God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 847: Taniguchi fight!

However, all the struggles of the fourth-order duck dragon were in vain. Its tail could not be photographed above its brain due to the problem of body structure. It had some short forelimbs and could not reach the claws above its head.

Xiaoqing launched the power of his own source and flew his wings to the height of hundreds of meters, then released his claws. The huge fourth-order duck dragon immediately fell like a huge cannonball to the ground and was directly affected by the huge gravity. Chad is torn apart.

Xiaoqing slammed the head of the fourth-order duck dragon directly, and then swallowed the crystal nucleus in the fourth-order duck's head together with flesh and blood.

In the middle of the Qinghe River, a fourth-order mutant beast that is playing in the river sees this scene and sinks into the water.

Those fourth-order mutant beasts sink into the water, Xiaoqing also has no way to take them. Once it rushes out, it will even be dragged directly into the water by the fourth-order mutant beasts diving into the water.

Yue Zhong police looked at the distance incomparably and found that those fourth-order mutant beasts had no change at the moment, and the heart was slightly relieved.

On the other hand, the army of the almost infinite dinosaurs continued to push in the direction of the Storm Valley.

"Go to death! Go to hell!!"

In a narrow canyon, more than 30 female warriors armed with electromagnetic guns hid in the grass and fired at the dinosaur warriors who passed through the canyon.

Under the shooting of the beams, the two dinosaur warriors were directly smashed into screens by the sudden electromagnetic rays.

The rest of the dinosaur warriors jumped up and some jumped onto the rock walls of the canyon. Some are hiding behind a bunker.

There are also a few dinosaurs who shuttled quickly through the ray. Between a dozen breaths, a dinosaur suddenly rushed to the front of a female warrior, opened a **** mouth and slammed. It bites the head of the human female warrior directly and then chews it cruelly.

"Little!! Beast!!"

Another female soldier beside the female soldier saw her comrade-in-arms bite her head. A huge sorrow was heard, and an electromagnetic gun was held at the dinosaur.

The female soldier had just adjusted her muzzle and was horrified to find that the dinosaur who chewed her comrade's head had already appeared in front of her.

The dinosaur waved. A residual image flashed over, and there was an extra head in the hands of a pretty female warrior. The beautiful human female warrior had endless panic on the first level, while the tail was connected to the long spine in her body. Oh, it’s terrible.

The other four dinosaurs also rushed into the female warriors, and a scream of screams rang.

Soon more than 30 human female warriors stationed at this stronghold were completely destroyed, and only a dinosaur human body whose head was penetrated by several electromagnetic gun beams was left on the ground.

Another dinosaur was smashed into a sieve, but the heart and head were not hit. With its strong resilience, it only took a while to return to the battlefield.

As soon as the female warrior of this stronghold was settled, a large number of dinosaurs quickly passed through this stronghold.

The dinosaurs’ offensive was in turmoil, and Qingzhou had no strength at all to resist their advancement.

Luo Qingqing has organized elite troops to constantly attack those dinosaur warriors.

In addition to Luo Qingqing's own commanding storm valley elite troops, the rest of the Storm Valley soldiers sent out are even advanced weapons such as holding electromagnetic guns. Still being crushed and killed by the troops of the dinosaurs.

The fighting power of those dinosaurs is too strong. Each has the combat power of the third-order peak warrior, which is more tyrannical than Yue Zhong who just entered the second world. Such a monster, if placed in a human being, can become a leader of a medium tribe or the first strongest of that tribe. And such a dinosaur warrior is among the dinosaurs, but only ordinary soldiers.

Under such a horrible army. Although the female warriors in Stormwind Valley are also excellent hunters and warriors who have hunted a large number of beasts, they still cannot compete with them.

A white light column rises to the sky, and it is the energy bombs that can't resist the dinosaurs' female soldiers who detonated the resident's energy bombs. On the one hand, they are not inferior to the men's warriors. On the other hand, when the Dinosaurs' Legion is advancing, they basically do not leave any living if they encounter resistance.

The huge dinosaur army entered Qingzhou. It was divided into four major stocks, three of which were promoted to the capitals of the three major forces of the Liege Alliance, Yilongshan and Storm Valley. The other one was scattered and hunted other humans in Qingzhou.

Large swaths of blood-sucking bees fly over Qingzhou, and will continue to let the humans of the villages and the low-level mutants all **** into the dead bodies.

A corps of dinosaur warriors followed the large swath of bloodsucking bees, specifically to kill the natural enemies of the bloodsucking bees.

