God Bestows Evil

Chapter 226: Amazing historical achievements

Chapter 226 Historic achievements are surprising

 Screen down.

If you are lucky, the screen ghost will fall directly from the monitor as soon as it appears.

 Even if you are not so lucky.

  It is much more convenient to turn the screen downward to make the screen ghost come out faster or to prevent it from going back than to put the screen flat.

 After everything is ready.

Qian Yunhe, who was staying in the corridor on the second floor, connected the power supply, and the downward-facing monitor lit up.

 The monitor went black for a moment, as if something was crawling, but immediately the black thing disappeared and it became like a normal screen.

Wu Xian was slightly surprised.

 “Hey, this ghost is a little clever.”

Lou Yaozong's face changed slightly, and the others were also a little impatient.

It seems that the screen ghost is smarter than expected. She found that the current situation was definitely not good for her, so she chose to hide in the monitor and not come out.

 In the past, no one would have been in a hurry. Anyway, this was the only monitor nearby where the screen ghost could appear. Sooner or later, she would be unable to resist the urge to kill.

 Just wait and wait.

But today is different. Wu Xian and the others are in a hurry. Tomorrow night is the Ghost Festival, and they haven't even taken pictures of half of the ghosts!

Wu Xian thought for a moment: "Why don't we give it a try?"

Liao Yifang asked curiously: "How to urge me?"

Wu Xian pointed to the opposite side of the basketball hall and said: "Since this is a TV, let the TV play its original role!"

 Opposite the basketball stadium.

There is a nostalgic video hall, which is part of the island's scenery. Many resources that cannot be found in formal channels can be found in the video hall.

Wu Xian’s idea is to play videos on TV.

The screen ghost is hiding in the monitor. Playing some videos on this monitor should be able to force her out.

 This plan was unanimously approved by everyone.

They all rushed in. Even Miao Shi, who was handcuffed and led by a rope, looked for a CD in the video room.

 After selecting for a short while, everyone rushed back and handed the CDs they selected to programmer Qian Yunhe.

 Qian Yunhe was alone on the second floor, playing the music in turn.


  The first scene of the first video is a monkey popping out of a stone...

Sun Qian raised his head and looked at the monkey intently: "This is the CD I picked. Since the ghost on the screen is a ghost, it should be afraid of gods. We should be able to scare her out by showing stories about gods on TV."


 Everyone except Sun Qian said in unison.

 The second video was forcibly selected by Shahua, and it showed quite **** scenes. This is the story of a family of murderers. This family of murderers likes to use drills to kill people, and the blood and flesh flying everywhere is very disgusting.

But the screen ghost still didn’t come out. Instead, a layer of black hair appeared on the monitor. It seems that the screen ghost liked this story very much and was addicted to it!

 The third video is a war film about guns and gunfire selected by Luo Shiyi.

 The fourth film was selected by Yan Ting. It is a small movie with a single scene that only two people can make people blush.

 The fifth film, selected by Mrs. Liu, is a positive energy film with a contemporary style.

 Five or six movies were played in succession. Everyone had their own ideas, and the ideas were all reasonable, but none of them could force the screen ghost down from above.

 Wu Xian enjoyed it very much at first.

 Being able to watch movies and TV shows from another world in a blessed land is a rare experience in life, but gradually he became a little worried. Can the "radar baby" he chose really awaken the childlike innocence of this screen ghost?

 Before Wu Xianxuan’s CD appeared, another video played.

 The beginning of the video.

   is a warning. 'Official statement: This video has been marked as heavy-mouthed, which may cause nausea, dizziness and other uncomfortable symptoms, and may also have a negative impact on the viewer's emotions. If you have any discomfort symptoms while watching the video, please stop watching immediately and return to the video in time. Seek help from your doctor. ’

 Seeing this statement, everyone frowned at the same time.

 Because Luo Shiyi’s second video has this beginning. This kind of **** and heavy-mouthed video can only be a waste of everyone’s time, apart from making ghosts happy to watch.

 But Shi Ji held his head high.

“Don’t worry, everyone, my video will definitely fulfill its mission. Just wait and see!”

Since Shi Ji was so confident, everyone became curious.

 But an ominous premonition arose in Wu Xian's heart...


 Screen ghost.

 It is a female ghost.

Her ability can turn the screen on the screen into a virtual world, and the screen ghost can hide under the ground in these scenes so that people watching the video cannot find her.

 When she wants to attack, she can crawl out from below the ground and attack calmly.

 When there are no screens on the island.

 She is in a dormant state.

 When a screen lights up on the island, she will appear on the only screen that is lit. If there are enough screens lit up, she can appear selectively.

 So when the first camera turned on, she was already hiding in that camera.

 She has been with the family members from the beginning!

 Therefore, compared to other ghosts, screen ghosts have more information and know that Wu Xian and others have the ability to kill ghosts, so unless they are sure of killing people, they will not appear in front of most people rashly.

 So Wu Xian’s plan.

  It was doomed to fail from the beginning, because the screen ghost is not a brainless beast and will not step into such an obvious trap, but because there is only one lit screen on the island now, she can only hide inside this screen.

 But she will not go out and is not afraid of being attacked.

If the screen is smashed, she will most likely go into hibernation. Anyway, after the Ghost Festival, she can leave the island and go to a wider world.

 In the outside world, there are lit screens everywhere.

 She will be everywhere!

 The videos that everyone played in turn made her want to laugh even more. These videos only enriched her virtual space. She could hide any kind of scene, and it was more interesting to change them.

 But suddenly…

She smelled a pungent stench.

 This gave her an ominous premonition...

“Old fellows, there is nothing you can’t think of, there is nothing I, Odenette, can’t do. The same world, the same Shushuo, Oli gives..."

 Scene changes.

  The virtual space suddenly turned into a narrow toilet. A man in black was squatting on the toilet, reaching for the pit...

According to the hiding rules of the screen ghost, she will hide under the ground of the scene, that is, in the aqua toilet...


  The screen ghost let out a piercing scream and was able to unhide herself before she was dragged into the cesspit by the rules, but this also allowed her to escape from the virtual space.

Although she is a ghost, she has not escaped the gravity of the earth.

 So she can't fly.

At the moment of leaving the virtual space, the body of the screen ghost suddenly lost weight and fell straight down...

 (End of this chapter)

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