God Card

Chapter 205 214: Card Arena

Chapter 205 214: Card Arena

Tang Jian's current vitality has reached the level of 63.4.

This level of vitality is considered outstanding at his current age.

However, compared to Taiyi's children from aristocratic families who grew up in the super base city, they are still much weaker.

Originally, Tang Jian only wanted to develop slowly.

However, the situation is changing too fast now, and some major events can be said to be caused by him alone.

It has deceived many old country organizations who have planted eyeliners for more than ten years.

Many tiankeng gods have been pitted again and may have planned an invasion plan for a long time.

A reborn little card disciple, but disturbed the situation.

Although there are only a few people like He Dongshen, almost no one knows that all this is caused by such a small role as him.

Even He Dongshen and others mistakenly believed that the source of Tang Jian's information was from Xiong Baiyu, the former master of Longhu Road who had died for a long time. For this reason, they spent a lot of time searching for Xiong Baiyu but found nothing.

But up to now, Tang Jian is no longer afraid.

When he thought that he had cheated many people, even many gods, and possibly that powerful evil god, he felt a little uneasy.

After coming out of the Green Fox Card Exchange, think back to what Moou said.

Tang Jian felt that he had to use some extraordinary means to directly raise his vitality to the level of a one-star card master.

Ordinary people use that kind of extraordinary means, which is simply to encourage the growth of seedlings, which is very undesirable, affecting the foundation and potential, and it is difficult to control the vitality that is advancing by leaps and bounds.

But Tang Jian knows his own affairs.

It used to be considered unnecessary, but now it seems that it is very necessary.

After becoming a real card master, it will be much more convenient to do many things.

Moreover, only after becoming a card master can he register as a two-star card maker and further obtain a higher status in the card maker association.

If you want to use extreme measures, you have to go to a place.

dark web.

The nature of the force of the dark net is somewhat similar to hidden killing, and it belongs to the gray-black force that hides the dark.

It's just that hidden killing is a pure killer organization.

The dark web is only doing intelligence business.

The intelligence network of the killer organization must not be bad, otherwise the killer would not be able to carry out operations.

However, the dark web, a professional intelligence organization, is more powerful than the killer organization in terms of collecting and controlling intelligence information.

The dark net knows too many secrets.

Generally, people who know too many secrets don't live long.

However, forces that know a lot of secrets can often exist for a long time, because it is needed by too many people, and it also involves the lifelines and interests of too many people.

The dark web is ubiquitous and it is not difficult to gain access to it.

After Tang Jian came to a large Internet cafe that provided the entrance to the virtual world platform, he paid 500 yuan in federal currency, and lay down in a virtual world biological cabin similar to a bathtub.

The virtual world is more convenient than the real world.

In the virtual world, wherever you want to go, a thought can arrive at any time.

Not only traffic, but more in terms of entertainment.

In the virtual world, you can role-play into some classic movies, and have high-fidelity interactions with the protagonists of the movies;

Or customize a certain entertainment method, become a king by yourself, imagine that your enemies are all your subjects, and so on.

As long as there are enough virtual coins, the virtual world can get anything it wants.

As for information such as intelligence, transactions in the virtual world are naturally more secretive and safer than transactions in the real world.

Gorgeous lights, ear-shattering music, and chaotic scenes.

The air is filled with the smell of alcohol, cigarettes and sweat.

This is an unremarkable bar in the virtual world.

After Tang Jian paid the transmission fee, the virtual figure appeared here out of thin air.

Avoiding a woman who was approaching and almost vomited on him, Tang Jian quickly left the noisy area with gloomy eyes.

The bar is an intelligence collection and distribution point for dark net forces.

There are many ways to trade intelligence on the dark web.

Some may not even be solved by money.

In the chaotic gray and black area, there are many ways of entertainment, and the way of transaction may be based on entertainment.

