God Card

Chapter 219 Chapter 228: Strange Creatures

"It's impassable here! It's dangerous ahead, there are tiankeng creatures fleeing at any time, please leave immediately."

Several soldiers on flying boards stopped in front of Tang Jian's car. Someone even activated the Duyi and summoned a helicopter to hover in the air, making a loud noise. The barrel of the helicopter pointed at Tang Jian's car. sword.

The road to the provincial road seems to be completely blocked.

Tang Jian could sense that these soldiers were all five-star card disciples, and some of them must have graduated from military academies.

With a bang, he opened the window of the shuttle, took out the card master's ID card and the ID card of the rank of sergeant and handed them over.

"Brother, please accommodate me. I have family members still in the county below, and now I want to bring them all back. This should be possible, right?"

The soldier took Tang Jian's card master card and military rank card in doubt, and immediately activated an optical brain to check the authenticity.

Soon, several soldiers handed over two identity cards to Tang Jian, and at the same time gave a military salute to Tang Jian, and the soldier who summoned the helicopter also received the helicopter.

The reason why they are so slack is not Tang Jian's card master certificate, but Tang Jian's certificate as a sergeant, which means that they are all people of the same system.

"Are you going to the county below? If you take this road, you should go to Qicheng or Xicheng, right?"

A soldier looked at Tang Jian, frowned and shook his head and said, "I advise you not to go. Martial law has been imposed over there. A few days ago, a lot of three-headed and six-armed barbarians suddenly appeared there. Many villages were slaughtered, and even the county town been affected.

It's very dangerous down there now. Although our army has mopped up and wiped out most of the threats, there are still a small number of them fleeing and hiding. Even though you are a card master, if you go down alone to pick up your relatives, in case you encounter more than three barbarians, There are also dangers. "

Tang Jian's expression was serious when he heard the words, but he still insisted, "Even if there is danger, my relatives are very important to me. I must go this time."

Seeing this, several soldiers could only give up and get out of the way.

"Good luck! I met soldiers along the way. Show your sergeant certificate, which is more useful than your card master certificate!"

said a soldier.

Tang Jian thanked him and drove away quickly.

"Hey, I'm really not afraid of death!"

"There are relatives, there is no way. A while ago, didn't card masters often organize to pick up people in the countryside?"

"It was peaceful at that time, but it's not safe now, and those guys are all organized to pick up people, and they charge a fee. Few of them go to pick up relatives."

The provincial road is very empty along the way.

Except for the occasional bird that flies through the sky, there is almost no human life in the driveway below.

Even on some ground roads, there are still traces of fighting, the concrete floor is cracked, and there are dried blood in the potholes.

The car sped past, and the wind was blowing, and you could see the situation in some villages on both sides of the road below.

There are no people in every house, the farmland is deserted, and the vegetables in the farmland are a little wilted because no one waters and takes care of them.

In some fish ponds, the corpses of livestock can be vaguely seen swollen and smelly.

Desolate and dead.

The air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Civilization seemed to tremble and retreat under the guns of war.

Tang Jian's heart was heavy, and he drove at full speed.

The road is silent, but sometimes you can hear the roar of helicopter propellers when passing through some villages.

I even saw Kaxiu Yujian descending from the sky, the sound of the sword was like thunder, killing some strange creatures hiding and fleeing in the mountains.

Tang Jian was intercepted more than once for questioning, and once he was almost shot down from the air with a Gauss electric gun.

But in the end, there was no danger at all, and he approached Xicheng with difficulty.

The closer you are to Xicheng, the more you will encounter soldiers passing by in groups.

The situation of martial law is more obvious.

In order to reduce trouble, Tang Jian stopped driving and got down from the sky to walk.

The shuttle car's target is too big in the air, and the soldiers on the road often have to stop it for questioning, which is too time-consuming.

Walking on the road, after Tang Jian activates the magic card, the average speed can reach 70 to 80 meters per second, and the maximum speed is 200 meters per second. The forward speed is not slow, but it consumes a lot of energy.

Fortunately, the distance to Xicheng is only more than 200 kilometers, and the destination can be reached by running for more than two hours at most.

After more than an hour.

Tang Jian was already sweating all over his body, the hot sweat was steaming like mist, and his physical strength was exhausted.

Even running at a speed of 70 to 80 meters per second for more than an hour will consume a lot of energy.

The depletion of physical strength cannot be replenished by the red card cheating device, at most it can replenish the depleted mind.

He passed a small short bridge and slowly slowed down, and the surrounding buildings had obviously increased.

We have reached Sanhua, a town below Xicheng.

There seemed to be no one in the town, but Tang Jian's ears were so strong that he could hear some faint roars coming from far away.

There seems to be a fight.

"Damn, it's messed up everywhere."

Tang Jian didn't want to be nosy, leaning on the bridge pillar, took out a bottle of low-level nutrient solution from his backpack and drank it as a drink. Suddenly, he felt that the river flowing behind him was strange, emitting a bloody smell.