In the jungle, the blood-sucking bee colony also has many natural enemies, such as the variant of the cynomolgus, the mutated third-order giant unicorn, the mutant hunting hummingbird, etc., which are the natural enemies of the blood-sucking bee colony.

The natural enemies of the blood-sucking bees have just appeared, and the dinosaurs in the lower group immediately shot out the natural enemies of those blood-sucking bees.

A large number of dinosaurs spread like a locust in all directions, and most of the fifth-order powerhouses of the Dinosaur Legion were recruited to deal with the powerful fourth-order mutant beasts.

Under such circumstances, Luo Qingqing organized a man's hand to resist, and fought for two consecutive days, killing more than 400 dinosaur warriors.

Only in the fierce battle, the scope of Luo Qingqing and others moved constantly, and was eventually forced to retreat to the entrance of the Storm Valley.

The information on the death of more than 400 dinosaur warriors was brought to the top of the Dinosaur Legion and caught their attention.

The headquarters of a large tribe in Qingzhou, a large stone house, sits on more than forty tall, sturdy, high-ranking officers of the Jianlong Kingdom with sharp bones at all joints of the body. The top officers of more than a dozen Jianlong Kingdoms are all intermediate dragons, the most powerful fifth-order **** warriors.

The dragon who presided over this action will flash the fierce light in the eyes of the sword. Asked: "In two days, we have more than 800 soldiers who died in the direction of Storm Valley, and two dragons. Will die in battle. What the **** is going on?"

Many intermediate dragons present here will hear the news, and their faces are flashed with a touch of surprise. They also arrange human beings such as Zheng Zhen and Doug in Qingzhou as their internal counterparts. They also know that among the Qingzhou, the strongest human beings have only the fourth-order peak.

Any low-level dragon will also have the fighting power that rivals or even surpasses the fourth-order power of human beings. Within two days, they have lost 800 dinosaur warriors. This is unimaginable.

An intermediate dragon will slowly say: "I think we are too contemptuous of human beings. The fear of breaking mountains is because we are too contemptuous of human beings. We are very weak and we can kill ourselves. But their wisdom is not low. And they are good at using traps. It is precisely that we are too contemptuous of human beings, even an intermediate dragon will not be sent, and naturally can not suppress those human beings. According to the information from Zheng Zhen, the human queen Luo Qingqing in Storm Valley has a fourth-order peak. Fighting power, combined with the intensification of the human prehistoric technology storm armor they inherited, she was able to strengthen the fifth-level primary or fifth-order intermediate in a short time. No one suppressed her, and our troops naturally could not beat her. ”

Other intermediate dragons will also nod their heads.

The fifth-order **** warrior is extremely horrible, and one can easily kill more than 100 ordinary third-order dinosaur warriors. No one is suppressing such a monster, and it is not impossible for a dinosaur army to be defeated.

In the eyes of the fearful Jin Jian, the fierce light flashed: "If this is the case, fear one peak, fear that the two of you will immediately go to the Third Army. It is necessary to destroy the resistance of the Storm Valley within two days."

"Yes! For the great majesty!" The two intermediate dragons will stand up and scream loudly.

Riding two three-stage pterosaurs, Terror One Peak and Terrorist Sanxiong quickly came to the Third Legion of the Dinosaurs. As soon as they entered the Third Corps headquarters, the dinosaur warriors who had stopped at the entrance to the Storm Valley began to attack.

A dinosaur warrior crawled rapidly along the iron chain that links the two sides of the valley, like an ant attached to the chain.

The other side of the prepared storm female warriors launched an attack against the dinosaur warriors above the chain.

A violent female warrior with the ability to control lightning flashes flashing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The nucleus of the third-order mutant beast shines brightly. As soon as she grabs a chain, a blue electric dragon follows That chain is galloping.

In the midst of screams, the dinosaurs on the chain fell like a dumpling under the cliff.

The cliffs at the entrance to the Storm Valley are more than 1,300 meters deep. Even if the dinosaurs have the fighting power of the third-order **** warriors, the body is hard enough to shoot even the heavy machine gun bullets, and there is only one dead road under the cliff.

A storm female warrior who can manipulate the wind blade waved a hand, and a huge wind blade slammed against the iron rope.

The huge wind blade flew over, forcing the dinosaur warriors above the chain to jump up high. When they jumped up, they were directly smashed into the bottom of the valley by the violent hurricane at the entrance to the storm valley.

More than a dozen dinosaur warriors who were on the pterosaurs attempted to fly over the cliff surrounded by the storm, but were caught by the storm on the cliff and directly caught in the bottom of the valley and fell into a pile of bolognese. (To be continued.)


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