God Card

Chapter 202 211: Just rely on you? (Begging to subscribe miserably)

Changshan base city.

An extremely majestic purple energy enchantment completely enveloped the entire base city, emitting a radiant brilliance.

Outside the base city, the sky was gray.

Even though it is daytime in this area of ​​federal time, the sunlight is blocked by layers of lead clouds, making it difficult to project it in.

The wind howled fiercely, and there seemed to be some strange floating objects hidden in the misty air, and sometimes the air twisted and rippled.

In the suburbs, many villages and towns are deserted.

There are even poisonous substances running in some villages, rotting corpses soaked in ancient wells, and charred bones in charred houses, which is a miserable scene.

The area where the two big tiankengs used to be guarded in the outskirts has become a scorched earth pit, reaching deep into the ground.

Where the ground collapses, the soil cracks.

From a high altitude, it looks like two huge pits with an area of ​​hundreds of meters and a depth of thousands of meters. Some sand grains deep in the bottom of the pit are even crystallized.

The deepest, extending to the darker underground.

The former military base was completely destroyed, some areas were layered with gullies, and even magma flowed across.

The entrance of the tiankeng is like a vast lake, shining with mirror light, and many tiankeng monsters of various shapes seem to be driven away, jumping out from the entrance like a lake mirror.

There are swarms of red ants, bees with three heads, swarms of black flying insects, and even tall cyclops carrying stone weapons.

Rich psychic energy also kept gushing out from the entrance, pouring towards the entire federal world.

Strong bursts of divine power emanated from the entrances of the two tiankengs, making all the creatures who walked out of the entrances of the tiankengs devout and passionate.

So many creatures, after leaving the entrance of the tiankeng, all gathered in the military base built by humans.

A small number of poisonous insects and beasts with low intelligence and irascibility left the range of the most powerful divine power and began to kill each other and eat away at each other. Many even rushed towards the flaming enchantment that enveloped the military base like suicide.

Countless poisonous insects and animals were burned to death under the power of the enchantment.

And the power of the enchantment is also severely depleted.

After the extremely small number of poisonous insects and beasts escaped from the barrier, they were massacred by the human army that had already lined up several solid lines of defense.

Only a few sporadic poisons escaped the attack and killing of the troops arrayed outside the tiankeng, and scattered in all directions.

But these scattered poisons were also quickly hunted down by the Kaxiu team dispatched from the surrounding base cities.

Death, killing, chaos.

Initiation is going on all the time.

Above Changshan Base City, four figures floated, hidden in the clouds.

The vast and strong breath of the magnetic field of life emanated from the four of them, as if they were making a silent demonstration towards the dark area in the distance.

These are four Kashen-level powerhouses, and one of them, a Guxia man with slightly curly hair, is Mingbo.

He looked dignified and serious, looking at the dozens of temporary war fortresses built around the two out-of-control sinkholes in the distance, with worry in his eyes.

"The war is coming. If it's just the two guys there, the situation is not bad. But looking at the situation now, it may be that powerful existence who is ready to fight."

"The tiankengs in the base cities of Lingdi, Beiyu, and Hemu have also begun to riot. Haral and the others have been involved there. Here in Changshan, we can only temporarily recruit three people for support. If If that existence makes a move, it may not be able to block it."

A silver-haired female card god frowned.

"The situation is not so bad. In fact, we still took the initiative this time. Lord Mona guessed that according to the existing plan, the local war should gradually break out after more than a month, and that person should not show up. "

A blond-haired Kashen looked at Mingbo ponderously, and said, "But because one of you, Gu Xia, provided an extremely important clue. After that person noticed it, the war broke out early."

"When this war broke out, I don't know how many people died. The group of lunatics in the old country can hardly be blamed. These bastards are like disgusting mice hiding in the dark, a group of lackeys who betrayed human beings and faith!"

A burly Kashen with hideous lines on his face roared.

"Do you know who the person who provided the clue is?" someone asked.

Mingbo's eyes flashed, "The protection plan has been activated. Except for a few people, no one knows the identity of the person who provided the clues. However, if the old country uses the big prophecy card, it may catch some clues."

"Master Mona will not let them succeed. This person must be protected, and he must continue to follow up to see if he has any other useful information. If this person can provide such important information, he should be at least a four-star card master, right?"

"have no idea."

"Now the situation is even more serious. I will hold a meeting in a week to propose that anyone whose strength has reached the level of five-star card apprentices, regardless of the military or universities, must increase their speed of training. There are also card repairers who are idle in society. , Immediately recruit."

"I'm afraid it will have a big negative impact."

"The battle for survival is the responsibility of every citizen of the Commonwealth.

They used to enjoy the rights and interests of federal citizens, but now, those capable people need to stand up, they must stand up, who dare not follow? "

"Don't shout slogans so scary, the methods can be tough, and the slogans should be softer."

The research room of the research base near Changshan.

The research on the overloaded wind card has entered the final juncture.

Tang Jian, a five-star card apprentice who has been discussed by several card gods, is still holding back his energy to practice.

After four days of training, Tang Jian felt that the strengthening period of his body had basically come to an end.

In the past four days, he vomited blood several times. The old skin on his body changed from yellow-brown to gray-brown, and then turned blue-black. A large piece fell off after rubbing easily. The changed skin became fair and tender. .

During the process of skin replacement, the skin all over the body was hot and tingling, as if it had been roasted by fire.

And the process of vomiting blood was even more uncomfortable, as if thick phlegm was stuck in the chest cavity, and the lung lobes seemed to be burning when he spat out violently.

But this day, after Tang Jian rubbed off the skin all over his body, he felt comfortable all over his body, and he basically didn't vomit blood anymore. He punched and kicked his legs, and his body seemed to be full of powerful strength.

