God Card

Chapter 281 290: Do whatever you want without breaking the rules

Chapter 281 290: Do whatever you want without breaking the rules



three times

After the brain was strengthened and tempered to the end, Tang Jian's thinking has been attacked by energy into a somewhat programmed mode.

Even though Wan Ling's voice reminded her from time to time, it couldn't dilute this numbness.


Wan Ling looked at Tang Jian's look of a dead fish rolling his eyes, nodded slightly, and flicked a hook with his five fingers.

The psychic energy covering Tang Jian in the distance reacted instantly, as if turning into a circle of nearly substantial energy giant claws.

Tang Jian only felt a shock in the back of his neck, and his whole body seemed to fly.

But his thinking suddenly seemed to fall from the cloud suddenly, and he suddenly woke up with a jerk.


As soon as his body sank to the ground, his feet subconsciously kicked on the ground. When he slammed his shoes, they were shaken apart by the force of the soles of his feet, exposing his dirty toes.


Tang Jian looked down at his whole body, the clothes were already full of filth, and the corners of his eyes were sticky, as if contaminated with some liquid.

Looking around again, he saw extremely fine dust residues in the gaps in the surrounding swollen and cracked walls.

He could see some subtle energy particles in the coquettish energy aurora floating around Wan Ling, but when he looked carefully, it seemed that they didn't exist.

A novel feeling seems to be born in the brain.

It seems to be a premonition born in the dark.

His eyes were aware of a flying insect outside the window.

One second the insect was still at the nine o'clock position on the left, and the next second the insect had not yet flown to the predetermined location, but he had already predicted that location in advance.

But that feeling is a little fuzzy.

"This is... the seventh sense? How is it possible?"

Tang Jian looked surprised.

This feeling was both familiar and strange to him.

After becoming a three-star card master in his previous life, he experienced a third rebirth, and he gave birth to a vague seventh sense.

The seventh sense is "time sense". The brain collects a lot of information from the outside world in a very short time, and it naturally develops the ability to predict the next second.

Now, Tang Jian feels that the sense of time is quite clear.

"Your brain has undergone a very good strengthening during this rebirth. Now the skull is probably very hard, but the most important thing is that the brain area has been developed again, and the thinking is more sensitive. The spirit can even analyze the emotions of ordinary people through the eyes. soul."

Wan Ling looked at Tang Jian with a smile, without moving his lips or saying a word.

But Tang Jian looked at Wan Ling's eyes and instantly understood the meaning expressed in Wan Ling's eyes.

The eyes are the windows to the soul.

Language communication is a way of communication in which the brain generates thoughts and ideas after processing, and then conveys them to the mouth to express.

But there is a higher level way of communication, which is thinking communication.

Thinking communication can also be understood as communication and expression on the spiritual level.

But this way of communication is difficult for ordinary people to use.

But at this time, Tang Jian just glanced at Wan Ling's eyes, and immediately understood the meaning of the other party, obviously entering this level of communication.

But Tang Jian also knew that this was also the case where Wan Ling disclosed it intentionally, otherwise the other party could easily close the window of the soul. The easiest way is to close his eyes, which can be easily done by ordinary people.

"So, I can also read minds directly now?"

Tang Jian looked at Wan Ling, without saying a word, his thoughts expressed consciousness.

"Yes. This is why it is difficult for the weak to lie and hide any secrets in front of the strong. It is difficult for you to hide any secrets in front of me, but I don't want to know your secrets."

Wan Ling looked at Tang Jian calmly.

The two face-to-face and purely exchange ideas.

It looked like they were making eye contact.

Check your eyes and meet the right person.

Tang Jian's eyes fluctuated, flashing a look of gratitude, "Thank you teacher for respecting my secret."

At this moment, he really admired Wan Ling very much.

If it was him, Tang Jian felt that it would be difficult for him to maintain his curiosity and even his greed.

Although he has done it.

In the dream, he possessed Bi Yi's body, so he held back his curiosity, did not go to peep into Bi Yi's card bag, and respected this senior brother.

But after all, it was quite disrespectful to possess the other party's body, and couldn't hold back curiosity, and deliberately tried to understand the other party's strength, which was considered an invasion of the other party's privacy.

Once upon a time, Tang Jian heard that a strong man is strong in his heart.

At that time, he seemed to understand.

Now, he felt that from Wan Ling, he understood why the strong are strong in the heart.

Do whatever you want without breaking the rules.

Have your own principles, follow your own heart, not be controlled by desires, and not indulge your desires, this is the heart of a strong man.

"You have now stabilized at the stage of a two-star card master, and your body has been completely reborn, comparable to copper skin and iron bones, but your internal organs are still quite weak.

For some time to come, pay attention to drinking more nutrient solution to keep warm. After a while, I will give you the assessment task, and you will complete it. "

Wan Ling looked at Tang Jian indifferently, made a confession, and immediately issued an order to evict the guest.

Although he saw Tang Jian's potential to become a card god in the future, even for a moment, it made him rekindle some enthusiasm.

But now, the blood has cooled down quickly.

What can Kashen do?

There are not too few Kashen who have been defeated by him.

