God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 855: Kill the 4th-order variation water snake!

"So rude!" Bolius said with a faint expression, his body flashed, suddenly appeared behind Han Han, and immediately patted Han Han's head, directly stunned her, and then She resisted her shoulders and leaped into the valley.

Ma Lei looked at Xiao Yun unexpectedly and asked: "Don't you leave?"

Xiao Yun smiled bitterly: "Now the valley is surrounded by the **** big flood. Besides the monsters like Boris, who can escape from here, it is better to fight a battle. Can die on the battlefield, it can be regarded as Our soldiers are the best destination."

Marley looked around at the warrior on the wall and shouted loudly: "Say well! Brothers, we have already retired, and we have been surrounded by floods everywhere. This is our last home. We don't protect it. Who else? To protect it? Let us fight for it!!"

"Death fight!!"

"Death fight!!"


The morale that was originally very low because of the retreat of the waves, and inspired by Marley and Xiao Yun, rose again. Although they looked at the behemoth that swarmed, they were afraid that their feet would be soft, but they still stood bravely on the wall and looked at the distance.

Marley looked into the distance, and the fourth-order mutated water snake group, like countless demons, slowly sighed: "If Yue Zhong’s leader is here, it will be fine!! If he is, he may have a way."

When talking about Yue Zhong, Xiao Yun’s eyes flashed a complex color: “If it is him, maybe there should be a way. But after he ruined the Liege Alliance with the fifth-order Liang Long, there is no news anymore. I don’t know. Is he still alive?"

Xiao Yun left Xiaojia for the broader sky and stage to follow Yue Zhong. He also saw the miracle that Yue Zhong had created. He knew that he was far from the opponent of Yue Zhong, and he was afraid of Yue Zhong in Xiaojia Village. It has disappeared, leaving only the fear of Yue Zhong.

Under the gaze of the people, the huge mutated snakes are getting closer and closer, and the closer the countless mutated snakes are, the more people in the wall are shrouded in fear. The walls that they used to resist the mutant herd were not even a small earth wall in front of the huge mutant water snakes.

"You look at the sky!!"

Just as people are afraid of life. A soldier suddenly shouted in the sky.

The people looked up and saw a giant fortress flying towards it. The giant city was covered with large patches of sunlight. It seems as if the entire sky is covered.

Marley looked at the storm ship in the sky and couldn’t help but **** a cold air: "That is the city that flies in the sky!!"

Xiao Yun looked at the storm ship in the sky and couldn't help but guess: "There is such a city, what is it? Is this the city where God lives?"

"God bless!!"

"God bless!!!"

"Please God bless us to be able to spend this robbery!!"


A soldier standing on the wall of the city squatted on the ground and pleaded with enthusiasm for the huge storm ship in the sky.

Although the physical qualities of human warriors in this world are far stronger than those on the earth, most of them are not educated. Many warriors can't even calculate, add, subtract, multiply and divide, and they are ignorant, so seeing things they can't understand will be blamed for being omnipotent.

In the prayers of those people. Suddenly a pale gold figure descended from the sky, turning into a stream of light directly on the head of the fourth-order mutant water snake.

The owner of the figure is Yue Zhong. He used his pale gold sunburst armor to strengthen his power to the fifth-order high-level situation, suddenly falling from the sky, holding the sun-shattering spear and inspiring a powerful dark temper. The spear penetrated into the head of the fourth-order mutant water snake.

The scorching sun spears into the head of the fourth-order mutated water snake, and the scorpion's energy bursts out, and a huge cave blasts above the head of the fourth-order mutated sea snake. The fifth-order advanced power and the sharpness of the scoring sun, even the scales of the fifth-order mutant beast can be broken. Not to mention this small fourth-order variegated water snake.

Yue Zhong instantly jumped into the huge blood hole, holding the spear constantly destroying the head tissue of the fourth-order variegated water snake.

The fourth-order mutated water snake made a huge sorrow, and the huge snake body squirmed and squirmed. There was a huge wave of waves around its body.

A head-changing water snake, the second-order variegated water snake was pumped by the tail of the fourth-order mutated water snake, and the body collapsed directly into a mass of meat sauce.

The variegated water snakes around the fourth-order mutated water snake spread out to the side, staring at their king with huge snake eyes.

This fourth-order mutated water snake is the king of this group of mutated water snakes. The king does not move. These mutated water snakes will also fall into chaos because they lose their command.

