God Card

Chapter 252: Chapter 261

"Master Tang studied in the advanced card making room last night?"

"It seems so. I heard the news and hurried over. I heard that it seems to be researching some new type of card."

"Tsk! He's not even twenty years old. Young people are full of inspiration, but it's too early to be called a master. He's not even a two-star card maker now. Only a three-star card maker can barely hold the title of master." .”

"It's not a master, but they have the treatment of a master, 10 million research funds, hehe."

"Let's take a look first. Do you dare to accept 10 million funds for you?"

In the early morning, the hall of the Jiangbei City Card Makers Association gradually became lively. Some card makers who lived in the urban area heard the news and wanted to get acquainted with Tang Jian, who had recently become famous.

Maybe some of them didn't come here to make friends, but that didn't stop them from wanting to join in the fun.

Card exchange thing.

Emphasis on communication.

As for the communication, how much contains elements of showing off, and how much is mixed with other meanings, it is not known.

Many journalists from the news media have even rushed to the association, preparing to scramble to report some news that may happen soon.

Naturally, this is also due to some reasons from the high-level instructions of the Jiangbei Card Maker Association.

For the newly established Jiangbei Card Makers Association, any publicity gimmick is enough to take the opportunity to expand its reputation and influence.

Bai Li didn't want to get involved in this superficial politeness, so he sat alone at the end of the sofa in the rest area.

But there are many people who come to her to be courteous.

The patriarch of the Baiyu sect, the officer who is heavily used by General He, anyone with sharp eyes and ears knows Bai Yu's identity, so he will not neglect this person, and he doesn't care whether he wants to see him or not, everyone keeps smiling Come up and be courteous.

Not long after all, a large shuttle from the military region arrived at the gate of the association, and He Dongchen quickly entered the gate of the Card Creators Association with two trusted officers.

"General." Bai Le heaved a sigh of relief, leaving aside the people around him, and quickly walked towards He Dongchen.

"What about the kid?" He Dongchen asked with a frown and glanced at some card makers who had gathered around him.

Bai Li pointed to the advanced card making room behind a corridor, "It's still inside."

"The one who went in last night hasn't come out yet?" He Dongchen was surprised.

"That's right." Bai Lu nodded, "It can be seen that he will still be extremely dedicated to the study of cards. He contacted me as soon as he got inspiration from Yujing, and then drove back to devote himself to the research."

The gloomy look on He Dongshen's face faded a bit, and he nodded and said, "Only with love can we achieve something."

As he said that, He Dong pondered for a while, "After studying it all night, it should be almost done. Wait another quarter of an hour and use the signal light to remind this kid to come out."

Bai Yu nodded upon hearing this.

"General He, you are one step ahead of me."

At this moment, a few more people came to the door. The leader was a middle-aged man with a smile on his face. He was Lin Xue, who urged the establishment of the Jiangbei Card Maker Association.

As soon as Lin Xue, the master of the Card Creator Association, appeared, he immediately attracted many card makers to greet him with a smile.

He Dongshen looked back at Lin Xue, surprised, "Master Lin hasn't returned to the general meeting yet?"

"Hahaha, I heard that Tang Jian, our talented card maker in Jiangbei City, returned overnight to study new types of cards, so Mr. Lin Xue changed his itinerary and planned to come and have a look today."

Another strong voice came from the door.

A pair of eyes immediately converged, and they saw a hale and vigorous old man in his 50s who was wearing an ancient summer Zhongshan suit walking towards him, and he laughed loudly.

"President Zhai!"

"President Zhai is also here."

Many card makers, including reporters and media, were surprised and excited.

The old man in his 50s was Zhai Dongxing, the president of the newly established Jiangbei Card Makers Association, a well-known card maker in the card maker world, and a five-star card maker.

He has researched as many as six patents, two of which are blue star cards.

This is a figure on the same level as Ge Qianqiu of the Wujing Card Maker Association, and can be regarded as a senior level.

He Dongshen's face was serious, and he hurriedly greeted him, "I didn't expect to be alarmed, President Zhai, you came here in person."

The energy of five-star card maker Zhai Dongxing is absolutely beyond imagination.

Even if the opponent's strength in terms of card masters is only at the level of a four-star card master, in terms of status, influence, and qualifications in the card repairing world, he is definitely a senior that He Dongshen needs to respect.

The arrival of Zhai Dongxing immediately pushed the atmosphere of the entire Card Creator Association to an extremely enthusiastic level.

No one thought of it.

Tang Jian, a mere one-star card maker, was able to alert Zhai Dongxing, the president of the Jiangbei Card Maker Association, to show up and pay attention.

This reveals the message and value, making the jealous eyes of some card creators present at this time turn red.

There are also some people who have begun to figure out Zhai Dongxing's thoughts and re-evaluate Tang Jian's value and status.

Bai Yu's mood became a little heavy for no reason.

Zhai Dongxing's sudden arrival pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a higher level, but it also raised Tang Jian to a position in the limelight.

If Tang Jian failed to research anything this night, or if Tang Jian failed to research a new type of card after three months.

