God Card

Chapter 228: Chapter 237

Surrounded by bursts of dense green mist, Tang Jian continued to recover from various injuries with difficulty but steadily.

The clothes on his body were ragged, and the wounds on his skin that were strangled by the chains had healed, revealing a series of hideous blood scabs.

The bones of both arms are in the right position, and there are ugly blood scabs like centipedes all over the flesh.

He was full of blood at the moment.

More than 2,000 energy was wasted just for healing.

The energy consumed in the battle exceeded 20,000.

On the way, Tang Jian was distracted nearly a dozen times to recover his energy.

If this kind of distraction was a little slow, he might not be able to activate the cards one by one, and would be killed by Ogalie on the spot.

"Ogarie, he is definitely a strong man with more than 400 vitality. Damn, this guy's bones are harder than steel, real copper-skinned iron bones, and he almost didn't kill him just now."

Tang Jian stood up with difficulty, moved his body that was still aching and even extremely hungry, walked forward, and looked at Ogalie's head on the ground.

This head fell to the ground, smashing the ground into a shallow hole.

Looking through the wound at the fractured skull, one can see the cracked skin and flesh of the other party, showing traces of slight wrinkles.

This means that when the sword of the Tianhe sword was slashed, it still received a lot of resistance.

It's simply terrible flesh.

This is probably the strongest enemy Tang Jian has encountered in this life.

Even during the battle, the opponent even had insight into Xiaomei's existence, and used the spirit lock card to directly imprison Xiaomei's ability.

But looking at the confused and unbelievable expression in Ogalie's eyes, it was obvious that the other party was completely unwilling to die.

Maybe until he died, he didn't know why Tang Jian's spiritual power was so strong, why Tang Jian's vitality and spiritual power suddenly became stronger in battle, and why Tang Jian's card energy seemed to be endless

The opponent must have thought about these questions during the battle.

But battles are so fast-changing.

Tang Jian chopped off the other party's head before he could figure out the answer to the question.

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. You'll get a headache. I'll cut off your head for you."

Tang Jian leaned over, lifted Ogalie's dead head, stared at the other's green eyes, there was murderous intent in his eyes, and anger in his heart.

It was this bastard who betrayed Xicheng.

It is conceivable that many of the humans who died at the hands of the barbarians a few days ago may be related to the other party.

Even the death of Wang Ba's family was caused by the collusion between this man and the barbarian, and just now, the other party had killed an old woman with his own hands in an instant in front of him.


Tang Jian casually threw Ogalie's head on the ground.

Looking up, looking around.

In the surrounding residential buildings and some residences, pairs of horrified, suspicious, amazed and fear-avoiding eyes all gathered on him.

The moment his eyes swept over, these eyes all scattered like frightened flies.

Tang Jian frowned slightly, and continued to replenish another wave of energy, maintaining the state of being integrated with Xiaomei.

He stepped forward and quickly walked to Ogarie's body, removed a square meter from the other's thick arm, and found a precious card bag from the other's left leggings.

Suddenly, his eyes sharpened, and he threw out a blue card!

Whoosh! ——

The card turned into a green sword light, and the Tianhe sword flashed out like a mad dragon.

More than 300 meters away, there was a sudden pause of heavy footsteps, and a deep beast roar came.

A two-headed barbarian had just emerged, and his expression was almost vigilant, when he felt a sudden sharp pain in his body, and his upper body was separated from his lower body in an instant, and blood spurted out.

The other two-headed barbarian who followed from behind flashed horror in his eyes, and retreated instinctively.


Just as a word popped out of his throat, it stopped abruptly. The hatchet in the hands of the two-headed barbarian suddenly tilted, and the upper half fell. At the same time, its two heads also slid down from the neck.

Whoosh! ——

The green glow was like a thin mist, and also like a melancholy river, and it flew back to Tang Jian's side in a flash, turning into a blue card and slipping into his sleeve.

"Fuck! The real culprit—is this guy the legendary flying sword card repairer who specializes in flying sword cards?"

More than 800 meters away, Yang Jianhua, who had just picked up the sniper aiming, cursed in horror, and immediately put down the red leaf sniper rifle with a dark red barrel in his hand, and quickly moved towards Tang Jian's direction.

He asked himself that his sharp spear skills were good enough, and he pointed where to hit, but it seemed to be much inferior to Tang Jian's accurate flying sword.

Tang Jian put away Ogalie's card bag and other things, turned around and looked at Yang Jianhua who was coming quickly behind, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, his eyes turned green.

The body is becoming more and more hungry.

On the surface, Tang Jian seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

There was still some body fat.

Today, body fat estimates are as low as a sickly three percent.

During the previous battle, the adrenal glands were secreting wildly, but it didn't feel too strong.

But at this moment, Tang Jian felt dizzy with hunger, and couldn't help but want to eat Ogarie's body lying on the ground.

The vitality exuded from O'Galle's corpse was too powerful, and it contained a lot of energy.

The savage savages feed on powerful humans to replenish their energy.

But Tang Jian is not a barbarian yet.

He tried his best to restrain himself, and when he stepped on the ground, the concrete floor directly cracked, and his vitality had been strengthened to 165 points at one time, and it was almost impossible to control it perfectly in a short time.

