God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 852: Guild Wars Intermediate Dragon will!

Although Liu Meier is a fourth-order powerhouse, she is more adept at management, conspiracy, and frontal fighting is not her strength. At this time, seeing the five intermediate dragons will be fierce and incomparable, the heart is full of fear. []

Han Zizhen, one of the eight tyrants of the storm, was shocked by the horror of the five intermediate dragons, but he still held the storm and spear, and his face was pale and heavy. Acting as the guard of Yue Zhong.

These days, Yue Zhong miraculously destroyed a section of the natural dam of Qinghe, and summoned a mutant beast that was stronger than a tyrannical tyrant. Han Zizhen has completely recognized the strength of Yue Zhong. Coupled with Luo Qingqing's order, even if she is now killed for Yue Zhong, she will not frown, because she is a warrior, the most outstanding, firm, and does not lose the **** man's warrior.

Yue Zhong had some regrets, and Han Ziyan, who was around him, thought to himself: "Unfortunately! If she is my person, then it will be fine!"

Han Zizhen will be so loyal to Yue Zhong's effectiveness, just because of Luo Qingqing's order, if Yue Zhong and Stormwind turned his face, she will definitely hold a storm and a spear pointing to Yue Zhong.

The miscellaneous thoughts in Yue Zhong’s mind flashed past. His eyes quickly fell on the intermediate dragons and looked at the intermediate dragons who rushed to the side. He gently patted the fourth stage. The head of the little turtle.

The fourth-order small turtle suddenly opened a huge mouth, and a huge amount of frozen air swept away toward the five intermediate dragons.

The five intermediate dragons will already be ready, and the little turtles have just opened their mouths, and they are just a little underfoot. Like a cannonball, it flies in all directions.

The frozen gas from the small tortoise will only freeze one of the intermediate dragons into a hail.

The other four intermediate dragons will be holding the moment, the body completely covered with a layer of white light of life, turned into four streams of light, and immediately came to the turtle's body and leaped high, leaping toward the back of the turtle. .

Yue Zhong has already put on the pale gold sunburst armor at this time, the crystal of the fifth-order mutant beast behind him shines with dazzling light, and the incomparable power flows into his body, and he will be born with him. The power of the push to the fifth-order high level. [WWw.YZUU point m]

The sunburst armor with the fourth-order mutant beast nucleus can only push the strength of Yue Zhong to the fifth-order intermediate level. And the pale gold sunburst armor not only pushed the strength of Yue Zhong to the fifth-order high level, but also continued to push the strength of Yue Zhong. Just continue to push up the strength, Yue Zhong's body can not bear. It will only die like Zheng Zhen.

Yue Zhong’s body can withstand the fifth-order advanced strength, simply because his physical strength is strong enough to be replaced by other fourth-order peak humans. Tolerate the power of the fifth-order intermediate level is already the ultimate strength can not afford the fifth-order advanced power.

After lifting the power to the fifth-order, Yue Zhong’s eyes condensed and launched the skill gravity manipulation. A circle of gravity ripples will spread toward the four intermediate dragons.

The four intermediate dragons will be brushed by the gravity ripple, and the action will stop for a moment.

The fourth-order small tortoise opened its mouth and spurted out numerous countless ice cones, ice blades, and ice arrows, and rushed toward the two intermediate dragons. Under the storm-like ice attack, even the fourth-order peak warrior will be directly smashed into a sieve.

Face the sudden attack. The two intermediate dragons will be armed with huge bone spears, constantly bombarding, and the numerous ice cones, ice blades and ice arrows will be smashed. The ice splattered, and some sharp ice cones slammed through their bodies and smashed their sturdy bodies.

Yue Zhong stepped out, his body was blurred, and he immediately differentiated into three avatars, holding the sun and the spear. Dark and violent, appearing in front of an intermediate dragon, a spear will **** at the intermediate dragon.

The intermediate dragon will be in the air, and there is no way to borrow power. Only the fierce light in the eyes flashes. The spear in the hand is stabbed with a fierce murderous weapon to Yue Zhong’s spear.


Yue Zhong and the mid-level dragon's spears were bombarded together, and a loud noise was heard. The shock waves spread in all directions. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

"Good! These dinosaurs are really monsters!!"

Yue Zhong only felt that his hand was numb, and a huge anti-shock force came from him. He almost flicked his right hand, and his heart was full of shock.

And the intermediate dragon who was in the middle of the air, because of the inability to borrow power, was forced to fly by a heavy spear of Yue Zhong Na Pa, a dozen meters away from the mouth of the turtle.

The fourth-ordered tortoise opened its mouth and sucked hard. A violent suction exerted on the body of the intermediate dragon, sucking it into the mouth of the turtle. Its sharp and incomparable teeth, countless blood spatter, the intermediate dragon will be torn apart.

After a shocked flight of the intermediate dragon, Yue Zhong turned around and saw that the leader of the Qingzhou Dinosaur, Jin Jian, had stood on the back of the turtle.