Wan Ling didn't pay much attention to being purely Kashen.

If Tang Jian can't pass his assessment task, then this student is destined not to be qualified to accept the final inheritance and task by him!

It was still afternoon when I came to Wanling's residence during the day.

After coming out of Baizi Building No. 1, it was already late at night.

Tang Jian ran on the spacious campus road, familiar with the body with more than 200 vitality.

Every time he took a step down, exerted force on the soles of his feet, and then supported his body to rush out, Tang Jian felt that he was able to control his strength with ease, and he controlled his strength very finely.

Before the soles of the feet hit the ground, the location of the next landing has been foreseen in advance, and the brain receives the information of the surrounding things very quickly.

It is easy to analyze more complicated and cumbersome information, and some thoughts are born that are either clear or hidden in the depths of my mind instantly.

Leaves fluttered in the air.

Tang Jian flew past, his body easily avoiding every chaotic leaf, without turning his head to look, his palm stretched out, several leaves were blown by the wind from a distance, and naturally fell into his hands.

As if these leaves had life, they flew into his hands autonomously.

As for the use of time sense, Tang Jian felt that he was getting more and more comfortable.

To put it bluntly, this kind of dark feeling is because the brain receives a lot of information from the surroundings in an instant, and then predicts the changing rules of the surrounding things in advance, which can make Tang Jian feel the changes that may occur in the surrounding things in the next second. Of course, it also includes people or other living things.

The brains of ordinary people simply cannot support the influx and processing of so much information in a short time, let alone analyze it in a short time and give the final answer.

Kaxiu's strength has been cultivated to this level, which is considered extraordinary.

Generally, the card masters who can give birth to the sense of time are basically three-star card masters who have experienced three times of rebirth.

However, when Tang Jian was reborn for the second time, he had already strengthened his brain very well, coupled with the influence of his conscious experience in the previous life, he was born with a sense of time ahead of time.

Go back to the house with the three willows you took from Hodo.

If Tang Jian felt something, he suddenly turned his head.

In front of him was the attic where he used to live.

When he looked, the balcony door on the second floor of the attic was also pushed open, and Qi Luo came out, just in time to see him, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Ah, you came back so late? Where did you go? I saw a courier delivered to your residence. "

"Oh." Tang Jian was stunned, and nodded with a smile, "I went to the teacher's side, has the courier arrived? Okay, thank you."

"Aren't you going to talk to me about the tactic? I'll come to you after I take a shower."

Qi Luo laughed.

Tang Jian paused.

Why do you have to take a shower before coming back?

It feels weird.

Still smiled, "Okay, don't be too late."

Looking at the back of Tang Jian entering the house, Qi Luo's eyes showed some thought and imagination, "Just now, this guy seemed to be standing opposite for a long time? What was he looking at? Reminiscing about his former residence? Or was it just me changing clothes in the room Is there a reflection?"

Qi Luo turned around and glanced suspiciously at the bedroom behind the wooden frosted glass door.

Close the door again, and you can vaguely see the shadows of some things in the bedroom.

"It won't be so perverted?" Qi Luo frowned and muttered.

Walking into the new residence, Tang Jian activated the card in the storage room.

Press a button in front of a cabinet in the corridor, and the wooden cabinet door in front of you immediately opens.

Inside the cabinet door, which is two meters long and wide, is a dark passage. A leather track on the ground is turning rapidly, and several packages of objects are transported from the dark passage soon.

Behind this cabinet door is an exit from Unicom's underground storage room.

Generally, if there is a courier delivery to the door of the residence, the courier will directly put the courier items into the storage portal outside the residence, and the items will be automatically stored in the storage box of the residence for safekeeping.

After Tang Jian enters the house, he only needs to press the pick-up button, and the express items will be delivered to him automatically.

"Everything is here, good guy, it's heavy!"

Tang Jian picked up three boxes of materials and nutrient solution, and moved them to the table in the small living room on the second floor.

Unboxing one piece at a time.

All kinds of card making materials are well sealed and kept without damage.

There is no problem with a full box of 20 bottles of advanced nutrient solution.

Finally, Tang Jian's eyes fell on a whole box of blue Samsung energy cards.

The blue one-star energy card usually costs 11,000 federal coins per piece, and the wholesale price is 10,000. One energy card can store 10,000 energy points.

As for the blue Samsung energy card, the wholesale price is worth 30,000 federal currency per piece, and a card can store 30,000 energy points.

For this box of three-star energy cards, Tang Jian spent a full 9.6 million federal coins and purchased 320 cards, which can add 9.6 million energy points to the red card cheater.

Last time, when Tang Jian was thinking about how to continue upgrading the red card cheating device, he thought of whether to increase the stored energy in the red card cheating device to 10 million points.

After that, he implemented it immediately, buying a large number of energy cards through the Card Creator Association.

"If the 10 million points of energy are not enough, then I have no choice but to try 100 million points, but in that case, there will not be much liquidity in my hand."

I couldn't add it today, but I came back very late, so I wrote it out. Great. The weather is too cold, everyone send some charcoal fire to dry your hands~~~

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