God Card

Chapter 246: Chapter 255: Taiyi in the mouth of Bai Yu

"Yujing's students are indeed very strong. If they are social card repairers, even if they have strong vitality, they may not have learned any complete and systematic combat killing skills. After throwing away the cards, their combat effectiveness will drop significantly."

Tang Jian frowned as he recalled the battle with Liao Du just now.

He discovered that it was actually a completely one-sided battle just now.

Liao Du not only knows ancient martial arts fighting skills, but also a body technique, with more than 500 vitality, the movement speed and reaction speed are frighteningly fast, and he can directly use his physical strength to burst out to avoid card skills.

The strength gap between the two sides is really huge.

Tang Jian thought to himself, if he hadn't suppressed the opponent a lot with his mental strength, and locked the opponent's body instantly with the spirit lock card, weakening and sealing the opponent's strength, he might not be able to touch the opponent's hair, let alone hurt the opponent.

No matter how many cards you have in your hand, no matter how powerful the burst of damage is, you have to be able to hit people.

After hitting someone, you have to be able to hurt the other party.

With more than five hundred vitality, reaction speed, movement speed, and shock resistance, it is destined to be able to torture Tang Jian to the point where he can't find his way.

However, the mental strength stronger than Liao Du's is just a trump card for a comeback, which is enough to become a key means to restrain the opponent.

However, with the strength of Liao Du's vitality, his body is shaped like steel bars mixed with rubber, extremely strong.

Even with the ability to block the opponent with the spirit lock card, it is still difficult to create enough damage in a short time to kill the opponent.

"The vitality is too strong, like a cockroach. Even if Liao Du doesn't use the card, his physical strength is comparable to the state when I activated the glass golden body card. It is still very difficult for me to hurt him. I must activate it at that time. Only Zicheng and Tianhe Feijian cards will work."

"The most critical point is that I must control the opponent from the head to the death, so that I have a chance to attack and kill the opponent. Otherwise, all my attacks may not be able to keep up with the opponent's dodge speed, and even my thinking reaction and visual capture. It’s hard to keep up with the opponent’s speed.”

"Also, this kind of enemy's counterattack before death is terrifying! Even if I am caught off guard and killed by all my cards, the counterattack can kill me, unless I fuse with Xiaomei in advance."

Tang Jian made the final conclusion, realizing that it was quite dangerous for him to be able to kill Ogalie once.

At that time, in the narrow space of the corridor, Ogarie couldn't deploy even with his speed. In addition, his power suddenly increased and he was caught by surprise, so he was killed.

Now replaced by Liao Du, who was stronger than Ogalie, Tang Jian realized that even if he tried all his cards, he might not be able to kill the opponent.

If this kind of existence cannot be killed with one blow, it will flee if it senses a strong threat.

With his speed, he can't catch up with the opponent.

Of course, he has the demi-human girl card and the flame false god card, unless the opponent has the same card against the sky, it will be difficult to kill him.

"The main reason is that the strength is weak. Otherwise, if the physical lethality is enough just now, after Liao Du is controlled by my mental power, he will only be killed instantly."

"However, I am still a freshman after all, and Liao Du is already an old student. I am a few years older than me. It is not difficult to catch up with such a person. It is not difficult for me to give me some time. Now it is necessary to investigate clearly who secretly wants to deal with me. Guy, isn’t it too much?”

Tang Jian got up and went straight to the library.

In the dream, since he had already found out where Liao Du was by testing, now he just went directly to find Liao Du and really met him in reality.

The function of dreams can only select the object of possession from people who have met and encountered in reality, but cannot choose fictional characters.

The person encountered in the dream is a fictional person.

Even in the process of Tang Jian's dream, the other party may indeed be around, but if he is not seen and encountered by Tang Jian, he is not considered a real person and cannot be possessed by the dream.

Therefore, in order to investigate more information about possessing Liao Du, he had to go to the library and see him with his own eyes.

Five minutes later, Tang Jian had reached the sixth floor of the library.

Looking at the closed door, he could faintly hear some voices coming from inside.

He pushed open the door and stepped inside. There were tables and chairs next to the door inside. There were two young students who had seen in the dream sitting there, and they all looked at Tang Jian in surprise.

Tang Jian ignored the two, turned around and looked at the front left.

"Who are you?"


The voice came from the side.

Tang Jian just glanced at the long table 300 meters away on the left, and saw Liao Du and the other six people.

At this time, the six people seemed to have finished their temporary meeting, and several people got up one after another, as if they were planning to leave.

The moment Tang Jian saw Liao Du, the other party also noticed and looked over.

"Excuse me."

Tang Jian immediately shrank back to the door, and smiled at the two young students at the table who were puzzled, "I just came here to admire the demeanor of your student union seniors."

"Oh?" One of the students smiled and was about to speak.

Tang Jian turned around and gave the opponent the back of his head directly, and went straight downstairs to leave.

After a while, Liao Du and the other five walked over with frowns.

Liao Du glanced in the direction of the corridor in doubt, and asked the two young students sitting at the table, "Who came here just now? Why did you show your face and leave?"

