God Card

Chapter 248 257: There are other tricks?

Jinghua base city.

Inside Jinghua Academy, Sun Yiying looked strange and hung up the communication.

Tang Jian actually called her at this time. Although the words were vague, the content revealed in the words was clearly to remind her to pay attention to her own safety, and someone might cause trouble.

"Why would anyone trouble me? Is it because of you? It's the news on the Internet recently"

Sun Yiying was secretly surprised, but she also kept an eye on it.

In fact, she has always been concerned about Tang Jian's affairs.

Especially after Tang Jian researched and produced the fusion card recently, there are all kinds of comments on the Internet.

Some criticize, some praise, and others slander and stir up trouble.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

If someone really wants to deal with Tang Jian, it is indeed possible to harm the people around Tang Jian.

Thinking of this, Sun Yiying couldn't help but worry about the current situation of her student.

No matter how dazzling Tang Jian is, in her eyes, he is always her student, and when she thinks of it, she will always touch the softness in her heart.

She picked up the communication card.

"Teacher, I want to go to Yujing."

the other side.

After Tang Jian frowned and thought for a while, he gradually thought of a very unbelievable possibility.

"The new type of card that Taiyi is going to develop, the halo-shaped card, can still hit me. Could it be the blessing card of the evil spirit's six desires?"

Tang Jian suddenly pulled out the Blessing Card of the Six Desires of the Evil Spirit with ferocious lines from the card bag, his eyes froze suddenly.

"How can this be?"

Thinking of this, Tang Jian just couldn't believe it.

But whether it was the weird warning from Old Wang before, or the information he investigated in the dream, they all pointed to this possibility.

The blessing card of the six desires of evil spirits is the double halo card.

He also showed this card to Old Wang when he was looking for investors.

Others, at most, have seen him use this kind of card, but have never had any detailed contact with and observed this card.

Now, since Pharaoh gave an early warning, the result of the dream investigation is that Taiyi is about to make a new halo-type patent card to attack him.

This incident, then, points to a dire message.

"Old Wang told me at the time that I had better keep a low profile and not to apply for any patents in recent years. Did he mean to imply that I should not apply for the patent of the Evil Spirit Six Desires Blessing Card?"

Tang Jian couldn't figure it out, and felt slightly chilled.

Since Lao Wang said so, he must have reached some kind of agreement with Taiyi, but the other party was not too dark after all, and reminded him halfway.

But he only showed Old Wang the blessing card of the evil spirit's six desires for a while.

Even if Old Wang is a four-star card maker, it is impossible for him to analyze all the details of the production materials of the Blessing Card of the Six Desires of the Evil Spirit in such a short period of time, and analyze the style of the production.

Unless Lao Wang is also involved, there is absolutely no such possibility.

But if Old Wang was really concerned, he wouldn't have become such a virtue at such a long age, he didn't even become the president of the Wujing Card Maker Association.

"This matter is a bit spooky, what's the situation? The method of making the Blessing Card of the Six Desires of the Evil Spirit is still known by Lao Wang or Taiyi?"

"No, if Lao Wang really knows how this card is made, it is impossible to tell Taiyi, and he can apply for it by himself. With such a large amount of vested interests and reputation, Lao Wang, an old bastard, probably won't know if he really knows. He will show affection to me, and it is even more impossible to tell Taiyi in vain."

"Tell Taiyi the production plan of this card, let others apply for it, and gain both fame and fortune. It's better to do it yourself. It's stinky anyway. Old Wang can't be so stupid."

Tang Jian was even more startled when he thought about this, "That is to say, Lao Wang doesn't know how to make the evil spirit card, but Taiyi happens to know?"

Tang Jian tugged at his hair, and had given full play to his imagination, and put himself into Taiyi's place to think, "Taiyi found Old Wang through some clue investigations, and learned from Old Wang that I have an evil spirit in my hand. Blessing card, and it is very likely to apply for a patent for this card in the near future, so."

"So Taiyi applied for the patent of this card in advance, and used the energy relationship. It will not be announced for the time being, but some people will be invited as witnesses."

"Once I apply for a patent for this card in the near future, the Card Makers Association will punish me. It is equivalent to confirming the fact that I copied the patented idea."

A trace of horror flashed across Tang Jian's eyes.

After thinking about it in his own brain, he felt that things were probably in line with what he thought, which was simply terrifying.

This is very likely the truth of the matter.

Taiyi wanted to ruin his reputation and ruin him forever, so that he could not survive in the card maker world.

If it weren't for the help of the red card cheating device, Tang Jian would not have been able to investigate so many conspiracies.

Even if Lao Wang reminded him, Tang Jian probably wouldn't take it too seriously.

After all, who would have thought that just by showing a card to others, someone else would be able to make this card and plan to use this card as a trap to deal with him.

This is something that ordinary people can't think of even if they think about it.

No matter how big the brain hole is, there are not so many clues to support it, and it cannot be associated with this level.

Tang Jian got up and paced back and forth in the room thinking about countermeasures.