Then the Jiangbei City Card Maker Association is fine, but Tang Jian's reputation will be seriously frustrated.

The higher you hold it, the harder it will be when you really want to fall.

time flies.

More and more card makers and news media reporters in the urban area came after hearing the news.

After the excitement at the beginning of the establishment of the Jiangbei card room association last time, it has never been so noisy.

Many card makers at the scene carried out some academic exchanges around Zhai Dongxing and Lin Xue. Many reporters followed the on-site interview and asked questions, which seemed to be a small discussion and research interview meeting.

However, although everyone seemed to be chatting enthusiastically, they still did not forget the main purpose of this visit.

He Dongshen was about to ask Zhai Dongxing if he should call out Tang Jian in the card making room.

The door of the card making room was slowly opened from the inside out.

Immediately, many eyes naturally gathered in the past.

Tang Jian rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked out of the door of the card making room. He saw a large number of people approaching and looked at him in unison. He couldn't help being startled.

"what's the situation??"

Seeing several reporters rushing towards with a microphone in their hands, Tang Jian was a little dazed, and his bladder, which was still tense when he woke up, almost couldn't hold it back.

"Hi Mr. Tang, may I ask you, as the most promising and promising gifted card maker in the Jiangbei Card Maker Association, how do you feel about the achievements you have made now? The person you want to thank the most is who?"

"Hello, Mr. Tang, I heard that your parents and younger sister are ordinary people and have no talent for making cards. Where does your talent come from?"

"Mr. Tang, you are so young now, have you considered the criteria for choosing a spouse of the opposite sex?"

Tang Jian raised his hand slightly, and couldn't help being stunned to see the reporters who were about to stick the microphone into their mouths asking questions like cannonballs.

Is he so famous now?

Fortunately, He Dongshen and others came over to make a rescue soon.

"Boy, this is President Zhai of the Jiangbei Card Maker Association, one of the only 48 five-star card makers in the entire Northland, and a senior among the seniors."

He Dongshen took Tang Jian and first introduced Zhai Dongxing.

Hearing the words, Tang Jian looked at Zhai Dongxing, his face immediately became solemn, and he humbly reached out to shake hands with him in salute.

He had heard of this great master more than once in his last life. After all, they are all from the Northland, so it's hard not to pay attention.

But in his previous life, even though he later became a three-star card maker, he never shook hands with someone like him at such a close distance.

"Xiao Tang, I just heard that you have been studying in the card making room all night, so I just came here out of curiosity. How about it? What's the result of a night's research?"

Zhai Dongxing looked at Tang Jian with a smile, patted Tang Jian's shoulder kindly and asked, his attitude was very easy-going, and he seemed very satisfied with Tang Jian's humble and polite attitude.

Some card makers surrounded by the side looked at Zhai Dongxing's attitude towards Tang Jian, some were envious and others were jealous.

Many eyes were focused on Tang Jian's youthful face, and some people had some unsightly curses in their hearts at this time.

Tang Jian, a talented card maker at such a young age, has invented two new patents, which are extremely dazzling, but his own card maker star rank has not been improved.

This will make other 2-star or even 3-star card makers see that there is not much difference between them and Tang Jian, and the difference may be just luck.

Therefore, some people who are competitive or chasing fame and fortune, naturally have no admiration for Tang Jian, and some just want to catch up with him.

He even wanted to watch Tang Jian get embarrassed and suffer a blow, so as to give them a chance.

what chance?

Naturally, it was an opportunity to share the cake of the Jiangbei Card Makers Association.

Many people have heard the news that Huang Zhifu has nominated Tang Jian to President Zhai to become a committee member of the association.

Huang Zhifu said that in Jiangbei, no one dared to refute it openly.

But if Tang Jian loses face by not being up to date, the position of this committee member may naturally be squeezed by other people.

Zhai Dongxing's words seemed polite, but he got the point straight.

Didn't you say you were inspired after studying all night?

What have you researched?

All eyes focused on Tang Jian.

Bai Lu looked at Tang Jian's sleepy eyes and the eyeballs that hadn't been wiped away from the corners of his eyes, and felt a little worried for no reason.

Tang Jian was stunned by Zhai Dongxing's question, nodded and said with a smile, "It's fruitful, very fruitful, President, you don't know, I studied for a whole night last night, and just slept for more than an hour."

"You work so hard?" Zhai Dongxing was surprised.


Lin Xue laughed loudly when he heard the words, and looked at the group of card makers around him, "It seems that our Tang Tiancai is really hardworking, you people have to follow suit, research work requires such perseverance."

As soon as he said this, the other card makers immediately echoed and glanced at Tang Jian.

If you say there are results, tell me what results.

Tang Jian continued with a smile, "Master Lin praised it, but after intensive work and research last night, I finally researched a new type of card."

"Hmm. It's not ridiculous, you." Lin Xue suddenly realized that his smile changed, showing surprise, "What did you say? You developed a new type of card?"

Zhai Dongxing also looked surprised, pointing at Tang Jian, "Really?"

"Stinky boy? Did you succeed?"

On the side, He Dongshen and Bai Lu stared wide-eyed.

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