God Bestows Evil

Chapter 89: Jing Ke's nightmare

Chapter 89 Jing Ke’s Nightmare

 Speaking of which.

Jing Ke suddenly slapped his forehead.

“By the way, remember to return the notes to me later. We don’t have much of this stuff in stock, so we can just give it back to new people.”

Wu Xian was stunned for a moment.

 “You want to take it back?”

It’s not that he is reluctant to part with this notebook. He has memorized all the information in it. But Qi Zhiyong wants Wu Xian to join the creed, but this Jing Ke has no intention of winning over him?

"Otherwise, I'll leave it to you. Don't be ridiculous. You don't meet the requirements to join the creed."

Wu Xian was not interested in Creed’s organizational philosophy.

Judging from Qi Zhiyong, this organization may be a bit stubborn, but at least it is not a group of bad people.

If Creed strongly invites it, Wu Xian may reluctantly join.

Wu Xian's detective agency is closed, and he has been eating and drinking and doing bad shopping, and the balance in his bank card is declining rapidly... If he can make some money in Creed, his life as a fairy in reality can last a little longer. .

But Wu Xian didn't expect that Creed would look down on him so much, which made Wu Xian not very happy.

“Qi Zhiyong is fine, how can I not meet the requirements?”

Jing Ke shook his head helplessly.

“Then let me ask you, are you confused about the blessed land?”

 “I’m not confused, I think it’s quite interesting.”

“Then do you have the determination to risk your life to carry out your belief to the end, or...do you have such a belief?”

Wu Xian thought seriously.

He didn’t want to give up his life for anything except Lao Deng who had already exploded the gold coins, so he shook his head.

Jing Ke spread his hands.

“The creed may be different from what you imagine. The original intention of our organization is to give a direction to those who are confused and a harbor to those who have faith.”

“Qi Zhiyong will invite you because he firmly believes in the theory of value, but that is his idea, not the idea of ​​the creed.”

“If we accept everyone, we won’t be a ‘creed’.”

 “Besides, we are all quite poor and have no welfare...”

Wu Xian was immediately not interested when he heard that there were no benefits, and he immediately asked the next question.

“Since you are from the Creed Organization, why did you help those people check me?”

Jing Ke sipped mushroom soup.

“Those people you are talking about are the ‘City God’s Office’. They are all good young men. The order and stability of the real world depends on them.”

"You have caused a lot of trouble for the City God's Office this time. They are worried about the pollution from the blessed land, and they dare not use many methods on the compressed package. They can only entrust me to investigate."

“Well, for a young man like you, if you want to know anything, just go to them and ask them. Why make it so complicated?”

 “Everyone is very tired, please don’t do this again next time.”

Wu Xian narrowed his eyes.

 “City God’s Office?”

Jing Ke sighed and replied.

“Without the City God’s Office, the real world would have fallen long ago.”

“Most of the employees of the City God’s Office have signed a contract, and their job is to maintain order in the real world. There are also a few family members working there.”

“You don’t work as a detective anymore, so you have no income.”

"I suggest you go to the City God's Office to register. The City God's Office is near the First Welfare Institute. It's easy to find, but you have to get closer to see it. Normal dependents need to pass through the second blessed place to receive the information. , I am notifying you in advance today.” “You don’t need to do anything after registering. As long as you are alive, you can receive a low premium every month, and the more times you experience blessed places, the higher the low premium will be. During the New Year and holidays, we can also distribute some rice, flour, grains, oils, eggs, laundry detergent, etc..."

“Our Creed happens to have someone working in the Chenghuang Institute. If you also want to set up a staff, I can help you organize it, but you have to pay me some agency fees.”

Wu Xian’s eyes gradually widened.

Those men in black who rob people with guns are like this?

 He shook his head violently, feeling even more wary.

"forget it."

Jing Ke shook his head.

"I guessed that you would have this reaction. You may think that the City God's Office is full of **** oppression and intrigue. Everyone is plotting against each other, and there is a shocking conspiracy behind it. After registering, you will fall into an inescapable trap..."

 His expression became unusually serious.

"Save it!"

“Use all those thoughts to deal with evil spirits!”

“The blessed land has overwhelmed us and we can hardly breathe. The evil spirits are drinking our blood and eating our flesh. We are all about to be killed. How can we have any energy left to scheming with our own people?”

“All our efforts are just to keep the real world in front of us as ‘realistic’ as possible…”

“Do you know what my biggest nightmare is? It is to come back from the blessed land one day, only to find that the reality that was supposed to be warm and safe has become as cruel as the blessed land. Having no place to rest is my biggest nightmare.”

Jing Ke’s words.

 Wu Xian was slightly shaken.

 He ​​thought about Jing Ke’s nightmare and felt horrified. The prerequisite for him to enjoy the blessed land is to have the real world as a safe harbor. If the real world also becomes like the blessed land...

Wu Xian couldn't help but shudder.

 He ​​suddenly realized that he might have thought things too complicated all along. He was always used to doubting everything, but he had forgotten that the truth was sometimes unexpectedly simple.

However, he will not just believe Jing Ke’s words. Regarding the ‘City God’s Office’, he will verify it in his own way.

Jing Ke’s appetite was astonishing. As he spoke, there were only some plate bottoms left on the table, and he burped with satisfaction.

“Okay, that’s all, give me your notes.”

After taking the notes, Jing Ke walked to the door under Hei Gu's resentful eyes, rubbed his belly and said goodbye to Wu Xian.

“The food at your home is really good. It’s almost as good as the chef at Qi Pei Restaurant. You must live a little longer and don’t die too early. I’ll come to your house for dinner if I have a chance in the future!”

Hearing Jing Ke say that the food was delicious, Hei Gu's hateful eyes disappeared and her tail started to wag again. It was so easy to guess what this dog was thinking.

Wu Xian watched Jing Ke leave on his bicycle.

 Turning around and looking at the leftovers on the table, Jing Ke didn’t die after eating, so he should be able to eat with confidence in the future...


 After leaving Wu Xian’s house for some distance.

 Jing Ke made a phone call.

“I have met the person Qi Zhiyong chose. He is a talented young man, but his personality is a bit twisted. He may be able to live in the blessed land for a long time, but I did not invite him because he has not found anything that he can believe in..."

An angry scolding came from the other side of the phone.

 “You **** old-fashioned person, how long are you going to abide by your awkward rules...”

Jing Ke moved the phone away slightly, not wanting to hear the dirty talk on the other side. Guessing that it was almost time, he put the phone next to his ear again.

 “In addition, Qi Zhiyong has carried out his beliefs.”

 “Send notice to others that a funeral can be held for him.”

 (End of this chapter)

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