He vaguely felt that the young man who just peeked at him from the door seemed a little familiar, but the other party just took a long look and then quickly disappeared into the door, which didn't make him see too clearly.

"I don't know either. It's a bit unfamiliar. I said that I came to pay tribute to the demeanor of the seniors of our student union." The two young people beside the desk and chair stood up, and one of them smiled.

"Maybe they are fans of some seniors and sisters." Another young man laughed.

Liao Du nodded slightly, feeling faintly in his heart as if something was about to come out, but he couldn't grasp it.

"Let's go, let's go to supper." On the side, Yao Ting, a manly woman with short hair, patted Liao Du on the shoulder and said.

"En." Liao Du's thoughts were interrupted, he glanced at Yao Ting, nodded and didn't think any more.

Tang Jian quickly returned to the attic, wondering if Liao Du had seen him just now.

"I'm going to buy a disguise card later on. The fake woman who killed in the sinkhole last time gave me a transgender card, but I sold that card."

Tang Jian thought in his heart.

He also doesn't know how to make cards of the disguise card type.

Samsung card maker is not a panacea.

Although Tang Jian worked hard to practice card making skills in his previous life, he was not good at all types of cards.

In addition to many popular cards, many cards need to purchase patents before they can learn how to make them.

After returning to the residence, the communication card vibrated slightly.

Tang Jian picked it up and saw that it was a communication from Bai Li.

Except for He Dongshen's mission or news to convey, this evil female officer has hardly contacted him.

Tang Jian connected to the communication.


"Huhu~~ Tang Jian."

"What are you doing? It's so late at night, you talk as you speak, and you're still panting? What are you doing?"

"Huh~ How did you offend Taiyi? Huh~ Now there are some rumors on the Internet, huh~ that you stole his patent?"

"He said it belonged to him? He didn't come up with any evidence. If I did, I also said it belonged to him."

Tang Jian was not in a good mood. He felt that Bai Li's tone was a bit strange when he spoke. Why did it feel like he was doing some kind of exercise?

At the same time, he is also restless now.

Originally stealing patents, I was still a little ashamed. Tang Jian bowed his head and pretended to be cowardly when he was criticized by the right person. He even prepared to say that if Taiyi really presented evidence, he would have to argue that it was a coincidence. Share patented technology with Taiyi.

After all, patents are indeed inspired by others, regardless of whether he is reborn or not, this is a fact in history.

But some of the things he encountered and experienced today made him faintly feel like he was being played by someone.

With so much public opinion on the Internet, there is no sign of letting up.

But Taiyi didn't stand up and speak up.

This means that the other party does not have any evidence, but may have deliberately caused some people around him to create public opinion pressure to destroy his reputation.

If the other party really has evidence, Tang Jian does not believe that the other party can sit still and not jump out.

But now that the public opinion has been generated, Tang Jian also admits it, and he doesn't intend to make any excuses. In short, there is no evidence, and it has no effect on him, just be thick-skinned.

As a result, Liao Du ordered Mi Cheng to deal with him again tonight.

Through exploration, it is found that it may be written by Taiyi.

This is a bit insidious.

On the surface, the other party didn't make a sound at all, but secretly the other party started to play tricks.

Tang Jian was a little ashamed of this person at first, but now the shame has gradually disappeared, and he feels a little irritated.

"I'm running at night, forget it, hoo~ I won't run."

Bai Li's voice came, with a dignified tone, "Be careful if you offend Taiyi, he is not as easy to get along with as he appears on the surface, but he is actually quite upright. I feel that you may be targeted by him this time. .

Taiyi also created a patented card before, and some people questioned it at the time, but these voices of doubt disappeared later.

Now that so many people mention you and him on the Internet, maybe he has noticed you now. "

"Oh? Do you think so too?" Tang Jian was slightly surprised.

Bai Lu seemed to have something in his words, and seemed to know Taiyi very well.

With the other party's indifferent personality, he actually said that Taiyi is great and bright, this should not be an ordinary nuisance.

Moreover, some people questioned Taiyi when he made a patented card before, and then the voice of doubt disappeared. This seemed to remind him of something?

"Don't mention him, your patent investigation funds have already come down, a total of 10 million patent investigation funds, and I will be responsible for supervising your deployment and use. When do you plan to start using this funds?"

Bai Yu brought good news.

Tang Jian was pleasantly surprised, "It's coming down so soon, that's good, then you can use this fund to buy me two God-bestowed retrospective cards, as well as Mo Keda's tears, first-born dust, blood-hujiao powder, and elegant butterfly pink."

Tang Jian reported a lot of materials in one breath, among which the two god-given retrospective cards alone are worth 4 million federal coins. Among the other materials, most of them are promotional demigirl cards and materials for making mutant blue-eyed white worm cards. A small part is the material for making the Evil Spirit Six Desires Card.

Write again, and strive to continue to add updates at night and update the 4D. There may be a meeting of the association next month, woohoo, I haven't saved any manuscripts, what should I do! ?

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