Tang Jian came to the bar and asked for a glass of explosion smoke from a beautiful bartender. Gulu drank the explosion smoke in one gulp, and threw a red sign purchased with 10,000 virtual coins into the other party's hand.

"What information do you need?"

The bartender stared at Tang Jian with a smile and exhaled.

Tang Jian wasn't cramped at all, he spent his spare time admiring the beauties in front of him, and calmly stated his purpose, "I want some specific locations of Fitslinkan House in the near future."

"Okay." The purple lips of the beautiful bartender smiled charmingly, and pulled out a square ticket and stuffed it into Tang Jian's hand, "Hold your ticket, good luck, handsome boy."

Tang Jian took the ticket and crushed it, and his virtual body collapsed and disappeared in an instant.

There is a flower in front of my eyes.

When it reappeared, it was already in the stands of an extremely magnificent Colosseum, surrounded by cheers and noises like waves, coming from all directions like a strong wind.

Looking down through the stands, you can just see that in the extremely wide Colosseum below, there are more than a dozen big men in vests holding various weapons and fighting in a very primitive way.

Axes, hooks, javelins, and other weapons clashed with each other.

The scene was very exciting.

It can be seen that the vitality of those big men who are fighting is not weak, at least about 20.

But it was like a group of savage beasts fighting together.

In the surrounding stands, some women screamed wildly with extremely exaggerated and distorted expressions, while some men waved the tickets in their hands and howled.

But no one noticed Tang Jian standing in the empty stands at this time.

Tang Jian knew very well that most of the people around were just ordinary people in the real world.

Only a very small number of people may be card masters and card creators with a certain social status.

However, this is only a virtual scene after all.

Most of these people came here just for entertainment, watching a battle that was so virtual that it resembled reality.

There are a small number of people who will buy some odds offered by the dark web, and buy various odds of winning or losing according to the differences and rules of each beast fight.

Someone wins a lot of money, and earning enough money will allow him or his children to obtain a lot of cultivation resources;

Others may lose and go bankrupt.

The person with the most status and privileges in the world will always be a card master.

But the most people in the world are basically ordinary people.

The money of these ordinary people gathered together is also an unimaginable amount.

The entertainment venue of the Colosseum was established for the purpose of earning money.

When Tang Jian saw the Colosseum, he knew what he was facing below.

It was precisely his least favorite way of obtaining information.

He may become a member of the Colosseum for people to watch and entertain. Only by defeating his opponent can he obtain information.

If it fails, then he will not be able to obtain information this time.

If you want to continue to obtain information, then enter a similar bar again.

But the way of obtaining information may have changed again.

For ordinary people, it is undoubtedly the easiest thing to gain a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from watching Kaxiu's life-and-death battle below from above, which can stimulate many people to make some irrational consumption.

Tang Jian glanced at his current attire.

Fortunately, not women's clothing.

The virtual platform has automatically changed him into a rough gladiator costume by default, and even equipped him with a bat mask of Master Wayne.

In the virtual world, not to mention masks, appearance, height, and even life forms can all be adjusted through virtual currency.

Looking at the surrounding environment again, the stand where he is located is at the topmost position on the side extension of the ring-shaped viewing platform. It is raised by a column-shaped lifting platform, which has a feeling of overlooking all the mountains and small ones.

The stands of the entire Colosseum are arranged in a circle.

The stands are designed in a convoluted concave-convex shape by ingenious designers.

From a distance, it looks like an ancient giant snake, entrenched in the moon, so that the audience on each floor of the stands can clearly see the scene in the Colosseum.

Such a colosseum can accommodate a hundred thousand people, and once all the audience make a sound, the sound will be as loud as a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Tang Jian only looked at it for a while, and then he was sure that the lifting platform he was on had been blocked.

He can see the scenery and people outside the lift platform, but no one can see him.

But at this moment.

A virtual projection screen suddenly appeared in front of him, and some eye-catching red subtitles appeared on it, and a soft female voice came out of the subtitles

Thanks to readers Xiaohongshou 888 for their reward!

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