God Card

195 Chapter 204: Tang Jian, who has no hesitation

When the shuttle car automatically sailed in the air to Xicheng.

Tang Jian also learned something about the situation through Mr. Yan's narration.

It turns out that Sun Yiying is also a person with a special physique, and her physique is the Qiling Body.

For a person with this physique, it can be said that cultivation is a natural process.

At least before stepping into the Kashen level, there will be no bottlenecks.

People with such a physique can absorb energy substances in the air, energy nutrients in medicines, etc. far beyond ordinary people.

For example, if ordinary people want to increase their vitality from 20 to 21, they may need to consume a bottle of intermediate nutrient solution and three Cal Energy Crystals simply by using drugs or energy substances to increase their vitality.

But for a spirit enlightener like Sun Yiying, to increase his vitality from 20 to 21, perhaps he only needs to drink a sip of intermediate nutrient solution, and only need to absorb one-tenth of a card energy crystal.

Therefore, Yan Jinmian placed great hopes on Sun Yiying.

However, Sun Yiying was injured in a tiankeng mission two years ago.

The injury wasn't too serious in the first place, and it would recover naturally after resting for a while.

So Sun Yiying also chose to return to the school in her hometown to teach during the recovery period.

Tang Jian was also aware of what happened afterwards.

Including Sun Yiying's injury, he knew it all.

But I always thought it shouldn't be a big problem.

After all, according to the memories of her previous life, Sun Yiying later became a five-star card master after graduating from university. A character who immigrated to an alien must be extraordinary. How could her development be curbed by a small injury.

As a result, there was an accident in the middle of it.

"Mr. Yan, since Mr. Sun is such an outstanding genius, then the strong people in your school should also attach great importance to it. Don't they want to help with the treatment?"

During the communication, Tang Jian asked with some doubts.

Since Sun Yiying has the physique of a spiritual enlightener, she should be taken seriously.

Why is it that you are still dragging your wounds slowly after being injured?

"The teachers in the school who can help have tried their best to help. But Xiao Jian, sometimes the help of some people is limited, not the relationship between close relatives, so it is impossible to spare no effort to help all the time.

Xiaoying's injury, if it wasn't for the dean's action at the beginning, but now she doesn't even have a chance to recover from her injury, and she will lose the qualification to continue practicing

But the dean's move last time was already a great favor.

This time, it is almost unrealistic to ask the dean to take action again, and it is not easy for us to speak again.

If you want to win something, you must first show your own value.”

Tang Jian couldn't help being silent for a moment when he heard the words.

Indeed, he took it for granted.

That's right, Sun Yiying is indeed very talented, and even became a five-star card master in her previous life and immigrated to an alien planet.

But the current Sun Yiying is still just a five-star card master. Although she has a special physique and a good card-making ability, she is still not as good as a real five-star card master after all.

Dean Jinghua would never have thought that Sun Yiying would become a five-star card master many years later.

There are many geniuses, and there are also many geniuses who died halfway, or geniuses who emerged at the beginning like Miluo, and then disappeared from everyone.

Although Sun Yiying didn't know what the specific injury was, it must be very troublesome. Dean Jinghua was willing to make a move because of his potential.

If you make another move, the other party may not be willing.

After all, like many rare cards with healing effects, they are all consumable.

If Sun Yiying's injury worsened again, her own value would be weakened again. It would be a bit forced to expect others to continue investing.

At this time, we can only pin our hopes on other foreign aid.

"Mr. Yan, how can I cure Mr. Sun's situation? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Tang Jian took a deep breath and asked solemnly.

in a minute.

Tang Jian sighed slightly, hung up the communication, and fell into deep thought while sitting in the car.

"There was an accident when I was saving my sister. It really seems to be entirely caused by me."

In Tang Yueyue's last life, nothing happened at all.

There will be accidents in this life, even Tang Jian himself was taken aback. When it comes down to the reason, it is probably because his rebirth changed some minor things.

Fortunately, my sister is cured now.

But at this time, he unexpectedly learned that Sun Yiying, a teacher, actually caused her injury to worsen during the process of saving her sister.

This is also something that shouldn't happen at all.

In the last life, Tang Yueyue was never attacked by the lunatics organized by the old country at all, and Sun Yiying never rescued Tang Yueyue at all. Naturally, her injuries did not worsen.

But in this life, a series of events caused a chain reaction, which led to Sun Yiying's current situation is also very embarrassing.

However, Sun Yiying never told him about these things.

If Yan Jinmian hadn't called to communicate, Tang Jian wouldn't have known about it at all.

Tang Jian knew who Sun Yiying was.

Since Yan Jinmian secretly called him, it was obvious that Sun Yiying didn't want him to know about it.

If the other party really wants him to know, just say it straight, he will not refuse many things at all.

"It turns out that Teacher Sun's injury has deteriorated to the present, and it takes four or five years of recuperation to recover from the injury. It turns out that if I entered Jinghua School, I might be able to ask the principal of Jinghua to come forward and help Teacher Sun."