With a chill in his heart, he looked down, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank.

There were actually two naked corpses soaked in the river water.

A woman and a girl who looked to be about the same age as her younger sister, Tang Yueyue, died in a miserable state. The corner of her mouth was cracked, and two parts of her lower body were also torn and bleeding. The wounds looked terrible.

The two corpses had obviously been soaked for a long time, and they were already swollen. Blue veins emerged from the soaked white and blue skin like spider webs, and the eyeballs swelled like fish bubbles about to squeeze out of the eye sockets.

The woman looked terrified and desperate, the little girl's cheeks were twisted in pain, and her eyes were full of pleading and fear.

When they were about to die, the expressions on their faces still remained.

The blood in their bodies was washed away by the river water, and the wounds festered and turned white and rotted, so that Tang Jian didn't smell it for the first time.

Tang Jian looked at it, only feeling a surge of anger surging in his chest, and couldn't help but slap the low-level nutrient solution bottle in his hand.


The bodies of the two women were obviously tortured and killed.

Just looking at the wounds and the distorted expression of the deceased, one can imagine the inhuman torture these two women suffered during their lifetime.

Boom——! !

Suddenly there was a gust of wind and a fierce roar.

The entire short bridge trembled violently.

Tang Jian's body trembled and swept across the spot immediately.

Whoosh whoosh.

A series of sharp bullets passed hundreds of meters away, wrapped in an extremely sharp air wave, grazed his body and shot the ground on the other side, hitting the ground into a series of potholes, and earth and rocks splashed.

Tang Jian turned around suddenly, and saw a helicopter spewing flames in the air four or five hundred meters away on the other side of the town, chasing and shooting at a strange creature that was almost two feet tall.

The strange creature quickly avoided the stream of bullets ejected from the helicopter's muzzle, and moved at an unbelievably fast speed, even jumping and crawling on the building complex as if walking on flat ground, with a speed of almost 100 meters per second.

The moment Tang Jian looked at it, the strange creature with a dark body had already rushed to less than a hundred meters in front of him.

Suddenly, the helicopter in the air exploded and fired two rockets.

Tang Jian cursed in a low voice and immediately activated the Divine Movement Talisman card, dodging at full speed.


The distance of two hundred meters flashed in an instant.

The moment he flashed past, there was a bang.

The ground shook violently.

There are already flying sand and rocks behind him, and the fire is dazzling.

A sharp scream came from the flames.

Suddenly the flames spread out, and the figure of the dark and strange creature emerged, jumped up, and directly pounced on the helicopter.

Chi la——

In the sharp and ear-piercing sound.

The helicopter was thrown into a crooked rotation by the strange creature, slammed into the building, and exploded.

But almost at the same time, two radiant figures rushed out of the helicopter, protected by a powerful energy shield, roaring and charging towards the strange creature.


The strange creature flicked its arm violently, and one of the soldiers covered in a radiant energy shield was directly thrown out, and the energy shield collapsed when his body was in mid-air.

With a scream, the soldier slammed into the lampstand on the opposite street corner, his chest pierced through the iron frame, staining the slightly rusted iron frame red.

"Ah! Kill!—"

Another soldier roared angrily, and slashed the strange creature's body with two arc-shaped flame knives, but it made a sound like knives being smashed in elastic rubber, and the flames were burning with hot smoke.


The strange creature roared and yelled, its huge mouth full of sharp teeth opened wide like a murder fish, and bit the soldier fiercely.

All of a sudden, the energy shield on the soldier's body fluctuated sharply, and the soldier struggled fiercely, slashing wildly with the arc-shaped flame knife in his hand.


Suddenly, a sharp red arrow flew over like a twisted spirit snake, and shot directly at the foot of the strange creature's paw and the wall of the building.


The flames surged with tyrannical energy.

The strange creature howled miserably, and its body fell directly from the bombardment of the building wall, and the soldiers biting in its mouth were also thrown away.


The soldier fell to the ground, and the shield on his body collapsed, but fortunately, he just vomited a big mouthful of blood and his life was not in danger.

whoosh whoosh—

Tang Jian drew his bow and shot arrows continuously.

A series of crimson flying arrows that resembled twisted spirit snakes shot at the huge body of the strange creature.

Booming and bombing continued, the strange creature roared furiously and groaned miserably, dashing from left to right suddenly crashed into a building complex and disappeared.

Tang Jian frowned, and quietly urged Ka, the beautiful Asian girl. As soon as Xiaomei's figure appeared, she fell into an invisible state, and could merge with him at any time.


At this time, another helicopter flew over from the other side. The soldiers on the helicopter looked at Tang Jian and shouted, "It's too dangerous here, comrade, you leave first."

Tang Jian remained unmoved, and kept staring at the place where the strange creature disappeared just now, frowning tightly.

In the deep induction of powerful spiritual power, he could sense a pair of eyes full of hatred and murderous intent in the dark, staring at him closely, and might attack him at any time

There are still chapters to be released before ten o'clock.

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