of the night of Datuki Kaguya,

It is possible to travel to a world where your children are all bigger than you. ”

“So what,” Yamon Sakura raised her hand, “Can I refuse?” ”

Shikamaru nodded along.

“Please allow me to refuse!”

“Nope! This reward I have arranged for you is something you cannot refuse! ”

Naruto shook his head.

The first time I crossed the original work, I arranged for you two excellent students.

Bald Shikamaru, Yamon Sakura: “…”

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