God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 841: Cracked Canyon!

Yue Zhong heard a bright eye: "Energy shield conversion system!"

The equipment with energy shields also has several pieces in the hands of Yue Zhong. The two kinds of weapons, the light shield and the bronze clock, produced by the **** magic system in his hand are the concrete manifestation of the energy shield.

Although the enemy is getting stronger and stronger as time goes by, the role of the light shield and the bronze clock is getting smaller and smaller, but they are still a rare single defense treasure.

If it is possible to produce such energy-protective weapons in large quantities, the death rate of Yue Zhong’s elite warriors will drop a lot, giving them more powerful combat power.

Yue Zhong curiously asked: "Since Storm Valley has such advanced technology, how can I not see someone equipped with energy protection weapons?"

Liu Meier said: "The Storm Valley has the information of the energy shield conversion device, but it does not have the ability to realize it. The various delicate parts needed to make the energy shield conversion device are only one of the stormy eight philanthropists can use the mutant beast. The bones are made out. Stormwind Valley currently has only 40 storm shields with energy shields. The forty storm shields are taken by Finnia and stationed in the cracked canyon, defending the dragon. !"

Yue Zhong brow asked a curious question: "Defending the dragon will fear the sword? Can you defend the dinosaurs?"

The strength of the dinosaurs is strong, and Yue Zhong has already seen it when he was in the Temlong prison. He can use more than a dozen low-level dragons with a fourth-order peak and a fifth-order intermediate dragon. This kind of horrible strength, Yue Zhong can't think of any strength in Storm Valley to compete with it.

Liu Meier smiled and said: "Front confrontation, we are certainly not the opponent of the dinosaurs. An intermediate dragon will lead four low-level dragons to be able to sweep our troops in the cracked canyon. But the mountains of the cracked canyon are towering. Every mountain The height of the mountain is more than three kilometers, the mountain wall is extremely steep and difficult to climb. The passage is narrow and can only be passed by one person. Finnia is stationed there with a thousand elite soldiers in the Storm Valley, even if it is an intermediate dragon. In addition, we also had a good match with the winged people. With the help of the winged people, those dinosaurs could not climb through the cracked canyon by climbing the mountain wall."

Liu Meier’s eyes are calm and awe-inspiring: “In fact, Yue Zhong, this time, if I didn’t want to put Zheng Zhen and Doug, the two animals, came in. With the ability of both of them, I couldn’t enter Storm Valley. You can't compete with the strength of the entire storm valley. Although the strength of each individual is far below you, but they all have a strange talent, as long as the seven people join hands. Then with the help of the storm armor Even the fifth-order intermediate dragons may not be able to beat them."

Yue Zhong heard the words nodded silently. He knows that there are countless enchanting horrible abilities in this world. Some metamorphosis enchantments can beat the fourth-order powerhouse even in the third-order. After all, fighting is not only a powerful party, it will certainly win, but a powerful party will have a higher probability of winning.

Yue Zhong once smashed a lot of strong players who were stronger than him. The Stormy Eight is a genius among the geniuses of women, and it is not uncommon to have the ability to leapfrog. On the contrary, if they do not have such ability, they have been killed by the dinosaurs many times.

Yue Zhong suddenly asked: "Can the cracking canyon be able to withstand the attack of the senior dragon?"

The senior dragon will be the sixth-order **** warrior. Yue Zhong does not think that the soldiers in the storm valley can resist the horrible existence.

Liu Meier smiled and shook her head: "The senior dragons will each be a monster like a demon. If they are attacked, the cracked canyon will be broken in one day. We can't do anything except escape."

Yue Zhong heard that the heart was slightly sinking, and the sixth-order **** warrior was desperate as a natural disaster.

Liu Meier slowly said: "But the senior dragon will not be much in the whole dinosaur empire. There are only about twenty or thirty people. They are all one-level dominant, each has its own country, and has an unparalleled status. Unless they are recruited by the Emperor Dragon, they will not be easily shot. It is because of this that we can barely maintain Qingzhou. If there is a senior dragon, we will be able to resist the opponent’s attack even if all humans add up. ""

Yue Zhong indulged for a while and asked: "The dragon will be the strength of the sword, and the dinosaurs it belongs to."

Between the vagueness, Yue Zhong gave birth to a hint of ominous premonition. In this world where dinosaurs dominate, any dinosaur power is terrible.