He called up the property template to see.

"Master: Tang Jian.

Capable of having cards: [500/500]+

Possess spirit: [50/50]+

Vitality: [50.1]+

Special effect function: 1.? ? ?

2. Dreamland. (???)

Current energy: [12300]+

3. Recognition simulation: (analyze the energy consumption value to identify card types, materials, and performance) (the energy consumption value simulates the style of card making, and masters the card making plan).

Hidden options: cards. "

The vitality has been firmly above fifty.

Both card energy and mental power have basically reached the strongest state at this stage.

As for the energy stored in the red card, it was exhausted.

But in the research institute, these energies will increase at an extremely fast rate.

Tang Jian breathed a sigh of relief and was in a good mood.

In the next six days, he can continue to use the resources in the institute to improve his strength.

This is clearly for him to take advantage of the advantages, and it would be a fool not to take advantage of it.

But after thinking about it, Tang Jian went to see the progress of the research on the overloaded wind card first.

Although he was vaguely rejected and underestimated by the other five people, this important task was assigned by He Dongchen after all.

If it can be done, Tang Jian still wants to do his best.

The overloaded gust card is researched for battlefield combat.

After this kind of card is researched, it may be of great benefit to the frontline warfare. Of course, Tang Jian is not stingy to contribute.

Walking into the card making room of the laboratory, Tang Jian found that the other five colleagues were gathering together and arguing loudly, as if there was a difference of opinion due to some difficult point.

"If the problem of divine power is not resolved, even if this card is produced, the power cannot be doubled or more than doubled."

"Nonsense, the problem now is how to deal with Kamui? This is a card, it's not a set card, nor is it a duo card, how to give it another special effect of exempting Kamui?"

The two card makers argued loudly, their faces blushing and their necks thick.

"Let me tell you, even if you invite a senior four-star or even five-star card maker, it will be difficult to solve such a problem. This card itself is a single-striped card. How can you give it the characteristic of immunity from divine power?"

Yue Luo, the highest-ranking three-star card maker, shook his head, "This card is too low-level, which limits our development, unless we can reinvent and create another card that has the best of both worlds.

After all, this card was made by a newcomer, and it still has great flaws.

Hey, an invention team should have been established in the first place, and then new cards should be researched. A newcomer’s work is not yet perfect, so we spend time and effort on research here, and the newcomer is still lazy and easy to practice every day, really.”

As he was speaking, he suddenly noticed that everyone was giving him winks, and he couldn't help being startled.

Turning around, he saw Tang Jian standing beside him.

The expression on Yue Luo's face was also stiff, but he quickly smiled softly.

"You came at the right time. You should have heard what I just said. Your card has a huge flaw. Now that we have researched to the last moment, there is a big problem. This problem may lead to Entire research mission failed."

Tang Jian looked at the other party calmly, nodded slightly, "I can hear what you said clearly, but let's put this problem aside for now.

When I first came to the research room, you directly ordered me to explain the conceptual structure of the Gale Card to you. I don't need to intervene in other matters. "

Tang Jian spread his hands slightly, "Now, what do you mean by saying that I am lazy and avoid easy cultivation?"

He was already a little angry.

Even though the other party is a three-star card maker, there has been a lot of contempt and contempt for him these days, and the words are not nice.

Therefore, Tang Jian would no longer save any face for the other party if he was reprimanded in front of the other party at this moment, and he would not respect him.

"What did you say?" Yue Luo's complexion suddenly sank, and the powerful breath of life on his body couldn't help but burst out.

An incomparably powerful and violent oppressive force, like a ferocious airflow, fell from the sky fiercely, covering the entire research room, making everyone breathless.

However, a purple card appeared in Tang Jian's hands at this time.

The card exudes brilliance, a pair of fierce, majestic and blazing eyes, on the surface of the purple card, as if it is about to come alive, it slowly opens, revealing a powerful and vast aura.

"Purple Card? [Flame Pseudo-God Card]!!"

Yue Luo, including the other four, suddenly changed their complexions.

Each of the purple cards is extremely rare.

Even many four-star card masters may not have purple cards, and those who can have them are the best among them.

Yue Luo and five people, even though they have seen people using purple cards.

But someone like Tang Jian who is not even a card master can actually own a purple card, which is very shocking. It means that behind Tang Jian, there must be an extremely powerful background.

"The five never took me seriously, so I seldom intervene in this research, but it doesn't mean that I don't want to contribute."

Tang Jian said flatly, looking directly at Yue Luo calmly.

Even if the other party is a three-star card maker, he can still treat it calmly and calmly.

Just because he was also a strong man of this level in his last life, just because he also has a hole card in his hand now.

But this calmness and composure fell into the eyes of the other five people, but they seemed to be confident and had a strong background. Even if their strength was still weak, they also had a strong confidence.

Yue Luo's face was gloomy, looking at the cards in Tang Jian's hands, he slowly withdrew the vitality released, and said in a deep voice, "You said you want to contribute, but now that the problem is here, how do you contribute? Star card maker?"

Tang Jian chuckled, looked at the other four people who also had doubts in their eyes, and said calmly, "Just because I am a one-star card maker, just because I am the patent inventor of this card, this is what Mr. Yue said. It is difficult for four- and five-star card creators to solve problems, but I can indeed solve them."

"You fart!" Yue Luo couldn't help but drink in a low voice.

"Brother Tang, don't talk too much. We recognize your talent, but you can't solve this kind of problem this time." Another bald card maker said with a sullen face.

"That's right." The others echoed.

Tang Jian didn't say much, and walked directly to Cato's template.

Thank you Wenrou, Lost and I don’t know the road ahead, The fragrance in the wind, Calm 5201314, Kandinsky, Xuanyun Jianhe for their rewards!

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