"First of all, the news that Cousin Li sent to Liao Du was just today, reminding that Taiyi will apply for a new patented card under their witness in a few days, that is to say, if I don't want to lose the patent of the evil spirit six desires blessing card now, You must immediately apply for this patent."

"Secondly, I can also choose to follow Taiyi's practice, invite people to witness the patent application, but not publish the patent, and fight back. As long as Taiyi dares to apply for this patent, I will expose his behavior and let this person It makes me feel ashamed."

Thinking of this, Tang Jian frowned slightly.

He was a little hesitant about the last way, and if he really did it, it would actually be a bit inappropriate.

Judging from Taiyi's various actions against him now, Tang Jian was indeed very annoyed.

The other party deliberately planned to reach a deal with Wang Borui, and even obtained the method of making the blessing card of the six desires of the evil spirit, just to wait for him to take the bait and ruin his reputation.

Not only that, but the companions around the other party began to attack him with all their strength, and even threatened Sun Yiying, which really angered Tang Jian's bottom line.

But from the beginning and end of this matter, Tang Jian asked himself, he also had a great fault.

Although I don't know why Taiyi seems to have started research on fusion cards in advance in this life.

However, as a reborn person, he was driven by profit and directly stole the other party's patent to apply for it. It is true that he was at fault for this behavior.

Perhaps Taiyi's research on fusion cards has not reached a mature stage.

However, after all, the other party has put in all his hard work, and it is understandable to take revenge out of anger.

"But no matter how understandable, I can accept dealing with me, but I can't hurt the people around me."

"As long as you have the idea of ​​hurting the people around me, I don't care whether you are right or not, and I will ignore the reason."

Thinking of this, Tang Jian threw away the last trace of hesitation in his heart.

He is not a kind and simple person, and when he should make a decision, he should naturally make a decision.

If Taiyi only pursued patent issues, or even conspired against him alone, Tang Jian would be fine.

But since the other party still wants to harm the people around him, if he thinks about the other party too much, he is completely making fun of the safety of himself and the people around him.

Bai Lu's cautious reminder is still vivid in his memory, and Tang Jian can't help being not vigilant.

However, although he no longer hesitated, he did not announce it when he applied for the patent. Just asking people to witness, this behavior would appear very strange, and it did not conform to the rules of the Card Creators Association.

Taiyi's intention to do this may have touched his own relationship, and he may have wanted to tell those witnesses some unfavorable news to slander him at that time, waiting for him to take the bait and ruin his reputation.

Taiyi can do that.

But if he did the same to counterattack, it seemed that he was waiting for Taiyi to take the bait, then it seemed a bit deliberate, and it was not easy to explain to those witnesses.

How to explain?

Inform those witnesses that someone may steal his patent for an application in a few days?

Then everyone found out after a few days that the person who stole the patent was Taiyi, the person who has been implicating Tang Jian in stealing his patent on the Internet during this period of time?

When these two coincident events collided, Taiyi might lose his reputation because of it, but Tang Jian felt that he would also be dragged into a whirlpool of public opinion, which aroused suspicion.

After all, judging from his various means of countermeasures in advance, it seems that he has anticipated and premeditated, giving too many people room for imagination.

This approach is not honorable.

Taiyi can be used because there are already public opinions on the Internet that are favorable to Taiyi.

If Tang Jian also uses this method, it will amplify the public opinion that is unfavorable to him.

At that time, the energy of the Taiyi sect behind Taiyi may not be able to manipulate public opinion. Even if Taiyi ended up in a notorious end, Tang Jian thought to himself that he would be messed up.

"Damn it. It's really depressing. It's hard for me to make a deadly move. The safest way is to let Taiyi retreat in spite of the difficulty, so that this person can learn the lesson."

Thinking of this, Tang Jian felt a little helpless.

If you beat a snake, you will not die but suffer from it.

If you fight against an enemy with a strong background like Taiyi, if you can't put him to death in an instant, you should not do it rashly, so as not to hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.

Taiyi's previous practice of ordering people around him to spread rumors and public opinions actually made Tang Jian feel a little bit wary.

After all, the Fusion Card was indeed Taiyi's invention in the previous life.

With a decision in mind, Tang Jian opened the communication card and contacted Bai Le again.

This time he needed materials and God-given retrospective cards more urgently.

"What? You're going to use these materials tomorrow? Aren't you already in Yujing now? Are you going to start research so soon?"

Bai Le spoke in a surprised tone on the communication card side.

"I just had a sudden inspiration and solved a very critical problem. It is very likely that this time I can overcome the biggest difficulty of this card patent, and maybe I can directly research the card. Therefore, these research materials are urgently needed."

Tang Jian's face was neither red nor heartbeat when he lied, and he spoke as if it was true.

"But this night, the most I can get you is a God-given retrospective card and some materials. Many materials may not be available so quickly."

Bai Yu hesitated a little.

"My money."

Tang Jian gritted his teeth with blood dripping from his heart, "It doesn't matter, as much as you can get, the key is the God-given retrospective card. I will leave immediately and return to Jiangbei tonight, and hurry up to research this card."

Another chapter will be posted later.

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