Levi saw that everyone was busy going their separate ways, and he himself also walked towards Noelle.


Levi said.

“Well? Levi, are you looking for me for something? Noelle asked with a curious look.

“There is something I want to tell you, let’s go out and stroll.” Levi invited.

Noelle had a deep affection for Levi, so he did not refuse.

Moreover, for Noelle, Levi’s body is full of mystery, so that Noelle can’t help but want to get close to Levi.

“Well, it just so happens that there is nothing going on on my side, so let’s go out for a walk together.”

Noelle smiled.

There is no noble appearance at all.

“Count Levi, I’ll go too!” After hearing the conversation between Levi and Noelle, Ashtar hurriedly said.

“Asta, I have something to discuss with Noelle, so don’t follow, just stay at the base with everyone.”

Levi naturally couldn’t let Asta, the light bulb, break his good deeds, so he hurriedly said.

“Okay, I’ll stay in the base to train!”

Levi and Noelle arrived at a secluded place.

“Levi, did you call me here, is there anything special?”

Noelle asked.

“Two things for you.”

Levi smiled slightly, and said that he took out the magic control crystal ball and magic defense makeup box that had been prepared for a long time.

“Wow, these two things are so beautiful!”

There was a hint of excitement on Noelle’s pretty face.

“This is what I paid a lot of price to get with difficulty, and now I give it to you, I hope you like it, Noelle.”

Levi said and handed the two things over.

“For me? Is this true? Noelle looked incredulous.

“Take it, it will be of great help to you.”

Levi said.

After taking two things, Noelle looked closely.

“This is the magic control crystal ball that can help you improve your control of your magic power.”

Levi explained.

“The other is a magic defense prop, after opening this makeup box, defensive magic will appear, presumably it should not be a small help for you.”

Seeing Noelle looking at the cosmetic box with interest, Levi said again.

“These two things are so chic, Levi, you must have spent a lot of effort to get them, right?”

Noelle asked happily.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, although it took me a lot to get these two things, but for me, it’s nothing, because for you, I’m willing, so if you like it, I will be very happy!”

Levi looked at Noelle and said with an affectionate expression.

“Thank you!”

Noelle jumped happily.

“Try the effect quickly and see how effective this magic control crystal ball is, and if it can help you improve your magic control!”

Levi said.

Levi doesn’t know how effective this magic is of controlling the crystal ball now.

At first, I also thought of helping Noelle and winning at the gambling table.

At this time, Noelle was excited, and this magic crystal ball began to try, boom!

As soon as his mind moved, a water ball appeared in front of Noelle.

“This time, I must succeed, I want to prove to everyone that I am not a waste!”

Thinking of this, Noelle controlled the water ball to smash into a tree in front of him.


The water balloon hit the target accurately.

“Yay, I succeeded, I succeeded!”

Noelle jumped up excitedly.

Levi also did not expect that the effect of this magic crystal ball would be so good, at this time, seeing Noelle hit the target, Levi was also happy for Noelle, after all, the things he sent were useful.

This will leave a very, very good impression in Noelle’s heart.

“Thank you, Levi!”

Noelle was happy, ran over and put his arm around Levi and gave him a big hug.

The hug was caught off guard, and by the time Levi reacted, Noelle had blushed and distanced himself from Levi.

“Hey, forget it, it’s not in a hurry anyway, let Noelle hug it next time.”

Levi knows Noelle’s character, and has a good inch, just as the so-called good meal is not afraid of being late, if he is too anxious, it will be counterproductive.

In addition, Levi knows that Noelle, this guy, likes to beat people!

Especially when shy!

It’s a very bad habit, but Noelle is biased towards it, and Levi likes it too.

“This magic control crystal ball is so amazing, when I use it, I feel that my whole temperament is different, and even feel that my magic power has been strengthened.”

Noelle said to Levi at this time while studying the magic control crystal ball in the student’s hand.

“Oh? Is it so amazing? Maybe it’s because the person who used it is Noelle? Levi’s words came from the heart.

“Che, what you sent me, don’t you know yet? You’re a bad guy. ”

Saying that, Noelle blushed and ran away.


“It seems that Noelle seems to be very happy!”

Levi stood in place, shook his head with a smile, and then followed.

“Noelle wait for me, do you want to go over there and see the scenery?”

In the casino of the royal capital, at this time, the two guys Yejie Dai and Magna were looking serious.

“It’s bad, it’s really over!” Magna said.

“Hahaha, at this point, you two are really finished.” An old man laughed proudly.


Yorumi Suke-da and Magna are like great enemies.

“Look, Flush!” The old man is still carded.

“Two pairs…”

“No, right…”

It was clear that both Yorumi and Magna had lost.

And they have lost very badly now, they don’t have a single piece of clothing on their bodies, and now after losing, they even took off their pants.

This is called, the loser does not even have pants.

The staff of the casino, it was unbearable.

“Hahaha, this is so cool!” The old man on the opposite side said with a smile.

“Damn it, I lost my salary for half a year.” Magna was helpless.

“Just you, it’s not enough to see at all, Magna, and the regiment leader Ye See you too.”

“Pleasant, so pleasant, this blind man can buy a lot of good things for the people in the village to go back.”

The old man said with a smile.

Now, Yorumi Sukeda and Magna have lost their essence, but the two of them are not convinced at all.

“No, another round!”

Yorumi decides to bet on his magic book.

“The two of you have already lost the essence, there is nothing to bet on, you are also naked, there is no money at all now.”

The old man said strangely.

“That’s it, Captain of the group, let’s go back, we really lost completely.” Magna said.

“No, no, no, we still have one more thing, and I will use this thing to do the final battle with you, a decisive victory!”

“If we win, give us all those things.”

Yorumi lights a cigarette.

Saying that, Yorumi Suke-da actually took out his magic book and it was still on the table.

“See the head of the night regiment…”

“Shut up, give me beyond the limit here!”

Yorumisuke yelled.

(On the shelf, ask for support, ask for flowers, tickets, rewards, the author thanks ~~~~…. )

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