God and Devil World

: End this testimonial!

After more than a year of writing, "God Magic System" has finally finished. This ending is not perfect. However, Yue Zhong is already invincible in the earth and in the eight hundred worlds. To continue is to enter the universe to launch a new adventure chapter. I had planned to continue to write it down, but my body was a bit overwhelmed. This ending is also coming to an end.

Let me take a break and cultivate my body. Two months later, the new book "God and Magic" will be uploaded. This is a fantasy novel, I hope everyone can like it.

After two months, let us meet again in the fantasy world and take risks along with the protagonist. Thank you for your support and tolerance. Thank you.

My Sina Weibo is /u/3557585931. Interested friends can add it. Ha ha! (To be continued.)

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