Liu Meier said: "The dragon will be a low-level dragon. He is stationed in the cracked canyon. Several attempts to break into Qingzhou have been blocked by the soldiers. The dragon will be attached to the kingdom of the sword dragon. The generals of the Jianlong Kingdom are evolved from the Stegosaurus. They are characterized by terrible melee strength, sharp spurs at the joints of the body, and sharp attacks on melee. The King of the Sword Dragon Kingdom is afraid of the Thunder. It is a senior dragon with the power of the sixth-order **** warrior."

Yue Zhong brows slightly wrinkled, and asked Liu Meier a few questions before she let her go to rest.

The Cracked Canyon is located in a crack in the towering and steep mountains. It is also one of the dozens of passages that are very rare to be surrounded by the Dolan Mountains. It is also the only crack in the Kingdom of the Sword Dragon that leads to Qingzhou.

Among the narrow passages of a very steep mountain wall, a tall two hundred meters thick and several tens of meters thick were blocked by the walls cast by bluestone.

This wall has no entrance at all. There is only one gunshot. An elite female warrior is armed with the most advanced war weapons electromagnetic guns, storm spears, multi-tube electromagnetic guns and other war weapons. .

A winged winged man behind a team flew over the steep mountain wall every once in a while to prevent the dinosaurs from climbing the steep mountain wall and bypassing the line of defense to launch the warrior in the cracked canyon. attack.

The three-kilometer-high mountain is an insurmountable existence for ordinary people, but for those dinosaurs, as long as they are willing to spend time and energy, the three-kilometer high mountain can also be easily read. If there were no winged people to help patrol, the cracked canyon had long been easily broken by the dinosaurs.

A beautiful woman wearing a green armor with a golden single ponytail came to the wall and asked a black female warrior wearing a blue armor: "Jenny, how?"

Jenny quickly saluted the golden single-tailed woman: "Finnia, there is no movement!"

Finnia nodded slightly and fell into the darkness of the distance.

Suddenly, in the sky, there was a loud voice of alarm.

Finnia’s face changed his hand and shouted loudly: “The enemy!! Everyone is ready to fight!!”

A famous soldier on the wall immediately entered the interior of the huge wall. There were only ten female shields on the top of the wall, wearing female fighters in the storm armor.

Soon, in the sky, more than 300 winged people flew in the horror of the fissures of the cracked canyon, with black pressure behind them, looking almost endless bloodsucking bees.

"Ah!! Help!"



Several weak winged people flew a bit slower, and the dense bloodsucking bees chased them up. They struggled for a while and became a body with a dead body falling directly from the sky. .

The rest of the hundreds of winged people saw this horrible scene, just constantly flapping the wings behind them and desperately fleeing into the distance. They are only a few hundred people, and they have only one dead end to the number of blood-sucking bees that are hundreds of thousands.

Standing on the wall, Finnia looked at the large swath of blood-sucking bees in the sky, and she flashed a surprise in her eyes. She immediately shouted loudly: "Vampire bees? Set fire!!"

A beautiful female warrior wearing a storm armor has a binocular condensate, and the third-order mutant beast nucleus flashes behind her. She opens her lips and slams her breath, and a raging fire cloud rises up to the sky. The big vampire bee has a roll.

The violent fire cloud slammed the blood-sucking bees, and the wings of countless blood-sucking bees were ignited, falling like raindrops on the ground.

The bloodsucking bees in the sky are twisting their bodies, turning into a black cloud of insects that quickly flies directly below.

Finnia directly said: "The wind is coming!"

A stormy female warrior swarmed a hand, and a violent hurricane rushed into the sky, intertwined with the huge fire cloud, and the wind helped the fire. The huge fire cloud burned even more fiercely, just a roll. There are large blood-sucking bees that are burned to ashes.

The number of blood-sucking bees flew from all directions, and a storm female soldier held a large shield and quickly blocked them in front of them. www.wuxiaspot.com~ A dazzling array of energy rushed and quickly became a cohesive A huge energy shield will guard the ten soldiers above the wall.

It was only that energy shield that guarded the people, and also blocked the flames and hurricanes released by the Stormwomen.

From the bottom of the city wall, one by one, the electromagnetic light, the energy beam skyrocketing, the pieces of blood-sucking bee swarmed directly.

Many blood-sucking bees drilled into the gunholes in the wall, and there were countless screams of countless storm female warriors.

Finnia looked at the big wormhole in the sky with a flash of anxiety: "Damn! What to do?"

The number of blood-sucking bee colonies is too much. In this case, those insect clouds are even more threatening to the fortress than the fifth-order **** warriors. (To be continued.)


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