Tang Jian sighed slightly, feeling very complicated.

Sun Yiying was still too kind, she never even said a word to him about these things.

I remember that the other party also mentioned his application for the voluntary examination last time, but in the end they suggested that he still apply for the highest university.

Even if he applied for Jinghua, he might not really be able to help the other party, but at least he could have more hope.

After all, it can be known from the other party's tone that Jinghua's Dean Kashen values ​​him very much.

What the other party values ​​is not necessarily how powerful he is.

In fact, a card student who is less than a card master can't be called very powerful.

What the other party valued might just be his influence as the No. 1 scholar in Jiangbei City.

This kind of influence does not have much effect on other big companies and large enterprises.

But for a famous school like Jinghua, it is quite important.

If one more city champion like him applies for Jinghua, Jinghua will have more influence, forming a publicity effect of a wind vane, so that every year more outstanding candidates apply for Jinghua, forming a virtuous circle, and competing with other famous schools. competitive.

This is the reason why the dean invited him to apply for Jinghua with generous conditions, and it is also the place where Sun Yiying might be able to help.


Sun Yiying only talked about the benefits promised by the dean, but never explained some of her own needs.

Not a word was mentioned.

Tang Jian's mood is quite complicated now.

Up to now, the college entrance examination volunteers have already filled in the report.

He also did not choose to report to Jinghua at all, so there is no room for maneuver in this matter.

However, Yan Jinmian's call was not to complain to him, but mainly to ask for help.

Although he did not choose Jinghua, after entering the highest institution in the future, as long as he behaves well, he will still be able to meet more powerful people and help Sun Yiying.

Sun Yiying could resist not telling him about this, maybe she didn't want to put any pressure on him, or maybe she didn't think it was necessary.

But Yan Jinmian felt sorry for Sun Yiying, but he couldn't help it after all, and tried to help Zhang Luo as much as possible, seeking any foreign aid that might help Sun Yiying.

All in all, these two teachers are both good-natured and kind-hearted.

Tang Jian was a little depressed at this moment.

Depressed Sun Yiying didn't tell him about it at all.

Is this looking down on him or looking down on him?

If the other party hadn't rescued Tang Yueyue, perhaps Tang Yueyue had not seriously injured her legs at that time, but might have been captured by the lunatics of the old country organization, and she would have no good end like those girls who died tragically.

Let's not talk about this kindness for now.

It was the cover and support that Sun Yiying gave him when he was in school, and he won school resources for him time and time again. This is also a great teacher's kindness, how can he let him down easily?

The more he thought about it, Tang Jian became more depressed and even a little angry, and wanted to question Sun Yiying directly.

But in the end he held back.

Since Sun Yiying didn't want to tell him, she seemed to look down on him as a student, and she didn't seem to think he could help, so he silently worked hard to help the other party as soon as possible and give the other party a big surprise.

"A card god-level powerhouse who can heal other people's injuries is not limited to the one from Jinghua. There is no one in Yujing. I can heal my sister in advance, but I can't heal the teacher?"

"By the way, Teacher Yan was also vague. He never explained the condition of Teacher Sun's injury. He only said that after the deterioration, even the purple five-star meat and white bone card may not be cured. At most, it can be relieved. How serious is it? ? Gotta go and see."

Tang Jian glanced at the navigation watch. The car was only an hour away from home by automatic navigation. He immediately lay down on his back and urged the Asian girl card.

"Yah! Master!"

A touch of greenness bloomed in front of his eyes, but Xiaomei actually changed into a green skirt today, which fell directly on his forehead in a lively and lovely way, with a pair of small feet stepping on his browbones, and the red inside could be seen through the green skirt.

"Come down quickly."

Tang's face was a little dark, and he reached out to grab Xiaomei on his forehead.

"Yeah! Master, you are so fierce, you are not gentle at all."

"Next time you wear a green skirt, don't jump on my head."

"Why? Green is beautiful. Xiaomei likes green very much recently. When she sees green, she feels good. Does the master not like green?"

"It's not cute to wear a green dress. Sit down and watch over the master. The master is going to sleep now."

"Huh? Isn't the green dress cute?"

Xiaomei's tone was serious, and she hesitated, "Then Xiaomei won't wear green skirts from now on."

She looked expectantly in her eyes, "Will the master reward Xiaomei with lollipops when he sleeps?"

"No problem, the master will reward you with a lollipop when you wake up."

After Tang Jian explained to Xiaomei, his mind was quickly immersed, and his consciousness converged on the "dream" option on the attribute template.

To know the specifics of Sun Yiying's injury, naturally one has to possess Sun Yiying's body to clearly empathize with her.

Although this method is really a little blasphemy to the teacher, but because of the teacher's injury, Tang Jian feels that he still has no hesitation, and even has a little unspeakable cough and shyness in his heart.

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