God Bestows Evil

Chapter 7: Twisted love and hate

Chapter 7 Twisted Love and Hate

 “Shuiguan, external god…”

 Seeing the different prefixes on the statues of gods, Wu Xian realized that these statues must have specific classifications and functions. Unfortunately, he saw too few statues now and could not make an accurate judgment.

There is no incense burner in front of the statue of Duobao Tathagata, which means that you cannot get benefits from it by worshiping gods, but it is definitely useful.

Wu Xian thought for a moment, then found some debris from other rooms and covered the statue so that even if someone came to this room and didn't search carefully, they would not be able to find the statue.

 The second and third floors of the hotel are complete!

Wu Xian finally went down to the first floor and happened to meet Shi Ji coming back.

He was clutching his side, looking extremely ugly, and carrying a large bag of things in his hand. Wu Xiang was about to ask about his condition, but instead he showed concern for Wu Xian first.

“Mr. Wu, you look so pale. Did something happen?”

Wu Xian waved his hand: "I'm fine, what are you..."

Shi Ji raised the bag in his hand and smiled:

“Oh, I found some food. I’m a bit stupid and can’t do complicated things well, but I’m pretty good at cooking. Let’s get everyone something warm.”

“I’m not sure when the evil spirits will come to kill people, but if they don’t have anything to eat, they will really die.”

Hearing what he said, Wu Xian really felt a little hungry, so he looked forward to today's dinner.

The two people passed by each other, and Wu Xian suddenly stopped.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the things Shi Ji was carrying just now...

 It seems very fishy and smelly!


 Outside the hotel, there was nothing but gray mist, the sun barely reached the ground, and the surroundings were gloomy.

 The social order in the blessed land has long since completely collapsed, but judging from the traces around it, there should still be a small number of people surviving here, but the number is very small.

Wu Xian followed the guidance of ‘Mr. Wang’ and came to the Fuxin Garden Community behind the hotel.

 “Friend, I want to...”

"Get out of here! You will kill me. If you come back, I will kill someone!"

As soon as Wu Xiang entered the community, he saw Wen Chao and Fang Zhi running out of a unit building in embarrassment. A thin man with a sallow complexion held a kitchen knife and scolded the two.

 After seeing Wu Xian, the man's face changed slightly and he retreated into the dark unit building.

Wen Chao looked helpless. When had he ever been treated like this?

Wu Xian chatted with them and found out that they wanted to obtain information about the blessed land through the survivors, but now it seems that this is not going well.

 Wen Chao and the two rested for a while and then continued their visit.

Wu Xian followed the cold feeling and stopped at the door of a unit, looking up.

“That Mr. Wang should be buried here.”

 Binghan's guidance was flat, and there was no way to tell Wu Xian which floor he was on. The building had seventeen floors, with two rooms on each floor. It would waste a lot of time just to search one floor after another.

 So Wu Xian did not go upstairs, but opened the door of the meter cabinet downstairs.

 Luckily, the power system in Fudi is still normal. Mr. Wang should be locked in the refrigerator, so the refrigerator must be consuming electricity.

 He stared at the meter cabinet for a while and finally determined that only 902 was using electricity in this unit.

This building has an elevator, but Wu Xian still chose to walk upstairs.

In the process of going upstairs, Wu Xian found that the situation here was very similar to that on the second and third floors of the hotel. Most of the doors on the road were broken, and the interior was damaged and faded.

 It seems that in the blessed land, doors are very important. Only intact doors can stop the invasion of evil spirits.


Wu Xian stepped into Room 902, which is Mr. Wang’s home.

The large room was in dilapidated condition, the furniture on the floor had been knocked down, take-out boxes, milk tea bottles and other sundries were piled everywhere, leftovers in the lunch boxes were rotten and smelly, and there was a freezer in the corner.

Wu Xian rummaged around on the ground and picked up a photo. It was a photo of a couple. In the photo, the beautiful wife smiled brightly, while the plain-looking husband had a sad face and his eyebrows were shaped into a figure eight.

 “This wife looks familiar.”

 He flipped through a few more photos, focusing on admiring his beautiful wife, and finally found a photo with bare feet. He looked at it for a while before putting it down with satisfaction. “Mr. Wang’s wife is the hanged man who attacked me!”

 Suddenly Wu Xian shuddered and coughed twice violently. He felt obviously uncomfortable. The drop in body temperature had brought his body to the edge of danger.

 Obviously, Mr. Wang is in that freezer.

But Wu Xian was still not in a hurry to let him out. Instead, he continued to rummage around the room, looking for useful information in the chaos that would allow him to confirm how to act next.

After rummaging for a while, there was a faint sound coming from the refrigerator.

Mr. Wang finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"What are you waiting for? Open the coffin quickly and let me out. As long as I get out, I will lift the curse for you and your body temperature will warm up."

Wu Xian replied casually: "Your coffin is locked, and I'm looking for the key."

Mr. Wang lamented: "Oh...Juan'er, why are you like this...Hey, hurry up and find the key. Find the key and let me out."

Wu Xian chuckled. The freezer was not locked. It seemed that Mr. Wang had no ability to observe or interfere with the outside world except for casting a curse on Wu Xian to help open the door.

Knowing this, Wu Xian was even less anxious.

He kicked the debris and pretended to be looking for the key seriously, and asked slowly: "Can I ask why you were locked in the freezer?"


“Ah, it turns out this is a freezer.”

Mr. Wang was stunned for a moment, as if he was shocked, and then told Wu Xian a story.

“Juan’er and I met that winter, when she…”

"Juan'er and I are very affectionate. She once said she would stay with me forever. Maybe it's because she loves me so much that she can't accept my departure. She puts me in the freezer to keep me, which is equivalent to me accompanying her. ”

Wu Xian sneered at this.

 He picked up a diary on the ground, which was full of large and small handwriting. All the writings contained only one sentence.

  ‘You are the one who hurt me like this. You can’t run away. I will eat you for the rest of my life! ! ’

While speaking, he turned over another mobile phone with colored diamonds on it. It should belong to the hostess.

 “Mr. Wang, you are dishonest.”

"What did you say?!"

Mr. Wang felt offended by Wu Xian's words, and he shouted angrily. Wu Xian's body temperature dropped suddenly faster, and his body began to shake.

"I hope you can calm down. If I am cursed to death, no one will help you find the key."

Wu Xian found some thick clothes and put it on, sat on a chair to charge his mobile phone, and sat in front of the refrigerator to tell the story.

"In my opinion, the story is like this. You were originally engaged in a certain profession where you would die at the sight of light. Liu Juan may also be one of the victims. She caught you and threatened you to marry her and pay for her high salary. Consumption pays.”

“On the surface, your relationship is like husband and wife, but in fact it is similar to a master-servant relationship. Therefore, in all the photos you take together, it is your wife who is smiling, not you.”

 “Later, you died.”

“Maybe she hid your body in the refrigerator to vent her resentment, or because she could gain profits by keeping your body.”

At this point, the phone was already charged. Wu Xian repeated his old trick to crack the password. After rummaging twice, he opened the photo album and his eyes widened.

“Tsk, tsk, that’s what I mean by eating you for the rest of my life.”

 “Is this extreme hatred or twisted love?”

I saw that the photo album on my mobile phone was full of selfies taken by Liu Juan while eating.

She ate every meal while sitting in front of the open refrigerator door. The staple food was cooked meat, as if she was sharing delicacies with her late husband.

  But I don’t know why.

 The further back the photos go, the less Mr. Wang’s body is in the open freezer.

 (End of this chapter)

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