Tang Jian's figure was like a gust of wind, breaking through hundreds of meters in an instant, and quickly rushed to the surprised Yang Jianhua, and threw Yang Jianhua to the ground with a single pounce.

"Brother Tang, what are you doing?"

"Food, give it to me quickly."

Yang Jianhua was stunned, feeling Tang Jian's strong body that was as hot as a furnace, trembling with fright, hurriedly took out some military compressed energy food from his body.

Xicheng experienced a chaotic and frightening night.

On the second day, in a burst of mourning, the number of casualties had reached 34, of whom nearly 13 died of ineffective rescue.

However, the barbarians who invaded the city were basically completely wiped out.

Among them, there are three three-headed barbarians, and the rest are two-headed barbarians or even one-headed barbarians. There are more than thirty barbarians in total.

More than 30 barbarians invaded the city, causing more than 30 casualties and 11 deaths. Of course, one of them actually died at the hands of Ogarie.

It just needs to be covered up politically, or it will inevitably cause greater panic and anger among the masses. The incident of Ogarie's rebellion has not been fully disclosed.

The police in the city cooperated with the truck police to use the crane truck to drag away all the corpses of the barbarians.

The corpses of these barbarians will be used for research, and even directly used as fertilizer energy.

In the room of the city government hotel, Tang Jian, who had lost a whole circle of weight, took a comfortable hot bath under Wang Siyi's service, and cleaned all the blood on his body.

In fact, he refused this kind of decadent thing of being served by a beautiful woman, but he was too tired at that time, so fortunately, he had a rare time enjoying it.

After taking a hot bath, Tang Jian drank three more bottles of high-grade nutrient solution sent by Zhang Liangdong.

The three bottles of high-grade nutrient solution worth 500,000 federal coins finally made up for the lack of energy and potential in his body.

However, the body still instinctively feels hunger, as if it wants to take a bite of everything it sees.

Wang Siyi carefully helped Tang Jian change into a suit of clothes, and under Tang Jian's eyes that seemed to be written with the word "hungry and thirsty", she puffed up her chest slightly.

"Cough!" Tang Jian looked away and frowned slightly, "How does Lezhi County plan to deal with the matter of Ogalie?"

This time, there was such a big problem in Xicheng, and people like Ogalie, sent from above, got involved with the Tiankeng barbarians. As the magistrate of Xicheng County, Le Jiajun, he had a serious problem of dereliction of duty.

If this problem is not properly resolved, the position of Lejia Junzhi County may not be stable.

Wang Siyi saw that Tang Jian frowned and mentioned Lezhi County, her straightened chest collapsed again, and she said nervously, "I don't know much about this, but Director Zhang told me to wait for you to rest, Mr. Tang." After that, you can contact him immediately."

"Contact him for me." Tang Jian said bluntly.

He was still holding back his fire at this moment, and he didn't bother to be polite in his tone of voice.

As the director of Xicheng, Zhang Liangdong didn't even notice any abnormality in Ogarie. The other party should have said that there are many barbarians gathered on the river dam, which is very dangerous, so the other party believed it and never investigated carefully.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, this is also human nature. Who would have thought that Ogalie, the strong support sent by the above, was actually a jackal?

Who wants to explore the situation knowing the danger?

It can only be said that Zhang Liangdong is not careful enough, and what is even worse is that he is timid and afraid of death.

Tang Jian soon saw Zhang Liangdong.

Along with Zhang Liangdong, Zhang Xuan, the county secretary, and a small number of leaders came to see him.

This time Zhang Liangdong spoke even more politely, his humble attitude was like a son seeing his father, and he didn't know whether he knew he was wrong or was shocked and afraid of Tang Jian's strength.

Compared with Zhang Liangdong, secretary Zhang Xuan was much better, but he also looked at Tang Jian with some surprise and involuntary respect.

"I really didn't expect that the glacier guy Ogarie would be so mad. Mr. Tang, don't worry, you will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter, and you have made a great contribution this time."

Looking at Tang Jian, Zhang Xuan didn't call Tang little friend like he did when he saw Tang Jian for the first time. The thug Ogarie who was killed by hand will be recorded in your credit book.

It is no exaggeration to say that the crisis in Xicheng this time was resolved by you alone. You are the hero of Xicheng. "

Tang Jian didn't want to be polite, he waved his hand and said, "Secretary Zhang, don't say these praises. If you have any response to Ogalie's matter, please give me a message immediately. Also, that weird sinkhole that I killed Creatures, I also want to know specific information."

"That's for sure. Don't worry. And your relatives were just frightened last night. I have arranged for them to be checked in the hospital one by one. There is nothing wrong with them. Please don't worry."

Zhang Xuan said with a smile, instead of being unhappy with Tang Jian's tone, it was rather flattering.

He is not a fool to be able to sit in the secretary's position.

A genius like Tang Jian can now directly kill a senior two-star card master like Ogalie. No matter how bad he is in the future, he will definitely be a one-star card master like him that needs to be treated with caution.

What's more, with Tang Jian's achievements this time, as long as he gets out of the highest school in the future, he can be assigned a post of governor at the last time.

It is possible to get some ordinary prefect positions in urban areas, and it is indeed what he needs to climb

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