God Bestows Evil

Chapter 30: clapping game

Chapter 30 Clapping Game

Wu Xiandan was frightened for a long time. He put his hand in and quickly retracted it several times.

But what worried him did not happen. There were no traps in the integrated stove, and the statue could be moved easily. Wu Xian easily dragged the statue out with a smile on his face.


Wu Xian’s smile condensed.

 “It’s over!”

Things are indeed not that simple, there are other things coming out along with the statue!

It was a warm and sticky thing, one of which was tied to the statue with a string. The statue was taken out, and the thing was also taken out from the depths of the integrated stove, and fell to the floor with a thud.

  If you look carefully, you can see that this mass of things is the heart, liver, lungs, intestines, and internal organs of the human body such as the brain. The things mixed in between them dye the floor red and yellow.

This look…

 It doesn’t look like wild beasts or domestic animals, but comes from humans!

 Before Wu Xian could figure out what was happening, a shrill scream came from outside. The scream was full of pain and relief, as well as a touch of relief.


With the sound of chains, the light and shadow behind the billboard changed, and something fell from the billboard with a muffled sound.

Although his vision was blocked, Wu Xian knew exactly what fell.

 It’s the male corpse whose abdomen was hollowed out!


Wu Xian scratched his curly hair angrily, and he realized that he had suffered another disaster.

 No wonder the male corpse is hanging in such an obvious place. This is a trap. Once someone wants to use the statue in this room to worship God, he will immediately release the male corpse, and the male corpse will be evilly targeted!

 The sudden change made Wu Xian feel a little more gloomy.

 But he didn't have time to solve the hidden dangers.

The sun has already set outside the window. If he wastes too much time outside, he will face those weird and evil spirits without shelter.

Besides, the situation tonight is different from the past. He must go back early to discuss a plan with Yue Mei to spend the night safely.

So Wu Xian found a box in the room, put the statue of the Blessed Master, the incense burner, candles and other items in it, and quickly left the room with the box.

 After going out, Wu Xian observed carefully.

 Found a clear human-shaped mark on the ground, which should have been left when the male corpse fell, as well as hand and footprint prints and dragging traces that extended into the shadows.

It seems that the evil movement mode of this male corpse is crawling on its hands and feet, dragging its torso on the ground.

“I just hope this thing can find me sooner or later, but don’t interfere with tonight’s operation...”


It’s not dark yet.

 All the survivors gathered in the lobby on the first floor of Ping An Hotel.

Today, history is still in charge.

The dishes have changed from large intestine rice to pork belly rice. The dishes made by this group are inseparable from the offal.

Yesterday, we were too pressed for time, so everyone just made do with it. Today, when they saw the hot food, they didn’t care to dislike it, and they all showed off their food with big mouthfuls.

 After a meal.

Su Huilan asked Yue Mei: "You were secretive in the morning, now it's time to say clearly how you plan to solve the problem."

 “Do you know the ghost mother who is looking for a child?”

Yue Mei described the image of the ghost mother looking for her son, and everyone instantly understood that it was the first evil spirit in the world that Wen Chao once told!

Historical Ji asked doubtfully: "Can this evil spirit allow us to avoid the evil spirit that breaks the door?"

 “Don’t be presumptuous, you must respect the ghost mother!”

Yue Mei scolded her harshly. When she talked about the ghost mother, her eyes were full of strange brilliance. The day before yesterday, she was forced to go to the aborigines to find a way to survive.

 On the first night, she encountered great terror.

 But on the second night, amidst the terror, she found a rare sense of security after entering the blessed land. This feeling made her happier than ever before.

 She is a kind-hearted girl. Of course, good things like this should be shared with everyone.

 So she returned to the Ping An Hotel and conveyed the gospel of the ghost mother to outsiders like herself.

“Have you ever heard of such a prayer?”

“Praise to the ghost mother, offer my flesh and bones, cover your eyes to protect your life, clap your hands to worship the Lord!”

Hearing this familiar prayer, Wu Xian’s pupils dilated.

 He ​​suddenly understood what Yue Mei meant. Just like predators have their own territory, other predators will usually stay away from stronger predators.

The way to prevent the evil spirits from attacking at night is to attract more powerful evil spirits!

 But stronger evil spirits are also more deadly to them.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Wu Xian asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

“How can you guarantee that we won’t be killed by your ghost mother after we lure her here?”

Yue Mei clapped her hands with a pious expression.

 “It’s very simple, let’s play games with the ghost mother together!”


The sun sets below the horizon.

The city was dark, with only a few billboards still shining. The atmosphere was strange and terrifying, and occasionally distorted shadows could be seen flashing past.

 Fourth floor of Pingan Hotel.

 The doors to the remaining three rooms, No. 404.401.403, were opened.

 The remaining six people were divided into groups of two and stayed in different rooms.

 The method of attracting the ghost mother to find her son has been known to everyone for a long time.

 Just clap your hands.

 But after attracting the ghost mother, there is only one way to avoid being harmed, and that is to play a ‘clapping game’!

Wu Xian and Shi Ji stood on the left and right sides of Room 403 with their eyes closed. This was their pre-arranged position.

 Although he is familiar with the rules of the game.

But with your eyes closed, you still feel uneasy, especially when the door is still open, and evil spirits may come in at any time.

 But there is no way, this game must be played.

 The rules of the game are simple.

 The roles are divided into seekers and found persons.

 The first seeker is the Ghost Mother. She will regard the first person who claps her hands as a target. After the first person is found, he will replace the Ghost Mother and become the new seeker, while the Ghost Mother will stay where he is.

  After changing the seeker, the information will reach the ears of everyone nearby.

 The second person must clap within one minute. The first person needs to find the second person within ten minutes with their eyes closed, and then the second person will become the finder...

 Such a repeated cycle is the basic rule of the game.

 If you want to survive in the game, there are some iron rules that you must never violate.

 The first thing is that the time must not be wrong.

  Secondly, the ghost mother will continue to clap her hands while waiting. The ghost mother must appear at least once in each round of the game.

 Again, during the entire game, no one can open their eyes, must remain relatively quiet, and cannot make loud noises other than applause.

If the game goes well, then the child-seeking ghost mother will be just an ordinary player in the game, and there will be no evil spirits in the entire game.

  But if there is any behavior that violates the rules.

 The ghost mother will turn into a terrible nightmare, and those who violate the rules will pay the price of death...

 (End of this chapter)

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