The fear of Jin Jian looked at Yue Zhong above the turtle's back, and his eyes were killing and arrogant. He said nothing, and at the foot, he jumped toward Yue Yue like a cannonball. He appeared in front of Yue Zhong with a breath, and held a spear directly at Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong raised a spear and picked it directly on the sword of the fear of Jin Jian.

A terrifying force came from the place of contact, and the spear in the hands of Yue Zhong was shocked by a hard fly.

The fear of Jin Jian’s eyes was cold and appeared directly in front of Yue Zhong’s body. The left elbow with a sharp bone blade slammed into Yue’s chest.

Yue Zhong’s body twisted and shunned to the side with an incredible angle, but the sharp bone blade still rubbed his chest and split the scales made by the fourth-order mutated sea snake on his chest. The five-level protective suit he wore was also cracked into a big hole, leaving a deep visible bone scar on his chest.

Just between the moment when Yue Zhong ducked, the tail of the Jin Jian, full of sharp barbs, was like a Thunder, and he was pumping toward Yue Zhong’s body.

At this time, Yue Zhong’s body has been twisted to the limit, and it is inevitable. At the time of the millennium, his left hand is open, and the seven-faced light shield has a dazzling light. The seven energy shields are out of the air. Beyond his body.

The fearful Jinjian’s sharp, barbed tail slammed on the energy shield, and the energy shields shattered. The seven energy shields collapsed completely in an instant, but the seven energy shields shattered. He also gave Yue Zhong a chance to breathe. He took advantage of the gap between the seven energy shields and his body shape.

Fearing that Jin Jian had turned around, a whirlwind kick kicked over Yue Zhong’s body. Its sharp right foot with a spur, instantly kicked Yue Zhong’s abdomen and straightened Yue Zhong’s stomach. Tearing, while Yue Zhong kicked out dozens of meters away, blood and broken internal organs scattered from the big hole.

"Good! Strong! The intermediate dragon will be strong and perverted!!"

Yue Zhong ate a kick of the golden sword, the kick was abruptly cracked, the internal organs were broken, and the body was turned over to the sea. If there was not the light golden sun, the protective armor of the sun was amazing, he was afraid that he would be kicked by the fear of the golden sword. Exploded into two pieces.

The fierceness of the intermediate dragon will be truly revealed at this moment, completely crushing Yue Zhong’s fifth-order powerhouse who is forced to improve by relying on the Liege.

The intermediate dragon will be the fifth-order **** warrior, and each one is a terrorist powerhouse in the power field. Such a terrorist power is not the existence of Yue Zhong at this time.

The reason why those intermediate dragons are easily smashed into bolognese in front of the fifth-order Taishan is not that they are too weak, but that the fifth-order Taishan is too perverted and tyrannical.

The fear of Jin Jian’s attack will hit Yue Zhong seriously. The fierce light in his eyes will flash, and the tail will bounce. The whole person will rush toward Yue Zhong as a cannonball.

Suddenly, a huge cave appeared in the void, and ten sharp bones shot out of the cave, screaming at the fear of the golden sword.

In the eyes of the fearful Jinjian, the fierce light flashed, and the right hand caught as fast as lightning. He grabbed the bone blade that was shot from the cave and pumped it out from the hollow cave. Then one The kick was on the body of the bone.

A loud bang, countless bones splashed, and the lower part of the bone was kicked by the fear of Jin Jian.

The fear of Jin Jian is thrown away, throwing the bones into the water on the side like a broken.

The fear of Jin Jian has just crushed the white bones. In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the fierce light flashed, the big hand waved, the skill magic fire started, and a hot and incomparable one could kill all the evil spirits that had been burned out, and swept away.

The fear of Jin Jian’s brow is slightly wrinkled. It feels a threat from the red-hot magic. It’s a little under the foot, and the body shape has evaded the devour of the red-red magic, and the red-hot magic spreads. It is not as fast as the movement of the fifth-order peak.

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the sky, a blue figure turned into a blue light from the sky, and flew over the body of the fear of Jin Jian, the huge fourth-order bird claws running through the fear The body of Jin Jian, the master of the huge bird's claw, is the fourth-order Xiaoqing, the speed at which it is fully launched, and even the speed of reaction with the fear of Jinjian.

The golden sword, the strongest of the fifth-order peak, was hit hard, and a large mouthful of blood was sprayed. The tail full of sharp bones slid toward the claw of the fourth-order Xiaoqing, and the sharp tail was pumping. In the middle of the fourth-order Xiaoqing's bird's claws, a large group of dazzling white life light flashed, and countless sharp sharp edges matched with the fifth-order peaks of the giant force, which was actually a fourth-order Xiaoqing bird. The claws were broken and countless blood spattered from the break.

The fourth-order Xiaoqing was not known for its defensive power. Its claws are sharp and equally fragile. Naturally, it is impossible to resist the fear of the Golden Sword, the fifth-order peak powerhouse.

In one fell swoop, the fourth-order Xiaoqing's bird's claws, fearing that Jin Jian's tail was pumping again, Xiaoqing's other paw was also cut off, and then rolled on the ground, fleeing Xiaoqing's attack range with a heavy injury. . RS

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