After a dozen seconds, Yue Zhong, who was wearing the pale gold sunburst armor, once again jumped out of the head of the fourth-order variegated water snake and had a crystal-clear fourth-order crystal nucleus.

The fourth-order variegated water snake that opened a big hole in the skull twisted and slammed into the flood.

The fourth-order mutated water snake died, and more than a dozen third-order variegated water snakes around its body swung around Yuezhong. They felt the danger of Yue Zhong from the fact that they died in their own battle. They all launched their own power. . A black venom was sprayed toward Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong's eyes were condensed, his body flashed, his feet were on the surface of the flood, and he ran away from the black venom.

As soon as the black venom fell into the water, large swaths of low-grade mutant beasts were poisoned, and a thick layer of mutant beasts was added to the black water. Extremely sultry.

Yue Zhong’s figure flashed and jumped to the head of the head of the third-order mutated water snake. He held the scoring sun, and even spears into the head of the third-order variegated water snake, and then easily wear it. After that, the nucleus holding them leaps toward the other third-order variegated water.

In the invincible existence of Yue Zhongyu, who has the power of the fifth-order **** warrior under the strengthening of the Warrior armor, flashes between the bodies of the first-order mutated water snake, and between the dozens of breaths, those third-order mutant beasts He was cleaned by him, and his hands were more than a dozen nucleus of the third-order mutant beast.

At this moment, in the sky, Xiaoqing flapped his wings and turned it into a stream of light, and slammed it on the head of a second-order variegated water snake, then slammed the second-order variegated water snake into the sky and went straight into the sky. .

The mutant animal such as the Qingyu Eagle originally used the mutant water snake as food. The second-order green feather eagle has the ability to threaten the third-order variegated water snake. The countless variegated water snakes below sense the breath of the natural enemies, and then sneak into the water to spread out.

Between a few breaths, the huge variegated water snakes disappeared and disappeared, and fell under the flood.

Seeing this scene, the people above the wall were relieved.

After Yue Zhong saw that the mutant snake group was dispelled, he stepped on the water surface and came to the wall before a few flashes. He jumped directly and jumped over the wall.

When Ma Lei saw the appearance of Qing Yuezhong, he immediately clashed with a single knee in front of Yue Zhong’s body. “The leader, it’s you, great!! I’ve seen the leader!”

"The chief, long live!!"

"I have seen the leader!!"


Two hundred elite soldiers above the city wall were excited and excited on one knee and bowed to Yue.

Today, if it is not Yue Zhong who killed and killed the mutant water snakes, the entire vulture valley of human beings will be swallowed up by the ferocious and mutated sea snakes.

At the same time, I saw that Yue Zhong’s single-handedly killing a fourth-order sea snake that appeared in mythology, many soldiers have a blind worship of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong looked at the eyes of more than two hundred soldiers standing above the wall and gleamed a sigh of relief: "You can stand out at a critical juncture, you are very good, a man!"

Yue Zhong is pleased to have such a warrior who is not afraid of death in order to protect his homeland. He does not give up fighting fighters in desperation. Such a warrior is his favorite warrior.

"Thanks to the leader!"


Hearing the praise of Yue Zhong, all the soldiers had a burst of excitement in their hearts. They all deeply admire Yue Zhong, and at this time they can get the praise of their admirers, and their hearts are naturally very excited.

Yue Zhong stunned the frowns of the people, and some disappointed asked: "Han Han? Why didn't she be with you, did she escape?"

Han Wei is a girl who Yue Zhong is very optimistic about. She has a kind and strong heart. In such a crisis, it is not a strange thing for a girl to escape. It’s just that Yue Zhong has expectations for her. It’s natural to be disappointed if she can’t see her now.

Marley went forward and said the truth: "No! The leader of the adult ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Han Wei she did not escape. It is Boris adults to protect her safety to stun her, took away from here to prepare to evacuate. Han Hao, she plans to fight with us until the last moment."

Yue Zhong pointed to the storm ship that was slowly descending in the sky: "Marley, you immediately went to Sun Weiwei to pass me orders and organized everyone in the valley to prepare to board the city. From today, that city is Our city."

"What! It is our city!!"

“Really? That would be our city!!”



The soldiers above the wall looked at the huge steel city, and everyone had an incredible and huge excitement in their eyes. They were thrilled to think that they would live in a huge steel city that could fly in the sky.

Marley was equally excited and shouted: "Yes! The leader!!"

(ps: Something is going on today, three more tomorrow!) (To be continued.)

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